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The path to Assad is already well known and that is for the TSK to get out of Syria... Now guess what..... Erdogan doesnt want to get out of Syria. Thus, normalising with Assas is literally 0 unless one side capitulates to the other
If Russia gets the upper hand in Ukraine Putin will ask Erdogan to meet with Assad. Russia holds big leverage against Turkiye like nuclear power plants and the natural gas trade.


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What the hell happened to Ataturk National Park? Did the project get scrapped?

Atatürk Airport terminal buildings will be transformed into the world's largest entrepreneurship center. Turkey's largest technopark will be established within Terminal Istanbul, which will become the world's largest technology and entrepreneurship center, on an area of 138 thousand 600 square meters, which will serve 2 thousand technology company entrepreneurs and have the capacity to organize dozens of events every year.


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Sadly, when did the number of radical kurds in Istanbul increase to such levels

A poster of PKK terrorist Öcalan was unveiled at the Nevruz celebration held in Yenikapı, Istanbul. Nowhere in the world will a poster of a terrorist who has caused so much damage to a country be displayed, nor will they be allowed to do so. It's a shame it's the same thing every year.



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Sadly, when did the number of radical kurds in Istanbul increase to such levels

A poster of PKK terrorist Öcalan was unveiled at the Nevruz celebration held in Yenikapı, Istanbul. Nowhere in the world will a poster of a terrorist who has caused so much damage to a country be displayed, nor will they be allowed to do so. It's a shame it's the same thing every year.

Everyone is radical in this country


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From my understanding of Turkish politics so far, i think they could actually make better tv shows on Contemporary political actors than Ertuğrul. Just a suggestion.


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From my understanding of Turkish politics so far, i think they could actually make better tv shows on Contemporary political actors than Ertuğrul. Just a suggestion.

There's a lot of interesting conspiracies to cover. Like when Reza Zarrab was being investigated by Turkish police well before the Americans charged halkbank. They were all dismissed by the AKP.


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There's a lot of interesting conspiracies to cover. Like when Reza Zarrab was being investigated by Turkish police well before the Americans charged halkbank. They were all dismissed by the AKP.

See here,

Other detainees include Turkish construction tycoon Ali Ağaoğlu, Halkbank General Manager Süleyman Aslan, Azerbaijani businessman Reza Zarrab, Fatih Mayor Mustafa Demir and civil servants from the Environment Ministry and the Economy Ministry, according to Hürriyet.

Xtreme corruption. Case was dismissed, police was dismissed and changed.


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Actually couple HGK-84 would solve the problem but unfortunately not possible therefore, withdraw their citizenship and deport them.


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Sadly, when did the number of radical kurds in Istanbul increase to such levels

A poster of PKK terrorist Öcalan was unveiled at the Nevruz celebration held in Yenikapı, Istanbul. Nowhere in the world will a poster of a terrorist who has caused so much damage to a country be displayed, nor will they be allowed to do so. It's a shame it's the same thing every year.

AKP lets it happen due to "Kurdish" votes and likely renewed peace(treason) process.

BTW DEM(HDP) big shot Ahmet Türk when asked about a new peace process CHP can't convince the deep state but Erdoğan can.

I still don't think Erdogan will start a new peace process because of its voter base. Still, according to intel sources, the US offered a sizeable share of Syrian oil, PKK to pause armed operations, returning to the F-35 project in exchange for Turkiye not attacking the Syrian PKK and launching a new peace process.
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AKP lets it happen due to "Kurdish" votes and likely renewed peace(treason) process.

BTW DEM(HDP) big shot Ahmet Türk when asked about a new peace process CHP can't convince the deep state but Erdoğan can.

I still don't think Erdogan will start a new peace process because of its voter base. Still, according to intel sources, the US offered a sizeable share of Syrian oil, PKK to pause armed operations, returning to the F-35 project in exchange for Turkiye not attacking the Syrian PKK and launching a new peace process.

Intel in government ?


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I was looking forward to Trump losing again and causing massive discontent among the 30% of Americans loyal to him (and another 30% under the influence of their agenda) and resulting in a massive wave of radicalization, xenophobia leading to even more radical outlooks come 2028 which would take away one of their main attractions as a country, i.e.

But Democrats are doing everything they can to unknowingly diffuse that pent-up anger by losing the election, with Trump coming and enacting anti-immigration laws for the populace to realize nothing has been solved couple of years later, which will lead for at least some to reappraise the cause of their frustrations and stop further pressure from building up in that direction.

P.S. I just want to point out just because I quote Michio Kaku here, doesn't mean I approve of every other dumb shit he says on a daily basis.


21 2,011
AKP lets it happen due to "Kurdish" votes and likely renewed peace(treason) process.

BTW DEM(HDP) big shot Ahmet Türk when asked about a new peace process CHP can't convince the deep state but Erdoğan can.

I still don't think Erdogan will start a new peace process because of its voter base. Still, according to intel sources, the US offered a sizeable share of Syrian oil, PKK to pause armed operations, returning to the F-35 project in exchange for Turkiye not attacking the Syrian PKK and launching a new peace process.

these politions will never become adam how many time they need to be decived by same powers ?? first özal and his false dreams about iraqi turkmens of kirkuk and mosul then ahmet davutoğlu and erdogan with their dream of islamic syria now agian this ??

i recently watch Erlik's documentary 4 hours in one go. i watch how turgut özal's idiocy lead to strengthen pkk. he unknowingly help Kurdistan project. erkik did great job of one by one goes throgh telephone conversation between özal and George Herbert Walker Bush ( the older president not the one who invaded iraq ) how he make özel feel important , say his name in some interviews with cnn promise aid for turkey in exchange to 4 million Kurdish refugee fleeing saddam's chemical attacks in the end they give ZERO money. Bush smartly maneuvered around özal make him feel important then convinced him to allow international collation go through turkey to northren iraq özal thinkiing turkey will also go with them but in the end they didnt allowed turkey to go in hence Iraqi Kurdistan and those international soldiers also curriery weapons for PKK özal was idiot despite army repeatly telking him dont do this he did it all. in one case biritish soilders didnt allowed turkish governor to enter the refugee camp there they were arming and training peshmerga who fled iraq to turkey they become pkk militant later


from left to right ahmet cem ersever and arif doğan leaders of secury forces dealing with pkkk its alleged they are also founder of JItem but erlik also shed light on that as well by showing there was no coordination between security apparatus


erlik also mentioned bitlis Doctrine to combat pkk , in my opinion he general eşref bitlis was successful we would have see the end of pkk. as i previously mentioned one time us F-16 jets tried to crush general's helicopter by throust of its engine the second time he was acutely killed


another interesting mentioned was general kenan evren now no longer a chief of general stuff and president he reptly said to özal they ( the westerners ) want to created kurdistan their plan is clear dont do this


another brief mentioned was general çevik bir and his maneuvering man turgut özal was an idiot


ismail hakkı karadayı chief of general staff of turkish armed forces during 28th şubat

the rest is history the US supported islamist along with iran and saudi Arabia kardak island crisis "sincan kudus gecesi" which was almost pervented turkey to buy super cobra and black hawk helicopters, f-16 jets as well as almost kick turkey out of f35 program then 28th şubat which caused fetö to flee. one year after 28th şubat army prepared 600 page long report about fetö. the 18 demand of 28th şubat that erbakan forced to sign would prevent fetö take over


then threaten syria with war if they continue hosting öcalan which force öcalan flee to Africa where he was capture by special forces commanded by general engin alan

after 28th şubat general atilla ateş giving ultimatum to syria about Abdullah Öcalan hand over or war

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21 2,011

then come hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu the general who almost went war with US and the last 28th şubat general to become chief of general staff before hilmi özkök which he start the process where fetö entered the army. another interesting event during time hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu was his cash with Paul Wolfowitz deputy minister of the US army clash goes as follow

kıvrıkoğlu : if you include Kirkuk as part of iraqi kurdistan we will attack from north
Wolfowitz : im the deputy minister of the US army you cant talk to me like that
kıvrıkoğlu : and im the chief of general staff of turkish armed forces and a türkmen on top of that



hilmi özkök chief of general staff during 2002-2006 where fetö gain root in army

hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu also had susptions about kilmi özkök's connection to tarikat and tried to prevent him to become chief of general staff in the video blow he ask çetin doğan whether hilmi özkök, who is about the become chief of general staff, is a member of tarikat

çetin doğan wrongly identify him as conservatives and not the member of tarikat( a fatal mistake ) hence he came chief of general staff in the same year that AKP come to power

hilmi özkök shamless answer after 15 temüz about fetö's rise during his time. "being member of fetö was not illigal in my time " he is "taşşak geçiyor" with our brain his 2 predecessors (hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu and ismail hakkı karadayı ) fired all the fetö members who are you deceiving and why he is not in jail ??

hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu for investigating Fetö was put on the list of human right violators by the US foreign ministry


from left to right ismail hakkı karadayı and hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu
18 demand of 28th şubat would prevent fetö or any other tarikat to take over the state. hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu famously said that 28th şubat will last for Millennium ( 28 şubat bin sene sürecektir ) in respond Americans start a military excessive in nevada desert where in this excise they attack a country surrounded by sea in 3 side (turkey ) who suffered from earth quick and occupied in 96 hours. the invation will start from Cyprus

doğu perinçek talk about Millennium Challenge' (Bin Yılın Meydan Okuması) military exercise which start in 24 temüz which is the date of treaty of lozan and last for 22 days which the same as battle of sakaria which lasted for 22 days. they alwasy wanted to reverse lozan and enforce the treaty of sevre

the famous amiral Cihat YAYCI talk about the Millennium Challenge' (Bin Yılın Meydan Okuması). btw he is the admiral who update mavi vatan into the current form he and cem gürdeniz (father of mavi vatan )are treasure of this nation
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21 2,011
Millî Güvenlik Kurulu'nun 28 Şubat 1997 tarih ve 406 Sayılı Kararına Ek-A (rejim aleyhtarı irticai faaliyetlere karşı alınması gereken tedbirler)

1-Anayasamızda cumhuriyetin temel nitelikleri arasında yer alan ve yine anayasanın 4'üncü maddesi ile teminat altına alınan laiklik ilkesi büyük bir titizlik ve hassasiyetle korunmalı, bunun korunması için mevcut yasalar hiçbir ayrım gözetmeksizin uygulanmalı, mevcut yasalar uygulamada yetersiz görülüyorsa yeni düzenlemeler yapılmalıdır.

2-Tarikatlarla bağlantılı özel yurt, vakıf ve okullar, devletin yetkili organlarınca denetim altına alınarak Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu gereği Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'na devri sağlanmalıdır.

3-Genç nesillerin körpe dimağlarının öncelikle cumhuriyet, Atatürk, vatan ve millet sevgisi, Türk milletini çağdaş uygarlık düzeyine çıkarma ülkü ve amacı doğrultusunda bilinçlendirilmesi ve çeşitli mihrakların etkisinden korunması bakımından:

a-8 yıllık kesintisiz eğitim, tüm yurtta uygulamaya konulmalı.b-Temel eğitimi almış çocukların, ailelerinin isteğine bağlı olarak, devam edebileceği Kuran kurslarının Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı sorumluluğu ve kontrolünde faaliyet göstermeleri için gerekli idari ve yasal düzenlemeler yapılmalıdır.
4-Cumhuriyet rejimine ve Atatürk ilke ve inkılaplarına sadık, aydın din adamları yetiştirmekle yükümlü, milli eğitim kuruluşlarımız, Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu'nun özüne uygun ihtiyaç düzeyinde tutulmalıdır.

5-Yurdun çeşitli yerlerinde yapılan dini tesisler belli çevrelere mesaj vermek amacıyla gündemde tutularak siyasi istismar konusu yapılmamalı, bu tesislere ihtiyaç varsa, bunlar Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı'nca incelenerek mahalli yönetimler ve ilgili makamlar arasında koordine edilerek gerçekleştirilmelidir.

6-Mevcudiyetleri 677 sayılı yasa ile men edilmiş tarikatların ve bu kanunda belirtilen tüm unsurların faaliyetlerine son verilmeli, toplumun demokratik, siyasi ve sosyal hukuk düzeninin zedelenmesi önlenmelidir.

7-İrticai faaliyetleri nedeniyle Yüksek Askeri Şura kararları ile Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nden (TSK) ilişkileri kesilen personel konusu istismar edilerek TSK'yi dine karşıymış gibi göstermeye çalışan bazı medya gruplarının silahlı kuvvetler ve mensupları aleyhindeki yayınları kontrol altına alınmalıdır.

İrticai faaliyetleri, disiplinsizlikleri veya yasadışı örgütlerle irtibatları nedeniyle TSK'dan ilişkileri kesilen personelin diğer kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarında istihdamı ile teşvik unsuruna imkan verilmemelidir.

9- TSK'ya aşırı dinci kesimden sızmaları önlemek için mevcut mevzuat çerçevesinde alınan tedbirler; diğer kamu kurum ve kuruluşları, özellikle üniversite ve diğer eğitim kurumları ile bürokrasinin her kademesinde ve yargı kuruluşlarında da uygulanmalıdır.

10-Bu maddenin tam metnini Türkiye'nin uluslararası ilişkilerini ilgilendirdiği için yayınlayamıyoruz.

11-Aşırı dinci kesimin Türkiye'de mezhep ayrılıklarını körüklemek suretiyle toplumda kutuplaşmalara neden olacak ve dolayısıyla milletimizin düşmanca kamplara ayrılmasına yol açacak çok tehlikeli faaliyetler yasal ve idari yollarla mutlaka önlenmelidir.

12-T.C. Anayasası, Siyasi Partiler Yasası, Türk Ceza Yasası ve bilhassa Belediyeler Yasası'na aykırı olarak sergilenen olayların sorumluları hakkında gerekli yasal ve idari işlemler kısa zamanda sonuçlandırılmalı ve bu tür olayların tekrarlanmaması için her kademede kesin önlemler alınmalıdır.

13-Kıyafetle ilgili kanuna aykırı olarak ortaya çıkan ve Türkiye'yi çağdışı bir görünüme yöneltecek uygulamalara mani olunmalı, bu konudaki kanun ve Anayasa Mahkemesi kararları taviz verilmeden öncelikle ve özellikle kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarında titizlikle uygulanmalıdır.

14-Çeşitli nedenlerle verilen, kısa ve uzun namlulu silahlara ait ruhsat işlemleri polis ve jandarma bölgeleri esas alınarak yeniden düzenlenmeli, bu konuda kısıtlamalar getirilmeli, özellikle pompalı tüfeklere olan talep dikkatle değerlendirilmelidir.

15-Kurban derilerinin, mali kaynak sağlamayı amaçlayan ve denetimden uzak rejim aleyhtari örgüt ve kuruluşlar tarafından toplanmasına mani olunmalı, kanunla verilmiş yetki dışında kurban derisi toplattırılmamalıdır.

16-Özel üniforma giydirilmiş korumalar ve buna neden olan sorumlular hakkında yasal işlemler ivedilikle sonuçlandırılmalı ve bu tür yasadışı uygulamaların ulaşabileceği vahim boyutlar dikkate alınarak, yasa ile öngörülmemiş bütün özel korumalar kaldırılmalıdır.

17-Ülke sorunlarının çözümünü "Millet kavramı yerine ümmet kavramı" bazında ele alarak sonuçlandırmayı amaçlayan ve bölücü terör örgütüne de aynı bazda yaklaşarak onları cesaretlendiren girişimler yasal ve idari yollardan önlenmelidir.

Büyük Kurtarıcı Atatürk'e karşı yapılan saygısızlıklar ve Atatürk aleyhine işlenen suçlar hakkındaki 5816 sayılı kanunun istismar edilmesine fırsat verilmemelidir.

28 Şubat 1997 tarih ve 406 sayılı MGK Kararı'nın Eki'dir.

18 demand of 28th şubat where erbakan was force to sign which would pervent fetö to take over the state 1 years later 600 page long report were given to president demirel about the threat of fetö


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Mansur Yavas is set to win in the upcoming election by a decent margin

Yeah, Mansur Yavaş will win(the worst poll puts him 6 points ahead of the AKP candidate) and Ekrem İmamoğlu is leading Murut Kurum by something like 1.5 percent. This is a lot of votes as İstanbul has a huge voter base of 11.346.000. With a %80 attendance rate, 1.5% means 136000 votes.

CHP will lose some big cities though, like Antalya. AKP candidate is ahead in Antalya.
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21 2,011
and the rest is history 2002-2012 we got balyoz and ergenegon trail to clean the the army as well as handing over cyprus to greeks during 2004 unification plane AKP force Turkish Cyprus to say yes

video blow is the short summeriy of the theater of balyoz and ergenegon trail its a must see video

i will repost my old post about 2000s in case you forget it

He has been doing that for some time but i think he is making a mistake.

I really wonder what is his reasoning for doing that.

because probably he is presidential candidate for pelikan group


recently it was they who exploted the news of kuwiti guy get beaten by turkish guy like a bomb in arab world and they also change the story compeletly so it look like turks are racist. they did it on purpose exactly just when erdogan was going to UAE to get investment. they are media giant and has the backing of both tarikats as well as arab countries and recently they start making trouble both for Erdogan and turkey. these traitors although are ethnic turkish but they are arab nationalist anti turkist racist its a long story to tell go research their action


the women in the left is hilal kaplan who is working in TRT right now back in time during so called çozum sureci i remember she was keep saying said Abdullah Öcalan is not an athiest and he perform namaz in secret thus he is a secret muslim but turkish army is murderer


take note that hilal kaplan and rasim ozan kütahyalı (husbend of nagehan alçi) this 3 were the generals that commanded the phycological war against Turkish army in 2000s during so called çozum sureci.



it was they who accuse army of assassination planning on erdogans deputy fetöcu Bülent Arınç without any evidence thus the opening of kozmik oda the theft of state secrets as well as martyrdom of 800 turkish spy within pkk



hilal kaplan recveing award from Armenians for calling Turkish state and Atatürk genocidal



hilal kaplan
attending so called Armenian genocidal rally

like i said they are not only enemy of state but turkishness as well they believe that Turks should fully assimilated into arabic culture and all ummah has right on turkey afghans pakistanies and arabs ... you get the idea. they will do everything to kill turkishness it was they who gather the rally in istanbul and call for mehmetcik gazze'ye
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