pelikan group psychological war effected some of the best and brightest of turkish nation
ilker başburg cheift of general staff was jailed for 18.5 years for crime of terrorism becoming the first terrorist who is also in charge of defence of a state
general engin alan former cheift of specials forces who captured PKK's number one (öcalan) and number two druing çozum sureci and oslo talks PKK demanded erdogan to arrest him and put him in jail
erdogan granted their wish after general alan didnt stand up during a ceremony. he was jaild for crime of terrorism
admiral cem gurdeniz Father of Mavi vatan arrested and jailed
Adil Serdar Saçan chefit of fighting orgnized crime it was he who arrested mafia boss like alaattin çakıcı
and tarikat leaders like adnan oktar who used children of his followers for child prostitution as well as recording sex tap of high value target it is said adnan oktar has sex tap of fatih erbakan ( son of necmeddin erbekan) for that reasons fatih erbakan protected adnan oktar for a long time until Adil Serdar Saçan arrested him thus led to his arrest druing ergenekon and balyoz trails
nagehan alçı played a key role in blacking the name of Adil Serdar Saçan hence pave the way for his arrest. she also once visited armenia and then karabağ and famously said i am an armenian and karabağ belongs to armenians. she was one of the greatest generals who commanded the psychological war aginst turkish army
and hasan atilla uğur father of oğuzhan uğur . he was intelligence agent in his court defence he told to judge that he knows that he is memeber of Fetö and his ruling has no value

ilker başburg cheift of general staff was jailed for 18.5 years for crime of terrorism becoming the first terrorist who is also in charge of defence of a state
general engin alan former cheift of specials forces who captured PKK's number one (öcalan) and number two druing çozum sureci and oslo talks PKK demanded erdogan to arrest him and put him in jail
erdogan granted their wish after general alan didnt stand up during a ceremony. he was jaild for crime of terrorism

admiral cem gurdeniz Father of Mavi vatan arrested and jailed
Adil Serdar Saçan chefit of fighting orgnized crime it was he who arrested mafia boss like alaattin çakıcı
and tarikat leaders like adnan oktar who used children of his followers for child prostitution as well as recording sex tap of high value target it is said adnan oktar has sex tap of fatih erbakan ( son of necmeddin erbekan) for that reasons fatih erbakan protected adnan oktar for a long time until Adil Serdar Saçan arrested him thus led to his arrest druing ergenekon and balyoz trails
nagehan alçı played a key role in blacking the name of Adil Serdar Saçan hence pave the way for his arrest. she also once visited armenia and then karabağ and famously said i am an armenian and karabağ belongs to armenians. she was one of the greatest generals who commanded the psychological war aginst turkish army
and hasan atilla uğur father of oğuzhan uğur . he was intelligence agent in his court defence he told to judge that he knows that he is memeber of Fetö and his ruling has no value
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