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📌 Eurofighter CEO Mezzanatto stated that Turkey wanted to buy 40-50 Eurofighters, but Germany blocked these attempts.

📌 Italian CEO emphasized that the blockage may have been made due to Turkey's natural gas activities in the Eastern Mediterranean.
I disagree with the second paragraph

We buy Reis class submarines from Germany and we have not had any problems.

I think Germany will not support France-Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean. Germany is not happy with our presence in northern Syria and northern Iraq.


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There will always be wars. History has a habit of repeating itself. USA, Israel and the EU do NOT want to see Turkiye as a military and economic powerhouse because that means we can dictate our own foreign policy (remember when we denied the usa access to the second Gulf war? They still haven't forgotten). And even worse, competition on the international arms market.


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There will always be wars. History has a habit of repeating itself. USA, Israel and the EU do NOT want to see Turkiye as a military and economic powerhouse because that means we can dictate our own foreign policy (remember when we denied the usa access to the second Gulf war? They still haven't forgotten). And even worse, competition on the international arms market.

How about time people woke up to the coffee.

People think Iran, China and Russia are only threats along with Arab countries to Turkiye while they love purposely to ignore the USA, EU and Israel.

They will never accept you as equals or apart of their race or even apart of their civilisation. People need to get this through their skulls.

Turkiye was only backed by the Usa and the Eu as a buffer against Russia. Now Turkiye has now outgrown its role that it is being treated as a threat to their interests.

People think its Erdogan that is the problem. Even if Erdogan is gone they still wont change their tune.


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Mate, you sound like a broken record. repeating the same stuff over and over again. I don't see anyone in this forum who considers most of the western countries as genuine allies.

We have interests and if they allign then we walk together for a while. Now Spain is and could possibly be considered the most friendly western ally we have atm. The Brits are playing their game "good cop, bad cop" (US, or with the help of some EU allies). etc. etc. etc.

All of that is done in the interest of keeping Türkeye within they reach or area of influence.

That's it.

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