175k factoryWhat will be the yearly output of this factor and how is it compared to a giga factory of Tesla?
175k factoryWhat will be the yearly output of this factor and how is it compared to a giga factory of Tesla?
Quite low but its a start i guess.175k factory
What will be the yearly output of this factor and how is it compared to a giga factory of Tesla?
The automative industry is a big thrilion dollar industry. I hope this will cut the import of cars to turkey in the long term.
The automative industry is a big thrilion dollar industry. I hope this will cut the import of cars to turkey in the long term.
We already have a decent sized automotive industry and the taxes on imports are high. On the contrary we are exporting vehicles worth billions to Europe and the US.
In 2019, in transport sector, TR exported around 30 billion USD and imported around 17 billion USD.
A net of 13 billion USD...
It comes to about 150 USD per person in Turkey.
It is not bad....but TR could be doing far better.
To give idea this net export forcase (arguably the gold standard here) in transport sector is 1600 USD.
On other end are recent + distanced (logistically) arrivals like China and India where this number is around 10 USD and 5 USD respectively in this transport sector (net export per capita).
This gives you an idea overall what the investment intensities for Turkey need to be seen to propel more towards German number. The last few pages in TR economy thread, I write about this being quite lacking....and thus you see relative stagnation when TR potential is quite good here given its population and location...and clear path w.r.t gold standard number like in Germany.
Yes. I read a article long time ago how turkey have high taxes on car imports. Im not sure how much TOG will affect the market but i hope they can take a huge share in turkey. Just look at how germany are exporting 150 billion usd worth of vehicles every year.We already have a decent sized automotive industry and the taxes on imports are high. On the contrary we are exporting vehicles worth billions to Europe and the US.
Yes. I read a article long time ago how turkey have high taxes on car imports. Im not sure how much TOG will affect the market but i hope they can take a huge share in turkey. Just look at how germany are exporting 150 billion usd worth of vehicles every year.
Yes. I read a article long time ago how turkey have high taxes on car imports. Im not sure how much TOG will affect the market but i hope they can take a huge share in turkey. Just look at how germany are exporting 150 billion usd worth of vehicles every year.
Economic superhouse.150 billion in cars alone
Another 63 billion in vehicle parts
12 billion in trucks
12 billion in aircraft parts (my company is involved in some of this from MTU)
9 billion in tractors
Bunch more billions in others till you get to a 300 bn total "all in".
Germany is truly "the" beast here for 80 million population.
I will order one.Our prototype testing processes are progressing in line with our plans. Our aerodynamic and aeroacoustic tests were carried out today.
TOGG C-SUV in White.
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