@MisterLikePandemic has made the cops have an ego problem especially in Victoria.
With the protests it just made them even more pissed off.
Power trip and a ego problem.
Take care of yourself.
@MisterLikePandemic has made the cops have an ego problem especially in Victoria.
With the protests it just made them even more pissed off.
Power trip and a ego problem.
Take care of yourself.
For sure Saladin was Kurdish... while his brothers wore names like Turan- shah, Tugtekin, Bori, Sahin- shah.![]()
Averaj saltanatçı These fellas praise the abdulhamid an armenian looking fella? Who let turks die in balkans and other places
Kadir Misiroglu rants against esteemed Turkish Commander, Sakalli Nurettin Pasha.
A lot of people who dont speak Turkish wont get it. But Kadir Misiroglu is known for ranting and hitting tables. Not only was he critical of Ataturk.
He also insulted Saladin, Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Timur and various other figures.
He basically pissed off everybody.
I dont mind constructive criticism but Kadir Misiroglu had no constructive critique whatsoever when he swore and cursed history or whatever figure while at the same time he called Shakeaspeare a Muslim
His a big time idiot and a fraud like Celal Sengor. One is a fraud and the other loves slapping women's asses.
Averaj saltanatçı These fellas praise the abdulhamid an armenian looking fella? Who let turks die in balkans and other places
Lanatullah aleyim to Osmanoğulları bunch of devshirmes acting like Persians that done more damage to the turks than It done to OthersLANATULLAH ALEYIM!!! EBU CEHIL MASUM ONUN YANINDA!!
Man im gonna miss his rants![]()
Lanatullah aleyim to Osmanoğulları bunch of devshirmes acting like Persians that done more damage to the turks than It done to Others View attachment 32265 View attachment 32266
@Tonyukuk you might wanna read these
Still I hate osmanoğullarıthis is the exact shit kadar misiroglu would say.
im no ottoman fanboy. What’s bad about devshirme you do realise Turks took non Turks and made them serve us. Devshirme system lost its steam because too many were getting recruited Especially how it allowed Muslims to join.
also timur spoke Persian too it’s not the Ottomans who only spoke Persian. Timur took Izmir the Ottomans we’re busy with Constantinople Until timur invaded. Timur was a Muslim who prayed 5 times a day. Timur attacked thebcrusaders because he fought mostly Islamic Empires or kingdoms like the Mamluks, Ottomans, Golden Horde and the Delhi Sultanate but he did attack Georgia and Armenia before he attacked the crusaders in western anatolia. Funny how nobody looks at the other Turkic Empires or even the Mongol Empire but constantly bad mouthed the Ottomans mostly due to them being Muslim. This is fanboyism, At its peak funny how Nihal Atsiz despite being anti Islam praised the Ottoman empire various times.
ottomans never Turkified the places they conquered that was a big mistake. Ottomans were an empire like all empires they like to settle people to weed out rebellions. Simple politics 101.
ottomans faced numerous crusader coalitions and destroyed them all like in nicopolis and varna ama herkes onu unutuyor.