TR Casual Discussion TOGG - Türkiye's Automotive Joint Venture Group


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Turkish defense company ASELSAN signed a collaborative development agreement concerning research and development of metal-air battery technologies with IBM Research.

According to the press release, the goal is to increase the energy density 5 times and range to 800 km (500 miles), however IBM has been promising such a breakthrough for several years now and there is still a long way to go.

"Metal-Air Batteries to be developed will provide at least 5 times more storage capacity than current Li-Ion Batteries while preserving the same weight. These Metal-Air batteries will deliver more storage capacity at a lower cost than existing batteries, which will significantly reduce the cost of energy. Consequently, these new batteries will be a critical automotive component in resolving range issues for electric vehicles. Today, a family car can scarcely travel 160 km (100 miles) using existing Li-Ion batteries, whereas the new Metal-Air technology batteries will increase this range up to at least 800 km (500 miles). "
It's however interesting that the military sector began to work with metal-air technology, which probably means that someone out there is dreaming of an electric tank or maybe an electric fighter jet.


Any updates on this project ?
They are expecting this technology to mature to a point where we'll see them being used between 2020-2030... Fingers crossed ..
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When you have companies like this;
Technological advancements are slow, unfortunately...

The reason for this is the huge amount of bribery and pressure from the oil and the Gulf lobby. It is impossible for them to stop this technology wave. Some countries in Europe have already announced the date that oil will be banned. I think the main issue that countries should focus on is battery technology. Because whoever produces a better one will be rich as if they discovered rich oil resources.


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The reason for this is the huge amount of bribery and pressure from the oil and the Gulf lobby. It is impossible for them to stop this technology wave. Some countries in Europe have already announced the date that oil will be banned. I think the main issue that countries should focus on is battery technology. Because whoever produces a better one will be rich as if they discovered rich oil resources.

Tbh I would start focusing on Hydrogen and Batteries. Let's not get late on the new bandwagon.


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Looks really sleek, but it would look better without the grill. (It's an electric car, so the grill is not necessary anyway)
There is version ''without'',
Think of the flags(nation of residence,origin)


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I really liked this car..

It looks really cool, elegant and expensive* much better than our boxy simple günsel car.. but I wonder what would be the price difference :p An affordable electric car for everyone is needed.. If I were the decision makers, especially in TRNC, I would subsidize electric cars like crazy.. we are 100% depended on imported energy here and it is a small island (also a testbed for Turkey too) so easy to go full electric traffic. Just in 5 to 10 years, subsidize electric and increase carbon tax. And of course electric should be produced from sun /solar.. I never mentioned but I had my masters in solar energy, mostly solar radiation data acquisition, so I know from first hand, TRNC is gifted by solar but we need a reliable base load that's why I always supported an underwater power cable instead of water pipeline* We could have desalinated sea water with solar instead of carrying water resources from Turkey with same amount of investment, what we can't do is to find a power back up for our solar capacity. Solar energy should be supported by flexible base load or a bigger pool of energy like Turkish Grid. Turn TRNC 100% energy independent and watch :))

In recent years Turkey is also active on renewable technologies, I wish they support this with tax reductions! My instructors / advisors were/are working for ODTU GUNAM, even back in 5 years ago a lot of opportunities and research was going on, if enough support given by the government anything could be possible. Future is not in Nuclear or NG, it is in renewables, hydrogen and fusion. Of course in reality 100% solar is not possible, and innovation still needed, like smart and micro grids.

"divided the solutions into renewable energy and smart grids"


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"divided the solutions into renewable energy and smart grids"
I know, I was working next door to them. KALTEV in ODTU KKK. They were going to donate a Wind Turbine to the campus for research purposes. We were working so close with Aselsan both in Ankara and in TRNC in teknokents. However all these researches are not easy and takes 100s of trials and testing. Smart Micro grids with hybrid solutions, this is the goal. Wind & Solar Hybrid supported by small gas turbines instead of battery/storage. In North Cyprus we don't have adequate wind resources, only solar which should be supported by traditional power plants however our grid is too old too handle fluctuations. Slowly home applied PV systems are increasing but still we rely on very old fuel oil generators. There two projects which TRNC cannot fund, one is interconnection with Turkey and The other is turning power plants to more flexibly and less harmful NG generators. It has been 10 years still no improvement in interconnection. During daylight TRNC could generate enough PV power through solar, if invested heavily on it.. But for night, we need either flexible generators or connecting to a bigger grid.


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We should also consider building an electric sports car, with record breaking specs, it's one of the best advertising for a brand.
Best example is RIMAC.

Tesla Roadster 2020
Insane 403km/h topspeed and ridiculous 2 sec from 0-100km/h.
Wait and see how every Automobile magazine will report like crazy about it.



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I still prefer my cars having sound.

Im gonna make it my life goal to at least buy one Ferrari that is used(i doubt it to be honest but oh well) before electric takesover. Once that happens cars are dead to me.


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I still prefer my cars having sound.

Im gonna make it my life goal to at least buy one Ferrari that is used(i doubt it to be honest but oh well) before electric takesover. Once that happens cars are dead to me.

I'm going to get an electric car for the first time in the next months, and it will be the first EV of my life. Most likely a Tesla with around 400km of range, I am now willing to make that step.

Having driven EV and especially a Tesla, I dont miss a damn sound and driving a Tesla at 200 kph with little sound is as comfortable as driving a high speed train. The looks of high-end car drivers when you pass them and they dont stand a chance is another soft factor tbh. The one thing it will never be though, is a Mercedes, Audi or Volvo.

But I was never a fan of any loud muscle car type of cars and value comfort. And your neighbourhood will thank you too, you know not having to listen to your loud ass engine on weekends or nights when you get back home.


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I'm going to get an electric car for the first time in the next months, and it will be the first EV of my life. Most likely a Tesla with around 400km of range, I am now willing to make that step.

Having driven EV and especially a Tesla, I dont miss a damn sound and driving a Tesla at 200 kph with little sound is as comfortable as driving a high speed train. The looks of high-end car drivers when you pass them and they dont stand a chance is another soft factor tbh. The one thing it will never be though, is a Mercedes, Audi or Volvo.

But I was never a fan of any loud muscle car type of cars and value comfort. And your neighbourhood will thank you too, you know not having to listen to your loud ass engine on weekends or nights when you get back home.

I need sound!!!

I need power

I need v12s!!!!


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World-renowned designer Murat Günak, who was with us as a consultant at the beginning of our journey, joined to TOGG team as TOGG Design Leader as of April 1st.


Murat Günak (born 9 August 1957, Istanbul) is a Turkish car designer and former head designer of Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz.


Günak studied design at Hochschule für Bildende Künste (Academy of Fine Arts) in Kassel and then studied at the Royal College of Art in London under Claude Lobo and Patrick Le Quément[1] where he was awarded Master of Automotive Design and was sponsored by Ford.

After graduation he worked at Ford in Germany for two years and then moved to Mercedes-Benz for 8 years. Gunak moved to Peugeot to become Head of Design in 1994 and then returned to Mercedes-Benz and DaimlerChrysler in 1998 as Vice President for all passenger cars.

He joined the Volkswagen brand as Head of Design in April 2003 and took over as Head of Design of the Volkswagen Group on 1 January 2004, responsible for the design activities of all brands in the Group. He was replaced at Volkswagen by his former employee, Walter de'Silva in 2007.

Through his consultant company MGMO GmbH, he was CEO of Mindset AG between July 2008 and January 2009.

He moved to a new electric vehicle project called "Mia electric" in France, which was produced between 2011 and 2013. Günak then moved to Tretbox, now Ono, to develop further electric vehicle designs.

Car designs​

  • Mercedes-Benz C-Class
  • Mercedes-Benz SLK
  • Peugeot 206 CC
  • Peugeot 307
  • Peugeot 607
  • Volkswagen Passat CC
  • Volkswagen Passat Lingyu
  • Volkswagen Golf V
  • Mia electric
  • TOGG Turkish national car



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World-renowned designer Murat Günak, who was with us as a consultant at the beginning of our journey, joined to TOGG team as TOGG Design Leader as of April 1st.


Murat Günak (born 9 August 1957, Istanbul) is a Turkish car designer and former head designer of Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz.


Günak studied design at Hochschule für Bildende Künste (Academy of Fine Arts) in Kassel and then studied at the Royal College of Art in London under Claude Lobo and Patrick Le Quément[1] where he was awarded Master of Automotive Design and was sponsored by Ford.

After graduation he worked at Ford in Germany for two years and then moved to Mercedes-Benz for 8 years. Gunak moved to Peugeot to become Head of Design in 1994 and then returned to Mercedes-Benz and DaimlerChrysler in 1998 as Vice President for all passenger cars.

He joined the Volkswagen brand as Head of Design in April 2003 and took over as Head of Design of the Volkswagen Group on 1 January 2004, responsible for the design activities of all brands in the Group. He was replaced at Volkswagen by his former employee, Walter de'Silva in 2007.

Through his consultant company MGMO GmbH, he was CEO of Mindset AG between July 2008 and January 2009.

He moved to a new electric vehicle project called "Mia electric" in France, which was produced between 2011 and 2013. Günak then moved to Tretbox, now Ono, to develop further electric vehicle designs.

Car designs​

  • Mercedes-Benz C-Class
  • Mercedes-Benz SLK
  • Peugeot 206 CC
  • Peugeot 307
  • Peugeot 607
  • Volkswagen Passat CC
  • Volkswagen Passat Lingyu
  • Volkswagen Golf V
  • Mia electric
  • TOGG Turkish national car

Wherever I see "April 1st" I become tense.

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