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Looks like some pieces of sh*t still hold power within the military. We need to take these guys out before they become FETO 2.0. No doubt they have links to the government, they are the same are the same people who took away the student oath.

I see us taking a step forward and then two steps back. The changes to the student oath, and the recent controversial military amendments as well the photo of the admiral are just disheartening.

They won't achieve their goals, but they will try to inflict as much damage as possible, I hope they all get arrested. Let's not forget that they are all FETO remnants, they are all part of the same mission.

Who's going to arrest them ? lol


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The end is nearing.

Imamoğlu vs Erdoğan


Mansur yavaş vs Erdoğan


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The youth, first time voters in 2023 is in majority against Erdogan. Including the conservative.


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Good to hear, I’m reaching a point where I prefer hardcore nationalism that doesn’t leave room for religion in politics. Tovbe tovbe...


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@anmdt, bro, how reliable are these polls though? That same polling company on the referendum in 2017 have shown results for “YES” to be at just 43% but in reality the result was 9% higher.

4 years passed since then and for sure Erdogan’s support decreased after the economic collapse that followed but I still don’t believe that AKP will step down even if they lose an election. First they will cheat as much as they can and second even if they lose they won’t admit the results. They prefer to start a civil war instead of giving up on power.


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@anmdt, bro, how reliable are these polls though? That same polling company on the referendum in 2017 have shown results for “YES” to be at just 43% but in reality the result was 9% higher.

4 years passed since then and for sure Erdogan’s support decreased after the economic collapse that followed but I still don’t believe that AKP will step down even if they lose an election. First they will cheat as much as they can and second even if they lose they won’t admit the results. They prefer to start a civil war instead of giving up on power.
I don't really know how accurate these would be when there are 2 years ahead. But reports or interviews show the youth is not supporting Erdogan anymore, they are bored of tight controls and government neglecting them.
If i am not mistaken they have guessed istanbul/ankara elections right? Was it another company i don't remember too.


Montreux and Ataturk declaration from 103 admirals

In the statement made to the public on behalf of 103 retired admirals, it was stated that "It is essential to train the personnel of the Naval Forces Command, who have a glorious past coming out of the bosom of the Turkish Nation and the protector of the Mother and Blue Homeland, in line with the principles and revolutions of Atatürk".


103 retired Admirals made a statement about the "admiral in the tekke", "opening Montreux to discussion" and Atatürk's principles and revolutions.

In 103 signed statements made to the public, it was stated as follows:

"To the Almighty Turkish Nation,

Recently, the opening of Montreux Convention to discussion within the scope of the cancellation authority of both Kanal Istanbul and International Treaties is met with concern.

The Turkish Straits are one of the most important waterways in the world and have been governed by multinational treaties throughout history. The last of this treaty and the Montreux protect the rights of Turkey in the best way; Not only that governs the passage through the Turkish Straits, Turkey to Istanbul, Çanakkale, Marmara Sea and restoring full sovereignty over the Strait is a major diplomatic victory completed the Lausanne Peace Treaty. Montreux is the basic document of the security of the countries riparian with the Black Sea and it is the contract that makes the Black Sea a sea of peace. Montreux, Turkey in any war is a contract that prevents unintentional war on the side of one of the warring parties. Montreux, Turkey II. It enabled him to maintain his neutrality during the World War. For these and similar reasons, an important place in Turkey's survival of the Montreux Convention to be made the subject of debate / discourse coming to the table that could lead to all kinds of action and we think that should be avoided.

On the other hand; Some unacceptable images, news and discussions in the press and social media have been a source of deep sorrow for those of us who have devoted their lives to this profession. In recent years, TAF and especially our Naval Forces; It experienced a very deliberate attack by FETO and sacrificed its valuable staff to these treacherous conspiracies. The most important lesson to be learned from these calipers; It is a necessity for the TAF to diligently maintain the fundamental values of the constitution, which cannot be changed and cannot be proposed to be changed.

For these reasons, we condemn the efforts to show our TSK and the Naval Forces out of these values and away from the contemporary route that Atatürk had drawn, and we oppose with all our existence. Otherwise, the Republic of Turkey, which are instances in history, will be able to encounter the most dangerous events, risks and threats to life and survival for the depressed.

It is essential to train the personnel of the Naval Forces Command, who have a glorious past that emerges from the bosom of the Turkish Nation and who are the protectors of the Mother and Blue Homeland, in line with Atatürk's principles and revolutions. We stand by our long-lasting Turkish Sailors who work devotedly in every corner of our country at sea, on land, in the air, in the internal security zone and beyond the border, and work with heart and soul to protect our rights and interests in the Blue Homeland.

04 April 2021

We commemorate our Sea Martyrs and announce with respect. "



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AKP bases its existence on crying victim on every occasion it is criticized,

Calling retired admirals FETÖ members even though they all were jailed by AKP/FETÖ for years on forged evidence or calling them coupist when they hold no power and many of them fought against coupist in 2016 and make use of their natural rights as Turkish citizens or calling them Terrorist, really terrorist? how low can a party and its members sink, is the biggest pathetic showing this country has seen in a while.

These admirals have more dignity, love for their nation in one finger than the entire AKP has. These people defended this nation against threats day and night while AKP members were snorting cocaine in their, with tax payer bought, luxury vehicles and having sex with expensive whore at sex parties. These admirals warned the government about FETÖ long before anyone had them on their radar, their biggest mistake was not realizing that AKP is in bed with FETÖ, yes even to this day. Filled on every position with people who still pray to Gülen, advisors sitting next to Erdogan who praised Gülen even after the coup attempt. Who do you think pushed Yayci out of his position by preparing dossiers about him filled with FETÖ material?

Crying coup won't save you, you are just continuing your pathetic outing that has been going on for a long time.

Its silence on cult members inside the TSK, its silence on statements made by the Greek Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces speaks volume.

What speaks even more volume is Erdogan sending the Greek prime minister congratulations for Greece's independence day that is built on the genocide of over a millions Turks/Muslims.

Starting investigations into retired admirals who voice their opinion about matters they are experts in, warning of a second Fetö. And why? Because they dared not praise the Supreme President and his Imam Hatip graduates advisors idiotic ideas they come up with that will push this country even further down the lightless pit they have pushed it into.

Wanna be goebbels that embarrasses Turkey every time he opens his mouth in english daring to insult retired Admirals of this country who served it with distinction for decades.

Using social media moderators in charge of official accounts to post the same insulting statement from various armed forces and police accounts won't sway anyone, least uniformed members who look up to these people and share the same sentiment. The only thing you are creating is more distrust and negativity against yourself inside the TSK, but then again that doesn't really matter for the akp because they already know that the majority of the armed forces doesn't vote for them. The goal here is to project a fake solidarity from the Armed Forces with the akp in their cries for victimhood. Using the same methods as FETÖ, wonder where they learned those...

Your average uniformed member is instilled with the same ideals, the same sentiment. Maybe that is why they are crying so much because they know that and are afraid of the future that lies for them. Who is gonna protect you when the mob comes for justice? When no one takes you in? When there is no escape route? Those you think will take up arms for you will even deny ever having voted for you, those you pay to protect you are mercenaries and will drop their weapons and take off the uniforms you gave them and join the mob before losing their lives for a cow that has been milked to death.

The only thing I sense from this is fear, fear that what they had already known showing itself in the open. That is 103 retired admirals. You think Generals and Admirals still serving think different? You think the soldiers trained by these people who now train their own men think different? No, and you know it and that is what scares you the most. And what does a cornered, scared, injured animal do? He lashes out at everyone. And that is exactly what is happening now. All of them lashing out because the biggest fears are manifesting them in front of them and there is nothing they can do to stop the bleeding from the thousands of cuts they are bleeding from, many done so by their own two hands.

ah türkiyem ah...

Never the less, the fall will continue for the akp, unfortunately they will drag Turkey with them, lets hope the fall doesn't last very long and Turkey can grab an edge and pull its self up again.

I only hope at the end there is a country left for true children of this country to rebuilt.

While the akp vanishes in the pit never to be seen again.

I'm not going to have dicussion with cult members here who get their arguments from troll accounts on twitter. So y'all don't need to even reply to this with your brainless arguments from people who get paid to troll on twitter and bot hashtags and polls in favor of the governing party.

Go read up and learn to build your own opinion about what these people are warning about instead of repeating wrong and factless statements copied from twitter and facebook.
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Erdogan's media platforms already at work. Referring to one of the admirals as being supportive of the PYD, publishing stories on how the communist party supports the admirals, coup plotters e.t.c.

Eventutally, articles critical of the government's response will be taken down due to the new media laws Erdogan has passed. Erdogan will write the history here.


18 4,633
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Erdogan's media platforms already at work. Referring to one of the admirals as being supportive of the PYD, publishing stories on how the communist party supports the admirals, coup plotters e.t.c.

Eventutally, articles critical of the government's response will be taken down due to the new media laws Erdogan has passed. Erdogan will write the history here.

They are digging their own graves. Same mistakes they did in the local elections in 2019. Using bots to fake support on social media and then get rolled by the opposition in the election because they started believing their own manipulation. The same will happen the next national election.

EHA "Medya", trolls on the payroll of the AKP. How fast will they start sucking off the new government and criticizing akp/erdogan? How long until they act as if they weren't hired trolls working to publish manipulated news for the akp? How long after the election will they delete their accounts and try to flee the country seeking asylum in the west?

Reckoning is coming for them all, even the smallest footsoldier who just wanted to snort some coke in his 100k dollar car he bought with taxpayer money and ride around with hookers in it.

There is a lot of pent-up anger this country has, rightfully. And that anger will come out one way or another. That is for the next government to decide.


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Honestly, It doesnt even matter who, If a donkey compete against erdogan, I will vote for donkey.
i dont know if this is very clever. Main thing by Erdogan Rivals is, doesnt matter who comes, go away Erdogan. Btw. im not Erdogan Supporter, but im also not a traitor. i dont believe u will be ok with a regime or ministers who are members of PKK or other terrorist groups. so its better to thinking good, who u will give ur vote my friend. i think every member here wants a strong and free Turkey, so pls think good. who stands up with anger, will sit down with damage. i dont say vote this or this, but pls dont vote a donkey :)


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Türker Erturk is among the signatory of the notice. The Mihraç Ural is a terrorist that martyrs Turkish soldiers. The person who met with the Mihraç Ural can no longer be "admiral". But becomes a terrorist.

KKF 2.0

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As you guys know, I don't give a hoot about your precious political feelings and, personally, I'm against the Canal Istanbul project. It's neither the right time nor the right investment or the right political environment to commence a project of such dimensions.

But having said that, our "beloved" admirals are pretty much talking BS all the way.

The Montreux Convention

- was not a full-blown victory for Turkey
- has not given Turkey back its full sovereignty over the straits
- has nothing to do with Turkey's neutral stance during the WW II (at most it was just one element of many others which led to Ankara's non-participation)
- is favouring the status quo which is in Russia's best interest, not Turkey's
- is limiting our value as a member of the NATO amongst our Western allies

So, yeah, our admirals are talking like second-class politicians who are afraid of losing their perks.

If Russia is annexing Crimea and breaking international treaties, so should we in order to protect our interests and values.

This is a perfect example of Betonkemalism. This treaty is historically connected to the era of Atatürk, thus, it's holy in our land. Don't you dare criticizing it!

He did what he had to do and his actions made him a great leader but I don't live in 1923 anymore. Like I said before, I'm against the Kanal Istanbul but I won't defend a wrong mentality. It has turned out that in modern times, the Montreux Convention is an invisible shackle on our foot and we need to get rid of it.

The timing and the wording of this declaration is only helping AKP and Erdogan. Whenever I'm thinking that this time Erdogan is heading out of the office, something idiotic like this pops out creating new questions marks.


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Türker Erturk is among the signatory of the notice. The Mihraç Ural is a terrorist that martyrs Turkish soldiers. The person who met with the Mihraç Ural can no longer be "admiral". But becomes a terrorist.

Hmm Erdogan met with Gülen and was his student as did and were 95% of the AKP. Gülen is an terrorist who had a hand in the deaths of civilians and soldiers alike of this country.

Are you saying what I think you are saying?

Do I need to contact the appropriate authorities because you are saying Erdogan is a terrorist? Are you insulting the President of Turkey?

„The person who met and studied under Gülen can no longer be „President“. But becomes a terrorist.“

Is this what you are saying?

Dogu Perincek met with Öcalan is he now a terrorist too?

Hmmm.. thank you for this.

Or are you gonna say he was „kandırıldı”?

Hmmm funny how akp supporters love using this method but when people bombard them with evidence of their party members hanging out with Gülen, Öcalan and Zionist it suddenly is okay to do so. :)

Selling out Mavi Vatan for help from the EU and the US, it isn’t getting any votes anymore so we need to divert the tactics into pleasing the US and the EU by congratulating Greece on its genocide bases Independence Day, letting American war ships swarm the Black Sea, built naval bases in Romania and Hungary. Do a couple half arsed reforms, tada.
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