TR Politics



Reza Shah and his son were much worse.

Not to say Turkish secularism was anti religion but at least we reformed and learnt our mistakes rather than pushing religion onto.

Reza Shah and his son basically allowed religious fanatics to takeover due to their fanatical secularism.

Not just that the use of secret police, corruption also cracking down on the populace basically led to the revolution.

Now we have Iran ran by a bunch of Mullahs with proxies under their command.

Regardless if Iran is Secular or Theocratic they will always be a threat to Turkey and its interests. If Iran overthrows the Mullahs I would gladly support it to be honest.

Saddam had a chance in wrecking the Mullah regime with the Iran/Iraq war too bad he screwed it up.
Iranian revolution wasn’t Islamist to begin with but the Islamist took over the same thing happened in Libya and Syria 10 years ago

The communist were stupid to trust the Islamist and the western powers preferred a hostile Islamist regime to both the west and the soviets better than a loyal soviet regime in Tehran which means the soviets will have acces to the Indian Ocean and the gulf


Doesn't change the fact that, Turkey is first among OECD countries when it comes to violence against women.
Just 2 days ago, 6 women slaughtered in a single day.

Anyways, Erdogan made that move to please radical Islamists in the country, so he can get his votes. Everybody knows this fact. And still doesn't change the fact that he is still behind 10 percent in the polls.


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Erdogan made that move to please radical Islamists in the country, so he can get his votes. Everybody knows this fact.
I also cant find another reason why he would refrain from it.

I mean right now there is a huge demonization campaign against Turkey and against Erdogan himself.
Also a huge propaganda for PKK-YPG for their ''progressiveness and democracy''. Thats why they constantly share female ''fighters'' photos. You would almost think this is a female organisation.

So this was actually a good opportunity for Turkey to show how we have no problems with LGBT+ themselves but our problems are with those who abuse this subject as a political rant and support pro-PKK groups but Erdogan not only withdrew from this but also said sth like ''there is no such thing as LGBT''.

He completely consumed this opportunity for inner politics longs story short. In reddit as expected this was shared in international subs as an ammo against further demonising Turkey. He did this to consolidate his islamist, cultist voter base. Same with Hagia Sophia.

Some people here too were proud of what became of Hagia Sophia but it created a great setback for the reputation of our country in a time we desperately needed/need reputation. For what? For Erdogan to consolidate the cults.
Of course we are the ones to decide what will become of it but it was made a museum as a political gesture. So leave it at that. Just for your own partys support you just gave anti-Turkey people more ammunition in a time where our reputation was/ still is in the most crucial state.


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Doesn't change the fact that, Turkey is first among OECD countries when it comes to violence against women.
Just 2 days ago, 6 women slaughtered in a single day.

Anyways, Erdogan made that move to please radical Islamists in the country, so he can get his votes. Everybody knows this fact. And still doesn't change the fact that he is still behind 10 percent in the polls.
no problem, after the polls are utilized on elections, you can allow this to in istanbul to please human rights activists. is there any problem that "radical islamist" are not responsible in Turkey, that kind of retoric will just stirr the troubles further.



no problem, after the polls are utilized on elections, you can allow this to in istanbul to please human rights activists. is there any problem that "radical islamist" are not responsible in Turkey, that kind of retoric will just stirr the troubles further.

Yeah, your Islamists began to talk about "marrying with children" after the cancel of Istanbul Agreement.

On the subject, you are clearly not following politics in Turkey, up to date. You are just talking for talking, so, there is no need for further discussion.


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"Replacement of Central Bank's management is not related to economical status or anything regarding to the greater. The decision is sort of "brain exercise" for president, as a result of that it changes often, it is subjective and his will. "
Not a troll, not a civilian, President's top advisor, an economist
Yes, in Türkiye.


18 4,638
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"Replacement of Central Bank's management is not related to economical status or anything regarding to the greater. The decision is sort of "brain exercise" for president, as a result of that it changes often, it is subjective and his will. "
Not a troll, not a civilian, President's top advisor, an economist
Yes, in Türkiye.

Majority of the higher positions in the government are filled with complete buffoons.Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Advisory to the Presidency are the two biggest sinners of this. Ministry of Interior is the only one that has halfway competent people but with Soylu having clearly lost his war with Damat that will also take a turn for the worse over the next two years. Erdogan did this himself, he purged the Government of every single competent politician because they dare talk back to him or because he needed someone to throw in front of the bus, now he is surrounded by buffoons, who only care about the financial benefit to themselves and their families, who send their children to study in Europe or NA and tell the population that their economic situation isn't as bad as they make it to be, who can't do anything right and any advise they give him just digs him deeper in the hole is already is in.

Also everyone knows why Agbal was fired, has nothing to do with interests.

Meanwhile women are killed, young people hang themselves in their apartments, and fathers can't even afford to put old bread on the dinner table.

Everything is fine.:)


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I also cant find another reason why he would refrain from it.

I mean right now there is a huge demonization campaign against Turkey and against Erdogan himself.
Also a huge propaganda for PKK-YPG for their ''progressiveness and democracy''. Thats why they constantly share female ''fighters'' photos. You would almost think this is a female organisation.

So this was actually a good opportunity for Turkey to show how we have no problems with LGBT+ themselves but our problems are with those who abuse this subject as a political rant and support pro-PKK groups but Erdogan not only withdrew from this but also said sth like ''there is no such thing as LGBT''.

He completely consumed this opportunity for inner politics longs story short. In reddit as expected this was shared in international subs as an ammo against further demonising Turkey. He did this to consolidate his islamist, cultist voter base. Same with Hagia Sophia.

Some people here too were proud of what became of Hagia Sophia but it created a great setback for the reputation of our country in a time we desperately needed/need reputation. For what? For Erdogan to consolidate the cults.
Of course we are the ones to decide what will become of it but it was made a museum as a political gesture. So leave it at that. Just for your own partys support you just gave anti-Turkey people more ammunition in a time where our reputation was/ still is in the most crucial state.

Hagia sophia issue has been going on for decades.

Why does it make you butthurt that it became a mosque again???

Erdogan did it for the votes hurr durr still shows that polls are going backwards for him.


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Doesn't change the fact that, Turkey is first among OECD countries when it comes to violence against women.
Just 2 days ago, 6 women slaughtered in a single day.

Anyways, Erdogan made that move to please radical Islamists in the country, so he can get his votes. Everybody knows this fact. And still doesn't change the fact that he is still behind 10 percent in the polls.

Lets see the figures of this in the DrC and Syria.

Not to say Turkey is perfect what is going on is exaggerated at its best.

Turkey is pretty safe for women. Its not like they are getting raped, tortured by the minute.

This constant image of turkiye killing its women is a disgusting propaganda.


4 2,709
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Lets see the figures of this in the DrC and Syria.

Not to say Turkey is perfect what is going on is exaggerated at its best.

Turkey is pretty safe for women. Its not like they are getting raped, tortured by the minute.

This constant image of turkiye killing its women is a disgusting propaganda.
No it's the reality. Maybe it's hard to grasp from Australia. It's not just killing but violence as well.


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No it's the reality. Maybe it's hard to grasp from Australia. It's not just killing but violence as well.

In australia we have the same problem. Feminists tend to exaggerate it by saying its epidemic proportions when Australia is one of the safest countries on the planet.


4 2,709
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In australia we have the same problem. Feminists tend to exaggerate it by saying its epidemic proportions when Australia is one of the safest countries on the planet.
I meant grasping what happening in Turkey and what people living through. And of course this is a universal problem that, women don't treated as men or not seen equal in the most of the countries.
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In australia we have the same problem. Feminists tend to exaggerate it by saying its epidemic proportions when Australia is one of the safest countries on the planet.
Bruh, just open ATV and those other dumb afternoon programms and see what they talking all day long, violence against women, kidnapping, killing because she left him etc.

I know feminists are annoying freaks but still doesn't change the reality.


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Bruh, just open ATV and those other dumb afternoon programms and see what they talking all day long, violence against women, kidnapping, killing because she left him etc.

I know feminists are annoying freaks but still doesn't change the reality.

Kidnappings then forcing her to marry still going on in Turkey?

I guess old habits are hard to die off.


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Hagia sophia issue has been going on for decades.

Why does it make you butthurt that it became a mosque again???

Erdogan did it for the votes hurr durr still shows that polls are going backwards for him.

There was no Hagia Sophia issue, now there is an Hagia Sophia issue. We will hopefully fix this issue once we kick the butt of this government out of the office in 2023.

I am butthurt because dumb fucking camel piss drinking islamic cults get to decide the politics of this country in expense of the reputation and therefore the wellbeing of this country which is directly related to the future of me and my children in the future.

I am also butthurt because there are people like you still trying to defend this fuck up with all they got. This was an absolute scandalous fuck up. Ataturks work is undone by the willing of bunch of religious cults!

Why do you think Erdogan did it exactly? His plan didnt work because even the dumbest Akp voter is aware at this point he did it to get votes and distract people from how bad the economy is.

Turkey is under a great demonization campaign. We are being accused of being a rouge, fascist, jihadist supporting, islamist state.

Turning Hagia Sophia to a mosque just gave these people much more propaganda ammunition. It brought no good to this country. It was basically perceived as Turkey symbolically declaring it abondons Ataturks way.

Greeks, Arabs they accuse us of neo-Ottomanism and seeking an imperialist agenda. Europeans and Americans accuse us of going islamist and supporting the jihadists. Erdogan literally gave material to all these anti-Turkey propagandists.

Our nation rights are being usurped, our national security is at stake. We should be trying to explain ourselves to the World public opinion how we dont seek any imperial agenda and we are a secular, reasonable state with no fascist ideas.

But just for the sake of Erdogan consolidating dumbasses votes, we are in the mindset of ''thats right b*tch Ottoman Empire Caliphate whatever is coming back in 2023 insallah mashallah!!!''

And they turn back and say ''you see they want their empire back, they attack our EEZ and they invade Syria and oppress Kurds! They even converted Hagia Sophia back to a mosque after Ataturk made it a museum 100 years ago as a gesture!''

Then we look with confusion how and why the whole World public opinion is so easily convinced with what Greece has been saying.

I am absolutely positive Greek politicians were dancing the day Erdogan made the thing a mosque. Believe me when I say that.

There was no other way people would perceive this as just another sign of Turkey abondoning Ataturks way and going a rogue state. I mean he literally undid the Ataturks work, who the fuck are you to undo Ataturks work?
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Why do you think Erdogan did it exactly? His plan didnt work because even the dumbest Akp voter is aware at this point he did it to get votes and distract people from how bad the economy is.

Turkey is under a great demonization campaign. We are being accused of being a rouge, fascist, jihadist supporting, islamist state.

Turning Hagia Sophia to a mosque just gave these people much more propaganda ammunition. It brought no good to this country. It was basically perceived as Turkey symbolically declaring it abondons Ataturks way.

Greeks, Arabs they accuse us of neo-Ottomanism and seeking an imperialist agenda. Europeans and Americans accuse us of going islamist and supporting the jihadists. Erdogan literally gave material to all these anti-Turkey propagandists.

Our nation rights are being usurped, our national security is at stake. We should be trying to explain ourselves to the World public opinion how we dont seek any imperial agenda and we are a secular, reasonable state with no fascist ideas.

But just for the sake of Erdogan consolidating dumbasses votes, we are in the mindset of ''thats right b*tch Ottoman Empire Caliphate whatever is coming back in 2023 insallah mashallah!!!''

And they turn back and say ''you see they want their empire back, they attack our EEZ and they invade Syria and oppress Kurds! They even converted Hagia Sophia back to a mosque after Ataturk made it a museum 100 years ago as a gesture!''

Then we look with confusion how and why the whole World public opinion is so easily convinced with what Greece has been saying.

I am absolutely positive Greek politicians were dancing the day Erdogan made the thing a mosque. Believe me when I say that.

There was no other way people would perceive this as just another sign of Turkey abondoning Ataturks way and going a rogue state. I mean he literally undid the Ataturks work, who the fuck are you to undo Ataturks work?

We have been demonised for ages.

You know why our image sucks because we dont do any lobbying.

When you dont put politicians in your pocket they wont shut up about you.

Hagia Sophia is not a secular building its a religious building. All the religious icons are there.

Biggest contradiction I heard in my life that Hagia Sophia is a secular building when its obvious its a religious building.

No matter what conversion you do to a religious building does not make it secular.

If Hagia Sophia was a secular building it would have had its religious icons tored down replaced with a secular library. Thats why Hagia Sophia despite being a museum still did not get rid of its religious identity hence why Muslims and Christians even today still fight over it.

Yes us Turks have the final say we can do whatever we want with Hagia Sophia. Its our trophy, spoils of war. We can decide to demolish it, turn into a museum, library, cinema, mosque or back into a mosque again.

The world should be happy we did not do the Mongol or Hunnic way of destruction. That we spared their buildings while ours got destroyed across the Balkans and the Middle East.
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2 961
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There was no Hagia Sophia issue, now there is an Hagia Sophia issue. We will hopefully fix this issue once we kick the butt of this government out of the office in 2023.

I am butthurt because dumb fucking camel piss drinking islamic cults get to decide the politics of this country in expense of the reputation and therefore the wellbeing of this country which is directly related to the future of me and my children in the future.

I am also butthurt because there are people like you still trying to defend this fuck up with all they got. This was an absolute scandalous fuck up. Ataturks work is undone by the willing of bunch of religious cults!

Why do you think Erdogan did it exactly? His plan didnt work because even the dumbest Akp voter is aware at this point he did it to get votes and distract people from how bad the economy is.

Turkey is under a great demonization campaign. We are being accused of being a rouge, fascist, jihadist supporting, islamist state.

Turning Hagia Sophia to a mosque just gave these people much more propaganda ammunition. It brought no good to this country. It was basically perceived as Turkey symbolically declaring it abondons Ataturks way.

Greeks, Arabs they accuse us of neo-Ottomanism and seeking an imperialist agenda. Europeans and Americans accuse us of going islamist and supporting the jihadists. Erdogan literally gave material to all these anti-Turkey propagandists.

Our nation rights are being usurped, our national security is at stake. We should be trying to explain ourselves to the World public opinion how we dont seek any imperial agenda and we are a secular, reasonable state with no fascist ideas.

But just for the sake of Erdogan consolidating dumbasses votes, we are in the mindset of ''thats right b*tch Ottoman Empire Caliphate whatever is coming back in 2023 insallah mashallah!!!''

And they turn back and say ''you see they want their empire back, they attack our EEZ and they invade Syria and oppress Kurds! They even converted Hagia Sophia back to a mosque after Ataturk made it a museum 100 years ago as a gesture!''

Then we look with confusion how and why the whole World public opinion is so easily convinced with what Greece has been saying.

I am absolutely positive Greek politicians were dancing the day Erdogan made the thing a mosque. Believe me when I say that.

There was no other way people would perceive this as just another sign of Turkey abondoning Ataturks way and going a rogue state. I mean he literally undid the Ataturks work, who the fuck are you to undo Ataturks work?
As long as you carry Turkish identity they will hate/despise you.You need to get rid of your inferiority complex.


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As long as you carry Turkish identity they will hate/despise you.You need to get rid of your inferiority complex.
usually they think if they bash islam they will gain respect from west and be accepted by them, major delusional mistake.


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Hagia Sophia is not a secular building its a religious building. All the religious icons are there.

Biggest contradiction I heard in my life that Hagia Sophia is a secular building when its obvious its a religious building.

No matter what conversion you do to a religious building does not make it secular.

If Hagia Sophia was a secular building it would have had its religious icons tored down replaced with a secular library. Thats why Hagia Sophia despite being a museum still did not get rid of its religious identity hence why Muslims and Christians even today still fight over it.

Göbeklitepe is also a religious place. There. There your arguement completely explodes. Are you going to convert Göbeklitepe to mosque too? You are just trying your best to justify this.

Yes us Turks have the final say we can do whatever we want with Hagia Sophia. Its our trophy, spoils of war. We can decide to demolish it, turn into a museum, library, cinema, mosque or back into a mosque again.

Ataturk is technically the last commander in chief that conquered Istanbul by this ISIS logic. So he gets to say what will happen of Hagia Sophia. He chose museum.

Why I call this ISIS logic? ISIS completely destroyed the temples of ancient civilizations in Syria. Whole World rightfully condemned this. So you stand by them because it was their ''spoil of war''? Some things are above political powers and current regimes. They belong to whole humanity. They are entire humanitys common heritage. Hagia Sophia is all of humans heritage, not just Turks or Greeks.

Also my whole point was ''just because we can, doesnt mean we should'' so I dont get your point at trying to prove me we can do what we want.

The world should be happy we did not do the Mongol or Hunnic way of destruction. That we spared their buildings while ours got destroyed across the Balkans and the Middle East.

Islamists usually condemn Mongols for what they did to Islamic World, how they genocided entire cities even the cats. So by your logic those cities and those people were their ''spoils of wars'' and they had every right.

We have been demonised for ages.

You know why our image sucks because we dont do any lobbying.

When you dont put politicians in your pocket they wont shut up about you.

Well, you are the one living in Australia not me.
Anyway, I am the number one person at criticising government for never investing in public diplomacy. It is funny because what you said is an arguement in favor of me.

You are criticising for not lobbying but on the other hand you support the conversion of Hagia Sophia to a mosque.

You are aware that conversion of Hagia Sophia is something that serves against our lobbying interests right? Especially considering most of the developed part of the Earth, including where you live, is predominantly Christian and leaning towards fearing/hating Muslims.


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As long as you carry Turkish identity they will hate/despise you.You need to get rid of your inferiority complex.
I see Nein2.0 liked this comment. Funny considering he lives in Australia.

I dont have inferiority complex, you guys do.
You think entire Europe will get triggered over you converting Hagia Sophia to a mosque. They just smile upon our small dick syndrome and think ''Turks still live in medieval age, what a backwards people''.

This was a small dick move. This means, I am absolutely pathetic, I have nothing to give to my people as a state, they are broken, poor and hungry but somehow I must make them believe we are strong and relevant, world still talks or cares about us so I am just going to go and make this small dick move.

Anyway, I have been to a language school in England for 2 months. I have met a class of Italians, Arabs, French, Chinese, Taiwanese, Russian, Polish and a Hungarian not to mention dozens of English people I have spoke to during my whole time.

Especially Italians were the warmest among all. They accepted me as a friend like straight out, in one second. They came to this language school as an entire high school. Every week one batch of them left, another came. I have talked to their teachers too.
All the students were so warm and friendly towards me. They were so interested when they heard I am Turkish.
They were all fascinated by our culture and history, asked me a couple of questions about Turkish football too but I was ignorant on that part.
One of the Italian teachers told me Turks and Italians are warm people unlike North Europeans who are cold and unfriendly.

When talking to English or pretty much any European they first raise their eyebrows and ask ''what do you think of Erdogan'' and when you casually respond ''I think he is a piece of shit'' a warm look set on their faces and they treat you in the most friendly manner. They dont like authoritarian leaders. They think Erdogan is a manipulative, corrupt, wannabe dictatorian, hateful, islamist dumbass.

English people either dont care about Turks or if they do, they feel sympathy for the awesome food we gave them.

I came across one French who was older than me and he offered me a cigar and we talked about all the casual stuff.

There is no hate or prejudice if you are not a supporter of the guy with the small dick syndrome.

You are mistaking Greeks, Armenians who will hate us simply due to our national interests or Americans who are total fools of their biased media with the people of Europe.

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