I really liked this car..
It looks really cool, elegant and expensive* much better than our boxy simple günsel car.. but I wonder what would be the price difference

An affordable electric car for everyone is needed.. If I were the decision makers, especially in TRNC, I would subsidize electric cars like crazy.. we are 100% depended on imported energy here and it is a small island (also a testbed for Turkey too) so easy to go full electric traffic. Just in 5 to 10 years, subsidize electric and increase carbon tax. And of course electric should be produced from sun /solar.. I never mentioned but I had my masters in solar energy, mostly solar radiation data acquisition, so I know from first hand, TRNC is gifted by solar but we need a reliable base load that's why I always supported an underwater power cable instead of water pipeline* We could have desalinated sea water with solar instead of carrying water resources from Turkey with same amount of investment, what we can't do is to find a power back up for our solar capacity. Solar energy should be supported by flexible base load or a bigger pool of energy like Turkish Grid. Turn TRNC 100% energy independent and watch

In recent years Turkey is also active on renewable technologies, I wish they support this with
tax reductions! My instructors / advisors were/are working for
ODTU GUNAM, even back in 5 years ago a lot of opportunities and research was going on
, if enough support given by the government anything could be possible. Future is not in Nuclear or NG, it is in renewables, hydrogen and fusion. Of course in reality 100% solar is not possible, and innovation still needed, like smart and micro grids.