EKTAKTO: Έρχονται -στη Βουλή- τα Leopard 2A7 HEL και τα Lynx! - Πτήση
Για όσους είχαν… ανησυχήσει, το πρόγραμμα της αναβάθμισης των Leopard 2A4 και η προμήθεια των 200+ Τεθωρακισμένων Οχημάτων Μάχης Lynx είναι το επόμενο μεγάλο «πακέτο» που θα εισαχθεί για έγκριση στην Επιτροπή Εξοπλιστικών Προγραμμάτων και Συμβάσεων της Βουλής. ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΤΙΚΟ: Εκσυγχρονισμός...

Google Translation following:
For those who were. Worried, the program to upgrade the Leopard 2A4 and the supply of 200+ Lynx Armored Combat Vehicles is the next big "package" that will be introduced for approval to the Parliamentary Committee on Armaments Programs and Contracts.
According to our information, the "package" will be put up for discussion even on Monday, July 4 and will concern the suggestions of the General Staff (which have gone through all the intermediate stages of approval of the competent bodies of the general staffs before their proposal to the political leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) for the upgrade of the 183 Leo 2A4 intermediate solution tanks to Leo 2A7HEL and the strengthening of the formations with new TOMA Lynx.
As we have thoroughly analyzed in recent months, the two programs, which are the largest that the General Staff of the Army has ever implemented and finally meet its long-standing and unmet needs, will be based on a network of agreements that have been largely prepared. , but will be completed and signed in the long run.
As we have pointed out in all our previous posts, the two programs first required a Greek binding declaration of intent against the package submitted by the two German companies Krauss Maffei Wegmann (KMW) and Rheinmetall LandSysteme . Given that their complexity, from the final wording, contracting through the proposed broad industrial framework and implementation, would take a long time, the German side demanded that the Greek interest take substantial form and not perpetuate discussions.
However, the negotiations, even for this "statement of intentions" proved to be very tough, while it should be mentioned that the program, especially that of the upgrade of the chariots, was fought from many sides and for a variety of reasons . [At some point we hope that the whole truth will be known, apart from the "fog" of misinformation and untruths that have emerged from various people all this time.] we see them discussed (and approved) by the competent committee of the Parliament.
It should be noted that the German side (and we are not referring only to the industrial side) was particularly annoyed by what it was undertaking, namely the delays, setbacks and setbacks of the Greek, reaching several times, in recent weeks, very close to the decision to leave the whole issue and withdraw the proposals.
It should be reminded that the two programs are under -apparently- an "umbrella" of European consensus (with the consent and support of the German government) that defense spending will not be counted for the deficit and debt, a constant Greek request. In addition, it seems that 2023 will be a year of relaxation of fiscal targets, in a comprehensive framework that will allow the implementation of the critical armaments goals of our country.
In the light of the above (and in contrast to the package of more than 12 armaments programs of the staffs of all branches of the Armed Forces approved by Parliament the previous days), the approval of Leopard 2A7 HEL and TOMA Lynx will be just the beginning a long way .
The Greek demand from the two contractors KMW and Rheinmetall LS is not only the creation of a strong framework of industrial cooperation (an inalienable condition for both programs, but especially of TOMA) with as many Greek companies as possible, which is expected to have a horizon of ten or and more, but also the satisfaction of a number of other conditions. The main one is the financing , which, due to the financial height of the programs and the… bad times, can in no case be based on commercial interest rates, but must be done in ( German (ie the amount borrowed by the German government) . There are solutions on how to do this, but coordination is required from the Greek side.
In a. Parallel development (since it is known that it is interconnected with the programs of Leo 2A7 HEL and Lynx), a committee of the General Staff for the on-site management in Germany of the concession of the TOMA Marder departs in the next few days.
So make an appointment on Monday, although we will probably be back earlier.
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