Live Conflict Syria Civil War

Scott Summers

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You see, none of our so called allies or the arabs are interested in a problem free ME neighborhood for Türkiye. KSA, UAE etc. are interested in having the PKK in Northern Syria and cause trouble for Türkiye. The West is interested in the same thing.

They hide it all behind words, but at the end of the day Israel can kill 60k+ people and not face any sanctions while we can't clear our immediate neighborhood from terrorists.

We should have conducted the operation full scale while HTS was moving towards Damascus. As I said the cards in our hands will rot away because we were passive. yes passive.

Syria needs money to rebuild and that is the incentive our enemies need to make HTS postpone and slow down any action against the PKK, they will color it in flowery words but at the end of the day if you don't shape the iron while it's hot it'll become brittle.

We screwed this up by giving HTS time to establish itself, and by not making the decision for him and clean up, then Joulani could have asked us to slow down once we liberated 70% of the territory under PKK.

100% agree.

We should conducted the operation during Biden-time when HTS was marching towards Damascus. We would get away with it and would only stop when HTS asked for it, to show that HTS is independant. But till that time we could have 70% freed.

But now, we must rely on plan B: attack when the negotiations fell between HTS and SDF.

But our peace negotiations with PKK and Öcalan are only making a operation more complex. Erdogan is to much on the election thing, more than on the Syrian thing.


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100% agree.

We should conducted the operation during Biden-time when HTS was marching towards Damascus. We would get away with it and would only stop when HTS asked for it, to show that HTS is independant. But till that time we could have 70% freed.

But now, we must rely on plan B: attack when the negotiations fell between HTS and SDF.

But our peace negotiations with PKK and Öcalan are only making a operation more complex. Erdogan is to much on the election thing, more than on the Syrian thing.

Politicians care more about elections or votes than national security.

These politicians will sell their mothers for a vote.

They shamelessly claim defence industry successes as their own. Or the operations.


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This is ridiculous assumption bro.

I am Arab myself and believe me everyone is on Turkey´s side in this SDF case and I mean everyone this is viewed as mutually annoying file that needs to be dealt with but we have to first give them a negotiation opportunity and if it fails we go in.

Turkey´s approval rating has sky rocketed in the arab world as of recent times and is viewed as trustworthy partner in peace.

Look who wants to buy Kaan and other turkish systems and weapons. The political landscape is not the same as in last decade
It is never about the people,its always about the Arab leaders.
Most of your leaders are suck ups and afraid of losing their power,they are afraid of the Turks waking you up to revolt against them.
The GCC countries are the worst.

So,the next time you see Turks talking bad about Arabs you need to know its about the leaders,not the people because the people dont have a say in the Arab world.

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