Yes Iam
Turkey, no matter how strong it is rn, cant conduct an operation where the US troops are located and without US approval. Facts are facts and Turkey isnt on par with the US yet to warrant going against each other
Please give me one strong, properly advanced, nation whose military isnt controlled by a civilian administration? An independent army is literally a fertile ground for corruption; just look at Africa as a reference
Pls tell me what guarantee will such a power structure not warrant coups? Havent you learned from FETO or previous coup attempts in the history of the republic? What on earth will you do when a corrupt dictator rules the military and make Turkey a living hell?
The West have been utilising this power structure to attempt coups worldwide against those leaders who dont meet their agendas. Why do you think the West plotted a coup against Erdo in the first place? Its because he went against their narrative and stimulated the defence industry as well as went against the PKK. Just look at Gabar which has been freed from terrorism and the potential oil reserves it has
Let me tell you something mate.....
The army is just one side of the nation. If the army acted independently while the rest of the nation suffers, then what is the use of acting out in the first place
Lets say, hypothetically, that the army is independent and that it acted and destroyed the PKK which will obviously prompt sanctions that may cripple the current Turkey and increase poverty even more than the horrid situation Turkey is in rn.... then what? People will revolt due to bad living conditions and they will put a leader who listens to the West in order to cease sanctions which will prompt a retreat from Syria and the PKK will just grow back
Fq Europe, its era is over!.... Turkey can resist Europe to a degree and its sanctions will damage but not cripple Turkey but not the US.
The US is still the monolithic structure in the Western hegemony. Just look at the events regarding Trump desire to acquire greenland; did Denmark state that they will resist even if it meant using force? Did Denmark announce or even move their military to secure Greenland? NO!! It is because all of Europe knows that if the US wants Greenland, then it will get it whether Europe likes it or not.
Agreed a million percent

However, a president (regardless of whether its Erdo or not) must consider the issue from all of its sides in order to gain the most and reduce the losses since terrorism and people's general economic affairs are both a part of his job description
Honestly, even I am fuming over the fact that TSK can go and finally destroy the PKK yet cant but I also understand how big of a deterrent and a monster the US actually is and I respect Erdo for even managing to play his hands and increase his influence in Syria amidst those conditions. Iam on pins and needles but all what I can say is lets see what will happen within the next month or so
If the US retreats, its over for the PKK and all warring factions in Syria knows that and Turkey has been increasing the number of troops located close to Ayn Al Arab (Kobani) for a while now