TR Politics


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Turkish people should quit simping for such dipshit mafiatic, deep state assholes seeing themselves above the law. These people are basically mafias pretending like they are nationalist or patriotic to gain symphathy from people.
All they care is themselves. They credit this dipshit for the end of ASALA. While in fact ASALA was ended in 1983 because they turned and bite the hands that feeded them in Paris, Orly Airport killing 8 people, 4 being French nationals.

Didnt you watch the Sedat Peker videos? Mehmet Agar convinced Tansu Çiller to use these shady characters to clear his drug dealing rivals/lawful people challanging his work in the name of securing homeland.
He fooled this Sedat Peker, that man in Cyprus sells lands to Greeks. In fact he was a comrade of Rauf Denktas and Agar only wanted to get rid of him because he was preventing his drug business.

No good but only bad has ever come to Turkey over these shady businesses. They made people love these mafiatic dipshits with stupid TV series like Kurtlar Vadisi.

Today this Sedat Peker acts patriotic. If he was so patriotic why didnt he reveal all these things 10 years ago? 20 years ago?
If he didnt fall off with some people, he would carry all these dirty secrets under dirt with himself.

Great post to be honest.


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I swear ppl who calls Sedat Pecker good are just dumb
You ppl do realise that he knows this stuff because he was a part of it right?

What I want to know is...... if Pecker was such an accomplice to Soylu, then why the hell did Soylu try to arrest him


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Don't hide behind such fancy words. Most of the time, I don't act against people, who are critical of government but those, who attack people, call them names,.etc. Otherwise, you will see me here, attacking you the first. He isn't being critical here.

Read that again.

You know what? This will reach to Turkish courts, including Soylu and all those AK Party people. Let's see.
Instead of questioning you are blindly defending things.
There are shady stuff going on however you choose to close your eyes to all the fuss going on.
In a normal country interior minister would have been resigned or sacked. Hell, they even kicked health minister here in CR because he was sitting in a restaurant and drinking despite of the restrictions. I don't know what should a minister do in Turkey to be kicked out of office.


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Ey ahali!
Political discussions ok,no problem.
Throwing insults to whomever,big problem!
Lets keep it civil.
Forum policy:no mercy on insults!
Final warning to all!


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Arkadaşlar Türkce yazacağım. Bakin bu konudaki kaçıncı uyarı bu. Herkes herseyi düşünmekte ve dillendirmekte özgürdür ama ağzınızdan çıkacak olan sözcüklerin etik, ahlaki ve forum kuralları açısından ölçüsünü kaçırıyorsunuz. Politik konular hep hararetli tartışılır fakat kural ihlali veya hakaret içeren sözcükler kullanıldığında sorumlu arkadaşları zor durumda bırakıyorsunuz ve herkesin iş yükünü arttırıyorsunuz. Gelişmekte olan forumumuzu el birliğiyle ayağa kaldirmamız gerekirken bu tip konularla uğraşmak bize zaman kaybettirir. Bu yüzden bundan sonra uyarılarımıza kulak tıkayan arkadaşları bu konunun dışına alacağız. Bilginiz olsun.

Hassasiyetiniz için teşekkürler.


How come do Turkish people believe in Mafia staff's word and The Türkish people don't give credit politicians speeches? First Turkish politicians should ask İt themselves.

Erdoğan doesn't defend his minister, nonetheless his minister seem to blame previous minister for corruption.

Last two week Turkish people paralized with claims.

The Dutchman

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I swear ppl who calls Sedat Pecker good are just dumb
You ppl do realise that he knows this stuff because he was a part of it right?

What I want to know is...... if Pecker was such an accomplice to Soylu, then why the hell did Soylu try to arrest him
Shit happens,who knows what the cause was(money,a woman,power etc).


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At this point if AKP protects and holds Soylu, it will go down with him. This is too much and there is still more to come.

What is interesting is that Soylu probably knew this would all happen if he crossed Sedat. Still he went on. He was obviously forced to do so. But why? Did Erdogan want to get rid of Sedat? Maybe he thought all these mafia was becoming too much of a luggage and ordered Soylu to get rid of them?


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At this point if AKP protects and holds Soylu, it will go down with him
And if they let Soylu go, then MHP will go away and Cumhurs will fall apart.
Moreover if Soylu is kicked away he may not be silent like Damat, he will spread the word out. He isn't truly an AKPeon.


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Nope. Bahçeli never said a word about Soylu up to now. He stays silent. Something is fishy about all of those shenanigans.


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If the US wanted to harm Turkey during these events all they have to do is nothing lmao, what a clusterfuck it is becoming.

Soylu just said millions of Turks watch child pornography as part of his defence...He said Sedat Peker was a why didn't he do anything ? Numerous allegations of murders and rapists within the ranks, this drug trafficking thing is also quite a thing to happen during a time where Turkey has record levels of drugs passing through the borders in transit.

Seriously, this need to blame outside forces is harming the country more so than anything else. Also, one of the state media journalists asked this question:

and he was fired by Anadolu Ajansı right after and under investigation for being a member of a terrorist group.

Daily Sabah are smearing him and even Fahrettin Altun tweeted about removing those who 'humiliate the state'. Some of the posts made in this thread alone would qualify for prison time it seems...

I doubt all AKP - MHP smears against opponents and allegations now and historically. Susurluk skandalı again. Murders, rapes, drugs, missing people, unlawful imprisonment e.t.c..

Also a good thread:

All this shows how much Turkey has distanced itself from being a state with rule of law.
The Halkbank thing will be nothing compared to the future headaches Turkey will have in international arena.

Thx AKP durmak yok, yola devam.


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Another susurluk scandal.

If sedat peker knows all this stuff it means he was part of this shit.

By no means a hero. I wonder what will come out i hope this shit does not compromise our military operations.
Ofcourse he was part of it, he is a criminal mafia boss, the real question is why so many Ministers were part of it too actively encouraged him back then...


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All this shows how much Turkey has distanced itself from being a state with rule of law.
The Halkbank thing will be nothing compared to the future headaches Turkey will have in international arena.

Thx AKP durmak yok, yola devam.
Hm..... Honestly, iam not Turkish so I wont indulge too much but..... if we are honest then in terms of international policy..... the only mistake is that Turkey still sided with the Muslim Brotherhood even after they were ousted in Egypt

Think about it,
Saudi Arabia did the worst thing possible by kiiling a journalist in Turkey. That is without a doubt an insult to all the 84 million turkish ppl. If I had any dignity, I would have jeopardised my relation with MBS until a real official apology comes in

The UAE were literally the main sponsor for the coup in 2016 along with the US, You cant expect turkey to alway be in cahoots with them. In fact, there is no country in the Middle East that hasnt experienced a coup which was sponsored by the UAE. As the UAE has an expansionist policy and they wanna hoard all the possible resources since the UAE itself has literally nothing other than oil which in no more than 10 to 15 years may be obsolete. As for tourism, The UAE has no history whatsoever, just high class buildings that any other nation can do with investments

i can bet that the US doesnt even view Turkey as an ally but more as canon fodder when Russia starts to invade and trust me they will one day as Putin is set to retake all the russian lands that was lost from the Soviet union

The EU hates turkey in general because the turks were literally the only ones to encroach most of europe during modern history. I assure you that deep inside they feel inferior amd scared from a possible turkish uprisimg because turkey rn is literally being treated as scum by the EU. Not only that many advanced military technology are being nationalised at an advanced rate which only started during AKP tenure; i-e from around 2014

Russia doesnt want a strong turkey because it will jeopardise its ambitions for global dominance by controlling the bosphororus. A strong turkey means a difficult battle in the future

Israel will never allow turkey to rise, not because of RTE, but because at the end of the day..... no matter how secular you guys are...... turkish ppl are still muslims and muslims hates jews

Like looooool, no country wants turkey to rise and they do have a point. Turkey was once an empire, which during its golden age, forced france to ban dancing publicly by a letter. They do have a point! If i was in their place, without any offense intended, i would bring turkey and erdogan down no matter what. No patriotic leader must rule turkey tbh. Either a traitor or a military leader should rule just like other middle eastern countries

If i was the US leader for example, I would ensure that 1 lira equals to 1 dollar while majority of the population relies on products from the EU just like gulf countries so that when the time comes, we can just cut them off and let them die slowly

This is my opinion only...... iam not siding with The AKP; They are assholes tbh but as a citizen I do respect RTE up to a certain degree. He should either start a new party or cleanse the cancer that plagues the AKP


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Hm..... Honestly, iam not Turkish so I wont indulge too much but..... if we are honest then in terms of international policy..... the only mistake is that Turkey still sided with the Muslim Brotherhood even after they were ousted in Egypt

Think about it,
Saudi Arabia did the worst thing possible by kiiling a journalist in Turkey. That is without a doubt an insult to all the 84 million turkish ppl. If I had any dignity, I would have jeopardised my relation with MBS until a real official apology comes in

The UAE were literally the main sponsor for the coup in 2016 along with the US, You cant expect turkey to alway be in cahoots with them. In fact, there is no country in the Middle East that hasnt experienced a coup which was sponsored by the UAE. As the UAE has an expansionist policy and they wanna hoard all the possible resources since the UAE itself has literally nothing other than oil which in no more than 10 to 15 years may be obsolete. As for tourism, The UAE has no history whatsoever, just high class buildings that any other nation can do with investments

i can bet that the US doesnt even view Turkey as an ally but more as canon fodder when Russia starts to invade and trust me they will one day as Putin is set to retake all the russian lands that was lost from the Soviet union

The EU hates turkey in general because the turks were literally the only ones to encroach most of europe during modern history. I assure you that deep inside they feel inferior amd scared from a possible turkish uprisimg because turkey rn is literally being treated as scum by the EU. Not only that many advanced military technology are being nationalised at an advanced rate which only started during AKP tenure; i-e from around 2014

Russia doesnt want a strong turkey because it will jeopardise its ambitions for global dominance by controlling the bosphororus. A strong turkey means a difficult battle in the future

Israel will never allow turkey to rise, not because of RTE, but because at the end of the day..... no matter how secular you guys are...... turkish ppl are still muslims and muslims hates jews

Like looooool, no country wants turkey to rise and they do have a point. Turkey was once an empire, which during its golden age, forced france to ban dancing publicly by a letter. They do have a point! If i was in their place, without any offense intended, i would bring turkey and erdogan down no matter what. No patriotic leader must rule turkey tbh. Either a traitor or a military leader should rule just like other middle eastern countries

If i was the US leader for example, I would ensure that 1 lira equals to 1 dollar while majority of the population relies on products from the EU just like gulf countries so that when the time comes, we can just cut them off and let them die slowly

This is my opinion only...... iam not siding with The AKP; They are assholes tbh but as a citizen I do respect RTE up to a certain degree. He should either start a new party or cleanse the cancer that plagues the AKP
I want my home country to be a state of law not a banana republic, what AKP is doing osnt helpin in any of what you saw.


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Ataturk once said, sovereignty isnt given but taken
You cant take without fighting
You cant fight without weapons
And your weapons are literally being supplied by one of the guys who want to take from you.... like... the irony
Azerbaijan- Armenia war was a wake up call to all of Europe to the rise of turkey
This has nothing to do with what i said.


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This has nothing to do with what i said.
Yeah sorry
Replied to the wrong message
I meant it as a continuation of the previous message
I found that i ranted a lot even though i didnt want to indulge
My mistake

KKF 2.0

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Threatening people with going to the police or taking every disagreement to the courts shouldn't be allowed on any democratic forum. It's simply a desperate attempt to curtail the freedom of speech. This is not acceptable.

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