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News UAE threatens Algeria with sanctions over cooperation with Turkey, report says


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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has reportedly threatened Algeria with sanctions over the country's cooperation with Turkey, a report said Sunday.

The Emirati authorities have warned their Algerian counterparts and made veiled threats since September, when President Abdelmadjid Tebboune criticized the UAE's normalization of ties with Israel, according to a report by France-based news website Maghreb Intelligence.

The Abu Dhabi administration has conveyed its dismay through informal diplomatic channels, the report said, adding that Tebboune's criticism was seen as an open declaration of hostility.

One such informal diplomatic message was sent to Algeria through Gen. Abdelghani Rachedi, who had previously served as the Algerian military attache in Abu Dhabi and has been serving as the head of Algeria's General Directorate of National Security, the main police force, since late April.

In a letter, the Abu Dhabi administration reportedly said it will not hesitate to adopt economic and political sanctions against Algiers if the government continues to cooperate with "anti-Emirati lobbies" in the region.

Gen. Rachedi reportedly conveyed the message to President Tebboune, who refrained from responding.

The UAE and Algeria had enjoyed favorable relations during military leader Ahmed Gaid Salah's time but the ties deteriorated after Tebboune's election.

In September, the UAE and fellow Gulf state Bahrain became the first Arab states in a quarter of a century to establish formal ties with Israel, forming a new axis in the Middle East against Iran.

Palestinian groups have denounced the deal, saying it ignores the rights of the Palestinians and does not serve the Palestinian cause. The deals broke with decades of Arab consensus that there would be no normalization of relations with Israel until it had made peace with the Palestinians.

In a speech at the 75th United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 23, a week after the U.S.-brokered deal, President Tebboune said the Palestinian people's right to have a state with Jerusalem as the capital was not up for bargaining.

"The Palestinian cause remains a sacred cause for Algeria and its people," Tebboune said.

The Algerian president had also sided with Turkey and the Government of National Accord (GNA) in the Libya conflict, saying that Tripoli is a "red line no one should cross."

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Tebboune held bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the Berlin conference on Libya in January and have been supporting a political solution to the conflict.

Turkey and Algeria also signed a joint statement to establish a high-level cooperation council between the two countries to enhance ties.

Relations between Turkey and the UAE have hit an all-time low, and Erdoğan had previously announced that Ankara may suspend its diplomatic relations with the Abu Dhabi administration after the UAE-Israel deal.

Turkish officials said the UAE supports terrorist organizations that target Turkey and has become a useful political and military tool for other countries.

The UAE is a part of a Saudi-led coalition in Yemen that launched a devastating air campaign to roll back Houthi territorial gains in 2015, further escalating the crisis in the war-torn country. In Libya, Abu Dhabi backs putschist Gen. Khalifa Haftar and seeks to oust the legitimate U.N.-recognized GNA. In Syria, it supports the Bashar Assad regime in its offensive against democracy and civil rights. Turkish officials have also accused the UAE of offering financial and logistical support to the PKK terrorist group to carry out attacks on Turkey.

In August, Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (MIT) revealed that the UAE, in cooperation with Israel, was going to try to destabilize Turkey, Iran and Qatar. It added that the wanted UAE spy Mohammed Dahlan, who maintains contact with some recently established media outlets in Turkey, serves the cause by channeling funds to these organizations.

Last year, Turkey also revealed that the Emirati spy network has been operating all over the country.



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I do not understand the amount of animosity and hatred UAE has against Turkey. Where does that originate from!
They are so far away. They do not have global power aspirations. What have they got against Turkey? Or are they being manipulated by another power that is holding their strings?


I do not understand the amount of animosity and hatred UAE has against Turkey. Where does that originate from!
They are so far away. They do not have global power aspirations. What have they got against Turkey? Or are they being manipulated by another power that is holding their strings?
They are paranoid by an MB inspired democratic wave, supported by AKP that will inevitably lead to the demise of these tyrants in the middle-east. They are fighting tooth and nail to preserve their power, even if they destroy entire nations in the process.


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I do not understand the amount of animosity and hatred UAE has against Turkey. Where does that originate from!
They are so far away. They do not have global power aspirations. What have they got against Turkey? Or are they being manipulated by another power that is holding their strings?
They just don’t like Erdogan but they went far by being enemy of Turkey and not just Erdogan by supporting the Kurds

Fuzuli NL

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I do not understand the amount of animosity and hatred UAE has against Turkey. Where does that originate from!
They are so far away. They do not have global power aspirations. What have they got against Turkey? Or are they being manipulated by another power that is holding their strings?
The UAE among other entities in the region, is a "purpose state" invented and designed by the west (Britain) while still holding its reins.
As the Emiratis themselves admit overtly now, they are an integral piece of the Zionist ideology.

They are carefully molded and steered to do the dirty work of whomever has the reins in their hands.

Their animosity towards Turkey comes from a huge inferiority complex their rulers have had against the Turks and the west in general.

Too much money in the hands of ignorant spoliled children, is a dangerous thing but it's no match to the wisdom and experiences of ancient nations.

Some examples of UAE's delusions:

- The Cappuccino is actually an Emirati invention.

- The Egyptians Pharaos were actually reciding in the Emirates (after "finding" ancient Egyptian artefacts accidentally in the sand! notably a short time after the national museum in Egypt announces thousands of stolen items).

- They sent a prince as a space tourist on a NASA mission, when he reurned, they announced him as an astronaut, and later they were proud that an Emirati has proven that the Earth was Spherical! (No joke!)

- Latest archeological finds prove that the Emirates go back a whooping 250,000 years!!! and they made a documentary about it! (I didn't watch).

- Geological studies have shown that the surface and rock formations in UAE are exactly the same ones found on Mars!

The list goes on...


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United States of America
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I do not understand the amount of animosity and hatred UAE has against Turkey. Where does that originate from!
They are so far away. They do not have global power aspirations. What have they got against Turkey? Or are they being manipulated by another power that is holding their strings?
The UAE and other Arab monarchies (dictatorships) aspire to dominate the Muslim world, and they see Turkey as their competition. Arab monarchies are protégés of Israel and have a huge inferiority complex toward Turkey, the only independent and sovereign nation in that region.
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This is just the UAE making itself self-serving propaganda by threatening Algeria. If there was war, Algeria will destroy UAE within a few hours.

This is just the UAE making itself self-serving propaganda by threatening Algeria. If there was war, Algeria will destroy UAE within a few hours.

This is just the UAE making itself self-serving propaganda by threatening Algeria. If there was war, Algeria will destroy UAE within a few hours.

This is just the UAE making itself self-serving propaganda by threatening Algeria. If there was war, Algeria will destroy UAE within a few hours.

You know you can use multi-quote in one post?
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Please contribute to topics with informative posts and have a civilized discussion.



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This is just the UAE making itself a self-serving propaganda by threatening Algeria. If there was war, Algeria will destroy UAE within a few hours.
That do you think about a regime change?


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This thread is titled "UAE threatens Algeria with sanctions over cooperation with Turkey". I am an Algerian national, and you came to defend the UAE. Who is obsessed with whom. The UAE, Jordan and other Arab Sheikdoms normalized with their master Israel and are trying to make the region into a Zionist zone. My response in this current thread, is that the UAE with its tiny population who never committed to a real war, is threatening Algeria, a nation whose people offered great sacrifices and fought in wars going back centuries. I personally think that the existence of the UAE as a state is not a long time affair. "Le ridicule tue" . The ridicule kills.

This is intellectually bankrupt... But I will anyways help you reason.. UAE has never made any threat towards Algeria... It can impose sanctions via blockade of trade between UAE and Algeria but I doubt the article is based on reality but rather another assumption news which is fake news. You are talking about Israel constantly but they are viewed as irrelevant in the larger picture geo-politics context in these countries because it is just a tiny country that doesn't pose threat but just an outpost.

Nobody can undo UAE, Saudi Arabia or the GCC, Jordan, Eygpt and co militarily.. Only NATO which is a huge coalition.. The GCC military wing called ''Peninsula shield'' Has around like 913 fighter jets that is 3rd most fighter jets in the world after only US and China... There population is 65mio but the Peninsula is more armed than china on per capita and by far..

On a regional level no entity can defeat Peninsula shield not even Turkey that has the most advanced defense industry.. There are 5 more defacto members of the peninsula shield these are Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisa and Morocco... Jordan, Sudan and Egypt are directly linked to the Peninsula shield will have access to any conflict due to geography.. they number together anywhere upwards 500m NATO is the only one that has the necessary manpower and logisical hardware quanitity.. Algeria is heavily armed herself but will not hold out against them Even if Tunisa and Morocco were to launch double attack on Algeria it could find herself in a very tough existential fight which is unpredictable and nobody knows the outcome...

Because Morocco has been well armed relatively close to Algeria even tho I think Algeria is better armed overall Morcco is slightly behind Algeria not by much tho. So Morocco is technically not a walk in the park plus they have the population numbers to make this a dog-fight and the atlas mountains and their conventional ground forces is strong they are the 10th country with most tanks plus their airforce and air defense systems is good but all in all strong armed overall..
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United States of America
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This is intellectually bankrupt... But I will anyways help you reason.. UAE has never made any threat towards Algeria... It can impose sanctions via blockade of trade between UAE and Algeria but I doubt the article is based on reality but rather another assumption news which is fake news. You are talking about Israel constantly but they are viewed as irrelevant in the larger picture of the geo-politics context in these countries because it is just a tiny country that doesn't pose threat but just an outpost.

Nobody can undo UAE, Saudi Arabia or the GCC, Jordan, Eygpt and co militarily.. Only NATO which is a huge coalition.. The GCC military wing called ''Peninsula shield'' Has around like 913 fighter jets that is 3rd most fighter jets in the world after only US and China... There population is 65mio but the Peninsula is more armed than china on per capita and by far..

On a regional level no entity can defeat Peninsula shield not even Turkey that has the most advanced defense industry.. There are 5 more defacto members of the peninsula shield these are Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisa and Morocco... Jordan, Sudan and Egypt are directly linked to the Peninsula shield will have access to any conflict due to geography.. they number together anywhere upwards 600m NATO is the only one that has the necessary manpower and logisical hardware quanitity.. Algeria is heavily armed herself but will not hold out against them Even if Tunisa and Morocco were to launch double attack on Algeria it could find herself in a very tough fight which is unpredictable and nobody knows the outcome...

Because Morocco has been well armed relatively close to Algeria even tho I think Algeria is better armed overall Morcco is slightly behind Algeria not by much tho. So Morocco is technically not a walk in the park plus they have the population numbers to make this a dog-fight and the atlas mountains and their conventional ground forces is strong they are the 10th country with most tanks plus their airforce and air defense systems is good but all in all they are sound and strong armed overall..
The Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen launched in 2015, was composed of Saudi Arabia,
Emirates, Sudan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Senegal. Which represented roughly a 250 million Arab population and hundreds of billions of dollars in Military arsenal. The defeat of this strange and amazing coalition against a handful of Houthis was astoundingly unbelievable.
Throughout history, wars have always been about combat spirit and killing instinct. Two key qualities in war that the Arab armies unfortunately don't possess.
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The Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen launched in 2015, was composed of Saudi Arabia,

Just before you mention Yemen... It is a civil war Where two factions are fighting and one is supported by UAE-KSA and they hold most of the country and are on the offensive now and I know you like to say it is failed but it is far from it and ongoing the UAE-KSA have the initiative and they have no plans to exit.. It is better the war takes it's time slowly rather than massracing the populations and ending it quickly... The tactics here is to let them fight it out eventually the Ansarallah will fatigue and outlasted just give it couple of 4-5 years.. It also functions as distraction ground these who wanna perform war goes there. They could take out the entire population if they wanted but it will have international outcries and intervention from UN etc etc plus they don't want to eliminate the entire human populations.. STC and Hadis elements will eventually win by outlasting everything is pointing to that directions the Ansarallah are more or less spend these days and on the back foot
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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has reportedly threatened Algeria with sanctions over the country's cooperation with Turkey, a report said Sunday.

The Emirati authorities have warned their Algerian counterparts and made veiled threats since September, when President Abdelmadjid Tebboune criticized the UAE's normalization of ties with Israel, according to a report by France-based news website Maghreb Intelligence.

The Abu Dhabi administration has conveyed its dismay through informal diplomatic channels, the report said, adding that Tebboune's criticism was seen as an open declaration of hostility.

One such informal diplomatic message was sent to Algeria through Gen. Abdelghani Rachedi, who had previously served as the Algerian military attache in Abu Dhabi and has been serving as the head of Algeria's General Directorate of National Security, the main police force, since late April.

In a letter, the Abu Dhabi administration reportedly said it will not hesitate to adopt economic and political sanctions against Algiers if the government continues to cooperate with "anti-Emirati lobbies" in the region.

Gen. Rachedi reportedly conveyed the message to President Tebboune, who refrained from responding.

The UAE and Algeria had enjoyed favorable relations during military leader Ahmed Gaid Salah's time but the ties deteriorated after Tebboune's election.

In September, the UAE and fellow Gulf state Bahrain became the first Arab states in a quarter of a century to establish formal ties with Israel, forming a new axis in the Middle East against Iran.

Palestinian groups have denounced the deal, saying it ignores the rights of the Palestinians and does not serve the Palestinian cause. The deals broke with decades of Arab consensus that there would be no normalization of relations with Israel until it had made peace with the Palestinians.

In a speech at the 75th United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 23, a week after the U.S.-brokered deal, President Tebboune said the Palestinian people's right to have a state with Jerusalem as the capital was not up for bargaining.

"The Palestinian cause remains a sacred cause for Algeria and its people," Tebboune said.

The Algerian president had also sided with Turkey and the Government of National Accord (GNA) in the Libya conflict, saying that Tripoli is a "red line no one should cross."

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Tebboune held bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the Berlin conference on Libya in January and have been supporting a political solution to the conflict.

Turkey and Algeria also signed a joint statement to establish a high-level cooperation council between the two countries to enhance ties.

Relations between Turkey and the UAE have hit an all-time low, and Erdoğan had previously announced that Ankara may suspend its diplomatic relations with the Abu Dhabi administration after the UAE-Israel deal.

Turkish officials said the UAE supports terrorist organizations that target Turkey and has become a useful political and military tool for other countries.

The UAE is a part of a Saudi-led coalition in Yemen that launched a devastating air campaign to roll back Houthi territorial gains in 2015, further escalating the crisis in the war-torn country. In Libya, Abu Dhabi backs putschist Gen. Khalifa Haftar and seeks to oust the legitimate U.N.-recognized GNA. In Syria, it supports the Bashar Assad regime in its offensive against democracy and civil rights. Turkish officials have also accused the UAE of offering financial and logistical support to the PKK terrorist group to carry out attacks on Turkey.

In August, Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (MIT) revealed that the UAE, in cooperation with Israel, was going to try to destabilize Turkey, Iran and Qatar. It added that the wanted UAE spy Mohammed Dahlan, who maintains contact with some recently established media outlets in Turkey, serves the cause by channeling funds to these organizations.

Last year, Turkey also revealed that the Emirati spy network has been operating all over the country.

The UAE sponsors terrorism within Turkey, but also in Libya and other African countries. The UAE ruler is wanted for war crimes in various European countries. Today, somber news, Arab countries like Egypt, UAE and Morocco have helped their master Israel to gain "Observer Status" in the African Union. Great victory for Zionism thanks to the Arab states.


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Why are you so obsessed with me? Stop quoting my stuff from months ago like a weirdo.
On Nov 25, 2020, the Emirate of the UAE made desperate threats against Algeria when this country severely criticized the UAE's normalization of ties with Israel. The UAE, the mouse that tries to roar like a Lion, the country with no history is threatening nations with glorious past like Algeria and even Turkey. It is a known fact that the UAE supports terrorist organizations throughout the Mideast and Africa, and is currently being pursued by several European countries for money laundering and war crimes the UAE committed against unarmed civilians in Yemen, Libya, and other countries.
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UAE always in scandal/predatory news: Times of Israel reported on 22 July 2021 that UAE is linked to listing of 400 UK phone numbers as targets for NSO spyware. Leaked list includes number of British peer, as well as details of daughter of Dubai ruler who tried to run away and his ex-wife who fled; Israel’s NSO Group denies claims.

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