Russia Russian Electronic Warfare


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Footage of the operation of the Russian electronic warfare complex "Leer-3" in Ukraine. The complex is designed to suppress cellular GSM communications using drones. For the first time, the RB-341V complex was shown in 2015. The complex is located on the KamAZ-5350 chassis and is capable of jamming cellular communications at a distance of up to 120 km. The radius of the zone of blocked mobile communication terminals is 6 km, the number of blocked subscribers is 2000, the system blocks up to 3 mobile operators. Calculation of the complex 5 people. According to the military, the main task of the calculations of the Leer-3 complexes is to detect a mass congestion of cellular subscribers.



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The Russian army began to actively use the 1L260 Zoopark-1M counter-battery radar, which was put into service in the 2000s. The self-propelled radar station 1L261 is located on the GM-5955 vehicle and has a crew of three. The exact characteristics of target detection are not yet known. Approximate target detection range: a mortar with a caliber of up to 120mm - 18-22 km, a cannon with a caliber of 105mm to 155 mm - 15-20 km, a rocket launcher from 122 mm to 240 mm - 25-35 km, tactical missiles - 40-45 km. According to previously published data, the 1L261 station is capable of determining the firing position of artillery with an error of up to 40 m. When calculating the launch point for multiple rocket launchers, the error is 55 m, the launch point for ballistic missiles is 90 m. The number of simultaneously tracked targets is 12. The time of continuous operation of the radar 8 o'clock.



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The Russian Defense Ministry has published a promo for the upgraded A-50U airborne early warning and control aircraft. The A-50U aircraft was developed in 2011 on the basis of the A-50 aircraft. Most of the destroyed Ukrainian fighters were found using A-50U aircraft. The A-50U aircraft differs from previous modifications by a new radio-technical complex with improved parameters. The aircraft has an airborne defense complex, which includes active and passive radio countermeasures, as well as infrared jamming systems. The aircraft had a reduced mass of equipment, due to this, the fuel supply was increased. The price of the aircraft is 330 million dollars. Russia currently has 7 aircraft in service.



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Footage of the operation of the Russian jamming station R-330BMV, the station is part of the EW RB-301B Borisoglebsk-2 complex. The R-330BMV station was put into service in 2013 and mounted on the MT-LB chassis. The jamming station R-330BMV is designed for automatic search, detection, panoramic surveillance and positioning, when paired with other electronic warfare stations, sources of radio emissions, as well as radio suppression of VHF radio communication lines. The station can operate both in coordination with the control point, and independently. Information about the Borisoglebsk-2 electronic warfare complex is still a state secret, which is why its main characteristics of the systems are not yet subject to disclosure. Estimated technical data of the R-330BMV jamming station. The depth of reconnaissance of terrestrial radio communication lines: in the HF band up to 40 km, in the VHF - up to 30 km. Reconnaissance range when working against aviation radio communication lines, in the VHF band up to 50 km, tactical aviation up to 125 km. Transmitter power - 1 kW. Calculation of the machine 4 people.



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Operation of the R-439OD satellite communications vehicle and the R-149BMRD command and control vehicle of Russia. Russian military personnel showed the operation of the command and staff vehicle R-149BMRD and R-439OD, one might say this is a unique video; at the moment there are no more videos with these vehicles. Previously, we talked about a similar vehicle, the R-149MA1, designed to provide control and communications, but it was made on the basis of the BTR-80. The R-149BMRD command and staff vehicle is designed to organize control and communication via wired, radio and satellite communication channels.



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Russian military personnel have begun using the Bulat mini-drone detector. The Bulat passive drone detector was developed by the Russian company 3mx. The detector is based on a Chinese model, which was completely “redesigned and modernized”; the developers assembled their own radio part, made their own boards and changed the firmware. The device is capable of detecting and identifying the most popular brands of drones, such as DJI, Autel and various models of FPV drones at a range of up to 1 kilometer. Developers are constantly improving the detector by adding new data on drone models provided to them by Russian military personnel. The detector is easy to use and scans frequencies from 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz to 5.2 GHz and 5.8 GHz. The Bulat UAV detector weighs 285 grams and can operate for up to 5 hours. The device has a 5V power supply and a 4000 mAh lithium battery. The price of the Bulat drone detector is about 90 to 130 thousand rubles or 1,400 dollars.



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The Russian army began using RP-377UVM1L Lesochek jamming stations, one of which was spotted on a BMD-4M armored personnel carrier. The RP-377 electronic warfare system is designed for radio jamming of mine-explosive device control channels. The complex is also used to suppress navigation channels and geopositioning of enemy UAVs; for this purpose, the complex’s antennas are usually installed horizontally, as shown in the figure. The range of the RP-377 “Lesochek” complex is about 100 meters in the horizontal plane and up to 200 meters in the vertical. The RP-377UVM1L jamming station can be installed on any equipment, from cars to tanks.



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A new Sobolyatnik reconnaissance radar, put into service in 2021, was seen in a video with Russian military personnel. These are the first shots showing the operation of the Sobolyatnik radar produced by the Tula NPO Strela. The Russian small-sized radar station 1L227 is equipped with a phased array antenna and is capable of detecting moving equipment at a distance of at least 17 kilometers, presumably up to 30 kilometers, a person at a distance of at least 7 kilometers, with an accuracy of 10 meters. The Sobolyatnik radar has low-power radiation, less than that of a cell phone and can track up to 20 targets. The time of continuous operation of the radar from a standard battery is up to 6 hours, the time of continuous operation of the radar without breakdowns was increased to 2 thousand hours. The mass of all components of the station is 36 kilograms, it is serviced by 2 people.



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The first footage of the use by the Russian army of the new electronic reconnaissance and radio countermeasures complex “Moscow-1” has been published. The 1L267 electronic warfare system was developed by NPO Kvant and entered service in 2015. The complex is capable of passively recognizing the radiation of aircraft and cruise missiles at a range of up to 400 kilometers and causing radio interference, as well as being a command post for control and reconnaissance. The complex has no analogues, as it can control an area of 500 thousand square kilometers and simultaneously assign tasks to nine electronic warfare and air defense systems. Often the Moscow-1 electronic warfare system works in conjunction with the Krasukha S-4 electronic warfare system. The Moscow-1 complex includes an automated command post "Moscow-1", a radio intelligence module 1L267 and an automated control station for jamming stations of an air-based radar station. One of the machines is equipped with a module that performs the tasks of searching, detecting, direction finding, measuring parameters and tracking air sources of radio emission operating in a wide spectrum of the range - from decimeter to millimeter radio waves. The entire complex is placed on the chassis of three Kamaz 6350 trucks and can be removed from them for camouflage. The electronic warfare station "Moscow-1" is capable of providing full all-round visibility and can be deployed in 45 minutes; it is serviced by 4 operators. The estimated price of the Moscow-1 electronic warfare complex is 380 million rubles or 4.5 million dollars.



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Military personnel of Russian intelligence units showed the modernized TPN-1TOD thermal imaging surveillance device they use in combat work, interview at the end of the video. It is worth noting that the TPN-1TOD thermal imager was also installed on Russian T-90M tanks. The TPN-1TOD binocular thermal imager with a laser rangefinder is designed for visual observation and detection of openly located and camouflaged targets by their thermal radiation at any time of the day and in difficult weather conditions. Using the TPN-1TOD thermal imager, you can determine the coordinates of openly located and camouflaged targets in the daytime and at night, record images, transmit photos, videos and measurement information via wired and wireless communications. The device can also provide target indications to external devices. TPN-1TOD is capable of detecting a tank at a range of up to 7,500 meters during the day, and up to 6,500 meters at night. A human figure can be detected at a distance of up to 5500 meters during the day, and up to 4000 meters at night. The exact characteristics are shown in the table; the weight of the device is 4.3 kg.
The price of the TPN-1TOD device as of 2016 is 4,129,000 rubles or 45,700 dollars at the current exchange rate.



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Footage has appeared of Russian communications units using the new MP-2IM hardware communications machine. The integrated MP-2IM communications hardware is located on the BTR-80 K1Sh1 and is shown for the first time in 2021. The hardware room is intended for deployment at the communication center, control point of a brigade of intra-node data transmission networks for encrypted and open telephone communications and providing radio and wired communication channels to control point subscribers located in command and control vehicles.
The MP-2IM communication hardware provides up to 7 communication directions, with a communication range via VHF radio stations of up to 40 kilometers, via microwave radio stations up to 20 kilometers, and via radio relay stations up to 30 kilometers. The composition of the equipment used in the MP-2IM communication machine is shown on the screen. The radius of the distributed signal can reach hundreds of kilometers if you use several MP-2IM machines located in a single chain at a distance of several tens of kilometers. The MP-2IM hardware communication vehicle systems are deployed in 20 minutes; the communication vehicle has a crew of four people.



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Footage of the installation of the R-448 satellite communication station by Russian military personnel. The transportable satellite communication station R-448 was created by the Khimki company ITIS and was first shown in 2019. The transportable two-channel satellite communication station R-448 is designed to organize two high-speed communication channels in the Ku or C bands, using VSAT technology, through the Express and Yamal communication spacecraft. And also through the Blagovest geostationary spacecraft, broadband satellite communications, C-band frequencies, and the Russian Ministry of Defense.



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Russian troops began using the Saniya electronic warfare system to protect tanks from drones, one of which was spotted on a T-80BVM tank. The Saniya electronic warfare system is designed to counter FPV drones and was developed by the Russian company 3mx. The complex is equipped with eight antennas and is available in stationary and mobile versions. The complex does not work all the time, but turns on automatically only when radiation from FPV drones is detected; for this, it is equipped with a Bulat drone detector, which we previously talked about. The Saniya electronic warfare system suppresses drone operating frequencies of 450 MHz, 900 MHz, 1.2 GHz, 1.5 GHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz. According to the manufacturer, drones are detected at a range of up to 1.5 km and suppressed within 1 km. The jamming distance of drone frequencies depends on the weather, terrain conditions and the characteristics of the kamikaze drone. The antennas of the complex are capable of deflecting and returning to their original position, this is convenient when moving equipment in the forest. The weight of the Sania electronic warfare complex is 26 kilograms.



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Units of the Russian National Guard began to use the latest complex for detecting and suppressing UAVs “Byzhigatel”. At the moment, there is no technical information on the Russian Vyzhigatel complex, designed to suppress drones, even the manufacturer is unknown. The complex is reported to be effective.



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Footage of the operation of the new Russian aircraft landing radar system, the RSP-28ME complex, one might say this is a unique and only video of the complex’s operation. The RSP-28ME complex is designed to organize air traffic control of aircraft in the near zone of operational airfields, and control over the aircraft's pre-landing maneuvering and maintaining course lines and glide path on the landing trajectory. The RSP-28ME complex has been supplied to the troops since 2021 and is serviced by three operators. The RSP-28ME Complex includes: a DRL-27SE dispatch radar module, a PRL-27SE or PRL-27SM landing radar module, an automatic direction finder, an RSP-28ME control module and a diesel power plant. The RSP-28ME complex is equipped with operational airfields of the Russian state aviation; it replaced the RSP-10MN complexes



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Russia has developed an automatic defense system against drones, the Stupor complex. The Stupor company, we previously talked about their complexes, announced the creation of a complex designed to effectively protect objects from drone attacks. Due to the ever-increasing threat from drones, the demand for these systems around the world is constantly growing. The complex works automatically without an operator and can transfer data to the operator’s phone; the complex uses elements of artificial intelligence. The Stupor system was developed based on complementary detection systems, such as phased array radar, radio frequency scanner, optical UAV recognition station and counter-drone capabilities. It is worth noting that adding an optical drone recognition station to the complex is a very correct decision, since not all drones can be detected by radars; due to the small EPR of UAVs and especially FPV drones, it is becoming increasingly difficult to detect them. The complex is capable of interrupting the drone control channel, replacing coordinates and intercepting control of drones. The Stupor complex is capable of detecting UAVs at a range of up to 5 kilometers and suppressing drones at a range of up to 2 kilometers; the complex forms a protective field of 360 degrees.



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The Russian electronic warfare system “Peroed”, designed to combat drones, was upgraded to the “Peroed-M” version and put into mass production. Reportedly, the complex has proven itself well in tests at Russian military institutes and in real conditions. Today, this is the most effective complex for detecting and suppressing FPV drones. The group of Moscow companies "SOZ" modified the ultra-sensitive Burdock radars and combined them with portable mobile electronic warfare units; this became the basis of the Peroed-M electronic warfare complex. The complex operates at frequencies from 900 MHz to 5.8 GHz, including non-standard frequencies that are now being used for FPV drones. The complex uses a narrow scanning beam, which reduces the risk of detection. The complex consists, characteristics on the screen, of a phased wearable radar "Repeynik" or an object-based radar "Repeynik-K", an automatic turret "SOZ REB" and an automatic turret "Peroed-M", used to suppress drones. For safety, the radar, electronic warfare units and the operator’s work area are separated from each other by hundreds of meters, which excludes direct detection of operators. The complex is capable of detecting up to 256 drones, depending on their size, at a range of up to 15 km and an altitude of up to 5 km and suppressing them at a distance of up to 2500 meters. Compact dimensions and modular division into two blocks of 15 and 10.5 kg provide the ability to attach to special equipment and ensure the secrecy of movement of combat crews. The complex deploys in 5 minutes and can operate for up to 8 hours, controlled by one person.



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The Tetrahedron electronic warfare system, designed to combat all types of modern kamikaze FPV drones, was tested by Russian military personnel. Testing on the Gadfly FPV drone will be shown. The Tetrahedron electronic warfare complex, unlike many new electronic warfare systems, uses frequencies of 400-500 MHz, at which some drones are now controlled, to suppress drones. In general, the complex operates at frequencies from 400 to 5900 MHz; this is the maximum configuration of the complex, equipped with several electronic warfare domes.
According to the developers, the complex suppresses drone control channels with wide-range interference, and also uses a frequency shift of the interference. The Tetrahedron electronic warfare system, depending on the configuration, has a power from 100 Watts to 450 Watts and suppresses drones at a range of 40 to 500 meters. The weight of the complex is from 10 to 40 kg. Power supply from 12v to 24v. The price of electronic warfare equipment "Tetrahedron" is from 230,000 to 515,000 rubles, or from 2,500 to 5,500 $.



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The first footage of the use of the Russian portable electronic warfare system "Fumigator" developed by the PPSh Laboratory company. Technical information is not provided; the complex is designed to combat drones. The Fumigator electronic warfare system consists of two modules and is designed to be carried by two soldiers. The Fumigator module creates a dome with a diameter of up to 300 meters, protecting the squad from dropping ammunition from drones, the second Fumigator-FPV module is intended for assault groups and neutralizes FPV drones. The complex can operate up to seven hours on one battery



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The electronic warfare tracked drone REBovets Valli was shown in Russia. Russian developers showed the first tracked electronic warfare platform "REBovets Valley", designed to combat FPV drones. The company "PPSh Laboratory" placed the electronic warfare "Fumigator" on a tracked chassis, more details about it in the link to the video in the comments to the video. One might say it turned out to be a huge ground-based electronic warfare drone.
The developer says that several communication channels are used and electronic warfare suppresses everything that is needed. Technical details and what kind of chassis are unknown, but judging by the size of the electronic warfare drone, this installation has many amplifiers and can suppress the frequencies of most FPV drones. The robotic platform "EW Valli" has powerful batteries, which allows it and the electronic warfare equipment to operate for a very long time. Details in the video.


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