I don't know if this is the place to write these but soon many news will be shared so, it could be an insight for future events. First, AKP intervened to Presidential elections here and forced their puppet to take the seat.. Then their puppet party UBP took over the control of government with deputy transfers!, then they removed elected PM which is head of their puppet UBP! because he was not enough obedient (wow). Now they are forcing puppet government to change laws to turn TRNC little AKP corruption state and a dictatorship. I am still not against whole Turkey but everyday, rightfully, I am becoming more anti Turkey
) like thousands of Turkish Cypriots.. Turkey is now biggest threat to my people, our existence, laws, freedom, freedom of religion and democracy in danger. Far left guys
be proved right now. Bad days ahead and probably soon you will witness so many anti Turkey news from TRNC. Even Greeks couldn't achieved this much destruction on our society. Turkey should be proud of exporting dictatorship.
If these laws that Turkey "forces us to accept" passes, we won't be able to show dissatisfaction with president or government, we can't criticize government on social media, we won't be able to organize demonstrations without permission, we won't be freely use foreign money, TL will be forced ( I will not use any lira from now on!) government institutions will be sold to AKP gangs and many more.. We will be forced to learn your! way of religion
which makes me more irritated than ever, so we are going to implement Turkey's rotten democracy..! wonderful.. Obey or leave, this is what is said by so called savior of Turkish Cypriots now.. probably next step will be annexation, If that happens I hope whole world sanctions Turkey worse than Russia, this is my country and I won't leave it and I will live my life with my rules..
Here are some news about new laws, (This is from so called economic protocol between Turkey and TRNC! which includes religion and authorianism)
The Penal Amendment Law, which includes the criminalization of "being disgruntled and feeling cold towards the President", was sent to the Parliament
Source: "Cumhurbaşkanına karşı hoşnutsuz olmak" suç sayılacak!
"Cumhurbaşkanına karşı hoşnutsuz olmanın ve soğukluk hissetmenin" suç olarak tanımlanmasına yönelik düzenleme içeren Ceza Değişiklik Yasası, UBP-DP-YDP Hükümeti tarafından Meclis'e gönderildi.
the use of foreign currency and dependence on foreign currency will be reduced in the TRNC
..Narrowing the union activities, privatizing the ports, granting citizenship to Turkish citizens and facilitating their acquisition of property, protecting the heritage of ancestors, collecting taxes from all salaries, and strengthening religious affairs ...
“TC-KKTC İktisadi ve Mali İşbirliği Protokolü” 14 Nisan’da dönemin Başbakanı Faiz Sucuoğlu ile TC Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı Fuat Oktay tarafından imzalandıktan 36 gün sonra ortaya çıktı.
Kıbrıs Türk Gazeteciler Birliği, hükümetin onaylayarak Meclis’e sevk ettiği Ceza (Değişiklik), Özel Hayatın ve Hayatın Gizli Alanının Korunması (Değişiklik) ve Müfsidane Yayınlar (Değişiklik) Yasa Tasarılarına tepki gösterdi; bu değişikliklerin baskıcı bir yönetim hedeflendiğini gösterdiğini...
TC-KKTC Mali ve İktisadi İş Birliği Protokolü adı altında imzalanan metnin, yurdumuzun ve toplumun iradesinin tamamen Ankara rejimine
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