TR Politics


21 2,011
pelikan group psychological war effected some of the best and brightest of turkish nation


ilker başburg cheift of general staff was jailed for 18.5 years for crime of terrorism becoming the first terrorist who is also in charge of defence of a state

general engin alan former cheift of specials forces who captured PKK's number one (öcalan) and number two druing çozum sureci and oslo talks PKK demanded erdogan to arrest him and put him in jail

erdogan granted their wish after general alan didnt stand up during a ceremony. he was jaild for crime of terrorism


admiral cem gurdeniz Father of Mavi vatan arrested and jailed


Adil Serdar Saçan chefit of fighting orgnized crime it was he who arrested mafia boss like alaattin çakıcı

and tarikat leaders like adnan oktar who used children of his followers for child prostitution as well as recording sex tap of high value target it is said adnan oktar has sex tap of fatih erbakan ( son of necmeddin erbekan) for that reasons fatih erbakan protected adnan oktar for a long time until Adil Serdar Saçan arrested him thus led to his arrest druing ergenekon and balyoz trails


nagehan alçı played a key role in blacking the name of Adil Serdar Saçan hence pave the way for his arrest. she also once visited armenia and then karabağ and famously said i am an armenian and karabağ belongs to armenians. she was one of the greatest generals who commanded the psychological war aginst turkish army


and hasan atilla uğur father of oğuzhan uğur . he was intelligence agent in his court defence he told to judge that he knows that he is memeber of Fetö and his ruling has no value
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21 2,011
and the people who lost their life becuse of pelikan group's lies


teoman koman former head of MIT



Kuddusi Okkır they pervented treatment for his illnes and only 5 days before his death they relase him for hospitalization

turkish officer Muzaffer Tekin his bloodline served turkish nation for generation his great grand ancestors was a head of janissary ocak his other ancestors serve in ottoman- russia wars , bakan wars , war of independence , cyprus war and this glorius bloodline ended with him dying in jail


Türkan Saylan she was among the first who raise the alarm about fetö's plan of taking over turkish state back in 1999 in 2000s she died after been kept in jail and pervented treatment


professor Uçkun Geray
nicknamed Hocaların hocası was turkish strategist who served his nation he died in jail . he was pervented to take his medicent with him to jail


intelegnce agent Kaşif Kozinoğlu served his nation he was among the 3 general that go to karabağ during first karabağ war once he saved the live of american agent. in 2000s AKP-PKK-Fetö alliance he was in outside of the country ,since that agent had blood debt to him he call Kaşif Kozinoğlu to secret meeting and told him to dont go back to turkey they want to kill you. meanwhile pelikan group's lies in media accused him of crimes he didnt comitted so he had 2 choice stay outside and give ammo to pelikan group to blackend his name or come back and prove he had nothing to hide when he come back he received intel that he will be killed soon so he said that to all the so called journalist until he died
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21 2,011


late oramiral güven erkaya was fully aware of fetö and islamist plan


ismail hakkı karadayı chift of general staff reject fetö's award


fethullah gülen said to erbakan and refah party that they screw up the plan to take over the state


ah be paşalarım. if you had executed these pelikan traitors after 28th şubat, none of this would have happened and turkey wouldn't host 13 million illegal alien
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Yeah, Mansur Yavaş will win(the worst poll puts him 6 points ahead of the AKP candidate) and Ekrem İmamoğlu is leading Murut Kurum by something like 1.5 percent. This is a lot of votes as İstanbul has a huge voter base of 11.346.000. With a %80 attendance rate, 1.5% means 136000 votes.

CHP will lose some big cities though, like Antalya. AKP candidate is ahead in Antalya.
According to many sources, the CHP is set to have a major victory
Keeping Istanbul and Ankara will probably be a sign to regain confidence in the party which has lost spectacularly in the last year presidential elections

All polls unanimously point to a victory to both Mansur Yavas and Ikrem Imamoglu
AKP's efforts to ride on the momentum created by the previous year election victory probably wont continue and the party will suffer a major hit after the local elections


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According to many sources, the CHP is set to have a major victory
Keeping Istanbul and Ankara will probably be a sign to regain confidence in the party which has lost spectacularly in the last year presidential elections

All polls unanimously point to a victory to both Mansur Yavas and Ikrem Imamoglu
AKP's efforts to ride on the momentum created by the previous year election victory probably wont continue and the party will suffer a major hit after the local elections
AKP experiences a diminishing voter base because of its domestic policies. The economy is shit. There are people under temporary protection(aka illegal refugees) everywhere, AKP opened a lot of religious schools in a bid to make everybody conservative it backfired and the popularity of religion is at an all-time low and youth hate AKP. The only saving grace is the opposition is really bad and in disarray. The wrong decisions of Kılıçdaroğlu like nominating himself even though he was the only losing opposition candidate will shape the 2027/2028 elections as Erdogan can win over MPs of small parties elected under the CHP umbrella(like DEVA, Gelecek, Demokrat Party, etc) and can try to change the constitution or run for the presidency again. This is also tied to a possible new peace process.


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It is truly amazing how the terrorist-backed party, DEM, has infiltrated literally all aspects of Turkish politics
DEM is for Turkey as organisations like AIPAC is for the US; eventually, they will be the cause of utter chaos to the nation

I always wondered why the US isnt being more rough on Turkey considering Turkey is trying to break the PKK which is a project funded by the US to destabilise the region. However, now I know why, and that is because the US plan is still on track but just got a bit delayed...... sooner or later, the radical PKK Kurds will be the one to rule from behind the scenes just like how the jews control the US from behind.
Such a catastrophic scenario and shame on both the AKP and CHP

DEM Party Council Member candidates who were elected from CHP lists in Zeytinburnu, where CHP and DEM Party made an alliance, were introduced: We did not nominate mayoral candidates in Zeytinburnu because we could not win. We nominated our Assembly members, which was our gain, from the CHP list. After they win, they will resign and return to the DEM Party. From now on, we will have friends who will represent us in all municipalities.

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It is truly amazing how the terrorist-funded party, DEM, has infiltrated literally all aspects of Turkish politics
DEM is for Turkey as organisations like AIPAC is for the US; eventually, they will be the cause of utter chaos to the nation

I always wondered why the US isnt being more rough on Turkey considering Turkey is trying to break the PKK which is a project funded by the US to destabilise the region. However, now I know why, and that is because the US plan is still on track but just got a bit delayed...... sooner or later, the radical PKK Kurds will be the one to rule from behind the scenes just like how the jews control the US from behind.
Such a catastrophic scenario and shame on both the AKP and CHP

DEM Party Council Member candidates who were elected from CHP lists in Zeytinburnu, where CHP and DEM Party made an alliance, were introduced: We did not nominate mayoral candidates in Zeytinburnu because we could not win. We nominated our Assembly members, which was our gain, from the CHP list. After they win, they will resign and return to the DEM Party. From now on, we will have friends who will represent us in all municipalities.

Terrorist funded ? DEM is funded by the treasury, lol.


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It is truly amazing how the terrorist-backed party, DEM, has infiltrated literally all aspects of Turkish politics
DEM is for Turkey as organisations like AIPAC is for the US; eventually, they will be the cause of utter chaos to the nation

I always wondered why the US isnt being more rough on Turkey considering Turkey is trying to break the PKK which is a project funded by the US to destabilise the region. However, now I know why, and that is because the US plan is still on track but just got a bit delayed...... sooner or later, the radical PKK Kurds will be the one to rule from behind the scenes just like how the jews control the US from behind.
Such a catastrophic scenario and shame on both the AKP and CHP

DEM Party Council Member candidates who were elected from CHP lists in Zeytinburnu, where CHP and DEM Party made an alliance, were introduced: We did not nominate mayoral candidates in Zeytinburnu because we could not win. We nominated our Assembly members, which was our gain, from the CHP list. After they win, they will resign and return to the DEM Party. From now on, we will have friends who will represent us in all municipalities.

HDP/DEM strategy revolves around being a key political party and a kingmaker if possible. HDP/DEM party tries to maximize its gains between AKP and CHP depending on the conjuncture and what is offered to HDP/DEM for its support.


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Apperantly, I read here

“Two thirds of the troops who made up his (colonel Mustafa Kemal) 19th Division that faced the first wave of the Allied invasion were Syrian Arabs, comprising the 72nd and 77th regiments of the Ottoman army”

Bill Sellars, Australian writer and historian

Is it false?


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Apperantly, I read here

“Two thirds of the troops who made up his (colonel Mustafa Kemal) 19th Division that faced the first wave of the Allied invasion were Syrian Arabs, comprising the 72nd and 77th regiments of the Ottoman army”

Bill Sellars, Australian writer and historian

Is it false?
Yes, it is false.

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