TR Turkey's Internal Counter-Terrorism Operations


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Sympathizers, shooting them would be an bad decision, PKK is itching for one of them to get shot so they can find a new poster girl or try to use it to justify terrorist attacks.


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our soildiers and police need more freedom and more rights they need something like a diplomatic status half untouchable against this kind of things

also simply do this we need a system on top of an vehicle wich can do following things:

- use a camera system (or multible cameras day/night Infrared ) with good optics good zoom
-connected to a face recognition KI database wich everybody has to do in turkey
-extreeme bright Flooding LEDs
- multible pepper spray granade launchers
- maybe a lazer to blind them temporarly
- maybe a microwave generator to let them feel bad

but mainly people need to be catched and identified and than let them PAY for everything that has been damaged, take away their poperty if they cannot pay! take away their marriage gold, their car their whatever you can get.. its not our fault not the states fault that these people are doing criminal acts! if they cannot pay than watch them out.. they dont get any government money or else, if they work without paying taxes yes the one who provides them with work will pay a huge amount of money (20.000 Euros) and gets an extra investigation for the future because he could do tax crimes again..

also these people their families and all other need to be target by tax law enformance and keeped an eye on them also investigations against their families in pkk support need to be done.. maybe you can put the family members into account too like brothers, cousins uncles if they deny having anything to do with them than maybe you need to put both parants into prision and take the children away and because other familiy members said previously they did not have something to do with them or did not inform the government on pkk acitivities..

these people need to be identified and need to pay their destructive behavior and having no money should mean you wont even get government support until the money is payed!

there arecertain regions of turkey like armenians wont change these people wont change easily..and certain regions of turkey like are you all know what they are nothing good comes out from there..


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our soildiers and police need more freedom and more rights they need something like a diplomatic status half untouchable against this kind of things

also simply do this we need a system on top of an vehicle wich can do following things:

- use a camera system (or multible cameras day/night Infrared ) with good optics good zoom
-connected to a face recognition KI database wich everybody has to do in turkey
-extreeme bright Flooding LEDs
- multible pepper spray granade launchers
- maybe a lazer to blind them temporarly
- maybe a microwave generator to let them feel bad

but mainly people need to be catched and identified and than let them PAY for everything that has been damaged, take away their poperty if they cannot pay! take away their marriage gold, their car their whatever you can get.. its not our fault not the states fault that these people are doing criminal acts! if they cannot pay than watch them out.. they dont get any government money or else, if they work without paying taxes yes the one who provides them with work will pay a huge amount of money (20.000 Euros) and gets an extra investigation for the future because he could do tax crimes again..

also these people their families and all other need to be target by tax law enformance and keeped an eye on them also investigations against their families in pkk support need to be done.. maybe you can put the family members into account too like brothers, cousins uncles if they deny having anything to do with them than maybe you need to put both parants into prision and take the children away and because other familiy members said previously they did not have something to do with them or did not inform the government on pkk acitivities..

these people need to be identified and need to pay their destructive behavior and having no money should mean you wont even get government support until the money is payed!

there arecertain regions of turkey like armenians wont change these people wont change easily..and certain regions of turkey like are you all know what they are nothing good comes out from there..
I called it first, China-style


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Chilli Specialist
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I called it first, China-style

I am not for camps just for personal punishment.. if my father has money depts I will be the next one to be called if he is dead .. that should be the motto here also including other family members wich may support them in a hidden way.. taking their children away may be a punishment if nothing helps imagine these people could do nothing and just live a life in the house of a "family member" getting food from "other family memeber" support could be given to them from their organisation and they could try to hide their belongings by their family members


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I am not for camps just for personal punishment.. if my father has money depts I will be the next one to be called if he is dead .. that should be the motto here also including other family members wich may support them in a hidden way.. taking their children away may be a punishment if nothing helps imagine these people could do nothing and just live a life in the house of a "family member" getting food from "other family memeber" support could be given to them from their organisation and they could try to hide their belongings by their family members
Well I meant the camera surveillance part. The camp solution is too expensive.


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Police forces need to establish camera network on every street corner so we can identify pkk sympatizers and root them out.


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DHKP-C terrorist caught near the border. He was released due to death-fasting. Guess he won't get out now even if he chooses to fast until death.


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Civilian was hit by a soldier after a standoff in Derecik. The civilians decided to sit for a picnique in a military area. The soldiers reacted and demanded the civilians to leave 7 times while the civilians showed resistance and one civilian was injured after a short fight.

A lesson: Don't do picniques in military areas.
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