An agreement of Space center to be built and used by Turkey in Somalia was approved by the Somalian Parliament.
The project will cost around $6 Billions and seems like Turkey will be looking for a partner. UAE is believed to be the strongest candidate at the moment.
*the Somalian Parliament‘s approval was announced by president Erdoğan.
PROJE YATIRIM BEDELİ 6 MİLYAR DOLAR Türkiye, uzay serüveninde rotasını Afrika'ya çevirdi, Somali topraklarında uzay üssü kurmak için harekete geçti. Proje...
Also, another source claim that the project will include two facilities, one for launching and one for missile development and tests. This i couldn’t verify from other sources, though.
Sinop’s relatively close location to other littoral states within Black Sea basin and various concerns about any kind of longer range missile development was mentioned at the forum before.
When the facility/facilities completed, Turkey will gain equatorial launch capability and can develop way much longer range missile for military and commercial use.