Then what would be the difference between us and the rest?Why don't we turn it into a dictatorship?
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Then what would be the difference between us and the rest?Why don't we turn it into a dictatorship?
Yes but seems like we have a few members here who like to get... dominatedThen what would be the difference between us and the rest?
But then nobody would have a freedom,we would have to kill all who are against us,you want that?Yes but seems like we have a few members here who like to get... dominated
They're thirsting for a bit of dictatorial love, deprived of it in Germany and the UK![]()
I have money and real estate in Turkey that I have to pay tax on, don't think that I am going there for a comfortable free vacation. After my work I go back to my country Turkey. You reduce everything to the lowest denominator of money and how comfortable we have it here in Germany, I can only talk about myself.Move to Turkey, put your money where your mouth is.
And we need to bring back our special courts for the AKP leadership and those Jihadists.
you still didnt answer to me post ! i am waitingthere is nothing left to sell !! everythng already sold to arabs and others the country is in brink of bankrupcy erdoga made a kurdistan in iraq , pervented a turkmen autonomus region in iraq, created kurdisan in syria and now he is creating one in turkey and freeing ocalan like a good agent of BOP also crippled the army so it wont stop the BOP. beside he once almost sold Cyprus in 2004 unification referendum where he forced turkish cyprus to say yes ! also he opened kozmik oda and allow he's old friend fetö to steal all the state secret including name of 878 turkish agent whom they were killed also name of iraqi turkmens who where working with chief of general staff Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu to create turkmenli in iraq whom later all of them killed by peshmerga ! filled turkey all the arabs that where cleansed from north east of syria by YPG to help them create kurdistan ! meanwhile now arabs are majorty in hatay and they claim it is their while erdogan's imam halil kunakçi says hatay belongs to syria while erdgoan give away several islands to greece in 2000s under the zero problem policy with neighbor guess what happened not only they didn't stopped now the demand even more. during erdogan's peace process not only he gave PKK legitimacy but also revived them they were dead by the year 2000s they resuracted later by AKP given political and financial power and when demirtaş called for insurgency 59 of our Kurdish civilian killed by PKK while around 950 of our soldiers died during handek opration more martyed in handek operation then in cyprus war in 70s !!! he also remove adil sardar saçan the head of combating orginazed crime who send adnan oktar to jain and when he get out he was about to arrest him and all of his pedophilia sex tarkiat in early 2000s the first thing erdgoan did when he came to power was to remove him from his position hence condemning countless 9 years old girls to get gang r@aped in the tarikat !
what a nice BOP agent this erdogan is he has blood of 878 agent from opening of kozmik oda and 950 soldiers from peace process and around 45 to 80 from ergenekon trails !! he killed more then 1500 turkish servicemen !
I have money and real estate in Turkey that I have to pay tax on, don't think that I am going there for a comfortable free vacation. After my work I go back to my country Turkey. You reduce everything to the lowest denominator of money and how comfortable we have it here in Germany, I can only talk about myself.
I was brought up differently, if you want to achieve something in life then you have to fight for it and work hard.
No government in the world takes on this responsibility of personal well-being.
If you see it differently, then that's your opinion.
There are enough sectors in Turkey where you can earn money, let it be medicine, defense or industry and IT.
If the average Joe Doe in Turkey has no claim to himself and only wants to work for idiot Jobs and still complains about his fate of little money then that is his fault and nobody else.
And by differently you mean in a functioning democracy with a good economyI was brought up differently
I agree with everything you said, but right now any opposition party is better. Can't get any worse than Islamists siding with ethnic separatists.If Turks are able to come out of this western backed psuedo islamist nightmare, you have to realise that the opposition will also be western backed. The game works by controlling both sides, the only way to protect yourselves is to be eternally vigilant. We seen thousands of corruptions from AK party and the nation allowed them to get away with every single one of them, its only natural that if it continues unabated your heading towards a theocratic tyranny. Remember erdogan even once said something along the lines of england has a queen, why can't Turkiye have a King.
One thing i learned about the western world, when they aim to bring a nation down they don't operate by supporting just one agenda. They support 10 agendas against your nation expecting that at least 1 of them will succeed. To me Imamoglu is another shithead, another traitor just like erdogan. I suspect all the major parties in Turkiye are supported by the west to varying degrees.
What's important is not "democracy" alone because democracy can easily be subverted and democracy alone moves you towards a leftist socialist hellhole state. What matters is "republican values" Turks need to understand what a republic is and make sure its upheld. Its the "republic" that is being destroyed, this is why AK party for past 20 years has always been going after the constitution.
In a pure democracy if the majority sunni Muslims vote that Turkiye becomes a Sunni theocracy, well everyone else gets f'ked. But in a "secular republic" your right to be a shia for example or not to be religious at all is protected. No one can take that away from you. "Democracy" when your grifting off Islam is actually the best tool to move the country towards a tyranny.
With the money you earned in Germany?I have money and real estate in Turkey that I have to pay tax on, don't think that I am going there for a comfortable free vacation. After my work I go back to my country Turkey.
I find that funny anyway, many people talk here that the AKP and its supporters are radical Islamists, in the 20+ years I have not seen that there is a Sharia law in Turkey, totally and absolutely focused on it or worked towards it. This is an arch conservative party in my eyes, like the Christian Zionist bloc of Republicans in the US.
Women still walk around in miniskirts and wear thongs to the beach, they are also free to work government jobs in the government, military and industries with power.
Alcohol is still served in bars and restaurants and there is still fornication with escorts etc. There are still discos and parties.
Turkey is generally a Muslim liberal country, the only Islamists in my eyes are the Hür Dava (Hüdapar) party, but the AKP is far from that although they actively or passively cooperate with them.
Islamic culture belongs to Turkey, it is our culture and our heritage.
Then you have answered that yourself, Turkey cannot be transformed into a Sharia law because the demography of the population does not allow it.You can't turn a secular nation into one ruled by sharia law overnight. That worked in Iran with the efforts of western intelligence, but would never work in Türkiye due to multiple factors, one of which was and still is to a small extent, the military.
Why do you think the CIA made FETÖ creep into the military?
Erdoğan has been slowly chipping away at secularism, but has failed. The population, the youth in particular, is too well educated in the age of the internet. Erdoğan removed subjects such as evolution from school curriculums and replaced them with mandatory religious subjects... but this backfired and youth wants nothing to do with Islam.
Then you have answered that yourself, Turkey cannot be transformed into a Sharia law because the demography of the population does not allow it.
I stick to the fact that the AKP is an arch-conservative party and sry guys but in the arch-conservative block of the US Republicans there are also people who reject Darwin's theories even though they are scientifically correct.
You are all making a fuss about the AKP and bla bla bla they want to turn Turkey into Iran 2.0.
It's all about power, influence and money and votes and you don't win votes in the heartland by politicking for same-sex marriage among gays and minorities rights. Conservative voters and Republicans like myself, among others, don't easily vote for that.
It is not my view and I stand by it, and minority politics has never moved a country forward.
According to my latest findings, this is what the CHP stands for in its election program. They have supported these gay pride demonstrations, minority rights, and have reprimanded the current government for suppressing freedom of expression.
Why should I vote for such a party?
“Power tend to corrupt, absolute power corrupt absolutely”Turkiye is on its way to becoming a one-man dictatorship. It is not even a single-party dictatorship because in single-party dictatorships, there are various checks and balances inside the ruling party. Neither Stalin nor Assad had, nor Xi Jinping has ultimate power, but Erdogan is on his way to claiming it similar to Putin and Aliyev.
Last time I checked, Turkiye is a rechtsstaat, a country based on law (rule of law) and not a “might makes right”, machtstaat (power state), country based on leaders whim.Someone who constantly violates the constitution, violates the law