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Thales is a global technology leader with more than 81,000 employees on five continents. The Group is investing in digital and “deep tech” innovations – Big Data, artificial intelligence, connectivity, cybersecurity and quantum technology – to build a future we can all trust. Trust is essential for societies to flourish, with humans playing a central role in every critical decision.
Thales's high-tech solutions, services and products help companies, organisations and governments to achieve their goals and ambitions. And in each of our five vertical markets — digital identity and security, defence and security, aerospace, space, and transport — our customers play a vital role in society.



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Thales prepares to secure European infrastructures against attacks from future quantum computers​

As a driving force in the second quantum revolution, Thales has joined forces with around twenty deep tech, academic and industry partners, as part of the EuroQCI initiative (European Quantum Communication Infrastructure), which aims to deploy a quantum communication infrastructure for EU member states within three years.


©Carlos Castilla
By 2040, quantum computers could use their unprecedented computational power to decode encrypted data, incomparably threatening the security of even the best-protected communication systems. EuroQCI aims to counter that threat by developing sovereign systems to protect the communications and data assets of critical infrastructure providers and government institutions.

The longer-term objective is to create a Quantum Information Network (QIN) that will harness the phenomenon of quantum entanglement not only to guarantee communications security but also to create networks of quantum sensors and processors, which have the potential to drive exponential increases in the already outstanding performance of quantum sensors and quantum computers.

As part of this effort, Thales is breaking new ground as a member of multiple new consortia that have been set up since late 2022 in the following fields:

  • Quantum repeaters, with the Delft University: QIA (Quantum Internet Alliance) – led by the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands – is working to demonstrate the feasibility of connecting users in two metropolitan areas 500 km apart, using quantum repeaters, which can compensate for the loss of information via a quantum memory;
  • Quantum key distribution: QKISS – coordinated by Exail – and QUARTER – led by LuxQuanta – are developing Quantum Key Distribution systems to protect users' critical communications from cyberattacks.
  • Certification of quantum communication: PETRUS – led by Deutsche Telekom – is the official coordinator of 32 EuroQCI projects, on behalf of the European Commission. It is also developing a framework for certification and accreditation of quantum communication products and networks.
  • Satellite quantum communications: TeQuantS – led by Thales Alenia Space – aims to develop quantum space-to-Earth communications technologies, necessary for cybersecurity applications and future quantum information networks, through the construction of satellites and optical ground stations by the end of 2026.
Specifically, the Thales teams taking part in these projects are working to develop quantum key
generation, distribution and management equipment and the associated communication encryption devices, as well as defining the architecture of these quantum communication infrastructures.

Thales operates the largest quantum physics research facilities in Europe, in partnership with the CNRS, and some 100 engineers and researchers are currently engaged in the development of the quantum solutions (sensors, communications and algorithms) that will play a foundational role in tomorrow's world. These new consortia will all benefit from Thales's multi-disciplinary expertise, in particular in the field of secure communication networks.



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  • PT Len Industri has ordered 13 Ground Master 400 Alpha long-range air surveillance radars with the associated SkyView Command and Control system to strengthen Indonesian airspace sovereignty, creating a bubble of airspace protection.

  • The airspace protection system installed across the Indonesian archipelago will enable Indonesia’s armed forces to benefit from a single air picture integrating the detection of all types of threats, from jets and missiles to hovering helicopters and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), contributing to early detection of threats.

  • The transfer of production of certain components will enhance PT Len’s radar expertise and knowledge, as well as position PT Len as the radar centre of excellence for Indonesia.

  • Today, GM 400 Alpha is one of the world’s best-selling combat proven long-range air surveillance radars, contributing to airspace protection worldwide with more than 80 radars from the GM400 family sold to 19 nations. This selection confirms the success of GM radars in South East Asia.
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Today 19 June 2023, at Paris Air Show 2023, Thales and PT LEN officials celebrate a new milestone towards Indonesia’s airspace protection capabilities with the future delivery of 13 Ground Master 400 Alpha long-range air surveillance radars and the associated Command and Control system (SkyView).

The resurgence in geostrategic confrontations has significantly increased demand for airspace protection. In addition to aircraft and missiles, UAVs now also constitute a threat to airspace sovereignty. Thales air surveillance solutions selected by PT Len will strengthen Indonesia’s Airspace sovereignty and protection.

Renowned for the performance of detecting threats at long range and low altitude, the GM400 Alpha provides superior situational awareness for early detection helping armed forces enhance airspace sovereignty. The digital architecture of the radar ensures that it remains resilient to new threats, cyber-attacks and electronic warfare tactics.

SkyView, a complete command and control (C2) system, covers large geographical areas and ensures the full integration of Indonesian Air Operation Centres at local, regional and national levels. Skyview provides an integrated accurate 360° air surveillance picture through the easy-to-deploy and combat-proven Ground Master (GM) 400 Alpha tactical radars. As soon as the air threat is detected and identified, the relevant effectors can be selected and activated.

This contract will span the next few years with Thales building the radars and Command and Control solution and PT Len constructing the radar stations, providing the installation and integration of the systems including managing civil works for the programme, supported by Thales. PT Len will manufacture certain components of the radars locally, building local indigenous capabilities, contributing towards Indonesia’s strengthening of local defence industry.

This milestone further cements the strategic collaboration between PT Len and Thales, who announced in November 2022 the creation of a joint-venture (JV) that will start with local Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) activities for radars in service with the Indonesian Air Force, projected to begin operations in early 2024. Additional cooperation topics will be explored including radars, Command & Control systems, military satellites, and Combat Management Systems.

“Thales is proud to contribute to safeguarding and enhancing the sovereignty of Indonesian airspace. Our commitment to Indonesia goes beyond just providing equipment. We are excited to deepen our strategic partnership with PT Len to define a roadmap for Indonesia’s defence modernisation, including the development of an Air national C2 centre as well as local radar MRO activities.” Christophe Salomon, Executive Vice President, Land and Air Systems, Thales.

“Our working relationship with Thales, which dates back several decades, gives us the confidence that Thales is the right partner to help us drive Defend ID forward. This radar contract is a further testament to our strong partnership and aligned vision to build expertise locally. Through this project, PT Len will be building the next generation of defence engineers in Indonesia.” Bobby RASYIDIN, President Director, PT Len Industri.



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Cape Canaveral, Florida, June 19, 2023 — The SATRIA communications satellite was successfully launched atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 vehicle from Cape Canaveral in Florida.

SATRIA (SAteliT Republik IndonesiA) is a satellite designed to bridge the digital divide in Indonesia. Offering throughput of 150 Gbps, it will deliver high-speed Internet to the thousands of islands in the Indonesian archipelago, providing connectivity across thousands of zones for schools, hospitals, and public buildings, as well as regional government facilities not already connected by existing terrestrial or satellite systems.


Thales Alenia Space, the joint venture between Thales (67%) and Leonardo (33%), was chosen to build the satellite by the Satelit Nusantara Tiga (SNT) consortium on behalf of the Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Kominfo). This very-high-throughput satellite (VHTS) is based on Thales Alenia Space’s all-electric Spacebus NEO platform and features a fifth-generation digital processor. The company also supplied two satellite control centers — main and backup — and the mission ground segment for the all-digital payload. In addition, Thales Alenia Space has set up a complete training program for SNT engineers, some of whom have joined the project team at the company’s facilities in Cannes and Toulouse for the duration of the program.


SATRIA will be the first VHTS communications satellite in Indonesia, and also the most powerful in the South-East Asia region. With a launch mass of 4,6 tons, it will operate in Ka band and be positioned in orbit at 146° E for a design life of 15 years.

“I am delighted to see SATRIA successfully launched. This mission will deploy very-high-throughput Internet across Indonesia and help to develop the nation’s digital infrastructures,” said Marc-Henri Serre, Thales Alenia Space Executive Vice President, Telecommunications. “After the construction of the Palapa-D and Telkom-3S satellites, the Telkom 3 payload, and the future Telkom 113 satellite, SATRIA confirms our successful partnership with Indonesian operators.”

The project consortium created the company Satelit Nusantara Tiga (SNT), in charge of project execution. Consortium members are PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN), PT Pintar Nusantara Sejahtera (Pintar), PT Nusantara Satelit Sejahtera and PT Dian Semesta Sentosa (a subsidiary of PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk). PSN and Pintar hold majority shares in SNT and will maintain a majority stake in the operating company throughout the project.



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  • Thales has been awarded a contract by the French defence procurement agency (DGA) to develop a new sonar suite for France’s third-generation nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SNLE 3G) and the programme to modernise its second-generation submarines (SNLE 2G).

  • This new-generation sonar suite will feature a range of disruptive technologies, with large arrays housing a multitude of high-performance sensors supported by powerful Big Data algorithms. The new sonar suite will provide a comprehensive picture of the underwater acoustic environment to thwart increasingly silent threats for decades to come.

  • Thales is a world leader in the underwater systems market, equipping more than 50 submarines of various types — SSBNs, SSNs and conventionally powered attack submarines — in service today.


The French Ministry of the Armed Forces has once again placed its trust in Thales to maintain the French Navy’s operational superiority in underwater detection capabilities. The sonar suite developed by Thales will detect, locate and classify all types of threats at short, medium and long range and provide an unprecedented level of underwater situational awareness.

As naval forces contend with a growing array of threats and challenges, submarines remain one of their most strategically important assets. The four SSBNs in the French Navy’s Strategic Oceanic Force (Force Océanique Stratégique, FOST) are deployed to provide a permanent nuclear deterrent.

The DGA contract covers the design and development of the sonar suite for the third-generation SSBNs and the detailed design and deployment of the sonar suite for the second-generation vessels.

A set of disruptive technologies developed by Thales will ensure the acoustic superiority of France’s submarines in the years ahead. New large-format arrays housing multiple sensors will provide unparalleled levels of precision in their threat detection capabilities.

The new sensors will generate significantly larger volumes of data than earlier systems. The ALICIA data processing system (Analyse, Localisation, Identification, Classification Intégrées et Alertes) will use advanced Big Data algorithms, with intuitive user interfaces to optimise operator workload and provide decision support.

This new contract reflects the DGA’s continuing trust in Thales to support its highly strategic nuclear deterrence-related operations. The latest innovations developed by dedicated Thales engineers for the current and future generations of SSBNs will provide the French Navy with a comprehensive acoustic picture of the underwater environment to counter current and future threats, helping to consolidate its position as one of the world’s leading naval forces. Gwendoline Blandin-Roger, Vice President, Underwater Systems, Thales.



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Rome, Toulouse, July 20, 2023 - Thales Alenia Space, a Joint Venture between Thales (67%) and Leonardo (33%) has signed with the European Space Agency (ESA), acting in the name and on behalf of the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and the European Union represented by the European Commission, more than 300 M€ global amount contracts to design and build with its European consortium the Galileo Second Generation (G2G) Ground Mission Segment and execute System Engineering Activities.

These contracts, in which Leonardo and Telespazio (Joint Venture between Leonardo 67 % and Thales 33 %) are also involved, will provide to ESA the delivery of the Ground Mission Segment infrastructure for the 2nd Generation of Galileo Satellites constellation as well as System Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA).


The G2G first version of the new ground mission system is scheduled to come into operation on time to support the launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) of the first satellite of this second generation and support the in-orbit validation of early G2G capabilities. A total of 12 satellites are expected to be launched in the following years. It includes several world-class technological innovations, flexibility while ensuring a secured and modernized infrastructure.

The second version of the ground mission segment, responsible for the legacy G1G satellites and new G2G satellites missions, is in charge of generating and up-linking the navigation services to the Galileo satellites and is maintaining the satellites’ synchronization to a common time reference, while providing improved state-of-the-art positioning, navigation & timing performances to more than four billion users worldwide.

Hervé Derrey, CEO of Thales Alenia Space declared: “I warmly thank ESA, the European Commission and EUSPA for the trust they put in our company to be onboard this important flagship program for Europe. This success emphasizes the capacity of Thales Alenia Space to develop a new generation of satellite navigation solutions and complex space systems. Galileo 2nd Generation will benefit from the company’s unique know-how in space navigation and experience acquired through delivering space navigation programmes worldwide”.


These contracts follow the ones already signed in 2021 by Thales Alenia Space in Italy, prime contractor for 6 out of 12 satellites of the G2G constellation, and leading a multi-national team from Europe’s Space Community including Thales Alenia Space entities, Thales, Spaceopal, Leonardo and other partners with proven capacity coming from 14 European Countries: Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Czech Republic, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, Romania, Poland, Greece.

In parallel, Thales has been notified of two major contracts for cybersecurity of G2G program to ensure the security of the Galileo system.



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Newcastle, NSW, 21 August 2023 - Thales Australia can reveal that work is underway to develop a masterplan for the company’s Carrington site on the Newcastle foreshore to establish a sovereign Maritime Autonomy and SME Collaboration Precinct to support the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) Mine Countermeasures and Military Survey Capability SEA1905-1 program, should Thales be selected - injecting over $40 million in the local Hunter economy in the first five years, and creating over 100 new jobs.

For over 30 years, the Carrington site has been critical in supporting the RAN’s Huon class MHC vessels and mine warfare capability. With the RAN’s MHCs scheduled for gradual retirement from service in the future, the Carrington site development, supported by Thales Australia’s DISP Level 3 classification, will establish an Australian eyes-only dedicated home for the development and deployment of a sovereign maritime autonomy capability, helping advance and accelerate the RAN’s Mine Countermeasures and Military Survey Capability, SEA1905- 1.


Building on Newcastle Harbour’s distinguished, century-long maritime heritage, the new Maritime Autonomy and SME Collaboration Precinct will realise Thales’s long-term commitment to supporting the RAN’s maritime autonomy ambitions in the Hunter region – with Carrington the ideal location for the capability as it enables rapid access to both shallow and deep water for trial teams.

The Thales development at Carrington will also expand the company’s world-leading technology and autonomous capability footprint, with Maritime Autonomy Centres alreadyoperating in both the UK and U.S – the Carrington development in Australia completing the capability triangle to enable the pooling of technology, expertise and industrial effort between the three countries.

The purpose-built facility will also support collaboration across research institutions, SME partners, and key industrial partners to establish future sovereign technology pathways for the development and integration of autonomous vessels in support of Australia’s nuclear deterrence capability.

Troy Stephen, Vice President, Underwater Systems, Thales Australia and New Zealand said,

“Newcastle, and the Hunter region, have been a stalwart of the RAN’s mine countermeasure capability from the time of construction of the first Huon class MHC vessels by ADI in the nineties, through to today, with MHC maintenance and support continued to be carried out at Carrington.

As Newcastle has evolved into a modern metropolis, the RAN’s Mine Countermeasures and Military Survey Capability will also undergo rapid advancement and a significant technological step-change into autonomy under SEA1905-1. Carrington, the home of the MHC, is the ideal location to develop and deliver the next generation of sovereign mine warfare capability for the RAN, providing the ideal test and evaluation environment whilst generating significant investment in local SMEs and jobs in the region.”



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  • Awarded to Thales by Naval Group, the seven-year contract to provide through-life support for the French Navy's multi-mission frigates (FREMM) has come into effect.

  • The contract will secure the long-term operational availability of the Thales equipment on board the FREMM frigates to guarantee that the French Navy can conduct its missions in a timely fashion.

  • An integrated team of experts from Naval Group and Thales has been formed to speed up the diagnosis and resolution of technical subjects and sustain the operational capabilities of the FREMM frigates over the long term.


The FREMM through-life support contract, which came into effect in January 2023, is one of the largest support contracts awarded to Thales by Naval Group since the creation of the French Navy's Fleet Support Service (SSF). It will guarantee the at-sea availability of the Navy's eight multi-mission frigates based in Brest and Toulon. Thales will draw on its industrial resources and product expertise to support the warships, ensure the day-to-day availability of their on-board systems and sustain their operational capabilities over the long term.

The FREMM programme was launched in 2005 and is one of the major components of France's anti-submarine warfare capability. Equipped with Thales sonars, radars, optronics and communication systems, the frigates are widely acclaimed for their operational range, endurance and high performance: the ships and their crews have been endorsed by the US Navy for their anti-submarine warfare capabilities, winning prestigious Hook’em Awards in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

The intensive deployment of warships and their systems puts added pressure on every component of a naval force. The operational availability of France's multi-mission frigates is a key factor in maintaining the country's naval capabilities and ensuring the freedom of action of the French armed forces.

To optimise the use of the French Navy's resources over the long term, Naval Group and Thales are setting up an integrated centre of expertise drawing on the specialised know-how and capabilities of both companies. To troubleshoot and resolve technical subjects quickly and efficiently, the centre's dedicated multi-disciplinary team will constantly monitor the technical performance of the Thales equipment and provide a rapid response capability at all times. Thales will ensure proactive component obsolescence management to further enhance the agility of the FREMM technical support teams, analysing system status on a regular basis to identify potential supply chain issues and speed problem resolution by experts from Naval Group and Thales.

"Thales is proud to have this opportunity to build on more than 50 years of experience in the supply of high-tech naval equipment, systems and services by working alongside Naval Group to ensure the operational availability of the French Navy's FREMM frigates. This contract is a further illustration of the trust placed by the French Navy and Naval Group in Thales's ability to provide locally based, long-term support for the strategic equipment underpinning French naval power." Philippe Duhamel, EVP Defence Mission Systems, Thales



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  • The Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) fleet of Minor Warships and Auxiliary Vessels (MWAV) includes about 100 vessels from 24 different classes, including the Kingston-class Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels, Orca-class training vessels, tugs, dive tenders, research vessels, range vessels, and auxiliary support vessels.

  • The Group will leverage its most recent experience supporting the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships, and its vast network of Canadian partners and suppliers.

  • This $450 million CAD (approximately 305m€) contract will advance Thales’ role as a vital partner to Canada under the National Shipbuilding Strategy, building on almost 60 years of Canadian in-service support (ISS).

Thales today announces that the Government of Canada – as set out by Canadian Prime Minister, The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau during the NATO Summit in Latvia – has awarded to Thales Canada and Thales Australia in joint venture an ISS contract for MWAV.

This contract will ensure the fleet remains operationally fit and includes the flexibility to increase or reduce the number of vessels serviced in response to the RCN’s ever changing operational needs, including Operation REASSURANCE, Canada’s largest overseas mission to NATO assurance and deterrence in Central and Eastern Europe. It includes an initial service period of five years for up to $450 million CAD (approx. €305 million) with additional one-year options to extend services for up to nineteen years in total.

Thales also provides ISS to Canada’s Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships (AOPS) and Joint Support Ships (JSS), known as AJISS. Thales thus becomes the leading ISS provider to the RCN, entrusted to ensure mission-readiness and availability of 26 classes and more than 100 vessels.

Thales is committed to Canada and to empowering Canadian industry to support naval ISS for decades to come. This contract relies on Thales’ strong expertise in digital technologies, such as AI, big data, connectivity and cybersecurity, to update and optimize the fleet. Together with AJISS, the addition of MWAV to the Thales portfolio will enable skills development and the creation of thousands of jobs across hundreds of Canadian suppliers of all sizes.

To build a sustainable domestic ISS sector that drives continuous capability, Thales is collaborating with Indigenous businesses and communities like the Malahat Nation, start-ups, academia, Canada’s innovation superclusters and small and medium-sized businesses through programs like AI@Centech, SYNERGY, Naval Technology Innovation Challenges, and its new National Digital Excellence Centre.

“Thales is committed to serving those who serve, and to playing a vital role in fulfilling the promise of the National Shipbuilding Strategy. We are driven to leverage the know-how we have brought to Canada from Australia, and the experience we’ve developed under AJISS. We embrace the potential for even more collaboration across Canada’s diverse and talent-rich innovation ecosystems to create capability, transform naval in-service support and deliver both value and excellence to the RCN,” Chris Pogue, CEO Thales Canada



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Thales, one of the global leaders in the defence industry, participated in the 31th edition of the International Defence Industry Exhibition (MSPO), held September 5-8 in Kielce. Thales participated in the fair presenting several military systems utilized by the world’s major powers. At its booth, the company provided visitors with models and multimedia visualizations of advanced technological solutions, including the ones which chosen by the Polish Armed Forces included in the Miecznik Frigates.

The MSPO exhibition is one of the most important defence industry events on the European map and the third largest defence exhibition after Paris and London. Several hundred defence companies were visited by more than 10,000 visitors over four days, and the Thales stand also by several international delegations and experts from Poland, the UK, France and the Netherlands.

The Thales pavilion showcased an impressive product portfolio - equipment and technologies used by the world's major Defence Forces. Thales Showcased its Anti-Submarine Warfare and Mine Warfare solutions showing the interoperability with other NATO Navies. Similarly exciting were the STARStreak and LMM portable missile systems, which the company has donated in support of Ukraine's air defence a year ago. The STARStreak is the fastest short-range surface-to-air missile, reaching speeds of Mach 4 (> 3,000 mph) and is one of the most advanced weapons which, when fired, releases three laser-guided submunitions that create additional opportunities to strike the target. In turn, Britain's Lightweight Multi-role Missile (LMM) weighs just 13 kilograms and achieves a range of up to 8 kilometers, and thanks to its multi-functionality supports military units in defending against air, ground and water attacks.

-"Thales was down-selected in 2022 to equip the future frigates of the Polish Navy with the integrated combat system TACTICOS and a comprehensive sensor suite. By working with the PGZ-MIECZNIK Consortium and other Polish industry, Thales contributes to strengthen Poland’s local defence industry. It is an honor for us that sharing our experience and know-how we can participate in structuring the defence ecosystem within the North Atlantic Alliance." - said Marcin Czepinski, Director of Thales' Defence Division in Poland.

Many years of experience and successful realization of contracts worldwide contributed to the choice of Thales as a supplier of technology for the new ships of the Polish Armed Forces and equipping them with the TACTICOS integrated combat management system. This is a strategic program for Poland that will significantly strengthen and improve the country's defence industry, securing it on the world stage.

- "Our main focus in Poland is to build long-term strategic partnerships with both local companies and the Polish government. We are now fully engaged in the Miecznik program, working side by side with all Consortium partners to develop best possible military solutions for Poland. We are glad that this year’s MSPO brought so valuable meetings with our partners and customers.” - emphasized Magdalena Nizik, CEO of Thales Poland.



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  • Thales, a leading global technology company, and Schiebel, a renowned Rotary Wing Uncrewed Air System (RWUAS) manufacturer, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to build on their joint success in the UK with a global marketing approach.

  • Where appropriate, and on a case by case basis, the Schiebel CAMCOPTER® S-100 and S-300 systems will be combined with Thales’ innovative products, to bring an unrivalled solution to the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) global market.

  • This partnership marks a significant step towards further enhancing the capabilities and market presence of both companies in the rapidly expanding RWUAS industry.


By combining Thales' expertise in advanced technology solutions, sensors and system integration with Schiebel's extensive experience in designing, developing and delivering high-performance RWUAS, this collaboration focuses on unlocking new frontiers around the world in uncrewed aerial operations. Through cooperation, both companies aim to leverage their respective complementary strengths to drive innovation, expand market reach, and meet the evolving needs of customers worldwide.

The CAMCOPTER® S-100 and S-300 systems represent the pinnacle of unmanned/uncrewed aerial reconnaissance and surveillance systems, embodying state-of-the-art technologies and unmatched reliability. With Thales and Schiebel working in tandem, customers can expect a seamless integration of these exceptional systems, enabling enhanced capabilities for defence, security, and civilian/commercial applications.

"We are thrilled to embark on this strategic partnership with Schiebel," stated Herve Hamy, Vice President ISR Business Line at Thales "Together, on a case by case basis, we will harness our collective expertise to deliver cutting-edge solutions that will undoubtedly redefine the RWUAS landscape."

"Schiebel is excited about the opportunities this collaboration brings,"
commented Hans Georg Schiebel, Chairman of the Schiebel Group. "Combining forces where appropriate with Thales will further strengthen our offerings and provide our customers with even more advanced, robust and reliable solutions."

Both companies remain committed to driving innovation, ensuring compliance with the highest industry standards, and adhering to ethical practices. This collaboration reflects their shared dedication to advancing the UAS industry's growth and fostering increased safety and efficiency in airborne operations.

Thales and Schiebel were awarded a contract by the UK Ministry of Defence this year to deliver a game changing rotary wing Uncrewed Air System to provide a protective ‘eye in the sky’ capability for Royal Navy warships on deployed operations.



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  • In the latest milestone on the Franco-British Maritime Mine Counter Measures (MMCM) programme, Thales has successfully completed an at-sea demonstration of the ability of the world's first fully integrated drone-based mine countermeasures system to locate, identify and neutralise sea mines.

  • This system of systems uses the fully proven M-Cube mission management system (MMS) to integrate and control multiple uncrewed surface and underwater vehicles equipped with high-performance sonars and other systems, and will provide the UK Royal Navy and the French Navy with the world's first complete drone-based mine countermeasures capability.

  • Thales is a world leader in uncrewed mine countermeasures. The latest demonstration confirms the company's role as a reliable innovation partner empowering naval forces to develop their strategic capabilities today and into the future.

During sea trials conducted remotely from the command centre in Brest, France, Thales has successfully demonstrated the performance of the final component of its innovative mine countermeasures system – the remotely operated underwater vehicle – and its ability to neutralise sea mines. The MMCM programme relies on the very latest developments in autonomous technologies, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and uncrewed systems to handle challenging operational scenarios as defined by the French Navy and the Royal Navy. The first two prototype MMCM systems were delivered incrementally following at-sea qualification in conditions up to and including sea state 41. Since the end of 2021, the Navies have been conducting operational evaluations, and will take delivery of the six series-produced systems in 2024 and 2025.

As prime contractor and lead systems integrator on the MMCM programme, and working with an extensive network of partners, Thales has further consolidated its global leadership in drone-based mine countermeasures.

The successful trials represent the latest milestone on the programme. Conducted with representatives of the French Navy, the French defence procurement agency, the Royal Navy, the UK Ministry of Defence and OCCAr, the sea trials demonstrated the system's ability to relocate and identify sea mines, and the remotely operated underwater vehicle successfully installed exercise charges on a bottom mine and a moored mine2 so that the neutralization cycle could be completed. The demonstrations were conducted in realistic conditions at sea, with the Thales operations centre in Brest controlling the systems remotely and performing the functions of the Portable Operation Centre (POC) with the support of personnel from the Marine nationale.

This latest technological achievement is a further endorsement of Thales's expertise in naval systems engineering, high-performance sonars, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and autonomous technologies, and demonstrates the ability of its M-Cube mission management system to integrate a range of different types of sub-systems. It promises to redefine the mine countermeasures concept of operations by ensuring that naval personnel remain outside the mine danger area. Human operators rely on advanced systems to detect, classify, locate, identify and neutralise even the most sophisticated and best concealed mine threats with a high level of precision and reliability. A latest-generation processing and visualisation system powered by artificial intelligence algorithms performs real-time (in-stride) and/or post-mission analysis of the sonar data.

Integration of the first series-produced subsystems within the overall system of systems has begun at the Brest site, with delivery to the Navies scheduled for early 2024. These subsystems include uncrewed surface vehicles deploying either the TSAM towed array sonar or the remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) for mine identification and neutralisation. Mission preparation, monitoring, control and evaluation are conducted by operators in the Portable Operation Centre (POC) or the Shore Operation Centre (SOC).

"Ever since the contract was signed in 2015, our teams and partners have been investing their skills, energy and passion to ensure that Thales can step up to the technological challenges of this extraordinary programme. We are fully committed to providing the French Navy and the Royal Navy with the most innovative technologies in order to protect their strategic assets and keep naval personnel out of harm's way. These latest milestones offer further proof of our unflagging determination to meet these goals." Gwendoline Blandin-Roger, Vice President, Underwater Systems, Thales.

1) The Douglas sea scale (also called the international sea and swell scale) is used to estimate the roughness of the sea for navigation. The scale has two codes: one for estimating the sea state, the other for describing the swell of the sea. Sea state 4 (moderate) corresponds to wave heights of 1.25-2.50 metres.

2) Moored mines are deployed when the water is too deep for bottom mines. They comprise the mine case, an anchor, and an anchor line that determines the depth of immersion.



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  • Thales has signed a contract with Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (PGZ) to deliver the TACTICOS integrated combat management system (CMS), sonars, air-surveillance and fire-control radars and 360° infrared sensor to the MIECZNIK1 Frigate programme for the Polish Navy.

  • It is a result of Strategic Cooperation Agreement signed in 2022 by Thales, PGZ and PGZ SW and will allow PGZ-MIECZNIK Consortium to deliver frigates within expected multirole capabilities.

© Babcock International

Thales will equip the Polish Navy MIECZNIK frigates with the TACTICOS combat management system, sonars, infrared sensor and radars providing the warships with multiple functions for detection, identification, command and control and decision making. The first ship is expected to enter service in 2029 through a strategic programme, which incorporates a cooperation agreement between Thales and the PGZ-MIECZNIK Consortium (lead by Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa).

Designed to carry out a wide range of tasks at sea, including, among others, securing sea lines of communication and critical infrastructure, the multi-role frigates of the MIECZNIK class will significantly increase the capabilities of the Polish Navy and be an important contribution of the Republic of Poland within the North Atlantic Alliance. These vessels will be equipped with a set of sensors developed by Thales and integrated with the warship's combat system.

Thales combat management system TACTICOS will be the central command and decision-making element of the frigate combat system. Its function and performance – supporting sensor control, picture compilation, situation assessment, action support and weapon control – are critical to the operational effectiveness of a naval vessel.

Poland's MIECZNIK frigates will rely on a complete Thales sonar suite comprising the BlueHunter hull-mounted sonar and the Captas-2 towed-array sonar providing a multi-sensor assessment of the overall underwater situation.

In addition, Thales will provide two highly complementary radars, the SM400 Block 2 and the NS50. The SM400 radar, a multifunction S-Band radar, is designed to simultaneously provide long-range air and surface surveillance, helicopter control and weapon control functions at a range up to 400 km. The NS50 radar, together with TSA 6000 IFF1 interrogator, offers an additional layer of protection providing superior air and surface detection, tracking and classification. The frigates will also be equipped with ARTEMIS, a 360° naval infrared search and track system, and the STIR 1.2 EO Mk2 fire control radar.

With the support of the UK Government and working together with Babcock and MBDA, Thales will put key learnings from the Type 31 programme in the UK into good use to reduce risk and ease the path to vessel acceptance. Moreover Thales will contribute to consolidate Poland’s local defence industry by working with the PGZ-MIECZNIK Consortium and other Polish industry actors.

“The contract provides a solid foundation for joint endeavour and the tremendous value that can be achieved through collaboration is a key aspect of strategic partnership. Therefore, a set of selected sensors and effectors will be integrated with TACTICOS CMS independently by PGZ thanks to the knowledge transfer from Thales“, Cezary Cierzan, Department of Maritime Technologies Director, PGZ

“As one of our closest Allies, we continue to strengthen our partnership with Poland to help ensure European security. These new Polish frigates, equipped with some of the best of British industry behind them, will be a formidable addition to Poland’s fleet, bolstering NATO’s capabilities”, James Cartlidge MP, Minister for Defence Procurement.

“This is a huge success for Thales, aided by the support of the British government. We look forward to continuing our historic relationship with Poland to the benefit of both nations.” Alex Cresswell, Chief Executive Thales in the UK.

"Our relationship with the Polish Navy dates back many years and we are proud that we have been selected for this major programme after 2 years of developing the solution with PGZ. We look forward to bringing Thales engineering and technology on board these ships and working with Polish industry to support the Polish Navy", Dirk Jan de Bruijn Vice President Above Water Systems, Thales.



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  • Thales receives an order increase for more than 7,000 Combat Net Radios (CNR). This is the second order in a dual-vendor, multi-year Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract.

  • The Combat Net Radios (CNR) is a cryptographically modernized radio drop-in replacement that will replace legacy SINCGARS radios, forming a critical element of the U.S. Army’s modernization.

  • The CNR enables resilient communications in all environments while enhancing combat weapon systems throughout the Army’s portfolio.

The U.S. Army has ordered more than 7,000 Thales RT-2129 Combat Net Radios (CNR) based on the Improved Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio (IMBITR) technology, demonstrating the service’s continued confidence in Thales’ ability to deliver next-generation radios for the Army’s network modernization effort.

As a fully software-defined communications solution, the Thales CNR ensures interoperability with the legacy Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) waveform, as well as enables the Army to quickly add improved waveforms to address evolving requirements. The RT-2129 CNR is a critical component to the Army’s unified network providing robust communications capabilities to the tactical edge.

The Thales CNR, built around the battle proven AN/PRC-148 handheld family of radios, provides the Army a crypto modernized tactical radio solution. The flexible software-defined solution enables the Army to seamlessly replace the legacy RT-1523 fleet of mounted and dismounted radios.

Under this award, Thales will deliver more than 7,000 RT-2129 Tactical Secure Voice Crypto Interoperability Standard (TSVCIS) compliant radios. To date, the Army has ordered more than 8,100 CNRs.

“The Combat Net Radio continues Thales’ tradition of being responsive to emerging needs in support of the warfighter with a next-generation radio that uses existing training, installation kits and system integration to ensure mission readiness,” said Mike Sheehan, CEO, Thales Defense and Security, Inc. “The CNR is designed to easily integrate into the Army’s Integrated Tactical Network and operate reliably under the most extreme conditions.”



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  • Thales and the Royal Netherlands Air Force strengthen their partnership with the delivery of the System Lifetime Extension Program (SLEP) on 13 Instrument Landing Systems and Distance Measuring Equipment.

  • The comprehensive modernisation programme will increase the safety, reliability and efficiency of ILS/DME, enabling military and commercial aircraft to land accurately despite adverse weather conditions, and meeting NATO's safety requirements.

  • Thales has already supplied 10,000 systems to 170 countries, and benefits from a long experience in the delivery of high-performance and reliable navigation aids.

© Thales

The Royal Netherlands Air Force has underscored its confidence in Thales, awarding it a contract to upgrade 13 ILS and DME navigation systems. The current components are reaching the end of their service life, and renewal is essential to guarantee the Royal Netherlands Air Force's continued air operations.

Upgrading the current ILS and DME systems is mandatory to ensure the continuation of RNLAF flight operations in adverse weather conditions. The service life of the 13 ILS / DMEs involved will be extended to at least 2035 by replacing ILS and DME components that are likely to impact the operation due to their age. In addition, Thales will provide operational maintenance and support to ensure the highest level of service availabilities for the next 12 years.

Thales is asserting its position as a partner of the Royal Netherlands Air Force, helping to meet its navigation aid requirements, in particular within the framework of the NATO security mandate. Backed by years of experience and having already supplied 10,000 systems to 170 countries, Thales offers high-performance, reliable navigation aid equipment. With advanced and secure functionalities designed to shape the future of military aviation, Thales' navigation aid innovations and solutions not only comply with all mandatory regulations, but either meet or exceed the requirements of the Royal Netherlands Air Forces.

ILS, Instrument Landing System, is a Thales system that guarantees a precision-guided approach and ensures a safe landing. It is suitable for all situations, including at night or under poor visibility and adverse weather conditions. The ILS can be offered in fixed and deployable configurations, for both civil and military applications. The fixed systems will ensure the smooth running of Royal Netherlands Air Force operations at the Dutch Air bases. The deployable version of the ILS has been in service with the US Air Force since 2015.

DME, Distance Measuring Equipment, is used to provide en-route and approach guidance, and tells pilots how far their aircraft is flying from the ground station concerned.

“The ILS and DME systems provide precise guidance to aircraft on final approach in low visibility or low ceiling weather conditions, which is essential for airmen to complete their mission safely. With Thales, RNLAF has made the choice of the most advanced ILS and DME technologies available on the market to equip their air bases and to ensure their operational capabilities at all times and in all weather conditions, so that they can fulfill their national defense missions in compliance with NATO mandate”. Kais Mnif, Navigation and Non-Radar Surveillance Segment General Manager - Thales.



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  • Thales Scorpion® Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) will augment FA-50 pilots’ vision in real time through advanced hybrid inertial optical tracking.

  • Paired with the FA-50’s remarkable advanced fighter capabilities, Scorpion® HMD will enhance situational awareness to ensure mission success.

  • With rotary wing versions already being supplied to Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), Scorpion® is well positioned for future growth on KAI’s platforms.


Thales today announced that it has been awarded a contract by Korea’s Aerospace Industries (KAI) to equip FA-50 fighters for Poland with its highly successful Scorpion® Helmet Mounted Display (HMD).

Under the terms of this contract, Thales is responsible for adapting, integrating, and qualifying the Scorpion® HMD onto KAI’s FA-50 Fighting Eagle, as well as installing production systems, to support the Republic of Korea’s FA-50 contract with Poland.

With its digital cockpit, digital flight control system, and impressive array of precision-guided weapons, the FA-50 is well-equipped for all-weather combat operations day and night. Scorpion® is a perfect match as it offers a modern, digital platform that equips pilots with enhanced situational awareness.

The highly accurate Scorpion® HMD features full-color symbology, zero-perceived latency, and a single display module for both day and night operations – all at reduced life-cycle costs. Motion-tracking accuracy, using Scorpion’s precision Hybrid Optically-based Inertial Tracker (HObIT™), is also significantly improved over competing systems.

Thales expects this contract is just the start as the FA-50 is made available to customers worldwide. Scorpion® is well-suited to also be easily adapted onto the T-50 Advanced Jet Trainer and TA-50 Lead-in Fighter Trainer, as HMDs are becoming integral to most current and future combat aircraft.

“We are excited to add the FA-50 to the long list of highly capable combat aircraft embracing our Scorpion HMD. For KAI we also supply rotary wing versions for their Light Armed and Marine Attack helicopters,” said Jim Geraghty, Vice President, Visionix a division of Thales Defense & Security Inc. He continued, “Scorpion’s simplified approach to platform integration, superior situational awareness, high reliability, and enhanced pilot comfort makes this system unmatched in the HMD marketspace.”



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  • The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) signs an agreement with the Netherlands Defence procurement agency COMMIT (Commando Materieel en IT) for the acquisition of five Thales Ground Master 200 Multi-Mission Compact radars.

  • Providing enhanced situational awareness, operational superiority, fire support and weapon location capabilities, the radar will support the Danish Air Force in air surveillance and air defence missions.

  • As a recognized European leader in systems-of-systems integration, Thales draws on its air surveillance and air defence expertise to help nations guarantee their sovereignty.

Radar Ground Master 200 Multi Mission Compact © Thales

Radar Ground Master 200 Multi Mission Compact © Thales
Building on the strong international NATO cooperation, as well as strategic bi-lateral defence ties between Denmark and the Netherlands, DALO signed an agreement with COMMIT for the acquisition of five Thales Ground Master 200 Multi-Mission Compact radars (GM200 MM/C).

Forces face both traditional threats and new threats such as drone warfare. Fast and early detection is key to staying one-step ahead and protecting valuable assets. Today, modern Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles (UAVs) can defy detection by traditional radar systems and adversaries can exploit the low speed and coordinated attack capabilities of these aircraft to saturate the airspace in a conflict.

Designed for modern warfare, with operational excellence and military doctrine in mind, the GM200 MM/C from the Ground Master 200 family, provides simultaneous accurate detection, tracking and classification against all current and future threats, including drones. It offers radar operators with more time-on-target to gather as much information on incoming threats as possible thanks to new-generation 4D AESA technology*. The system automatically detects tracks, classifies aircraft, missiles, helicopters, multiple UAVs and RAM (Rockets, Artillery and Mortar), and is particularly suited to air surveillance, air defence and weapon locating.

In addition, the compact design of the GM200 MM/C provides ease of choice from fixed location mode to high mobility, very short deployment times and ease of transportation on any platform. It also benefits from the latest software defined radar technology, enabling future upgrades and capabilities expansion to manage the ever-evolving spectrum of changing threats and doctrines.

Thales has a long-standing expertise in every aspect of air surveillance and air defence, from drone countermeasures to ballistic missile defence: surface radars, airborne radars, command centres, communication systems and equipment, and different types of effectors.

“I am very happy that we are now acquiring new, mobile radars for airspace surveillance. This is an advanced capability that the Armed Forces badly need, not least in light of the current serious political security situation," says Lieutenant General, Kim Jesper Jørgensen, chief of the Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO).

“Cooperation is important, especially among the smaller countries in Europe. The acquisition of the GM200 MM/C is an example of how allies can help each other in strengthening their defence forces by interoperable materiel. In addition, it is an advantage that both Denmark and the Netherlands have identical configurations of the GM200 MM/C, which enables cooperation for identical future updates and support," says Vice admiral Jan Willem Hartman, Commander at COMMIT.

“This Government-to-Government contract will provide the Danish Air Force and the Dutch Armed Forces with a common radar platform for future collaboration. Thales contributes to the safety and security of military personnel and high value assets in European NATO countries and is proud to support nations in their mission for air sovereignty, says Gerben Edelijn, CEO Thales Netherlands.



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  • SWISSto12 collaborates with Thales for the development of Active Electronically Steerable Antennas (AESAs) for Satcom-on-the-move market, with a focus on airborne, land and maritime vehicles.

  • The AESA will combine innovative and highly efficient 3D-printed antenna apertures developed by SWISSto12 with state-of-the-art solid-state beamformers provided by Thales.

  • The new AESAs will target Ka-band and combined Ku/Ka-band satellite connectivity applications and offer dramatic size, power consumption and cost improvements with respect to existing solutions.

 From left to right, Charles-Antoine Goffin, Vice President, Microwave & Imaging Sub-Systems, Thales and Emile de Rijk, CEO of SWISSTO12

Renens, Switzerland // SWISSto12, One of Europe’s fastest-growing aerospace companies and a leading manufacturer of advanced satellite payloads and systems, announces it is developing Active Electronically Steerable Antennas (AESAs) for airborne, land and maritime platforms in collaboration with world-leading critical electronics company, Thales.

SWISSto12’s AESAs will use innovative 3D-printed miniature horn antennas instead of traditional patch antennas. These 3D-printed antenna apertures are of higher efficiency and overall performance (gain, axial ratio & bandwidth over scan volume) than patch antennas. These features are key to maintaining wide-angle scanning capabilities in AESAs.

SWISSto12’s 3D printed antennas are mounted on planar beamformers provided by Thales, which will use the latest Beamforming Integrated Circuits (BFICs) and innovative patented interconnection solutions.

Thales will bring its strong heritage in design of complex layouts of microwave amplification functions dedicated to spatial combination using the latest ultra fine pitch packaging solutions available on the market.

The new AESA product will leverage improvements in Size, Weight and Power consumption (SWaP) starting with Ka band satellite communications and future combined operation across Ku and Ka bands combined in one antenna.

This new product is a continuation of the strong collaboration between SWISSto12 and Thales’ Microwave & Imaging Sub-Systems activities across various products and applications. In January 2023, SWISSto12 and Thales signed a contract to develop solid-state power amplifiers (SSPAs) for applications in Space, and specifically for SWISSto12’s Hummingsat missions.

Emile de Rijk, CEO of SWISSto12 said: “We are delighted to announce this new AESA product at SWISSto12, and the associated collaboration with Thales. This new class of AESAs uses our unique 3D printed antenna technology and will offer a breakthrough for users of on-the-move satellite communications across airborne, naval and land platforms.”

Charles-Antoine Goffin, Vice President, Microwave & Imaging Sub-Systems, Thales said: “Thanks to this collaboration with SWISSto12, Thales is able to expand its RF power amplification and beamforming product portfolio. The result of this collaborative effort will be a new solution for Satcom on-the-move applications, where Thales will bring its skills on Design for Manufacturing and Design to Cost applied to electronic assemblies for competitive serial production planned in its premises. These compact AESAs will give the opportunity to SWISSto12 and Thales to serve various markets starting with commercial airborne connectivity and government satellite communications”.



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  • During the Portuguese Navy and NATO REPMUS 23 (Robotic Experimentation Prototyping using Maritime Uncrewed Systems) exercise and NATO Dynamic Messenger 23 exercise, Thales once again demonstrated its expertise in implementing new capabilities in support of maritime operations.

  • Alongside military personnel from more than ten nations, industrial companies and researchers, Thales provided support in the fields of electromagnetic warfare, mine countermeasures and connectivity at sea.

  • Thales has helped to ensure seamless cooperation between surface and submarine platforms, thanks in particular to its M-Cube mission system and its ability to integrate heterogeneous sub-systems.

During the REPMUS and Dynamic Messenger exercises, Thales demonstrated the excellence of its naval solutions, enabling forces to obtain a complete vision of the mission and improve interoperability in the conduct of operations to control the seabed. Thales' innovative and collaborative electronic warfare technologies experimentations, including an interoperable mine warfare mission management system, improve situational awareness beyond the ship's sensor horizon.

A mission management solution promoting interoperability between NATO networks, capable of easily integrating third-party systems, for the protection of the seabed

The aim of these two exercises, which took place in Portugal was to demonstrate new operational concepts and test new technologies in order to develop more flexible maritime UxV systems that are interoperable with conventional systems.

On this occasion, Thales demonstrated new mine detection capabilities, particularly in the strategic and complex area of the coastal waters. The open architecture of Thales' mine action mission management system, M-Cube, enables the rapid and flexible integration of third-party sensors. For example, the CAMCOPTER® S-100 UAV incorporating the Austrian company RIEGL's VQ-840-G LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) system was able to carry out a complete airborne mine countermeasures operation with 100% mine detection success and 0% false alarms, thereby achieving the best results recorded during the exercises.

These innovations in mission management enabled the forces to obtain a complete view of the tactical situation in order to achieve their operational objectives. This is the first time that the advantages of the distributed architecture of the new generation M-Cube system have been demonstrated in a NATO naval exercise combining traditional platforms and UAVs. In addition, the M-Cube system, with its open architecture, shows that it is compatible with NATO major communication networks and able to manage missions at an operational group command level.

In addition, Thales, through its MiMap solution, contributed to the protection of critical submarine infrastructures by identifying a cut in a submarine cable during the Dynamic Messenger exercise. MiMap is a mission analysis tool that enables operators to analyse sonar data in real time or recorded during a mission. It provides an efficient way to study the seabed, classify and locate contacts and detect changes from the last known status of an area, presenting speed, area coverage and false alarm rate unrivalled to date

“The MiMap and M-Cube solutions have made the BBPDs (Base Bomb Disposal Diving Vessels), which date back to the mid-80s, even more efficient and effective in their use of 21st century drones. MiMap is a powerful tool for processing sonar data, and was particularly appreciated by my teams responsible for operating mine warfare sonars. My crew were also very pleased with the ease of installation and integration of the MiMap and M-Cube systems.” Lieutenant-Commander Claude-Louis, commander of the GPD Méditerranée and the BBPD Pluton.

Multi-static electronic warfare for improved situational awareness

Electronic Warfare (EW) enables signals in the electromagnetic spectrum to be detected, interpreted, controlled or disrupted. Today, Radar Electronic Support Measures (R-ESM) are required to simultaneously receive and identify multiple complex radars. During these exercises, Thales deployed collaborative electronic warfare resources based on UAV micro-ESM solutions in partnership with a SME (ESROE), and our multi-purpose digital radar electronic support measurement system (R-ESM) on board a frigate. In this way, the Group has demonstrated in real conditions how sensors’ collaboration in multi-domain will enable to refine situation awareness.



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At the Tecnopolo Tiburtino hub in Rome, Thales Alenia Space's all-digital factory will employ advanced technologies for the production of satellites

  • The factory will be built thanks to an important investment by Thales Alenia Space and co-funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) funds

  • It will make intensive use of digital and Industry 4.0 technologies

  • The factory will feature the Space JOINTLAB, an innovative and collaborative space with SMEs and research centers

  • Total surface area 21,000 sq.m, 5,000 sq.m of reconfigurable clean rooms, 1,900 sq.m of office space and co-working areas, 1,800 sq.m of technical support areas

Rome, November 9, 2023 – Today, at the Tecnopolo Tiburtino in Rome, Thales Alenia Space, a joint venture between Thales (67%) and Leonardo (33%), unveiled its project to build the Space Smart Factory, one of the largest digital and reconfigurable facilities of its kind in Europe. The facility will form part of a system of interconnected space factories in Italy, employing advanced technologies to build satellites of different sizes for various fields and applications.

Over €100 million is being invested in the Space Smart Factory, including funding from the Italian Space Agency (ASI) through the PNRR.

This new state-of-the-art facility will be located at Rome's technology hub, the Tecnopolo Tiburtino, which already houses 150 companies, mostly small and medium enterprises. Designed by EOS S.r.l., the factory will be built by CBRE | Hitrac, a global leader in critical infrastructure technologies and services spanning the full lifecycle of advanced technology systems.

Leonardo Global Solutions (LGS) provided support for the real-estate transaction, ranging from the purchase of the land and management of invitations to tender to the construction process, which is currently underway.

Site preparation and pre-fabrication planning began at the end of September with the aim of being operational by mid-2025.


The Space Smart Factory will employ automation and digital processes to offer high production capacity for advanced satellites, both in the microsatellite and small satellite sector, including the PLATiNO and Nimbus satellite families, and for quick turnaround of innovative, modular, high-performance platforms for high-revisit constellations.

Featuring state-of-the-art digital technologies, the Space Smart Factory can be reconfigured to suit different production requirements. It will be equipped with highly versatile and flexible clean rooms to support integration and testing of a wide range of satellites of different type and purpose such as Earth-Observation, Navigation, and Communications. It will be a true digital hub using advanced technologies at all stages of satellite construction, i.e. design, assembly, integration and testing, including numerical modeling and Digital Twin, virtual and augmented reality technologies, and simulators integrated with the supply chain and automation (robots and cobots).

"I am particularly proud of the cutting-edge project unveiled today, one of the most sophisticated in the world for the production of space assets" commented Massimo Comparini, Thales Alenia Space Deputy CEO and Thales Alenia Space Italia CEO. "Based in Rome but connected with other facilities in Italy, an advanced space production system integrating the latest digital technologies will be built to support the high production rates required for the constellations of both the present and the future, while shortening time-to-market. This system will boost Italian and European space competitiveness, representing a paradigm shift for Thales Alenia Space, both in terms of savings and technological efficiency. It will be a unique infrastructure on the Italian landscape, available as a service to the national and non–national supply chain and to small and medium enterprises, thereby strengthening the country’s ability to address the challenges of the space economy.”


Another key element will be the Space JOINTLAB, a dynamic and innovative collaborative area designed to accommodate a multitude of functions geared toward the education and training of the new space professionals, as well as the development of innovative ideas and products, in partnership with R&D institutions, universities, startups, suppliers, SMEs, and other national and local industry partners.

The project is underpinned by sustainable architecture, especially energy saving, including extensive use of renewable energy.

The Space Smart Factory leverages Thales Alenia Space’s proven strengths as a European leader in government and commercial space projects – like the Galileo Second Generation constellation, the new ROSE-L and CIMR satellites for the Copernicus program, and the IRIDE constellation – as well as the best and brightest from academic centers like Polytechnic University of Milan, Sapienza University of Rome and world-class global organizations like Accenture, a leader in digital and process innovation for the aerospace sector.


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