You are probably right, but the export of this aircraft alone will bring in a lot of money.That's...a whole separate aircraft. That would basically take an equal amount of effort as Kaan to make. It's not even the difference between hornet and super hornet (which basically only shared avionics), the whole design itself would have to change. It's not just "jet but big". This hypothetical Hürjet 2 would not even carry forward the basic shape of the jet.
Simply making more Kaans would be cheaper than actually developing what you stated.
TAI KAAN probably costs between 90-120 million USD as a sales price.
The African and South American and partly Central Asian countries simply cannot afford a modern stealth aircraft of this price category, at least not in such large numbers.
But they also don't want to buy crap from Russia and China where they then have more problems than it can solve.
The US & European models, whether GEN 4.5+ or GEN 5, are either extremely expensive or very expensive and subject to many restrictions.
This is where the hypothetical Hürjet II comes into play with 2 GE 404 engines and stealth design + internal weapons bay. It would be like an F-18 Super Hornet with stealth design, the cost would probably be around 50-70 million USD (Sweetspot) and you would hit the market exactly what the masses want.
A stealth fighter that is cheap and efficient and suitable for both land and sea.
In principle, what Turkey is doing with drones is attacking the middle and lower price segments. In this case, American/European quality with an almost Chinese price, which is exactly how the masses want their fighter aircraft.
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