Police kill terrorist attempting to blow himself up in SE Turkey
Police killed a terrorist who had a bomb-laden vest and was planning to detonate it on Monday. The suspect, identified as a Syrian national, was...
Look, unless your walls are old-school medieval monstrosities that require a siege tower to get over, they will at best slow down border-hoppers for like 10 seconds. What you need are border guards and watchtowers along as many points as possible. Trump's border wall, for example, was a useless initiative that wouldn't fix the problem of border-hopping, what the US needed was tightened border security in general. Turkey is the same.
Seems the walls aren’t tall enough.
Is the CHP-HDP alliance moving out to crush pro-government journalists now that their prospects of winning are higher?
I don't think it have anything to do with CHP or HDP. For now what I think is that Sedat Peker could have sent a message because if the killers wanted they could have killed him without problems but instead they shot the lower part of the legs which is less risky for his life and they shot him that way from behind...Is the CHP-HDP alliance moving out to crush pro-government journalists now that their prospects of winning are higher?
If we went by your logic, then it wont be FETO either as they are set to come back to Turkey sooner or laterI don't think it have anything to do with CHP or HDP. For now what I think is that Sedat Peker could have sent a message because if the killers wanted they could have killed him without problems but instead they shot the lower part of the legs which is less risky for his life and they shot him that way from behind...
Emre Ercis published materials regarding Sedat Peker's wife so it can be a reason. Another two possibilities are FETO and false flag attack. Those are only speculations but nothing is impossible. When I think about CHP the last thing I can think of is shooting at journalists.
The security forces determined that the PKK has used more than 40 NATO originated ancient tank missiles in the attacks in 2017-2021. The terrorists, American originow TOW, Swedish production has used AT-4 and French-German production missile
Terör örgütü PKK, Türk güvenlik güçlerine bazı NATO üyesi ülkelerin ürettiği silahlarla saldırdı
Güvenlik güçleri, örgütün 2017-2021 yıllarında düzenlediği saldırılarda 40'ın üzerinde Amerikan menşeli TOW, İsveç üretimi AT-4 ve Fransız-Alman üretimi MILAN anti-tank mühimmatı kullandığını tespit etti. - Anadolu Ajansıwww.aa.com.tr
The term "so-called allies" suits them better and yeah, NATO is dangerous and its of paramount priority that this so-called alliance breaks.Nato allies waging a proxy war against Turkey.
People can keep on denying that nato has nothing to do with this. Its obvious that pkk is getting iranian, russian and chinese arms. But seeing weapons from our allies is a bigger kick in the balls.
That is why I support Erdo in whateveractions he does in order to disrupt the West plansNato allies waging a proxy war against Turkey.
People can keep on denying that nato has nothing to do with this. Its obvious that pkk is getting iranian, russian and chinese arms. But seeing weapons from our allies is a bigger kick in the balls.
That is why I support Erdo in whateveractions he does in order to disrupt the West plans
From USA influence in Syria, Afghanistan, and Libya to France influence in Libya amd the African Continent
The problem with turks in general is that they dont know when the term "ally" is applied. The term is apploed when both parties percieve each other as damn EQUALS!! Europe never once considered Turkey as an equal and I will say it again...... Europe asked Turkey to join NATO and be closer to each other wasnt because of repsect and friendship but because they are the best canoon fodder against Russia
And that is why CHP's policies are a thing of fiction amd will never occur. The fact they will ask "EUROPE" to take some of the refugees is bullshit amd wont work. The fact that ppl believe that the CHP will also kick Afghan refugees out is impossible as well as they are chosen by The USA to escape from Taliban!! The CHP is way too pro-USA thusbthey will never kick them out but will hide them out in obscurityand somehow proclaim to the media that they fulfilled their promise
I think generalization is a problem here. Remember that AKP and RTE has been at the helmet for the past 20 years.Turkey has gained the At4 time to strip it up and reverse engineer it. Time to put the M72 law to retirement.
Soyboy Swedes are one of the biggest pkk supporters lets not forget this.
We should send the refugees to these Scandanavian utopias.
Have you noticed how little separatism we got internally except the PKK elements. No mayor or province inciting hate or separatism. I guess that shows how much HDP support PKK and separatism.
Extraordinary situation required extraordinary measure.Have you noticed how little separatism we got internally except the PKK elements. No mayor or province inciting hate or separatism. I guess that shows how much HDP support PKK and separatism.
HDP is the public face of the PKKHave you noticed how little separatism we got internally except the PKK elements. No mayor or province inciting hate or separatism. I guess that shows how much HDP support PKK and separatism.