BREAKING: Six Russian spies arrested
Six Russian and Uzbek nationals, who were found to be preparing an armed action against Chechen opposition figures in Turkey , were arrested.
Within the scope of the investigation file of the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, persons connected to the Russian Federation's intelligence service were arrested on charges of political and military espionage under Article 328 of the Turkish Penal Code and imprisoned in Maltepe Prison.The spies working for Russia, identified by the National Intelligence Organization, were recently detained in a police operation based in Istanbul and covering Antalya. It was determined that the spies planned an action to kill Chechen dissidents and procured weapons for this purpose.
Son dakika: Altı Rus casusu tutuklandı
Türkiye’deki Çeçen muhalif kişilere yönelik silahlı eylem hazırlığında olduğu tespit edilen 6 Rus ve Özbek uyruklu şahıs tutuklandı. İstanbul Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı'nın soruşturma dosyası kapsamında Rusya Federasyonu'nun istihbarat servisi ile bağlantılı kişiler Türk Ceza Kanunu'nun 328. Maddesi...