admiral cihat yayci give his opinion about recent event in syria
Has Manbij fallen yet? Because I'm seeing conflicting reportswith the fall of Manbij, it has become weaker than ever
A Russian doesn't go to the toilet, period. I still remember the pictures of them in Ukraine digging holes to shit in RIGHT NEXT to the bathrooms in the buildings they occupied.
Syria as a modern society will not accept Islamic rule.
I hope the HTS leader doesnt plan on such or this wont be over any soon.
Good luck to the Srian people.
I'm not talking about a road. It is a pipeline project that carries Qatari gas to Europe to replace Russian gas. It will be extremely competitive in price with Russian gas.I hope that , also if a train or good quality roads will kill the Israeli project
Evidence?Any evidence that support that ?
He also said: i will protect Lebanon Jordan and Iraq from danger.
I'm sure there are still many people in the lower levels but I really doubt that number. Few thousand, sure.I have a very very very bad information to share that almost made me cry
there are about 150,000 prisoners still trapped in Siydna prison near Damascus, the regime had destroyed all electric looks and disabled the ventilation system
The resistance are fighting time to free them all
150,000 prisoners !!
Dont be worry, we will protect you and bring save home.Russia and Turkey really do share the same bed?