TR Turkey's Internal Counter-Terrorism Operations



Attack at the HDP's Izmir regional office happened. 1 civilian female worker was killed and the attacker was arrested. The attacker is part of an ultra-nationalist organization and also fought in Syria. According to HDP sources there were 2 more attackers but they managed to run away.

Deniz Poyraz was the civilian worker that lost her life in the attack

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The attacker Onur Gencer
View attachment 23425
Fuckin murderer....what he had achieved by murdering a 20 year old young woman?

Sedat Peker warned about these 1 or 2 weeks ago. He also tweeted after the attack and say that this is the organization of Mehmet Ağar and more will follow in the near future.

Every political leader except Erdogan condemned the attack.

Bahçeli reacted in a very harsh way against this attack.

Toplumsal huzur ve iç barış ortamımızı sabote etmek isteyen karanlık emeller bu defa İzmir'de sahneye çıkmıştır. Türkiye'nin karışmasını; etnik, ideolojik ve siyasi fay hatlarının kırılarak fitne depremlerinin oluşmasını hedefleyen iç ve dış provokasyonlar devreye alınmıştır. Suçluların menfur eliyle, sokakların melun izbeliğinde hıyanet ve husumet arayışına çıkan mihraklar bugün İzmir'de ateşle oynamaya kalkışmışlardır. Bu haliyle HDP'nin İzmir il binasına yapılan saldırı kanlı bir prova, toplumun sinir uçlarını test eden kalleş bir tertiptir.

Bu vahim olayın iç yüzü mutlaka deşifre edilmeli, önü ve arkası aydınlatılmalıdır. HDP'li yöneticilerin, Halk TV'nin program akışını planlayan ve tahrikleri canlı tutan kişilerin sahip oldukları bilgi, belge ve bulguları derhal adli ve emniyet birimlerine ulaştırmaları şarttır. Saldırı gerçekleştikten hemen sonra, elinde tuttuğu silahı ve bozkurt işaretiyle fotoğrafları servis edilen saldırganın kararlılıkla üstüne gidilmeli, bağ ve bağlantıları, irtibat ve ilişki ağları hiçbir tavsamaya meydan vermeden araştırılmalı ve açığa çıkarılmalıdır.

Bundan sonraki soruşturma ve kovuşturma safhalarının her aşamasına özel izin alarak katılmalarını beklediğimiz HDP'li ve CHP'li yöneticiler, konuyu istismar eden gazeteci ve televizyoncular ne biliyorlarsa anlatmalı ve gerçeğin ortaya çıkışına sonuna kadar hizmet etmelidir. Hasbelkader veya planlı bir senaryonun çerçevesinde bozkurt işareti yaparak sosyal medyadan yayınlayan bir cani üzerinden Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi'ni suçlamaya, töhmet altında bırakmaya, hatta yargısız infaz etmeye hiç kimsenin harcı olmadığı gibi hakkı da, haddi de yoktur. Katilin daha önceden çektirdiği fotoğraflarının birden bire nasıl tedavüle sokulduğu, buna kimlerin önayak olduğu, meselenin hangi odaklar vasıtasıyla Türk-Kürt ihtilafına taşınmak istendiği adaletin başlıca konusu olmalıdır.

İnanıyorum ki, Kürt kökenli kardeşlerim oynanan oyuna ve kurulan tuzağa düşmeyeceklerdir. MHP'yi sokağa çekmeye çalışanlar, kavgayla ve kaotik hadiselerle muhataplık kurmasına çabalayanlar asla başarılı olamayacak Türkiye düşmanlarıdır. Bozkurt yapan ellerin temiz, kalplerin de vatan ve millet aşkıyla çarpması fikri ve siyasi namusumuzun gereğidir.

Bugünkü hassas ortamda herkesin duyarlı ve düşünceli hareket etmesi özellikle temennimdir. Sağlık çalışanıyken istifaen ayrılmış kirli şahsı gerekçe gösterip Milliyetçi-Ülkücü Hareket'i ithama tevessül etmek milli birlik ve kardeşliğe tehlikeli şekilde tahammülsüzlüktür. Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi'nin şerefli mücadelesi; hukuk, demokrasi ve siyasi ilkeleriyle sınırlıdır. Bunun dışında hiçbir alan, saha ve zeminde davamızın ve dava arkadaşlarımızın anılması, bulunması, herhangi bir çatışmanın faili olması ihtimalen bile olsa söz konusu değildir. HDP binasına saldırı emri verenler, kapalı devre faaliyet içinde olanlar, alacakaranlık ortamdan nemalananlar, el ovuşturanlar, eylemin rotasını çizenler, kamçılanan toplumsal gerginliği kırılma noktasına kadar bükmeyi amaçlayanlar tespit, teşhir ve tecziye edilmelidir. Türkiye sokakta bulunmamıştır, sokak aralarında cirit atan casus ve hainlere teslim edilmeyecektir. Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi buna yeminlidir."


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The dead civilian female Deniz Poyraz happened to carry the picture of the dead PKK terrorist code name "Gulcin" Dilan Kortak on her funeral.

Dilan Kortak



Deniz Poyraz carrying her picture on the funeral with the writing "Dilan Kortak is our honor"


KKF 2.0

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The dead civilian female Deniz Poyraz happened to carry the picture of the dead PKK terrorist code name "Gulcin" Dilan Kortak on her funeral.

Dilan Kortak

View attachment 23454
View attachment 23455

Deniz Poyraz carrying her picture on the funeral with the writing "Dilan Kortak is our honor"

View attachment 23456
Still, I don't want self-declared wannabe-heroes to go around and kill people they think are enemies of the nation. This is not a Wild West movie, it's real life.


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The dead civilian female Deniz Poyraz happened to carry the picture of the dead PKK terrorist code name "Gulcin" Dilan Kortak on her funeral.

Dilan Kortak

View attachment 23454
View attachment 23455

Deniz Poyraz carrying her picture on the funeral with the writing "Dilan Kortak is our honor"

View attachment 23456

Well vigilantism cant be justified but everybody who is associated and works for this party is a terrorist.

End of story the victim as you see here has a cake of a terrorist leader and its flag.

Sorry I cant feel sorry for terrorists. Even if the guy did is shitty optics.

This party is responsible for a lot of terrorist attacks. Not to mention the biggest voters of Hdp are all Kurds.

Now go figure. If the Turkish government is not banning hdp and throwing its members in jail for terrorism and crimes against the Turkish state so dont be surprised if people take the law onto their own hands.

Why should the Turks tolerate a terrorist party??

It seems Turkiye is the only country on this planet that allows terrorists to have their own political party. So ridiculous!!! This defies logic can you imagine in Australia a party associated or links to terrorism in the Australian parliament that shit would never happen. Seriously Turkiye needs to grow a bone enough is enough in trying to appease terrorists.

Its a madhouse!!! Either come down and enforce the law or there will be people who would take it up as the State failed.
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Ottoman Empire even had the Dashnaks in the Ottoman parliament.

Why the fck do we allow terrorists the right to have their own political parties??

History repeats itself yet again.


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Still, I don't want self-declared wannabe-heroes to go around and kill people they think are enemies of the nation. This is not a Wild West movie, it's real life.
I am not posting this in order to defend the attacker. I am posting this in order to share some facts about the victim and what people work at HDPs HQ in Izmir. I am not gonna lie and I am going to say that I don't mourn her even one bit but I am not happy around the circumstances in which the situation developed. There is a State in Turkey, official law enforcement services and judges. They have to deal with her and her kind.

I don't believe anything will be solved with that murder and that act is either an organized provocation by terror elements with possible follow up attacks in order to create a tension within the society, provoke an answer and ignite internal conflicts or it is a rogue State employed counter-guerilla who decided to go rogue in offence of his authority. In both cases it is wrong on many levels and the needed measures must be taken immediately. This is unacceptable.


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Well vigilantism cant be justified but everybody who is associated and works for this party is a terrorist.

End of story the victim as you see here has a cake of a terrorist leader and its flag.

Sorry I cant feel sorry for terrorists. Even if the guy did is shitty optics.

This party is responsible for a lot of terrorist attacks. Not to mention the biggest voters of Hdp are all Kurds.

Now go figure. If the Turkish government is not banning hdp and throwing its members in jail for terrorism and crimes against the Turkish state so dont be surprised if people take the law onto their own hands.

Why should the Turks tolerate a terrorist party??

It seems Turkiye is the only country on this planet that allows terrorists to have their own political party. So ridiculous!!! This defies logic can you imagine in Australia a party associated or links to terrorism in the Australian parliament that shit would never happen. Seriously Turkiye needs to grow a bone enough is enough in trying to appease terrorists.

Its a madhouse!!! Either come down and enforce the law or there will be people who would take it up as the State failed.

Because it won't solve anything. If you ban hdp, they will create a new one with different name. It's been always like this. And closing the whole party is like pushing more people to pkk.


One terrorist loving .... less.
Her mother was the janitor there, her mother was sick so she go there in replacement.....

Man............i have no words to say. I really, don't wanna get into discussion on this topic anymore.


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Because it won't solve anything. If you ban hdp, they will create a new one with different name. It's been always like this. And closing the whole party is like pushing more people to pkk.

The Hdp is literally pkks political party.

We are the only country on this planet to allow terrorists to have their own political parties. This is ridiculous!!

The Ottoman Empire had the same problem with Armenians having links to the Dashnaks or Armenian terrorists having their own political parties in the Ottoman Empire.

Madhouse at its best. The
more you appease the terrorists the more they shove their knives down our throats.

Now with this attack people are are going to even feel sorry for them. Thats right the terrorists are going to play the victim card once again.

Only people they will be fooling are either leftists or liberal cucks.


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Her mother was the janitor there, her mother was sick so she go there in replacement.....

Man............i have no words to say. I really, don't wanna get into discussion on this topic anymore.
And? Does this change the fact that she and her family are terrorist loving....
Go pick some flowers and bring it to her grave.


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Some people say but she has sympathy for terrorists and actively made propaganda of the PKK. That is true and she should have been on the court not in the grave. Making propaganda of a terrorist group is a crime according to Turkish law.
Deranged vigilante people shooting anyone who they think is guilty, is a recipe for chaos. Believe me, nothing good will come from that.


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Fuck her than.

But i'm still against the murder of civilians. Even if she is a terrorist loving bitch.

You still talk like a Police Officer or Soldier killed her, wake up it was a civilian with radical right ideological background.


4 2,709
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The Hdp is literally pkks political party.

We are the only country on this planet to allow terrorists to have their own political parties. This is ridiculous!!

The Ottoman Empire had the same problem with Armenians having links to the Dashnaks or Armenian terrorists having their own political parties in the Ottoman Empire.

Madhouse at its best. The
more you appease the terrorists the more they shove their knives down our throats.

Now with this attack people are are going to even feel sorry for them. Thats right the terrorists are going to play the victim card once again.

Only people they will be fooling are either leftists or liberal cucks.
Sure but again, this is not the first time they formed a party. What will stop them to establish another one. Do you think closing the party really solves anything? You can cut the treasury share from the party if you don't want money to go to the party. There are 6 million people voting for them. So basically all are terrorists. What is your solution to them? Relocate them to another country as done to Armenians? You say we are the only country allowing terrorists to have a party. Is there any country in the world successfully ended their terrorism problem forever? Maybe UK and Spain but I am not sure they manage to solve the problem in that way.

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