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That's just what Russia wants you to think, as a matter of fact the Ukrainian church has separated from the Russian, and I'm pretty sure that our Greek users disagree with you and Russia too.
Personally I am an atheist, so I couldn't care less...but I am against the decision of turning Hagia Sophia into a mosque. It should be preserved as a museum. Not a church or a mosque.


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There will be no turkification of Syrians or Afghans illegals in this country. They will either go back voluntary or they will go back in buses guarded by soldiers. It is as easy as that. Anyone that advocates for these people staying has a hand in creation of the next pkk that will 100% be founded with help by the west in the next two decades. And then you can deal with two separatists entities both supported and armed by western and eastern countries on your borders.

There close to 10 million illegals in this country and every single one will leave. If I were them I would already make the preparations.

And before anyone cries about war in Syria. Nah sorry. War had ended years ago. What is happening in Idlib is on Erdogan trying to keep our soldiers there to protect small amount of rebels and hts terrorists.

Leave, build a wall and let the rebels surrender just like they did many times before.

The war is lost. My brothers don’t have to die for a lost cause of another countries population. The same population that shows zero respect toward my flag, my land, my women, my culture and my heritage.

The only one allowed to stay should be Turkmens. Them I even would give citizenship. But the rest, bye bye 👋.


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Greece and Israel have officially offered help and both were declined.
I dont know about Israel
But if I was Turkish, I would kill myself before asking for help from Greece

Let me just set this straight
1- it is highly speculated that several YPG/PKK members are recieving top quality military training in special, secluded, military bases in greek territory under greek and american supervision
2- these lovely trained personnel are the ones which go back to syria and end up killing Turkish soldiers
3- these elements are the ones which started these Arson fires in the first place. They are the main cause for aggravating these situations, for the loss of turkish lives, animals, and trees
4- recently some greek soldier just killed a random, innocent, turkish citizen near the border and a top greek official recently said: "Turkey must know its place, we arent in the 18th-19th century, and the big boys are coming" like wtf mate! Preserve that damn pride of yours and dont let them tarnish it
5- In fact many turks do say that the greeks and americans have turkish blood on their hands due to supporting the PKK
6- After all this, they came and provide help and start to act like the "Messiahs" infront of the whole world? Hell no mate! Humans have something called fqing pride! Where is it rn? Turks were known to be one of the most prideful nations in this damn earth throughout history! I agree with refusing aid from those guys! Pride is the basic right u must have if u wanna preserve what is yours. At least this damn government did one thing right during these events

I swear damn two faced ppl.... one of my arab friends in albainia once told me about a really common proverb that they used to say from where they came from, that says: "He killed him and walked in his funeral" which translates to killing the one who u percieve as enemy while walking in that person funeral to be percieved as a good inncoent guy


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I dont know about Israel
But if I was Turkish, I would kill myself before asking for help from Greece

You spend to much time on the internet, people are people. People are usually more good than bad. People help each other.

Governments can and do fuck each other. But in times like these, people like you are the worst problem.


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There will be no turkification of Syrians or Afghans illegals in this country. They will either go back voluntary or they will go back in buses guarded by soldiers. It is as easy as that. Anyone that advocates for these people staying has a hand in creation of the next pkk that will 100% be founded with help by the west in the next two decades. And then you can deal with two separatists entities both supported and armed by western and eastern countries on your borders.
Wholeheartedly agree on this point!
It is quite difiicult to turkify Arab ppl tbh
Their culture is drilled to their core
In fact, i think that the turks will be arabized (not sure if it is a correct instead
It may be possible for a child, from turkish father and syrian mother, to be turkified as long as he lives in a turkish city..... but other than that.... tough luck turkifying arabs


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it is highly speculated that several YPG/PKK members are recieving top quality military training in special, secluded, military bases in greek territory under greek and american supervision
No, you are wrong! Aliens are training them in secret underground facilities!


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Notice how quite they are, cant manage the environmental fight, cant manage the irregular migration, cant manage the country and then blame the opposition, just never blame urself, never question if their recent moves were wrong.


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Erdogan: Boy, Morty, I really burnt the country up, didn't i? We got a whole country of burnt forests down there, Morty. A-at least you got your tea and toys. That's a huge step in the right direction.


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What's up with all the government organizations in Turkey avoiding responsibilities around instead of doing their jobs?

The fires may have been started by sabotage but they certainly got worse because it doesn't seem like anyone in government is handling it properly.
The head of THK says that THK is responsible for the maintainance of the planes, when the journalists asks ''Are you not the head of THK?'' He says ''im appointed head of THK''
The positions get filled with lackeys not competence, this is the ''new Turkey'' that 50% has voted for, the new Turkey where every single institution is dependant on one person.


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Nothing in Turkey can be done anymore without Erdogan's approval. This is what the nation has turned into. Priorities of the state are as follows:
  1. Protecting Erdogan
  2. Making Erdogan wealthy
  3. Rewarding those who made Erdogan wealthy (mostly rich Qataris)
  4. Boosting Erdogan's popularity when elections come
  5. Everything else

Anyone who doesn't prioritize Erdogan over the nation, was fired by him. Also, he is still so scared of the Turkish Military (not because of the coup) that he refuses to host proper military parades, and will only visit bases if troops are unarmed.

He wants EVERYTHING under his control so badly that most institutions have been heavily neglected. It has gotten so bad, that in a hypothetical scenario where Turkey was getting invaded from 2 sides he would try to collect his most loyal men within TSK to come protect him in Ankara, meanwhile the rest of the military would be left waiting for orders from him. They wouldn't even fight back because that's how much he has shackled the military. If he doesn't approve of something, it simply won't happen. This is why we respond days after one of our troops get killed, because TSK is no longer allowed to act without approval from the Saray.

The man sitting in the 1000 room palace is the biggest problem in Turkey without a doubt.


A bad move tbh
How do you expect KK to lead and fix the country when he act as an opportunistic prick? Trying to use such a tragic tragedy in Turkish History to somehow show that he is the "Saviour" and brainwash the masses is a bullshit move! This is the prime sign that he wont fix the country but will continue destroying it after the AKP but will be less subtle about it!

I reiterate....l wanna replace Erdo, do so by replacing him with a better politician not worse for God sake

You guys are following in the footsteps of Egypt, Sudan, and Tunisia
Yeah, so we can't question government if they turn the forests in to construction zone. If opposition question it, it is a "opportunistic move"....sure.


Lol KK is an opportunist. As usual politicians will always play the blame game. Am I going to blame him nah because any politician thats screws up will be eaten alive by his opponent. Erdogan from what I have seen as screwed hard and the tea throwing confirms his now out of touch. Still wont be a scandal since he did not run off for a holiday or went and play golf but tea throwing is a joke at its best that its going to become a meme. For a politician becoming a meme is not a great thing. Last thing a President or a prime minister would want is being a joke to the country and the world. We live in a time of mass media so any thing you do is being watched.

His gonna leave the forest all it takes is one rich guy to entice a politician with millions to put them in your pocket.

Put aside the ideology or the political views any politician can be bought with ease. All you need to do is lobby money and set up contacts along with playing people each other.
Same reply to you to.


What i‘m saying is that they ignore those facts, not mentioned it at all but use those tragic events to push a political agenda.

When AKPians dare to build hotels then you can talk but wtf are they pulling out of their minds now? It‘s not time for such disputes.
Are you guys, high or what? Won't you be satisfied until Turkey turns into complete shit-hole?


Just look at his statement…
Where is TSK why don‘t they allow them to intervene etc. there is no force in Turkey that has such organization and equipment.

6831 sayılı Orman Kanunu'nun 69. Maddesi gereğince:


Let's blame opposition, our voters are bunch of illiterates anyway.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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On the topic of Orthodoxy in Istanbul, I unironically think that letting the Hagia Sophia get turned back into a church would actually be useful in giving Turkish Orthodoxy a good boost and strengthening Turkey's soft power worldwide among Christians. Turkey wins literally nothing from making it a mosque, a museum is essentially a "let's not piss off anyone and try to play nice with everyone" option but play your cards right with making it a church and you could win big.

I think Nein talked about the Cordoba church/mosque thing but here's the thing - nobody gives a f**k about Cordoba among Muslims. Most don't even know it exists and that's because it's not important. Hagia Sophia, to Orthodox Christians, is probably the closest thing they have to Mecca and that's why they get so up upset about it. Which is why it's the ideal tool of cultural leverage. It means nothing to most Muslims, except as a trophy for the ego for some. There are more than enough mosques in Turkey and most of them go unused and will go unused as the atheism percentage rises among Turks and some of the more...pious migrants are likely going to be thrown out in the future. Who needs Hagia Sophia when you have the Blue Mosque next door?

I'm just saying, think about it from a political angle.


I don't even get the logic of it this time because Turkey has already accepted Greece's help in the past with natural catastrophes and vice versa. What's the issue with doing it this time, it's not like people are gonna point and laugh "ha, ha, big Turkey needs little Greece's help" or some juvenile stuff like that.
I saw a TT in twitter #helpturkey

Then some time later i saw another by government trolls #strongturkey

Their logic is, we are such a superpower that we don't need help from anybody. Reality is very different though.

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