Casual Discussion The Meme Thread






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> high rates of honour killings
> high rates of cousin marriages
> feudal/tribal society
> more conservative than a Turk or even a Arab

Westerners jerk off to the Kurds as if they are progressive, liberal and pro lbgt 🤣

Hdp once shared on twitter how they support lbgt rights and their Kurdish voters all cursed at them and posted pictures of the lbgt flag getting burnt 🤣


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Kurds have nothing to do with the Medes.

Kurds are Iranian Nomads who hail from the Zagros mountains.

They never built.a civilisation or had any empires. Also Saladin being Kurdish is actually not true.



Saladins origin and heritage is Arab. They lived among Turks and Kurds and some marrying them into family.

Afterall his family served the Zengids.

Thats why some European sources called Saladin Ayyubi as Saladin the Turk. Because the Crusaders first enemies they faced were the Turks so they called the Muslims all of them as Turks when they faced Arabs they called them Saracens. They also used the word Saracen for the Turks or anybody who was Muslim too regardless if they were Arab or not.

Shows how retarded the Crusaders were how they got into a land they barely knew. They thought everybody was the same.

Turks at that time pretty Asian while the Arabs were brown and olive skin. But the crusaders still saw both as dark skinned.

Explains the paintings the Europeans were painted with bright white akin while the Turks and Arabs were portrayed as dark skinned some times even black lmaoooo

Even the Huns were portrayed like this.

But remember their bright white skin represented light while the Turks represented darkness.
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Kadir Misiroglu rants against esteemed Turkish Commander, Sakalli Nurettin Pasha.

A lot of people who dont speak Turkish wont get it. But Kadir Misiroglu is known for ranting and hitting tables. Not only was he critical of Ataturk.

He also insulted Saladin, Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Timur and various other figures.

He basically pissed off everybody.

I dont mind constructive criticism but Kadir Misiroglu had no constructive critique whatsoever when he swore and cursed history or whatever figure while at the same time he called Shakeaspeare a Muslim 🤣🤣🤣🤣

His a big time idiot and a fraud like Celal Sengor. One is a fraud and the other loves slapping women's asses.



Kadir Misiroglu rants against esteemed Turkish Commander, Sakalli Nurettin Pasha.

A lot of people who dont speak Turkish wont get it. But Kadir Misiroglu is known for ranting and hitting tables. Not only was he critical of Ataturk.

He also insulted Saladin, Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Timur and various other figures.

He basically pissed off everybody.

I dont mind constructive criticism but Kadir Misiroglu had no constructive critique whatsoever when he swore and cursed history or whatever figure while at the same time he called Shakeaspeare a Muslim 🤣🤣🤣🤣

His a big time idiot and a fraud like Celal Sengor. One is a fraud and the other loves slapping women's asses.
Averaj saltanatçı These fellas praise the abdulhamid an armenian looking fella? Who let turks die in balkans and other places


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Averaj saltanatçı These fellas praise the abdulhamid an armenian looking fella? Who let turks die in balkans and other places


Man im gonna miss his rants 🤣🤣


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Aussie police are acting like straight up Nazis lately.

I get corona public health problem etc (with certain reservations I still have about such...but govt is gonna govt)

.....but this is going way too far.

They are needlessly building up a larger resentment against Australian state by its own people.

Everyone that wanted a vaccine pretty much has gotten access to one by now (in developed world)....especially the most vulnerable elderly.

All vaccines are highly effective (only sinopharm arguably isnt) in stopping hospitalisation and death.

So why are you forcing people that dont want it.....they have made up their choice. You have made yours and protected yourself with vaccine since you have reviewed the info and come to the conclusion you did.

Why is there a senile biden moment like "We need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated?"....with a bunch of clapping big-govt seals and bleating sheep acquiescing to that total ANTI-science statement?

Then you go waaaay past that even and arrest people for mask mandate?

Any country that does that....without FIRST calling for extradition of Fauci for prosecution for blatantly lieing repeatedly (masks are good, masks are bad, masks are good, masks are bad ) is a major hypocrite.

Saddens me that plebs are the ones that are always the punching bags in the end.


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Lanatullah aleyim to Osmanoğulları bunch of devshirmes acting like Persians that done more damage to the turks than It done to Others View attachment 32265 View attachment 32266
@Tonyukuk you might wanna read these

this is the exact shit kadar misiroglu would say.

im no ottoman fanboy. What’s bad about devshirme you do realise Turks took non Turks and made them serve us. Devshirme system lost its steam because too many were getting recruited Especially how it allowed Muslims to join.

also timur spoke Persian too it’s not the Ottomans who only spoke Persian. Timur took Izmir the Ottomans we’re busy with Constantinople Until timur invaded. Timur was a Muslim who prayed 5 times a day. Timur attacked thebcrusaders because he fought mostly Islamic Empires or kingdoms like the Mamluks, Ottomans, Golden Horde and the Delhi Sultanate but he did attack Georgia and Armenia before he attacked the crusaders in western anatolia. Funny how nobody looks at the other Turkic Empires or even the Mongol Empire but constantly bad mouthed the Ottomans mostly due to them being Muslim. This is fanboyism, At its peak funny how Nihal Atsiz despite being anti Islam praised the Ottoman empire various times.

ottomans never Turkified the places they conquered that was a big mistake. Ottomans were an empire like all empires they like to settle people to weed out rebellions. Simple politics 101.

ottomans faced numerous crusader coalitions and destroyed them all like in nicopolis and varna ama herkes onu unutuyor.
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Whats with Turks being Osmanli dusmanlari?? Love them or dislike them have a bit of respect for them.

images - 2021-09-27T165259.717.jpeg


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Seljuks defeated the Ghaznavids and the Fatimids before they stepped foot into Anatolia.

They also conquered and vassalised Georgia and Armenia. They conquered Iran before stepping foot in Anatolia. They saved the Abbassid Caliphate from being taken over by the Shias. Seljuks also took Oman and ruled parts of Afghanistan.

So tell me guys where is the Kurds in this???


this is the exact shit kadar misiroglu would say.

im no ottoman fanboy. What’s bad about devshirme you do realise Turks took non Turks and made them serve us. Devshirme system lost its steam because too many were getting recruited Especially how it allowed Muslims to join.

also timur spoke Persian too it’s not the Ottomans who only spoke Persian. Timur took Izmir the Ottomans we’re busy with Constantinople Until timur invaded. Timur was a Muslim who prayed 5 times a day. Timur attacked thebcrusaders because he fought mostly Islamic Empires or kingdoms like the Mamluks, Ottomans, Golden Horde and the Delhi Sultanate but he did attack Georgia and Armenia before he attacked the crusaders in western anatolia. Funny how nobody looks at the other Turkic Empires or even the Mongol Empire but constantly bad mouthed the Ottomans mostly due to them being Muslim. This is fanboyism, At its peak funny how Nihal Atsiz despite being anti Islam praised the Ottoman empire various times.

ottomans never Turkified the places they conquered that was a big mistake. Ottomans were an empire like all empires they like to settle people to weed out rebellions. Simple politics 101.

ottomans faced numerous crusader coalitions and destroyed them all like in nicopolis and varna ama herkes onu unutuyor.
Still I hate osmanoğulları
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