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Pakistan sending aid with banners of "brotherhood" between the regime and Pakistan.

Unlikely Pakistan would do this without consulting Turkey. Very wierd situation. Is Pakistan playing the mediator role here between Turkey and the regime? @Kaptaan @Waz

No idea about this, I wouldn't be surprised some faction sent this plane without higher ups knowing about it, disorganisation is a hallmark of many Pakistani governments.
No one feels any "brotherhood" for Asad and his cronies.


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Surely making this low key would be better no? U don't see UAE hanging banners of "brotherhood" and "Syrian Arab Republic" even and they are very close with the assad regime. Legitimizing the assad regime is not the way.
Surely you understand what I am saying.

And I'm still of the opinion of balancing the relations between Pakistan and India tho but won't get into details in this thread.

By "balancing" it would be akin to Pakistan recognising Greek Cyprus, establishing ties with Armenia etc. Pakistan will never do that, and has stood by Turkey through thick and thin. You also have no territorial dispute in the Syrian theatre, where as Kashmir has been going on for decades. The two are not comparable.
Let's say you go ahead, you should realise that India has powerful ties with countries directly threatening Turkey itself i.e. France. In any confrontation, escalation, vote at the UN etc they will back France, the big thanks for the "balancing" you underwent.
Many Turks on this forum have already written about their horror at what thousands of nationalist Indians were/are writing about the Azeri/Armenian conflict e.g. kill the Turks, put the Muslims to the sword, love to Armenia etc. The anti-Pakistani narrative had some role to play, but most of it was pure vitriol aimed at the Azeris because they are Muslims. Needless to say many changed their views and understood where we come from.
Anyway my 2 pence.


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Got banned one time at PDF for bringing up what Turkey actually trades with India all things said and done at end of the day w.r.t Pakistan. Hard truth to digest.

Whole bunch of story involving creation of this very forum, because Turks weren't allowed to say A B or C regd certain trolls there....and especially the situation in East Turkestan.

Pakistan "leadership" has a certain psyche... you must cross the t's and dot the i's and stick to the narrow...then you are best buddy dynamic to them....

But when their brave revolutionary PM has to give KL summit a skip (leaving Erdogan and Mahathir in the lurch) after all his big trumpeting promise to attend, then that must simply be "understood"....

Turkey does not have a hard stance on China because it does not have much leverage over China other than condemning it. It's not worth ruining relations with China.

India and Turkey have similar aspirations in a lot areas but only trade relations improved over the years

Turkey balancing between Pakistan and India is very difficult

Turkey and Indian relations going worse would be a mistake


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Turkey does not have a hard stance on China because it does not have much leverage over China other than condemning it. It's not worth ruining relations with China.

India and Turkey have similar aspirations in a lot areas but only trade relations improved over the years

Turkey balancing between Pakistan and India is very difficult

Turkey and Indian relations going worse would be a mistake

We develop other relations (eg economic, cultural) right now, its best way....while we put the political one aside for now (those can improve say when we have fresh set of leaders down the road and political situations likely have changed etc).


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Hard landing of US (Black)hawk in Syria


A US H-60 made a very hard landing in northeastern Syria on 18 January 2021, as a spokesperson for Operation Inherent Resolve said.

The H-60 conducted the hard landing just before noon while it was performing on a flight in support of local OIR operations. The incident was not the result of hostile activity. The H-60 is badly damaged and must be airlifted out of the region, which is most probably the Al-Hasakah governorate.

All occupants of the helicopter ramain safe and no injuries were reported. The initial cause of the incident is determined to be mechanical failure.

The US is still operating in the eastern part of Syria, east of the Euphrate river, and near al Tanf in southeastern Syria, close to the three-country region of Iraq, Syria and Jordan.

The US is operating with US Army UH-60A/L/M and HH-60M Black Hawks and US Air Force HH-60G Pave Hawks in the tumultuous region.



İsraeli fighters flying over Damascus.

Fighters through Lebanese airspace attacking and bombing Syrian territory . Syrian SAMs are working against Delilah cruise missiles


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So called brother state Pakistan attends a meeting organised by the butcher in Damascus, where he bashes in a propaganda speech Turkey, for saving 4 million refugees.

Its really closer to 10 million from Syria alone, because if Turkey doesnt hold onto and defend the regions she controls like idlib, the millions living their would flee directly into Turkey.

Ultimately this syrian fiasco has to be placed at the feet of erdogan. He's the one that dragged Turkey into this mess thinking the US would support him and thinking Russia wouldnt intervene.


❗️Syrian air defenses repel Israeli missile attack from Lebanese airspace.

Israel is firing rockets at the provinces of Damascus, Homs and Hama in Syria, according to the Syrian state agency SANA.

There were also unconfirmed reports of explosions in Latakia and Tartus, where the naval and air bases of the Russian expeditionary forces are located, on the Mediterranean coast, as well as in Quneitra in the Golan Heights.

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