TR Politics


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Kimseye zarari yok, ekmek parasinin pesinde böyle seyleri görmezden geleceksin...
Bunlarin yaptigi gaddarlik, avrupada kurallarin nekadar kati uygulandigini az cok bilirsiniz. Birkere babami acile yetistirmek zorunda kaldim, o sirada arabami hastanenin önüne yasak yere parkettim, birkac saat sonra cikinca arabaya giderken polislerin ceza kestigini gördüm. Polislere durumu anlattim babami acile getirdim diye adam sag olsun kagidi yirtti önümde.

Türkiyede kanun garibana isler, milyarlar kaciranlar servetine servet katmaya devam eder.


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Syria, Trucks, SADAT was already known one way or another. Equipment was given to different groups distributed under operation room. Made it to international news before. Business people close to Erdogan getting contracts in conflict areas, Israel is also known.

He is still testing waters.
He is playing on Erdogan intentionally, he knows he is sitting on the tie of the knot.
Earlier when someone played on him, they were either promoted high up in the some seats and paid well to keep their mouth shut, or they were declared "vatan haini" and jailed.
Turkey is full of illiterates, thats where the problems start.
Unfortunately and those illiterates have the power, they are promoted quickly in everywhere including strategic companies or institutions and nobody can counter them, they simply get the the job.
Bunlarin yaptigi gaddarlik, avrupada kurallarin nekadar kati uygulandigini az cok bilirsiniz. Birkere babami acile yetistirmek zorunda kaldim, o sirada arabami hastanenin önüne yasak yere parkettim, birkac saat sonra cikinca arabaya giderken polislerin ceza kestigini gördüm. Polislere durumu anlattim babami acile getirdim diye adam sag olsun kagidi yirtti önümde.

Türkiyede kanun garibana isler, milyarlar kaciranlar servetine servet katmaya devam eder.
Always happens, police never touches those mercedes and white BMW SUVs but always pulls the entry or mid level cars;
I have once asked one of them why it was so and they honestly answered;
"we don't want to get in trouble with others and we have a quota to meet by the end of the week/month, we choose the safe ones to get it done quickly".


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Ever since they lost the first Istanbul elections in March 2019 AKP haven’t done a single right move...AKP is in an absolute self destruction mode since then and Turkey is the hostage.

First they changed the Constitution in 2017 and put all the power in the hands of the President- thinking that by getting all the power they will be unstoppable... Only thing they achieved is that they ruined Turkey’s Institutions and the economy. They didn’t see that by getting all the power they get all the negatives when they fail too.

In June 2018 they won the Presidential Elections with 52% (even though the first big cracks in the economy started to open) and they were full with excitement, pride and arrogance.

After so many years in power Erdogan is getting tired and paranoid. During the years many of those who founded the AKP and helped it to achieve so many successes in the first 10 years in power just left the party for different reasons- either purged or resigned. What is left around Erdogan are either his closest relatives or the best asslickers and yes-men around... people who can’t give him constructive criticism, who can’t give him the right advice, who are afraid of him or just happy to be able to get some bone from the big table. And that’s when the personal fall begins.

Then came March 2019 and the Mayoral elections... AKPs number two guy Binali running for a Mayor of Istanbul- Turkey’s Alpha and Omega, THE CITY, The Golden Goose- the place Erdogan haven’t lost since he came into the spotlight... and they lost to a guy from CHP that we haven’t even heard about before that. 😂
We will forever remember the whole fiasco- when they were recounting the votes for days and days, when they didn’t give Ekrem his mandate as a mayor, when they finally gave it and took it away deciding to make another Mayoral Elections in June. For these second elections AKP did everything to stop people from voting for Ekrem, turned their whole propaganda machine on and yet... this time they lost with 800 000 votes.

At that point whole of Turkey saw their true face and since then 2 years passed by and the economy keeps on getting worse and worse and worse while more and more people starting to turn their backs on AKP. And Erdogan and AKP officials know it too.
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Today Sedat Peker told nothing new.
People didn't wait him until 7:30 Sunday morning for listening stories which little kids already knew.( İ didn't wait him)

He had promised pulling off a leg and an arm of Sülüman but he didn't keep it.

Today's show wasnt interesting nonetheless AKP voters approve all supports on Jihadists organizations. Peker couldn't break AKP supporters with this content.

İf Peker wants to provacate Turkish conservatives against Erdoğan, he should keep telling stories about families of ministers.


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Bunlarin yaptigi gaddarlik, avrupada kurallarin nekadar kati uygulandigini az cok bilirsiniz. Birkere babami acile yetistirmek zorunda kaldim, o sirada arabami hastanenin önüne yasak yere parkettim, birkac saat sonra cikinca arabaya giderken polislerin ceza kestigini gördüm. Polislere durumu anlattim babami acile getirdim diye adam sag olsun kagidi yirtti önümde.

Türkiyede kanun garibana isler, milyarlar kaciranlar servetine servet katmaya devam eder.

Isvicre'yi bilmem ama Avusturya polisleride gözünün yasina bakmiyor.


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Any other party will be much much better than the illiterate, moral-bankrupt, corrupt AKP, my Albanian friend.

Also, your conspiracy theories about opposition parties are non-sense which are similar to AKP trolls.
Defending American assests within opposition same way avarage AKP voters were defending Fethullah Gulen back in day . :)

"He is just simple muslim who wants islamic awakening againts kemalism."
"You kemialists slandering him just because he is a practising muslim."

Cycle simply turned other way and you think you will be given free pass just because you are not a political islamist.


11 4,010
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Defending American assests within opposition same way avarage AKP voters were defending Fethullah Gulen back in day . :)

"He is just simple muslim who wants islamic awakening againts."
"You kemialists slandering him just because he is a practising muslim."

Cycle simply turned other way and you think you will be given free pass just because you are not a political islamist. (n)

Who should Turks vote for? Tell me the name of 1-2-3 parties and personalities.


2 961
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Who should Turks vote for? Tell me the name of 1-2-3 parties and personalities.
How about standing of opposite of them every single time? So this stupid cycle will be broken? If you think this country given freedom to develop itself while infiltrated by "them" constantly you are delusional , best you will given :

-Low exchange rate (just like 2001-2005 AKP period)
-Low interests rate credits to finance CHP development projects ( just like 2001-2005 AKP period)
-Foreign media praise how democratic Turkey became(just like 2001-2005 AKP period)

And during this time "they" will complete PKK state in Syria within 20 years we will get ourselves another Greece on our southern border.

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You speak like Turkey isnt ruined already.
Trust me
Compared to other countries in the middle east, you guys are living a blissful life
Just go to egypt, a country that is larger than turkey with more natural resources that can make it filthy rich, yet most of its population is living in extreme poverty


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Any other party will be much much better than the illiterate, moral-bankrupt, corrupt AKP, my Albanian friend.

Also, your conspiracy theories about opposition parties are non-sense which are similar to AKP trolls.
How the hell is this a conspiracy?

Then explain to me why the second in command in the CHP is an American spy, it was even proved in wikileaks ffs! Why do you guys believe sedat pecker but not the guy who literally exposed the chp on wikileaks, isnt that hypocrisy in its truest sense. It escalated to the point that the US army wanted him for leaking a video about US soldiers killing citizens in Afghanistan (if my memory serves me right)

Your hatred for the AKP makes you blind for the worse in the opposition which is even wprse than the bad points of the AKP and trust me when i say that you living under the influence of the USA will ensure that never rise again

And again.... why is it a conspiracy? Did everything that happened in the middle east just a game or a dream
Many are just trying to live under the illusion that they have complete autonomy while in fact they have nothing. CHP believes tht as long as turkey is america's dog, turkey will get a large chunk of meat and be full. That isnt prosperity, that is just the USA raising a pig to be sacrificed later on

Many turkish citizens believe that true economic prosperity is in a decent exchange rate, which is bullshit since if that was the case, China wouldnt have been much of a threat


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How about standing of opposite of them every single time? So this stupid cycle will be broken? If you think this country given freedom to develop itself while infiltrated by "them" constantly you are delusional , best you will given :

-Low exchange rate (just like 2001-2005 AKP period)
-Low interests rate credits to finance CHP development projects ( just like 2001-2005 AKP period)
-Foreign media praise how democratic Turkey became(just like 2001-2005 AKP period)

And during this time "they" will complete PKK state in Syria within 20 years we will get ourselves another Greece on our southern border.

This is exactly what iam talking about! ^^^
History truly repeats itself, but neither the turks, nor the egyptians, nor the libyans, nor the syrians learn from history

That is why they always end up falling in turmoil amd leaving their countries resources to the west to utilise and remain as world leaders
Iam really waiting for the turkish election in 2023.... lool


How the hell is this a conspiracy?

Then explain to me why the second in command in the CHP is an American spy, it was even proved in wikileaks ffs! Why do you guys believe sedat pecker but not the guy who literally exposed the chp on wikileaks, isnt that hypocrisy in its truest sense. It escalated to the point that the US army wanted him for leaking a video about US soldiers killing citizens in Afghanistan (if my memory serves me right)

Your hatred for the AKP makes you blind for the worse in the opposition which is even wprse than the bad points of the AKP and trust me when i say that you living under the influence of the USA will ensure that never rise again

And again.... why is it a conspiracy? Did everything that happened in the middle east just a game or a dream
Many are just trying to live under the illusion that they have complete autonomy while in fact they have nothing. CHP believes tht as long as turkey is america's dog, turkey will get a large chunk of meat and be full. That isnt prosperity, that is just the USA raising a pig to be sacrificed later on

Many turkish citizens believe that true economic prosperity is in a decent exchange rate, which is bullshit since if that was the case, China wouldnt have been much of a threat
Not conspiracy but tin-hat conspiracy. We are discussing politics, please open a conspiracy thread on this and discuss non-sense stuff there.


Defending American assests within opposition same way avarage AKP voters were defending Fethullah Gulen back in day . :)

"He is just simple muslim who wants islamic awakening againts kemalism."
"You kemialists slandering him just because he is a practising muslim."

Cycle simply turned other way and you think you will be given free pass just because you are not a political islamist.
Yeah, yeah. Oppostion is the tool of foreign powers.

Let me add some stuff you guys forget:

"Vatan, Bayrak, Millet, 15 Temmuz,CIA Fetö, PKK, HDP, Ameriga, Israil, Papa, Dış Güçler, Dış Minnaklar, Osmanlı, Hülooo"...

Apart from core AKP supporters nobody falls for this "hamaset" any more. You can look at the above pol results for proof.


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Trust me
Compared to other countries in the middle east, you guys are living a blissful life
Just go to egypt, a country that is larger than turkey with more natural resources that can make it filthy rich, yet most of its population is living in extreme poverty
We used to compare ourselves to Europe, now its Middle east and Africa, great success.



Kimseye zarari yok, ekmek parasinin pesinde böyle seyleri görmezden geleceksin...
Too bad for him.

If he had been AKP supporter he would not get a fine.

^^^These people come out to support Interiror Minister during the curfew, no one got a fine.

Or you need to protest Israel

If you protest the government, police will beat you up.

Honestly, Erdogan is not much different than Netenyahu or Assad. Everyone of them loves to brutalize their own citizens.


11 4,010
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How about standing of opposite of them every single time? So this stupid cycle will be broken? If you think this country given freedom to develop itself while infiltrated by "them" constantly you are delusional , best you will given :

-Low exchange rate (just like 2001-2005 AKP period)
-Low interests rate credits to finance CHP development projects ( just like 2001-2005 AKP period)
-Foreign media praise how democratic Turkey became(just like 2001-2005 AKP period)

And during this time "they" will complete PKK state in Syria within 20 years we will get ourselves another Greece on our southern border.


CHP are a big No-No, I get it.

But I ask you again: Who should Turks vote for? Tell me one party and one politician that has your approval.


I observe and try to understand plus me being from Australia does not make my opinion useless.

Also the akp is bringing itself down its going to self implode while thnking it can rely on good will. Akp has mainly self inflicted it on themselves.

You really think the oppsition can bring the akp down you are wrong.
You are the wrong one my Australian friend.

You were saying the similar stuff in the previous elections everybody saw, how opposition tear AKP apart in Istanbul and Ankara.

Now, every poll says that AKP is going down. Opposition will win a land slide victory.

How the tables have turned. Anyways, AKP supporters tears are so sweet. :)


How about standing of opposite of them every single time? So this stupid cycle will be broken? If you think this country given freedom to develop itself while infiltrated by "them" constantly you are delusional , best you will given :

-Low exchange rate (just like 2001-2005 AKP period)
-Low interests rate credits to finance CHP development projects ( just like 2001-2005 AKP period)
-Foreign media praise how democratic Turkey became(just like 2001-2005 AKP period)

And during this time "they" will complete PKK state in Syria within 20 years we will get ourselves another Greece on our southern border.

He asked a simple question, you are showing photos.......


This is exactly what iam talking about! ^^^
History truly repeats itself, but neither the turks, nor the egyptians, nor the libyans, nor the syrians learn from history

That is why they always end up falling in turmoil amd leaving their countries resources to the west to utilise and remain as world leaders
Iam really waiting for the turkish election in 2023.... lool
Yeah, nobody learns history but some Albanian named Lool, learns it.

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