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Rostec Doubles Range of Ataka-DBS Anti-Drone System

Rostec’s Ruselectronics Holding has successfully tested Ataka-DBS anti-drone system equipped with new type of antennas, that has doubled the range of the system.
The results showed that the range of the complex increased almost 2 times in terms of detection and 2.5 times in terms of suppression, Rostec said in a release August 20.
The Attack-DBS complex has shown reliable and uninterrupted operation in the conditions of simulated drones' attacks from close and long distances. The maximum detection range of the UAV was 2900 m with the declared 1500 m, and the maximum suppression range was 2500 m with the declared 1000 m. The tests took place in difficult weather conditions - with strong gusts of wind up to 15-20 m/s and dust storms.
The equipment in automatic mode within 0.1 second detected the drone, identified the object according to the principle of "friend or foe" and blocked the communication and navigation channel of the copter.
“The modernized system allows you to cover a large area with a protective dome. At the same time, it does not interfere with the operation of the surrounding communication and navigation equipment, which makes it possible to use it in airports, urban conditions, on the territory of high-tech facilities,” said Sergey Sakhnenko, industrial director of the Rostec radio-electronic complex.
The automated Ataka-DBS complex detects and suppresses control channels in the frequency range used by civilian UAVs - from 2 GHz to 6 GHz. The complex is based on radio frequency detection and suppression modules. The system can be used both as a stand-alone suppression cell and as a complex of interconnected cells that cover a given perimeter. The required number of modules and their location are determined depending on the characteristics of the protected object.
As part of Rostec, the project is being implemented by the structure of the Ruselectronics holding - NPP Almaz.


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Russia’s Ruselectronics Developing Microwave Radars for Small, Unmanned Helicopters

Microwave radar mock up mounted on helicopter

Russia’s Ruselectronics, a subsidiary of Rostec State Corporation is developing a new type of helicopter radar systems based on microwave radiation.
Designed to be compact and lightweight, the radar will be deployed on both unmanned as well as small manned helicopters. The equipment will help the helicopter to maneuver in poor visibility conditions and perform unmanned landing.

Microwave radiation will make it possible to form a detailed radar image of the external environment even in difficult weather conditions. The system also provides for timely warning of the pilot about threats in poor visibility conditions.

Future small and unmanned helicopters of the Russian Helicopters holding will be equipped with new radar systems.

The corresponding agreement on cooperation was concluded by the research and production enterprise "Salut" of "Ruselectronics" and the National Center for Helicopter Engineering (part of Russian Helicopters). The parties agreed to start long-term cooperation in the field of equipping helicopters with new generation electronic systems.
“The expertise of our enterprise in the field of microwave electronics will allow us to create an advanced radar system based on microwave radiation. The new equipment will simplify the control of helicopters and will be cheaper than the optical systems used today on military helicopters,” Alexander Bushuev, General Director of NPP Salyut.
Existing helicopter radars cannot be installed on small-sized unmanned helicopters due to their large dimensions and weight. The created equipment will be built on a non-standard circuitry solution and innovative methods of digital signal processing, which will reduce its dimensions for use on small-sized and unmanned helicopters, the General Director of NPP Salyut added.



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The Russian Defense Ministry decided to fully equip the 76th Air Defense Division with Nebo-M radars. The first unit has been already supplied. It can monitor round-the-clock aerodynamic targets over a territory of 1 million square kilometers, detect stealth aircraft, drones and ballistic missiles. It is a part of the plan to create a total radar field along the national borders, the Izvestia daily writes.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

55Zh6M Nebo-M mobile multiband radar system (right) (Picture source: Army Recognition)

In contrast to radars of antiaircraft missile systems, Nebo-M is on constant duty and monitors the airspace round-the-clock. The latest radars will be delivered to the 76th air defense division of the Central Military District which is the biggest Russian air defense formation in Central Asia. It protects Samara, Yekaterinburg and their industrial clusters, as well as the Russian strategic aviation base in Engels. The 22nd Heavy Bomber Division with strategic Tupolev Tu-95MS and Tu-160 aircraft is deployed there. The 76th Division is being rearmed with S-400 Triumf launchers, Pantsir missile-gun systems and the latest radars.

The Defense Ministry announced plans in December 2019 to create a total radar field along the Russian borders similar to the early missile attack warning system. It will monitor the approach of combat aircraft and cruise missile launches. “There is a single radar field along the Russian borders, but there is no total control at low altitudes so far. The conflicts in Libya, Nagorno Karabakh show that various radars are necessary to fight distant, high-altitude and major targets, as well as small drones,” expert Viktor Murakhovsky said.

Nebo-M detects targets at medium and high altitudes. Therefore, it usually operates together with Podlet radar which monitors low-flying targets. It has a range of 300 km. The radars can detect any air target, including with low cross section. They include drones and loitering munitions, the expert said.

Nebo-M unites three independent radars carried by separate vehicles. They operate in centimeter, decimeter and meter bands. The command post collects the information. The radars can operate solo and together. The simultaneous engagement of various bands properly detects stealth aircraft, cruise missiles and drones. The computer analyzes and compares data received in various bands and identifies weakly reflected signals.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

55Zh6M Nebo-M mobile multiband radar system (Picture source: Vitaly Kuzmin)

The information exchange between the four vehicles (radars and command post) is wireless and needs no cables. Each radar has an electric 100 KW power generator. It all simplifies and accelerates the deployment in a new place. It takes only 25 minutes.

Almaz-Antey Concern said the radar detects targets with one square meter cross section at a distance of 600 km. If the radar abandons the round view and focuses in one direction, it can see ballistic missiles in a 90-degree sector at a distance of 1,800 km. “Nebo-M is a modern radar with digital signal processing. It can operate databases with object signatures. There is a decision support system which selects targets by significance or threat in a specific situation. The process is automatic and uses modern element base,” Murakhovsky said.

The target information is automatically transmitted to division headquarters and distributed among missile regiments and aviation guidance posts. The radar automatically interacts with S-400 and S-300V4 air defense launchers with a range of 400 km.

Nebo-M and Container radars are the backbone of the total radar field along the Russian ground border. The latest radars are supplied to the units deployed in the most dangerous directions. The first serial Nebo-M were delivered to the Western Military District in 2017. They were later supplied to regiments in Transbaikalia, Khabarovsk and Primorye regions. The radars were delivered to Crimean air defense in 2018. Mobile Nebo-M can be rapidly redeployed by land or airlifters.

Besides Nebo-M, stationary over-the-horizon Container radars also watch combat aviation close to Russian borders. They can detect targets at a distance of 2,000 km, the Izvestia said.



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Russia is moving its one of the most powerful electronic warfare (EW) systems, called the Murmansk-BN, to military bases in Arctic territory near the Finnish border.

This week, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has released a short video showing deploy of the Murmansk-BN ground mobile radio interference complex to areas located along the border to Finland.

Murmansk-BN is a unique Russian long-range communications jamming system specially designed to take out NATO and United States high-frequency military satellite communications. The powerful EW system is aimed at disrupting radio communications at a maximum range of more than 5,000 kilometers (3,106 miles). The jammer is specifically geared at tackling high-frequency communications systems, including the High-Frequency Global Communications System.

“With its help [Murmansk-BN], it is possible to conduct radio reconnaissance, intercept and suppress enemy signals throughout the short-wave range at a distance of up to 5 thousand km,” it said in a statement.

This system was developed as part of a Russian strategic electronic warfare system and operates as a network-centric capability.



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Advanced Tornado multiple rocket launchers are precision systems outfitted with smart rocket shells capable of striking enemy vital facilities at considerable distances


Tornado-S launch rocket system
© Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS

MOSCOW, November 18. /TASS/. Tornado-S large-caliber multiple launch rocket systems will fully replace operational Smerch rocket launchers and outdated Uragan systems in the Russian troops by late 2027, Chief of Russia’s Missile Troops and Artillery Lieutenant-General Mikhail Matveyevsky said in an interview with the Defense Ministry’s Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper on Wednesday.
Russia will celebrate Missile Troops and Artillery Day on November 19.

"The planned rearmament of rocket artillery units with advanced Tornado multiple launch rocket systems continues. By the end of 2027, Tornado-S large-caliber multiple launch rocket systems with enhanced characteristics and the expanded range of rocket projectiles will fully replace existing Smerch launchers and outdated Uragan systems while Tornado-G medium-caliber weapons with automated target aiming will replace outdated Grad multiple rocket launchers," the general said.

Advanced Tornado multiple rocket launchers are precision systems outfitted with smart rocket shells capable of striking enemy vital facilities at considerable distances, he stressed.

The Russian troops also continue receiving upgraded 2S19M2 Msta-SM self-propelled howitzers with the Ring automated fire control technology that allows "integration into the single tactical-level command and control system," the general said.

"Koalitsiya-SV multi-service force artillery systems have arrived for troops of Russia’s Western Military District. This system is unique. It features an unmanned combat compartment while the weapon’s aiming and loading processes are conducted without human participation," Matveyevsky noted.

Modern weaponry in Russia’s missile troops and artillery has grown from 25% to 60% since 2012, the general said.

Tornado multiple launch rocket systems​

The Tornado-S multiple launch rocket system is a heavy upgrade of the Smerch multiple rocket launcher. The new weapon features increased range and fire accuracy capabilities. The Tornado-S also offers the possibility of introducing an individual flight assignment for each shell. The system is designated to strike enemy manpower, military hardware, stationary and mobile sole and multiple targets.

At the Army-2020 international arms show, Russia’s Defense Ministry signed contracts on the delivery of Tornado-S combat and transporter-loader vehicles and 122mm rocket projectiles to the troops.

The Tornado-G has been the first multiple launch rocket system to receive the automated aiming and fire control system that makes it possible to continuously track the combat vehicle during a march and open fire within the shortest time possible after its arrival at the position. Russian specialists have also created a single-piece high-explosive fragmentation shell for it: it uses a fuse with an altimeter, which allows regulating the altitude and detonating the projectile either at an altitude of several meters or upon hitting the ground.


Isa Khan

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A 1L125E radar system, one of the most advanced Russian radar systems capable of identifying low-flying and stealth targets, was spotted in downtown Orenburg, western Russia.

A video of this modern Russian radar system in downtown Orenburg, that was posted on TikTok yesterday, has reached nearly 150 thousand views.

It’s also important to note that, Orenburg is also very close to the border with Kazakhstan.

According to the Russian state arms export agency Rosoboronexport, the 1L125E radar is capable of detecting and tracking aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, missile warheads and other targets at a distance of up to 500 km, identifying their state affiliation and transmitting data to the command post or anti-aircraft complexes.

The radar equipment is located on the antenna array and in the apparat container which spins with the antenna on the slewing rings and on the all-terrain KAMAZ chassis and in the driver’s cab. The processes of deployment and withdrawal are automated.

Rosoboronexport says the radar can also identify the direction of jamming sources and determine their location.



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According to U.S. officials, Russia trying to find a way to jam and block signals from U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk remotely piloted and unarmed, aerial reconnaissance system.
In the past few months, high-flying RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned spy planes have been highly active in the European theater, along the western borders of Russia.
The Global Hawk serves as a high-altitude, long-endurance, remotely piloted and unarmed, aerial reconnaissance system. The aircraft is designed to provide persistent, day and night, high-resolution, all-weather imagery of large geographic areas with an array of integrated sensors and cameras.

Pentagon reconnaissance aircraft, including RQ-4 drones, have been making regular day-to-day appearances, up to two or even three times daily, at Russia’s borders. U.S. military intelligence has been snooping on almost all Russian military facilities on the Black Sea, in Crimea, and eastern Ukraine.

The emergence of high-tech reconnaissance platforms near Russia’s main military facilities in the region greatly perplexes their military, who are attempting to intercept or jam U.S. RQ-4 spy aircraft.

Russia is using its latest ground-based and air-based electronic warfare systems to jam drones to thwart their intelligence activities. Russia’s electronic warfare capability has used to disturb a radio signal of the global navigation system and to jam signals from drones.

It is already known that Russian troops deployed in Crimea and the Rostov region used their well-known electronic warfare systems such as Krasukha-4, R-330Zh Zhitel, R-330M1P Diabazol, and even Murmansk-BN strategic jamming system. These systems are designed to suppress enemy radio signals at distances of up to 5,000 kilometers.

Furthermore, Russian Air Forces scrambled its newest A-100 airborne early warning and control aircraft at the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex (TANTK) when the U.S. Air Force RQ-4 drone flies over eastern Ukraine on 21 April. The Beriev A-100 is a Russian-built airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft based on the Il-76MD-90A transport aircraft that also equipped with modern Electronic intelligence (ELINT) and electronic warfare systems.




The EW systems are being used in video:
Murmansk BN( Мурманск БН)
Krasuha 2 ( красуха 2)
Krasuha 4c. (Красуха 4с)

And the nevest control station Moskva1( Москва 1)


Murmansk-BN is a short-wave coastal electronic warfare system. The complex conducts radio reconnaissance, intercepts enemy signals and suppresses them over the entire short-wave range at ranges of up to 5000 km. Admission of the complex to the troops (Northern Fleet) - December 2014. [1]

  • Krasukha-2: 250 km
  • Krasukha-4: 300 km


The system scans the airspace and, upon detecting enemy equipment equipped with radioelements, transmits the received data to the air defense and air force electronic warfare equipment to neutralize targets. Unlike conventional radars, "Moscow-1" operates in passive radar mode - it catches the target's own radiation, while remaining invisible to the enemy [1]. The complex can also detect enemy shells.

This station of passive radar can see the radiation of aircraft and cruise missiles for 400 km, determine its type and degree of threat [2]. Consists of a reconnaissance module 1L265E (one vehicle) and a control center for jamming stations of an airborne radar station 1L266 / 1L266E (two vehicles). All systems are mounted on three KamAZ vehicles [3]. The station is capable of providing a full all-round view. Moscow-1 can be deployed in 45 minutes. The system can operate in the temperature range from minus 40 to 50 degrees Celsius. The combat crew of "Moscow-1" includes four people. At the management of "Moscow-1" can be simultaneously nine complexes of electronic warfare and air defense [4].

Under the contract until 2016, the RF Armed Forces are to receive 9 Moscow-1 complexes [5]. The cost of a long-term contract exceeds 3.5 billion rubles [6]

Can control nine other electronic warfare systems [7]

9 systems has been produced
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The work of Russian electronic warfare systems in Ukraine. The video shows the Murmansk-BN electronic warfare system, which carries out radio reconnaissance, interception of enemy signals and their suppression over the entire shortwave range at ranges up to 5000 km. The Murmansk-BN electronic warfare system is able to "stun" the territories of the EU countries closest to the Russian borders, disrupting military communications and leaving civilians without mobile communications. The Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system, the main task of this complex is to counter enemy aircraft, UAVs and missiles by affecting and disabling radar stations of aircraft at a range of up to 300 kilometers. The company commander spoke about the use of the Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system in Ukraine. "The complex has proven itself very well, works flawlessly in all weather conditions. Our main task is to cover the grouping of troops from radar reconnaissance and targeted enemy air strikes. During the operation, 12 Bayraktar complexes were discovered, we suppressed them and the complexes could not make a targeted strike on our groups."



Non russian EW systems was able to do any damage to TB2s not in ukraine not in Libya RT cope.

Your army was also saying they shotdown 40+ TB2s with pantsirs while only 8 was recorded.

Your SA-15 systems were also failed against our drones

Same goes for your BUK M2 systems.

Fuzuli NL

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The work of Russian electronic warfare systems in Ukraine. The video shows the Murmansk-BN electronic warfare system, which carries out radio reconnaissance, interception of enemy signals and their suppression over the entire shortwave range at ranges up to 5000 km. The Murmansk-BN electronic warfare system is able to "stun" the territories of the EU countries closest to the Russian borders, disrupting military communications and leaving civilians without mobile communications. The Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system, the main task of this complex is to counter enemy aircraft, UAVs and missiles by affecting and disabling radar stations of aircraft at a range of up to 300 kilometers. The company commander spoke about the use of the Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system in Ukraine. "The complex has proven itself very well, works flawlessly in all weather conditions. Our main task is to cover the grouping of troops from radar reconnaissance and targeted enemy air strikes. During the operation, 12 Bayraktar complexes were discovered, we suppressed them and the complexes could not make a targeted strike on our groups."

Question is: Do they actually work?


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The video shows the Russian unified R-149MA1 command and control vehicle designed to provide control and communication at the tactical level in the parking lot or on the move. The communication machine is built on the base - BTR-80 in the back of K1Sh1 and transmits information, including video, via several communication channels at once. The R-149MA1 communication vehicle is capable of conducting all-round surveillance of the battlefield and can create communication networks even in isolation from the main forces. It is also possible to use electronic maps of the area and plot the operational-tactical situation on them with the possibility of its transmission via communication channels. The communication range of the BERRY-149MA1 in the VHF band, up to 25 km in motion and up to 55 km in the parking lot with a mast. In the HF range in the parking lot with a mast up to 350 km, in motion up to 50 km. The crew of the car is 6 people.



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The Russian Ministry of Defense for the first time showed the work of the newest operational-tactical EW complex Palantin-K in Ukraine. The Palantin complex is 2-3 times superior to the capabilities of the Russian electronic warfare systems of the previous generation. The Russian Palantin-K electronic warfare complex independently detects and disables enemy UAVs, intercepts the signal, and includes interference. The system operates at a distance of more than twenty kilometers, and not with a directed beam, but with a point. This means that the electronic warfare "Palantin" is capable of suppressing communication and Internet sources in enemy positions without violating civilian infrastructure. The exact characteristics of the Palantin-K electronic warfare complex are classified.



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The work of military topographers in Ukraine was shown by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Without these people, the operation of the Iskander missile systems is not possible, since they need precise coordinates for delivering strikes. The calculation of military topographers moves on a KAMAZ 4350 vehicle with a geodetic complex PNGK-1 installed on it. The car is equipped with an inertial navigation system, as well as a rangefinder-goniometer device that performs the functions of geodetic binding of objects. The complex is equipped with video cameras, thanks to which you can determine the coordinates and use them later for target designation. PNGK-1 is able to determine coordinates on the move with an accuracy of up to 15 meters, create electronic maps and immediately transfer them to the command. In the field, topographers use the Topcon Positioning System's GB-500 40-channel remote GPS satellite receiver. Preparation time for measurements is not more than 30 minutes Continuous operation time is not less than 10 hours Combat crew 3 people.



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The work of the Mi-8MTPR-1 electronic warfare helicopter equipped with the Rychag-AV active jamming station in Ukraine was shown by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The Rychag-AV jamming station completely “blinds” the enemy within a radius of several hundred kilometers. The Rychag system is equipped with a database that stores information about the military equipment of many armies of the world. The station selects the most effective interference for each target and can provide electronic suppression of several targets at once. In conditions of interference, the enemy's air defense systems, as well as his aircraft, are deprived of the ability to detect targets and direct missiles at them. The radiation power of the station is very high, so the cockpit is protected from it by a special grid. The cost of the Russian Mi-8MTPR-1 helicopter is about 600 million rubles. The exact data of the Lever-AV system are classified.



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Video of the latest Russian radar "Niobium-SV". Radar complex 103Zh6 "Niobium-SV" is designed to detect and track all types of air targets, including UAVs and those developed using stealth technology. The radar is placed on a KamAZ wheeled chassis, there is another version of the radar with placement on a semi-trailer. Radar "Niobium-SV" is designated by codes 103Zh6 or 1L125. Radar complex 103ZH6 consists of five transport units. The data of the complex are classified, it is known that the radar can detect airborne objects with RCS = 1 m2. The target detection range with such an EPR, at a target flight altitude: 500 meters - 53 km, at an altitude of 10,000 meters - 230 km and at an altitude of 27,000 meters - 320 km. Limits of work: in range - 400 km. It should be noted that the radar data is underestimated. Station deployment time - 15 min.



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The reconnaissance optical-electronic complex "Ironiya-M" entered the special forces of Russia in 2015. The multifunctional optical-electronic complex is designed to search for the enemy and conduct surveillance of the area. The main element of the complex is an optical-electronic device weighing about 3.2 kg. The complex is equipped with a video camera, a thermal imager and a laser rangefinder. The signal from all optical devices is transmitted to a miniature monitor installed in the eyepiece. The Ironia-M complex allows you to detect equipment at a distance of up to 7 km, a thermal imager can detect a person at distances of up to 2.5 km. The Ironia complex can transmit photographs or a video signal over a closed radio channel at a distance of up to 10 km. The calculation of the observation complex consists of two people, the second person is a computer operator.



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The Russian Ministry of Defense showed the work of calculating a mobile radio relay station of the R-416GM series, consisting of several types of vehicles. Military radio relay stations provide for the exchange of all types of information between military command posts. The Russian mobile multi-channel radio relay station R-416G-MS is based on the KamAZ-5350 chassis and deployed in 30 minutes, the height of the telescopic mast of the station is 30 meters. Details of the operation of the radio relay communication station complex in the video.


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