Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus News & Update


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There is a wider Turkic world out there and if brought together would immensely benefit all Turkic nations. Turkey is the only reasonable nation capable of doing this, due to her history and capacity. However we can't keep losing because of these sectarian politicians. Political islamists may work for half of Turkey, but they are not going to work for any other Turkic nation or community on earth.

We need real diplomats with real tangible skills for this work who know how to apply regional and cultural nuance. Next to no Turkish cypriots are interested in political islam, to the contrary they quite rightly see it as the enemy of individual liberties and personal freedoms.

I know lots of Turkish Cypriots in england, these people are as secular minded as they come. This doesnt mean that many of them are not religious, it just means they keep their religion personal and see government as separate from religion.

We need a polician the likes of Rauf Denktaș.


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We must populate N.C with at least 1mio Turks. In the second stage, N.C should be recognized by our allies and friends.

Agha Sher

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Sources reports that North Cyprus demands the UN to be recognised or the UN must remove peacekeepers.

by the way, isn’t Turkeys military presence in Cyprus an overkill? 40.000 troops, 300 tanks and now a lot of high-tech military equipment. These resources could be used elsewhere


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Sources reports that North Cyprus demands the UN to be recognised or the UN must remove peacekeepers.

by the way, isn’t Turkeys military presence in Cyprus an overkill? 40.000 troops, 300 tanks and now a lot of high-tech military equipment. These resources could be used elsewhere

We have to because Cyprus is really important. Its a very strategic place and also a gateway to the eastern med.

But I believe we should keep like 20k troops.

But drawing down also sends a wrong image. No doubt the Greeks will be making moves.


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Sources reports that North Cyprus demands the UN to be recognised or the UN must remove peacekeepers.

by the way, isn’t Turkeys military presence in Cyprus an overkill? 40.000 troops, 300 tanks and now a lot of high-tech military equipment. These resources could be used elsewhere
It’s a bridgehead to Greece. We need this number. It’s not about Cyprus alone.

Agha Sher

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How exactly do you remove the UN from the island?

the buffer zone width ranges from 3.3 meters to 7.7km. I think the buffer zone was created from land belonging to both parties. As such NC can simply kick them out of their half


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the buffer zone width ranges from 3.3 meters to 7.7km. I think the buffer zone was created from land belonging to both parties. As such NC can simply kick them out of their half

That would be a losing proposition.

The refugee issue could have been Turkeys card to get the EU to behave, instead it was wasted by AK party. We protect greece from the destabilising effect that millions of refugees can have on a nation, meanwhile that same nation looks to bury us at every opportunity while hiding behind bigger powers be it the USA, Russia or EU.


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The refugee issue could have been Turkeys card to get the EU to behave, instead it was wasted by AK party. We protect greece from the destabilising effect that millions of refugees can have on a nation, meanwhile that same nation looks to bury us at every opportunity while hiding behind bigger powers be it the USA, Russia or EU.
i dont think that card is wasted. here are some reasons why:

  • the EU is skimping on their monetary support as negotiated on the agreement. vast majority of the money they promised never came, and the arrived amount went directly into EU-aligned NCO's.
  • the refugee flow has not been truly stopped, only downed to a trickle. and the Greek response to that trickle shows them how incapable they are to prevent a true onslaught.
i think Erdogan likes to use the refugee issue as a proverbial "sword of Democles" towards the EU. and if the current tensions with the Greeks ever boiled over, its not hard to imagine Erdogan gathering up every refugee inside Turkiye and "colonizing" EU.


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i dont think that card is wasted. here are some reasons why:

  • the EU is skimping on their monetary support as negotiated on the agreement. vast majority of the money they promised never came, and the arrived amount went directly into EU-aligned NCO's.
  • the refugee flow has not been truly stopped, only downed to a trickle. and the Greek response to that trickle shows them how incapable they are to prevent a true onslaught.
i think Erdogan likes to use the refugee issue as a proverbial "sword of Democles" towards the EU. and if the current tensions with the Greeks ever boiled over, its not hard to imagine Erdogan gathering up every refugee inside Turkiye and "colonizing" EU.

It shouldnt be used as a reactionary measure it should be used now to make tangible gains. Otherwise we will keep hearing time and time again from erdogan "i was deceived".

Turkey is constantly being screwed by the EU and her little lackeys like greece and the spoiled child of the union south Cyprus. Its no good thinking kind words are going to resolve anything, you have to create facts on the ground and give yourself leverage and once you have that leverage to use it diligently.

The EU clearly sees Turkey as an enemy, this is why even nations like south cyprus who was in bed with Russia for decades gets favourable treatment over a nation like Turkey whose gone to battle with Russia in multiple theatres.

Turks need to change the game they are playing.


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It shouldnt be used as a reactionary measure it should be used now to make tangible gains. Otherwise we will keep hearing time and time again from erdogan "i was deceived".

Turkey is constantly being screwed by the EU and her little lackeys like greece and the spoiled child of the union south Cyprus. Its no good thinking kind words are going to resolve anything, you have to create facts on the ground and give yourself leverage and once you have that leverage to use it diligently.

The EU clearly sees Turkey as an enemy, this is why even nations like south cyprus who was in bed with Russia for decades gets favourable treatment over a nation like Turkey whose gone to battle with Russia in multiple theatres.

Turks need to change the game they are playing.
largely agree with your statements. Turkish actions(excluding military ones) are reactionary, and rather piss-weak.
however, currently holding onto them as opposed to releasing them is the correct way to go atm. if we'd let them go right away, they'd take precautions. our weapon would be blunted for no reason. its better to use the chaos of warfare to sneak millions of Muslim refugees into EU. it would stick.


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largely agree with your statements. Turkish actions(excluding military ones) are reactionary, and rather piss-weak.
however, currently holding onto them as opposed to releasing them is the correct way to go atm. if we'd let them go right away, they'd take precautions. our weapon would be blunted for no reason. its better to use the chaos of warfare to sneak millions of Muslim refugees into EU. it would stick.

Its not even about sneaking them in, its simply about Turkey not holding onto a European burden. The reason they come to Turkey in the first place is because they want to head to Europe. Its the fake lure of certain European nations like Germany that drags them towards Turkey.

It's not our job to protect a hostile EU. But this attiude of bending over for them means they will screw us harder. That refugee deal was some of the dumbest shit i've ever seen statesman agree to in my life time. What even happened to things like Visa free travel?

To make matters worse, they have given peanuts and the Turkey looks like a typical swindling middle eastern nation to europeans. Economically it screwed us and image wise it screwed us.

diplomatically we are an absolute shambles under AK party. You can't point to any real diplomatic victories for these guys.

Now he's barking about a war with greece after he went silent on syria. And he's making the exact same mistake he made in syria, where he waited and waited until russia and america entrenched themselves in syria. He's now waiting over the illegal arming of the islands and barking about it, tomorrow after doing nothing we will see american bases on those islands, it will again be too late to do anything about it.

I still remember when the Russians killed Turkish troops in idlib and they were about to attack idlib leading to 4 million more people fleeing to Turkey. The EU was threatening us not to do anything and the EU/NATO had nothing to say towards Russia.


3 1,807
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Is it true that TRNC has put pressure on UN to recognize it of fuck off from the island ?

Since US has removed the embargo and attach National Guard to train GC
A simple empty propaganda confused fellow forum members again, let me be the good opposition guy and explain it.

- This is not a new request and time to time it surfaces, this time Great strategist inside AKP push it to be renewed by their guy inside government who is not even an elected one. For legit countries it is a legit request but reality is different here.
- Summary, UN has camps in both South and North Cyprus while majority of them are in the Greenline (nobody owns this soil), recently our FM claimed that he sent a letter (which UN says never received) requesting (UNFICYP) United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus to make an agreement that legalize their military presence in the camps stationed in the TRNC.

Additional information: UNFICYP came to the island as observing force back in 1964 to observe the conflict and Turkish Cypriots welcomed this. All guarantor states requested and UN pass a resolution to send troops to the island. In 1964 they came to the island with the permission of Republic of Cyprus (back then which was a two community republic). OUR Government now wants to get permission form TRNC as well.. suddenly. UN troops were / are obligated to stay neutral and don't involve in any armed conflict with any side, never clashed with Greeks or Turkish Troops. However there are lots of Heroes and stories where UN troops secretly transfer, save Turkish Cypriots from Greek guerrillas, one of them even involves carrying weapons to Turks with a UN vehicle (Those guys faced a trial and prisoned, after 74 they moved to North Cyprus). So Turkish Cypriots does not have negative feelings against UN troops, also some of our people work for UN.

Camps and Greenline: UN Troops came in 1964 and stationed in ex-British military camps in some occasions, that is why they still keep that camp after 1974 in Famagusta, inside our soil but it was a British camp given to UNFICYP, they also have camps in South, camps and points inside British base area (which is sovereign territory of UK) One another thing is about Varosha / Maras, UN has control points there and patrols as far as I know, because UN Council passed a resolution about Varosha that requires it to be remain unpopulated until a peace deal being signed.

On the other hand, Greenline, where most of UN troops stationed is a soil that no one owns and it was drawn / decided before 1974 to separate Turkish zone from Greek Zone in Nicosia, as a buffer zone. Legally it belongs to Republic of Cyprus but UNFICYP is holding it.

So conclusion, reckless and confused government is trying to push limits hoping this will force UN to accept us as a legal entity without proper diplomacy which probably worsen our situation and cause more sanctions and more support to South. Just like what you can expect from AKP, a foreign policy without knowing history, proper diplomacy and international law. Would it work? No, it is just propaganda for inside.

Personal Note: I know that Turks* from Turkey does not like UN, British etc. they see any foreigner (especially christians) with a negative view and hate them. When a Turk who came from Turkey, sees UN troops, they perceive them as enemies, "gavur" and if you say good things about them you are traitor for them. So with that mind AKP guys forcing government here to act against UNFICYP which actually still helps us, give fundings to environmental projects etc. UNDP used to fund some projects that could benefit both sides, development etc. WE don't need more enemies or negative view of our people, thanks to ignorants who are pushing their small plans, our reputation will sink even further.
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3 1,807
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Northern Cyprus
One day, they say direct flights will start to Russia, Russia will recognize TRNC, the other day they say Azerbaijan is about to recognize. Today they confront UN and request recognition.. All these are cheap propaganda nothing more, I think you will hear more and more as elections are closing in Turkiye because AKP wants to say look we did it for anything they could find. For me we can't even sell potato to Adana and they get spoiled.. I want Adana to recognize us first not Russia, I can't send products to Turkiye easily, if you are recognizing, allow free trade first, our teams can't do football matches!!

Fenerbahce can play with a Larnaca team but can't with a Girne Team..



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A simple empty propaganda confused fellow forum members again, let me be the good opposition guy and explain it.

- This is not a new request and time to time it surfaces, this time Great strategist inside AKP push it to be renewed by their guy inside government who is not even an elected one. For legit countries it is a legit request but reality is different here.
- Summary, UN has camps in both South and North Cyprus while majority of them are in the Greenline (nobody owns this soil), recently our FM claimed that he sent a letter (which UN says never received) requesting (UNFICYP) United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus to make an agreement that legalize their military presence in the camps stationed in the TRNC.

Additional information: UNFICYP came to the island as observing force back in 1964 to observe the conflict and Turkish Cypriots welcomed this. All guarantor states requested and UN pass a resolution to send troops to the island. In 1964 they came to the island with the permission of Republic of Cyprus (back then which was a two community republic). OUR Government now wants to get permission form TRNC as well.. suddenly. UN troops were / are obligated to stay neutral and don't involve in any armed conflict with any side, never clashed with Greeks or Turkish Troops. However there are lots of Heroes and stories where UN troops secretly transfer, save Turkish Cypriots from Greek guerrillas, one of them even involves carrying weapons to Turks with a UN vehicle (Those guys faced a trial and prisoned, after 74 they moved to North Cyprus). So Turkish Cypriots does not have negative feelings against UN troops, also some of our people work for UN.

Camps and Greenline: UN Troops came in 1964 and stationed in ex-British military camps in some occasions, that is why they still keep that camp after 1974 in Famagusta, inside our soil but it was a British camp given to UNFICYP, they also have camps in South, camps and points inside British base area (which is sovereign territory of UK) One another thing is about Varosha / Maras, UN has control points there and patrols as far as I know, because UN Council passed a resolution about Varosha that requires it to be remain unpopulated until a peace deal being signed.

On the other hand, Greenline, where most of UN troops stationed is a soil that no one owns and it was drawn / decided before 1974 to separate Turkish zone from Greek Zone in Nicosia, as a buffer zone. Legally it belongs to Republic of Cyprus but UNFICYP is holding it.

So conclusion, reckless and confused government is trying to push limits hoping this will force UN to accept us as a legal entity without proper diplomacy which probably worsen our situation and cause more sanctions and more support to South. Just like what you can expect from AKP, a foreign policy without knowing history, proper diplomacy and international law. Would it work? No, it is just propaganda for inside.

Personal Note: I know that Turks* from Turkey does not like UN, British etc. they see any foreigner (especially christians) with a negative view and hate them. When a Turk who came from Turkey, sees UN troops, they perceive them as enemies, "gavur" and if you say good things about them you are traitor for them. So with that mind AKP guys forcing government here to act against UNFICYP which actually still helps us, give fundings to environmental projects etc. UNDP used to fund some projects that could benefit both sides, development etc. WE don't need more enemies or negative view of our people, thanks to ignorants who are pushing their small plans, our reputation will sink even further.
The only mistake I see here is that Türkiye doesn't make up her mind.

It's time to cut the cr*p, demand the implementation of the UN, EU and US approved Annan plan immediately and if the Greeks don't act accordingly, do what's necessary: annexation.

After all, it's our land.


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A simple empty propaganda confused fellow forum members again, let me be the good opposition guy and explain it.

- This is not a new request and time to time it surfaces, this time Great strategist inside AKP push it to be renewed by their guy inside government who is not even an elected one. For legit countries it is a legit request but reality is different here.
- Summary, UN has camps in both South and North Cyprus while majority of them are in the Greenline (nobody owns this soil), recently our FM claimed that he sent a letter (which UN says never received) requesting (UNFICYP) United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus to make an agreement that legalize their military presence in the camps stationed in the TRNC.

Additional information: UNFICYP came to the island as observing force back in 1964 to observe the conflict and Turkish Cypriots welcomed this. All guarantor states requested and UN pass a resolution to send troops to the island. In 1964 they came to the island with the permission of Republic of Cyprus (back then which was a two community republic). OUR Government now wants to get permission form TRNC as well.. suddenly. UN troops were / are obligated to stay neutral and don't involve in any armed conflict with any side, never clashed with Greeks or Turkish Troops. However there are lots of Heroes and stories where UN troops secretly transfer, save Turkish Cypriots from Greek guerrillas, one of them even involves carrying weapons to Turks with a UN vehicle (Those guys faced a trial and prisoned, after 74 they moved to North Cyprus). So Turkish Cypriots does not have negative feelings against UN troops, also some of our people work for UN.

Camps and Greenline: UN Troops came in 1964 and stationed in ex-British military camps in some occasions, that is why they still keep that camp after 1974 in Famagusta, inside our soil but it was a British camp given to UNFICYP, they also have camps in South, camps and points inside British base area (which is sovereign territory of UK) One another thing is about Varosha / Maras, UN has control points there and patrols as far as I know, because UN Council passed a resolution about Varosha that requires it to be remain unpopulated until a peace deal being signed.

On the other hand, Greenline, where most of UN troops stationed is a soil that no one owns and it was drawn / decided before 1974 to separate Turkish zone from Greek Zone in Nicosia, as a buffer zone. Legally it belongs to Republic of Cyprus but UNFICYP is holding it.

So conclusion, reckless and confused government is trying to push limits hoping this will force UN to accept us as a legal entity without proper diplomacy which probably worsen our situation and cause more sanctions and more support to South. Just like what you can expect from AKP, a foreign policy without knowing history, proper diplomacy and international law. Would it work? No, it is just propaganda for inside.

Personal Note: I know that Turks* from Turkey does not like UN, British etc. they see any foreigner (especially christians) with a negative view and hate them. When a Turk who came from Turkey, sees UN troops, they perceive them as enemies, "gavur" and if you say good things about them you are traitor for them. So with that mind AKP guys forcing government here to act against UNFICYP which actually still helps us, give fundings to environmental projects etc. UNDP used to fund some projects that could benefit both sides, development etc. WE don't need more enemies or negative view of our people, thanks to ignorants who are pushing their small plans, our reputation will sink even further.

Those gavur troops invaded our fcking lands.

Thats why Turks from all political backgrounds dont trust gavurs.

No matter what its the conditions and history that made us paranoid. Hence why Turks of Turkiye dont take any chances.

Our neighbours the Greeks and Armenians backstabbed us if they won our situation would have been no different to Bosnia.

This hate of foreigners did not appear out of no where.

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