News Terrorist attack against the Crocus City Hall in Moscow


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False flag operation is being conducted in Moscow by FSB. Why? Because Putin urges mobilization of nation and needs more soldiers......

Just two weeks ago and "concert'

MOSCOW, March 8 (Reuters) - The U.S. embassy in Russia warned that "extremists" had imminent plans for an attack in Moscow, hours after Russian security services said they had foiled a planned shooting at a synagogue by a cell from the Afghan arm of Islamic State.
The embassy, which has repeatedly urged all U.S. citizens to leave Russia immediately, gave no further details about the nature of the threat, but said people should avoid concerts and crowds
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This is russian "democracy" in practice.
Show with voting on sunday
False flag operation for domesctic people on friday
Mobilization next week.
They are so predictible :)


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This is russian "democracy" in practice.
Show with voting on sunday
False flag operation for domesctic people on friday
Mobilization next week.
They are so predictible :)
This was expected for the last 2 months. FSB did about 4 operations against known jihadis across the country, US State Dept warning came after those.

mehmed beg

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In the last 10 or 15 years how many times, we saw in Turkey or other, let's say places of interest to USA, a warning then the act.
Oh yes , they always know that it will happen but phew really bad luck, they never prevent it.
What to expect of the countries where the ex vice president signed a missile to bomb the children.
Oh conspiracy theories?
Why not ? What's there to trust , the onus is on those degenerated not on me? Isn't so?


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False flag operation is being conducted in Moscow by FSB. Why? Because Putin urges mobilization of nation and needs more soldiers......

Just two weeks ago and "concert'

MOSCOW, March 8 (Reuters) - The U.S. embassy in Russia warned that "extremists" had imminent plans for an attack in Moscow, hours after Russian security services said they had foiled a planned shooting at a synagogue by a cell from the Afghan arm of Islamic State.
The embassy, which has repeatedly urged all U.S. citizens to leave Russia immediately, gave no further details about the nature of the threat, but said people should avoid concerts and crowds

I don't think it's a false flag, there have been a lot of isis arrests internationally. Remember the one with russian citizenship working at Akuyyu nuclear power plant ?

Also the US generally shares those warnings and intelligence in advance publicly, it is arrogant of the russian government not to take precautions after the Americans told them.
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The death toll in the Russian concert mass shooting has reached 70, with dozens more critically injured at hospitals. The attackers used automatic weapons and flame throwers.

Terrorist attacks are awful, regardless who they are perpetrated against. That said, I'm fighting the good fight not to feel at least a little bit of vindication / justice towards Russia after yesterday's massive bombing campaign against Ukrainian cities.

It feels like a little bit of karmic justice. Unfortunately, it was directed towards the citizens. On the other hand, polling suggests that a great majority of those citizens support what Putin is doing in Ukraine... So 😬


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if you sow the wind you get a storm

ISIS did this btw, not Ukraine.

And the problem with this is that it seldomly can be repeated, you know what can be repeated? Bombing Kyiv with Iskanders and Kalibrs


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Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The fact that people in this forum truly believes that ISIS attacked Russia out of nowhere is hilarious..... it is quite clear that judging by the recent events and timing that ISIS attack was quite deliberately done in order to raise anti-muslim sentiment in Russia just days after Russia and China vetoed the US-Israeli plan for the flimsy ceasefire plan in favour of Israel

It is quite clear that certain actors are benefitting a lot from these recent events


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Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The fact that people in this forum truly believes that ISIS attacked Russia out of nowhere is hilarious..... it is quite clear that judging by the recent events and timing that ISIS attack was quite deliberately done in order to raise anti-muslim sentiment in Russia just days after Russia and China vetoed the US-Israeli plan for the flimsy ceasefire plan in favour of Israel

It is quite clear that certain actors are benefitting a lot from these recent events
I am sorry, but this is wrong. For a month FSB is playing cat and mouse with IS-K. In the last month attacks by IS-K were prevented in Sweden and Belgium. More than 80 suspects were arrested in Turkiye. The second group was in preparation for attacks before the local elections. In Turkiye weapons, organization documents, money and prohibited literature was found. Not to mention the attacks in Iran and Turkiye not long ago.

6 members that were most probably members of the same cell that carried out the major attack in Moscow, based in Karabulak, Ingushetia were killed by FSB on 2nd of March. On March 12th their hideout was found in Sunzhenskiy Rayon, Ingushetia. On 7th of March two Kazakh citizens were killed in FSB operation in Kaluga while in preparation for attack against a synagogue in Moscow. The home of a terrorist who took part in ISIS attack on a traffic control point in Chechnya in 2023 was searched on March 18th and a ready to use IED was found. Next to these operations there were multiple more operations against IS-K where terrorists were arrested in Russia. Two days ago IS-K attacked in Kandahar resulting in 43 dead.

All this is in result of an accumulation of power and it doesn't have to do nothing with China, the US, the UK or the Jews. The situation in Afghanistan is terrible, they managed to expand their activities everywhere and even managed to reach the Maldives. The targets of biggest priority out of Afghanistan for IS-K are Russia and Turkiye and this is no shock for anyone who follows their activities. IS-K intensifying their operations all around the region and the Russian services are overstretched and tired by the war in Ukraine. In the end this is what happens and they will not stop with this. You can expect something similar in another country soon, maybe in a couple of months or even sooner. IS-K is very difficult to tackle as it pulls resources from everywhere around the world. IS-K is in the center of global terrorism.

I mean, bro, no offense, but you have no right to ridicule people here who are following the developments close enough, by pulling out conspiracies out of your butt based on nothing, but "trust me bro". I respect your opinion and you are free to express it, but better keep the ridiculing comments out of the discussion. Let's try to be more respectful next time.


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I am sorry, but this is wrong. For a month FSB is playing cat and mouse with IS-K. In the last month attacks by IS-K were prevented in Sweden and Belgium. More than 80 suspects were arrested in Turkiye. The second group was in preparation for attacks before the local elections. In Turkiye weapons, organization documents, money and prohibited literature was found. Not to mention the attacks in Iran and Turkiye not long ago.

6 members that were most probably members of the same cell that carried out the major attack in Moscow, based in Karabulak, Ingushetia were killed by FSB on 2nd of March. On March 12th their hideout was found in Sunzhenskiy Rayon, Ingushetia. On 7th of March two Kazakh citizens were killed in FSB operation in Kaluga while in preparation for attack against a synagogue in Moscow. The home of a terrorist who took part in ISIS attack on a traffic control point in Chechnya in 2023 was searched on March 18th and a ready to use IED was found. Next to these operations there were multiple more operations against IS-K where terrorists were arrested in Russia. Two days ago IS-K attacked in Kandahar resulting in 43 dead.

All this is in result of an accumulation of power and it doesn't have to do nothing with China, the US, the UK or the Jews. The situation in Afghanistan is terrible, they managed to expand their activities everywhere and even managed to reach the Maldives. The targets of biggest priority out of Afghanistan for IS-K are Russia and Turkiye and this is no shock for anyone who follows their activities. IS-K intensifying their operations all around the region and the Russian services are overstretched and tired by the war in Ukraine. In the end this is what happens and they will not stop with this. You can expect something similar in another country soon, maybe in a couple of months or even sooner. IS-K is very difficult to tackle as it pulls resources from everywhere around the world. IS-K is in the center of global terrorism.

I mean, bro, no offense, but you have no right to ridicule people here who are following the developments close enough, by pulling out conspiracies out of your butt based on nothing, but "trust me bro". I respect your opinion and you are free to express it, but better keep the ridiculing comments out of the discussion. Let's try to be more respectful next time.
The events you have mentioned during the past month just further proves my point

Why on earth did their activity increase on Russian soil in the recent days? The Russian-Ukraine war has been ongoing for more than a year and yet they chose to attack Russia within the recent timeframe? It is just inconceivable tbh

ISIS attacks on Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and now Russia within the last few months that suddenly coincide with the Israeli-Palestine war and somehow all the nations aforementioned are some of the most prominent critics regarding the US and Israel..... it is such a shitty joke that ISIS will attack Russia's capital while leaving Europe, Israel, and the middle east but oh wait.... I do remember those f**ers apologising to the IDF when they hit the Israeli forces on the Golan heights long ago

It is kinda funny that ISIS with their claims of establishing a caliphate ignores Palestinian suffering, dont carry out terror attacks in KSA, UAE, or Egypt as a punishment for ignoring their fellow brethen or even EUROPE for arming Israel but lets attack Russia instead because who cares mate

Moreover, how on earth can some1 explain how the US embassy knew about ISIS movements and even predicted the timeframe for when it happens? Whenever something happens in Russia, Iran, or Turkey etc... you see the US warning as if they KNOW that they will attack in that particular period. Unless you are a psychic or some1 who can see the future, No matter how amazing the CIA is, getting all of these events right just on pure intuition and hard work in near impossible unless you are the one who is arming them and giving them directives.... PERIOD!

And these are Putin's words👇

Moreover, not long ago, top Likud Party official threatened Russia that it will pay the price for supporting Palestine

But ofcourse at the end of the day, I just have to believe that ISIS out of nowhere decided that its time to perform terror attacks on Russia during the past month just for.... you know, their caliphate or whatever they are fighting for.....

And ofcourse, lets not mention that it occurs just after Putin won with his hilarious 80+% and when the public discontent directed at him is quite high

The only thing this attack has achieved is raising the anti-muslim sentiment in the region which is something that Putin doesnt want to happen rn and only empowers Israel's cause and destabilising Russia which is what US gains as a bonus

Edit: Identity of 4 of the 6 terrorists involved in thr Attack were identified.... Now, guess from where they are? Tajikistan which is rumored to be heavily infiltrated by the CIA..... again coincidence?
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The events you have mentioned during the past month just further proves my point

Why on earth did their activity increase on Russian soil in the recent days? The Russian-Ukraine war has been ongoing for more than a year and yet they chose to attack Russia within the recent timeframe? It is just inconceivable tbh

ISIS attacks on Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and now Russia within the last few months that suddenly coincide with the Israeli-Palestine war and somehow all the nations aforementioned are some of the most prominent critics regarding the US and Israel..... it is such a shitty joke that ISIS will attack Russia's capital while leaving Europe, Israel, and the middle east but oh wait.... I do remember those f**ers apologising to the IDF when they hit the Israeli forces on the Golan heights long ago

Moreover, how on earth can some1 explain how the US embassy knew about ISIS movements and even predicted the timeframe for when it happens? Whenever something happens in Russia, Iran, or Turkey etc... you see the US warning as if they KNOW that they will attack in that particular period. Unless you are a psychic or some1 who can see the future, No matter how amazing the CIA is, getting all of these events right just on pure intuition and hard work in near impossible unless you are the one who is arming them and giving them directives.... PERIOD!

And these are Putin's words👇

Moreover, not long ago, top Likud Party official threatened Russia that it will pay the price for supporting Palestine

But ofcourse at the end of the day, I just have to believe that ISIS out of nowhere decided that its time to perform terror attacks on Russia during the past month just for.... you know, their caliphate or whatever they are fighting for.....

And ofcourse, lets not mention that it occurs just after Putin won with his hilarious 80+% and when the public discontent directed at him is quite high

The only thing this attack has achieved is raising the anti-muslim sentiment in the region which is something that Putin doesnt want to happen rn
Tell me you don't follow IS-K, ISWAP without telling me.

Look, bro I really don't have time for this. I pointed out only activities from this year and I can start from 2022, explain deeper how and why this is happening, but I really don't feel the need because I know that whatever I put in front of you, you have your own logic, no proof at all, but still I don't have a problem with that.

Some will state that CIA did it as you, some already point that it is a Russian false flag, you guys can think whatever suits you and make you feel better.

Without further derailing the thread, as many smart men like to say "lets agree to disagree".


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ISIS do attacks EVERYONE in town. NO, there's no evidence that ISIS attack in Russia (or anywhere else) is directed in any way by by external power


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This is absolutely normal for Neodespotism countries.
- One dictator,
- Only he win
- Only he order
- Only his words are matter
- Only his words are saying "the True" to his people
- He stay on POWER until people living in this territory Revolt and win the revolution

Until there is no revolution people living there have only one thing to do. Obey what dictator say to you as slave

Like Al Bundy would have said: It's only cheating if you get caught.


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Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The fact that people in this forum truly believes that ISIS attacked Russia out of nowhere is hilarious..... it is quite clear that judging by the recent events and timing that ISIS attack was quite deliberately done in order to raise anti-muslim sentiment in Russia just days after Russia and China vetoed the US-Israeli plan for the flimsy ceasefire plan in favour of Israel

It is quite clear that certain actors are benefitting a lot from these recent events
"deliberately done in order to raise anti-muslim sentiment in Russia"🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Do you know how many Muslims live in RF ? Raising Anti-Muslim sentiment for 50 million Russian Muslim population sounds very smart. So 30% of population is going to push Putin stop supporting Palestine thanks the this terror attack. And Putin will listen the public force. OMG .

Putin just needs mass mobilization but nothing. For forcing Russians to go the war, he needs stronger reasons.

By now white collar Russians have supported the war verbally, now all Russian men have to take action against terrorists for national security..
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Isis K and Isis in Africa are growing and becoming stronger. Another thing people have been ignoring because conflicts like these are largely overlooked.

The Middle Eastern base which is Iraq and Syria has largely died off.

I do believe Iraq and Syria is no longer centre of the Islamic state.

Do they operate the same? Maybe not all they ever do is pledge allegiance to some guy in Iraq and Syria then operate by themselves.

Cabo Delgado in Mozambique is another example. Mozambiquans did not call them Isis but called them Al Shabab which is interesting.


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Moscow attacker questioning:
Full transcript.

He claims that he arrived from Turkey on March 4.
- What did you do at Crocus?
- Shot them.
- Whom? By whose instructions?
- Of people.
- For what?
- For money.
- For how much money?
- About half a million.
- Half a million of what?
- Half a million rubles.
- From whom did you receive it?
- I haven’t received it yet, I received half of it.
- Where did you receive it?
- According to the map.
- Did you transfer it to the card? Where's the map?
- They threw away all their cards, all their clothes, they didn’t have time, there was a signal.
-Where did you get the weapons?
- They got the weapons themselves.
- Who are they?
- I don’t know, they wrote by telegram, without a name, without a surname, without anything.
- Did you look for them yourself or did they find you?
- They wrote to me.
- Why did they write to you? They just told you to kill people?
- I studied on telegram, listened to the preacher there. His assistant wrote to me.
- When did he write to you?
- About a month ago. Just said hello first. Then he offered me money, I agreed.
- What did you offer?
- He offered to do such things for money. Such murders. They gave up the place.
- Did they say specifically who to kill?
- Of people.
- Which ones?
- Doesn't matter.
- Come in and kill?
- Yes


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Moscow attacker questioning:
Full transcript.

He claims that he arrived from Turkey on March 4.
- What did you do at Crocus?
- Shot them.
- Whom? By whose instructions?
- Of people.
- For what?
- For money.
- For how much money?
- About half a million.
- Half a million of what?
- Half a million rubles.
- From whom did you receive it?
- I haven’t received it yet, I received half of it.
- Where did you receive it?
- According to the map.
- Did you transfer it to the card? Where's the map?
- They threw away all their cards, all their clothes, they didn’t have time, there was a signal.
-Where did you get the weapons?
- They got the weapons themselves.
- Who are they?
- I don’t know, they wrote by telegram, without a name, without a surname, without anything.
- Did you look for them yourself or did they find you?
- They wrote to me.
- Why did they write to you? They just told you to kill people?
- I studied on telegram, listened to the preacher there. His assistant wrote to me.
- When did he write to you?
- About a month ago. Just said hello first. Then he offered me money, I agreed.
- What did you offer?
- He offered to do such things for money. Such murders. They gave up the place.
- Did they say specifically who to kill?
- Of people.
- Which ones?
- Doesn't matter.
- Come in and kill?
- Yes

Scary stuff. Really dangerous. For only ~5000 euros


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Scary stuff. Really dangerous. For only ~5000 euros

Conquistadores said we are here to do God work but also to get rich.

Dont just think religious zeal can motivate a man but money too.


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Is it possible to be this dumb: for a few thousand dollars offered to you by some anonymous guy on Telegram to kill people. :D
Please remember we are speaking about a Tadjik.

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