Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to Other
& Good day to Other
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to Other
Arnab means rabbit in Arabic.
Does it have a meaning in Hindi? @Nilgiri
Arnab Goswami is fcking hilarious lmaooooo
All he does is shouts and yells hahahahaha
We need more shit like this for news channels![]()
Its like if we had a super unhinged version of Fox news, where everything is hosted by Alex jones and infowars.
Its great comic relief, but then you remember some people buy into this crap (and the stuff some of those get up to)...and that you share oxygen with them....and you get into a cry-laugh stage if you dwell on that.
So god no, no more (for India at least, others have plenty of room maybe)...this is the most India can handle (given the nature of the plebs still)....its plenty lol
Pakistan though needs to make a dedicated channel for Zaid Hamid (Lal Topi)...their alex jones.
That would be hillarious...he's the guy that got spanked on the ass by the Saudis...and literally butthurt over it still (lol).
He could make a purely Pak version of memri TV. Think of the extra juicy "pure" memes!
The world needs more memri TV for sure.
I mentioned alex jones a few times, can't resist posting a tribute:
It is ridiculous these leftie libs removed and censored Alex Jones from so much. The guy is hand to heart.....simply the best lol.
Placeboing did so well with this stuff....
Man its kind of crazy how time flew...this ones from 2016...and I'd like to think it helped bigly in that year's election lol.
I remember how MSM censored the whole original stutter video.....only RT had it up on YT for the longest time (And still might be case) lol.
God bless POTUS Trump, we dodged a major bullet guys (though we have ended up with Kamala Harris cackle now anyway):
All the comments on these kinds vids make life worth living lol.
2016 might have truly been the high watermark of human civilisational experience.
These patricians and their patrician games
"Its not a laughing matter....I take it REALLY seriously"- H.R Clinton.
...sad that so many plebs also take them too seriously.
Turkey has this guy all he does is blasts Ottoman Mehter music![]()
This guy shouldn't be allowed on TV. So annoying.Like I enjoy mehter music for sure. There was some good memes with mehter and karaboga combo too.
But having it drone on for TV guy is kind of boring imo.
Turks need some full-on unhinged conspiracy weirdo guy ever since adnan oktar got locked up....and you lost incredible amount of meme soft power by doing that lol.
Like say a turkish version of that greek dude obsessed over turkish defence industry and military lol....for starters.
Make turkish memes great again.
This guy shouldn't be allowed on TV. So annoying.