And some people on Twitter supports this move. They say ‘‘Why should we sacrifice our relation for one person ?’’ Really ?
It hurts and truly infuriating but I guess nothing you can do about itAnd some people on Twitter supports this move. They say ‘‘Why should we sacrifice our relation for one person ?’’ Really ?
Do you also have an opinion about the music/song they played? The Saudi troll pages are laughing their ass off.It hurts and truly infuriating but I guess nothing you can do about it
When a nation as mighty as the US decided to throw the Kashoggi case into the dustbin, even though he had the american green card and was a journalist, dont expect little Turkey to protect Kashoggi's rights when TSK soldiers are dying on the front line and the US doesnt give a single shit! Turks arent slaves to the US for gods sake; I keep reading reports from US news channels about how bad Mr.Dictator Erdogan is and they completely forgot that the mighty leader of the country of freedom, Mr. Biden and Mr.Trump threw the case even before Erdogan
Either way, the main reason for the reconcilliation is to prevent Greece from gaining way too many allies; it reached to a point where the Saudis and Greeks were about to exchange their F15s and Patriots respectively! This shouldnt be allowed until Turkey finds stop gap fighters
Why not! The Saudis proved to the whole world that they won. A fact that all of us should admitDo you also have an opinion about the music/song they played? The Saudi troll pages are laughing their ass off.
Greece is an irrelevant distraction as has been pointed out before. And Saudis don't control shit when Israel has the final say on who does and doesn't get the latest US tech. Also worth noting that the Saudi "embargo" was mostly on-paper only. Many Saudi businesses continued trade with Turkey despite it.Why not! The Saudis proved to the whole world that they won. A fact that all of us should admit
The Saudis proved to the whole world that as long as I have oil and gas, I will just keep arming your enemies if you kept being against me!
That is what the Saudis ahve done when they courted the Russians in response to Biden's strong words pre-election and courted the Greeks when Erdogan said that having a journalist killed in our lands is an insult
But at the end money rules and I still believe Erdo did the right thing by making peace with them since Greeks were just getting way too full of themselves.
To Turkey, its priority is protecting its EEZ claims and Erdo's plans depended on rallying Western support to control the Saudis using Kashoggi but I hope this was a lesson to Erdogan that the West is the worst nation when it comes to True democracy. The democarcy card is only played when the West is winning something and not for the case of protecting human rights
And this
Why should Turkey keep fighting for a US journalist when TSK soldiers are being butchered and the US doesnt even give a rats ass about it. I would have understood if the USA kept its position but they even backtracked way before Erdo did; I wonder who is more democratic now, shameful how the world became tbh
Do you also have an opinion about the music/song they played? The Saudi troll pages are laughing their ass off.
One thing I appreciate about Gulf Arabs is that they don't really hoard their wealth. They've got f**k you levels of money and they spread it around enough that even the average citizens can live a fairly comfortable upper middle-class life. Turkey does not have that, neither does Azerbaijan or many other Turkic nations. The governments there feel comfortable just taking all of it for themselves and their friends.But but they have oil.
Yeah they have oil and drive in fcking Ferraris while Turks are living with fcking inflation and a economic crisis in a decade.
At the end of the day the people of Turkiye as if are made to suffer.
I think a boiling point is going to happen in the heartlands of Anatolia.
None of the cards will work on the Turkish people that Erdogan played so many times.
HahahahahaOne thing I appreciate about Gulf Arabs is that they don't really hoard their wealth. They've got f**k you levels of money and they spread it around enough that even the average citizens can live a fairly comfortable upper middle-class life. Turkey does not have that, neither does Azerbaijan or many other Turkic nations. The governments there feel comfortable just taking all of it for themselves and their friends.
Turkey is a (flawed) democracy and Saudi Arabia is a theocracy yet it seems to me that the citizens of the latter live far better than that of the former.
It's a flaw in Turkic people that we are far too passive towards rulers when we should make them terrified for their lives of being so brazen. Something like the 2nd amendment would work wonders in Turkey, no AKP member would dare show their face in public knowing that they could get domed by a .556 at any moment.
Lets not forget how he buckled against Russia when we shot down their Jet.
33 Turkish soldiers were killed. Erdogan would have covered it up if he had the chance.
But the attack was so big and thanks to the internet it cant be hidden. Erdogan could not do any save face because this would have brought down his presidency if he done nothing.
Lets not forget Russia once killed 3 Turkish soldiers when we were fighting Isis in Al Bab while the Russians said it was an "accident".
These 2 events highlight the two chronic problems Turkey faces ever since its founding; A weak military and a dependent economy on foreign gasSaudis scored themselves a diplomatic victory while Erdogan embarassed the country.
Erdogan shows us again how his a paper tiger who buckles under pressure.
Not reallyGreece is an irrelevant distraction as has been pointed out before. And Saudis don't control shit when Israel has the final say on who does and doesn't get the latest US tech. Also worth noting that the Saudi "embargo" was mostly on-paper only. Many Saudi businesses continued trade with Turkey despite it.
One thing I appreciate about Gulf Arabs is that they don't really hoard their wealth. They've got f**k you levels of money and they spread it around enough that even the average citizens can live a fairly comfortable upper middle-class life. Turkey does not have that, neither does Azerbaijan or many other Turkic nations. The governments there feel comfortable just taking all of it for themselves and their friends.
Turkey is a (flawed) democracy and Saudi Arabia is a theocracy yet it seems to me that the citizens of the latter live far better than that of the former.
It's a flaw in Turkic people that we are far too passive towards rulers when we should make them terrified for their lives of being so brazen. Something like the 2nd amendment would work wonders in Turkey, no AKP member would dare show their face in public knowing that they could get domed by a .556 at any moment.
Sure,if we were a country without enemies just waiting to make a move at the first sign of weakness from our side.
What can we do against Greece in such a case(NATO article 5)?
And if Russia makes a move,who is coming to help?
Is our country totally independent on weapons(engines etc)?
What if they refuse to supply what we need(already weapon embargos from allies)?
Still want to be non aligned?
among other things the day we left NATO will be declared national holiday both in Greece & Greek side of Cyprus. I am not writing this because I am in love with NATO. Prudence is the key!Even in Nato they are still embargoing us while taking our F35s away.
Greece can only fight a defensive war
Not nearly as funny as you are.Hahahahaha
Man, you are funny, truly funny!
First of all, you cant compare Turkey to KSA and other gulf monarchs. You have a problem with Turks living poorer than Saudis? Hell man! The average Saudis are living a better life than the average koreans, japanese, american, or European citizen!
It seems to me that you just dont realise HOW MUCH MONEY Saudi Arabia makes from oil sales mate! The answer is a fqing loooot!
First of all, for each barrel of oil sold, around 20-30% goes to the Royal family coffers. Just get a calculator and check how many barrels are being sold per day! The Royal family hoards a lot of money and still has a lot of money to throw around at other nations as if it was toilet paper. A proof of that is the monthly trade balance of Saudi Arabia; they make a surplus of 80 billion dollars per month and this is a nation which literally imports nearly all of their food, clothing, appliances, and other aspects of living. The only thing Saudi Arabia is manufacturing locally is probably water and dates. While Turkey has a domestic food and manufacturing industry and yet records a negative balance of trade by about 6 billion per month thanks to gas
Saudi Arabia Balance of Trade
Saudi Arabia recorded a trade surplus of 15261.20 SAR Million in December of 2024. This page provides - Saudi Arabia Balance of Trade - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and
when i went to the USA 3 years ago, I met a Saudi national and talked about his country; he said the average Saudi can make around 8-15k riyals per month and in some occupations may even reach to 35k! And with the massive current account surplus, an exchange rate of 1 US= 3.5 Riyals, everything will be piss cheap to the Saudis. An average Saudi can buy a high brand japanese car if he saved for 2-3 months only
And this is with a country of only 20-30 million ppl
if there is something to learn from Saudi Arabia, it is that having oil and gas will make you filthy rich both economically, politically, and internationally as well
it isnt about democracy or theocracy, it is about money and again money! Democracy allows improvement which Turkey is Going through. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia has nothing other than shit toons of lucrative oil and gas
If you think a handful of F-15s could provide air superiority for Greece against Turkey, you need a reality check pal.Not really
The weapons provided to KSA are generally inferior to Israel and KSA wasnt going to give such planes (F15s) to Iran but to its long time allies the Greeks to ensure air superiority against the Turks (which was even initially approved by the US). This was a mkve done by Israel to balance the region as it doesnt want either Greece of Turkey to get the Med East gas or Israel will lose its primary energy market in the EU which had just started to take shape. When Turkey becomes too strong, they will either weaken it by (snatching away their weapons like lobbying against the F35s) or strengthening their enemies and the same will be applied to Greece if it become too strong. The Israeli froeign policy is well-known and effective till this date.
And while I do agree that Greece may seem irrelevant, I would like to say that no matter how small a "tumour" is, it is at the end of the day a tumour that can metastasize and kill you. When the lovely Turks followed such a mentality, they were surprised to find out that Greece plotted a coup in Cyprus to join it with the mainland and have a bigger excuse for its EEZ claims; sadly, the Greeks are learning from theri mistakes and are improvising while you Turks are still stuck within the same broken belief system
War completely changed from then and the nation that doesnt have the advanced weaponaries are always deemed to lose and the best way to ensure so is to cut any possible funding to ensure no sort of "foundation" would be built in Greece
Are you seriously saying that or are you trying to make a joke here?Not nearly as funny as you are.
I am well aware of how much money Saudi Arabia makes from oil sales. And my point was that they still don't hoard it away in corruption as much as, for example, Turkey does. The Saudi royal family is extremely open about the fact that they are taking up to 1/3 of the proceeds and yet there is still enough for the rest of their citizens to live extremely comfortable lives. If Turkey had the same levels of natural resources that everyone wanted, AKP and their buddies would take up to 50% and put it into various embezzlement schemes while claiming they are only taking 10% and Turkish people would simply take it up the ass because Turkic culture has not developed the same revolutionary spirit to fight back against parasites from within that they do when fighting against hostile forces on the outside.
This is NOT good. When even a theocratic hellhole is more generous towards its citizens (not talking about foreigners - Gulf states are notorious for exploiting foreigners for slave labor) than most Turkic states, that throws up questions - see Turkmenistan, for example.
And this isnt about the AKP or the CHP in particular for gods sakeNot nearly as funny as you are.
I am well aware of how much money Saudi Arabia makes from oil sales. And my point was that they still don't hoard it away in corruption as much as, for example, Turkey does. The Saudi royal family is extremely open about the fact that they are taking up to 1/3 of the proceeds and yet there is still enough for the rest of their citizens to live extremely comfortable lives. If Turkey had the same levels of natural resources that everyone wanted, AKP and their buddies would take up to 50% and put it into various embezzlement schemes while claiming they are only taking 10% and Turkish people would simply take it up the ass because Turkic culture has not developed the same revolutionary spirit to fight back against parasites from within that they do when fighting against hostile forces on the outside.
This is NOT good. When even a theocratic hellhole is more generous towards its citizens (not talking about foreigners - Gulf states are notorious for exploiting foreigners for slave labor) than most Turkic states, that throws up questions - see Turkmenistan, for example.