This is how dictators rule. Dictatorship 101.Bahceli: "Making the necessary constitutional arrangements for Mr. Erdoğan to be elected for another term is among the tasks before us."
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This is how dictators rule. Dictatorship 101.Bahceli: "Making the necessary constitutional arrangements for Mr. Erdoğan to be elected for another term is among the tasks before us."
He won't leave before seeing Öcalan is well and prosperousWHy is he even in politics still.
A coup will happen if Erdogan is elected againBahceli: "Making the necessary constitutional arrangements for Mr. Erdoğan to be elected for another term is among the tasks before us."
Well people voted for Erdogan exactly to prevent current scenario happening ATM because all the signs shown last ten years said CHP will be the one start this process.Not the mention currently CHP is %99 supportive of this process except for few select names and those people have no power within the party.good lord... all I'm going to say is good luck to you all. And for all those who voted for these guys, when you finally realise what you've done, please walk into your living room and shove your tv remote in your ass.
We've seen a lot of AKP supporters go silent on the forum recently and we all know exactly why.
sexual explitaion of turkish children by tarikat şeyh in istanbul and konya
Yine tarikat yurdu yine istismar: "Abi yapma günah"
CHP'li Yarkadaş, "Beykoz'un İshaklı Köyü'nde bulunan cemaatin Kuran Kursu'nda yaşanan istismara kim dur diyecek!"
in the left badeci imam who sleep with 4 of his murdis as well as their wives he called his released sperm in their mouth the fountain of light
sexual exploitations of turkih children by tarikat in karaman
the ismailağa girl married at age 6 with accordance of tradition of prophet Mohammed and give birth under age later tarikat lawyers judges and doctors hide the birthed children and tarikat members in government registered them as born from other parents and not the child
in left enes kara medicent student forced into tarikat dormitory forced into islamic style living and islamic education parallel to mecial school committed suicide and tell people that he have 2 other younger sisters who are similar conditions and ask people to rescue them from tarikat dormitory. in the left tarikat illegal girl dormitory in adana where they lock the girl in their room each night when fire started those girl burned alive because all the doors to the all bed rooms were locked and the girls were trapped inside
AKP handing over KYK dormitory to tarikat similar to enes kara case tarikat şeyh use violince and threat of expoition from dormitory to force them into islamic education of tarikat which resulted in 3 suicide
deputy prime minister of erdogan fetöcu bulent arınc during çözüm süreci saying say "sayın öcalan" is no longer crime and from this moment on demanding freedom for öcalan or weaving flag f PKK and picture of öcalan is no longer a crime
tribute to kemalist cumhuriyet başsavcısı Vural Savaş the shield of republic from PKK to Islamist to leftist communist to Fetö. like a wall he stood against regime change in 90s @Ryder
bu ülkeye bir daha bir vural savaş gelmedi
one causes the other.Turkiye is collapsing from ethical perspective which is the worst even than economical collapse.
This whole process is discredits army together with this statement![]()
Oath by cadets discredited army: Defense officials - Türkiye News
Defense sources have said the contentious oath taken by cadets at a National Defense University (MSÜ) graduation ceremony discredited the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK)
The islamist politicians undermining the armed forces to be able to them as dummies.