Mansur Yavaş continues to disappoint. Now I understand better why he did not march with Iyip to the presidency.
A **** praises a future ****. Our 'nationalist Ankara mayor' also honors separatist youth who publish articles and magazines advocating the Kurdish independence movement with comparing INLA model, on his twitter page.
Perception agents working under the guise of NGOs and/or human rights organization put these children on the market. Support them for future psyops.
I'm afraid chatham house has changed Yavaş too.
I said it before but no matter how good or decent Yavas appears to be, he wont be able to change anything since one man alone cant change the corrupt top brass of the CHP and the biggest proof of that is how KK was chosen instead of Yavas as the presidential candidate
Mark my words, the CHP wont even fullfill half of their 244 pages promise and wont even be able to kick the refugees. The only things that will change is that radical kurds will become stronger, arabisation will continue at full force, and a momentary relief in the dl/tl exchange rate and nothing more
As time goes on, my statements in my previous posts appear to be true. After all, it is difficult to please liberals, nationalists, islamists, lgbt communities, and radical kurds at the same time