TR Politics


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You know how our elders always say "these youngins are so smart, they grow up faster these days", because they can use phones and stuff? Well, those same phones, getting your information from 10-second instagram reels, 10 minute youtube summaries made by some high school dropout from Ohio, getting your news exclusively from headlines only and not getting out of your room does a number to your brain; that's the part our elders don't see. Companies are going to have a harder and harder time finding people to employ with the coming "tiktok" and "youtube" generations. They have no concentration for reading complex texts, let alone having reading comprehension skills; they are extremely dogmatically ideologized, have no charity principle when it comes to ideas and people holding them, and have been brought up on a very unhealthy dose of fantasy literature and movies adapted from them and superhero garbage depicting everything and anything in stark black and white contrasts.

21st century, it's gonna be horrible times.


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You know how our elders always say "these youngins are so smart, they grow up faster these days", because they can use phones and stuff? Well, those same phones, getting your information from 10-second instagram reels, 10 minute youtube summaries made by some high school dropout from Ohio, getting your news exclusively from headlines only and not getting out of your room does a number to your brain; that's the part our elders don't see. Companies are going to have a harder and harder time finding people to employ with the coming "tiktok" and "youtube" generations. They have no concentration for reading complex texts, let alone having reading comprehension skills; they are extremely dogmatically ideologized, have no charity principle when it comes to ideas and people holding them, and have been brought up on a very unhealthy dose of fantasy literature and movies adapted from them and superhero garbage depicting everything and anything in stark black and white contrasts.

I approve this massage as a proud member of Gen Z.


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have no charity principle
I've had similar thoughts on this for some time, and never knew there was such a concept. Sad that there's only one easily found Turkish work one can read up on it, and it is of course from Evrim Ağacı, northstar of the Turkish internet.

Turkish have always been lacking in philosophy and rhetoric, and modern world has caught up on us.


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I've had similar thoughts on this for some time, and never knew there was such a concept. Sad that there's only one easily found Turkish work one can read up on it, and it is of course from Evrim Ağacı, northstar of the Turkish internet.

Turkish have always been lacking in philosophy and rhetoric, and modern world has caught up on us.
It's an extremely important concept for me personally (also one that I regularly fail to implement, so I have to remind myself of its importance). Although it's like a very liberal concept, but funnily enough liberalism in the west has evolved into an outlook that is most hostile to this attitude.

I learn a lot from people I don't like otherwise. One has to have the ability to suspend judgment and compartmentalize when reality and truth and also empathy is involved. Even when a specific subject is concerned, one can gain insight from people who you know are not that bright in that subject; so it's not strictly about compartmentalization either.

Scott Summers

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Please stop trying to sew American alt right politics into Turkish politics, no such thing exists here. "Attacking parenthood and traditional marriage" is literally a key American alt right talking point. Guess fucking what, we have none of that in Turkish politics and our population growth is still abysmal, worse than any other country our size and wealth on the planet.

Yes, we all can see that you grew up with the internet and it is pretty clear that while you claim to be an anti Americanist and anti imperialist, you are literally thinking in Americanism. You are literally a neo evangelist, you are just too clueless to see that you are one. I really have to applaud new age American right wingers, they managed to bring about legions of men thinking only in Americanism while claiming to be anti American. You are not an American, you can't vote for Trump. Sorry.

You dont even know what you are talking about and you arent the only one. This has nothing to do with Americanism. I didnt even talk about America. I have been born in the Netherlands and grew up with European history. I saw how culture-marxism could destroy a society from within under different jackets. The Netherlands from the '80s where in i born was a very different Netherlands if you compared it with now. You cant call a pregnant woman a 'pregnant woman' anymore in the Netherlands, especially not on tv or in the paper. You must say 'a pregnant person' because men and transgenders and non-binairies could also become pregnant.

After i moved to Turkey, i see the same culture-marxist networks surrounding the youth and attacking the traditionalist society. I recognize them immediatly. Make a daytrip to İzmir or Antalya or the Beşiktaş district in İstanbul and you will see it with your own eyes. Activist groups and local NGO's attacking parenthood, militairy service and Erdoğan's 3-kids-policy. Feminists demanding freedom of abortion and attacking the 'no-sex-before-marriage'-statements.

Erdoğan and his AKP are corrupt, but they are the only wall in Turkey that can hold those wokists off. Without Erdogan, those cockroach eating vegan warriors and hairy women with penisses had turned down our society years ago. And they still want it.

The new Harry Potter from CHP is a good example. Look what his artificial name even means:

Özgür Özel = Free Privacy

How artificial could it be.


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You know the 28 subat coup was pointless and counter productive.

I dont like Islamists, conservatives, liberals, secularists and kemalists telling their own black and white story of what happened.

Necmettin Erbakan was better off losing an election rather than being taken down.

Adnan Menderes execution was not just pointless but instead turned the man into a martyr. The guys political career was already finished but instead the Army executed which not only turned him into a martyr basically created a romanticed myth of the man.

Suleyman Demirel will go down as the worst president. While Turgut Ozal did so many stupid mistakes that costed Turkiye in the long run. His open market neoliberalism ruined Turkiye and it continues under AKP.


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DEM and HUDAPAR. Different sides of the same coin- separatism.

It is a shame that Turkiye allowed parties like these two to have such a big influence in the Turkish political life. Turkiye needs an alternative!


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Yesterday I called with R.T. Erdogan...
"Bro, who will be your heritage and next president? H. Fidan, dude. Ok."


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DEM and HUDAPAR. Different sides of the same coin- separatism.

It is a shame that Turkiye allowed parties like these two to have such a big influence in the Turkish political life. Turkiye needs an alternative!

The crazy thing about HÜDAPAR is that it's literally backed by Iran... Then we wonder why we basically always give Iran a free pass. They've already got their dirty fingers deep in our government.


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President Erdogan:

For me, this is a finale, this election is my last with the authority given by the law, the result will be the transfer of a legacy for my brothers who will come after me.

I have been saying that since the last election

Erdogan by 2028 would be too old to continue being a president. If Erdogan wants to preserve his dignity and legacy, he ought to retire post 2028 or he will end up like the US president Joe Biden, a puppet who is controlled by jewish lobby groups from behind the scenes

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