TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series


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It all depends on how much of TFX stealth know how has been shared with Baykar. Delta wing and overall stealthy appearance and flat looking surfaces shout that this is a stealthy plane.
I Sunnetci, who has good access to many a secretive information, has stated that “KE should have better RCS values than TB2”.
But unless a definite information is released from Baykar, we can only speculate. Below Infograph shows a study someone has done with respect to KE’s overall appearance and shape, and come up with a somehow fairly respectable 0.24m2 value on X band . This plane is going to have RAM paint on it as well. So it is not as cut and dry as some may make it out to be. It is definitely smaller in size than any manned stealth plane. So it starts with a definite advantage. But is it going to be stealthier than a 80millon dollar F35 (that took nearly half a trillion dollar to develop), or 200million dollar F22? That is anybody’s guess.
But as it won’t carry a life onboard and will be comparatively a great deal cheaper than it’s manned counterparts, is it justifiable to spend huge amounts of money to squeeze out every ounce of stealth from this plane? An optimum stealthiness that will allow it to carry out deep strikes and register a kill without getting killed from stand off distances should suffice.
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A thing not to forget, this simulation doesn't include the newer (and latest) model or any RAM/Leading/Trailing edge covers, real RCS will be much much lower


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Mr Yiğit: "Double-seat variant will be developed for the National Combat Aircraft TFX in the medium term."


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Mr Kotil: "Turkiye is making its own UAV. As Bayraktar and TUSAŞ, we are building TB2, Akıncı, Kızılelma, Aksungur, Anka and UAVs that We will also have a new aircraft. This is really important, unmanned aircrafts are waiting on sky, guarding our borders when the enemy comes."



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It all depends on how much of TFX stealth know how has been shared with Baykar. Delta wing and overall stealthy appearance and flat looking surfaces shout that this is a stealthy plane.
I Sunnetci, who has good access to many a secretive information, has stated that “KE should have better RCS values than TB2”.
But unless a definite information is released from Baykar, we can only speculate. Below Infograph shows a study someone has done with respect to KE’s overall appearance and shape, and come up with a somehow fairly respectable 0.24m2 value on X band . This plane is going to have RAM paint on it as well. So it is not as cut and dry as some may make it out to be. It is definitely smaller in size than any manned stealth plane. So it starts with a definite advantage. But is it going to be stealthier than a 80millon dollar F35 (that took nearly half a trillion dollar to develop), or 200million dollar F22? That is anybody’s guess.
But as it won’t carry a life onboard and will be comparatively a great deal cheaper than it’s manned counterparts, is it justifiable to spend huge amounts of money to squeeze out every ounce of stealth from this plane? An optimum stealthiness that will allow it to carry out deep strikes and register a kill without getting killed from stand off distances should suffice.
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I agree! excellent post! I just thought the comparison he mahe with the f35 and f22 wasn't fare. US has five stealth project f117, b2, f22, f35 b21, trillions of dollars of development and nearly 50 years of experience in that field.
And as you rightly pointed out KE doesn't need to be on per with f35 ! If it is stealthy enough to carry our deep strikes and register first see first kill against 4 gen aircrafts this is more than enough.
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Mr Kotil: "Turkey is making its own UAV. As Bayraktar and TUSAŞ, we are building TB2 Akıncı, Kızılelma, Aksungur, Anka and UAVs, We will also have a new aircraft. This is really important, unmanned aircrafts are waiting on sky, guarding our borders when the enemy comes."

View attachment 48939

Mr. Kotil has his hands full otherwise we could pressure him to be more precise about a new UAV.
It goes back and forth between a full grown bomber and a man portable model drone in size as it seems now.


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@MADDOG Did TAI stopped the production of Anka ? I ask because there is no further orders coming from the state, and for some reason all their recent orders includes the production of the drones for abroad even for small orders ?
Kazakhstan has ordered 30 Anka. A new joint venture will be established. Joint R&D, production and marketing are targeted.


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I think, it can only accomodate 4 bvr missiles.
I am okay with that.Take my money.

How many a2a missiles can f-35 carry?

Man just do it . Manned KE would be great. Minumum 5 times cheaper than f-35, easy to maintain, easy to produce while your air force enjoying all aspects of stealth fighter with a human pilot.

Can someone Photoshop manned KE please? Really please 🤗


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Manned KE would bring problems on its own and it might not actually work. Because it will add a lot of weight to the aircraft, the design has to be changed drastically, it will get bigger (thus reducing RCS) it will need a stronger engine, it will limits its maneuverability etc.
Also could air fights in the future turn into dogfights ? What happens if 2 similar stealthy aircraft have an air to air engagement ?


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The KE block-3 will have +12G maneuverability. And in this line, the maximum G-force will be reached over much longer periods of time. During the maneuver of the aircraft, the only thing that constitutes the endurance limit will be the structural strength of the aircraft. KE's design philosophy is based on close engagement agility and absolute superiority over manned aircrafts. This attitude is the summary of why we will not see a manned KE, but technically, the pilot's life support systems and cockpit integration of the system is already such a difficult subject that it almost requires the aircraft to be built from scratch. Converting a manned aircraft to an unmanned aircraft may not be difficult, but I believe the reverse is very difficult.

With low total mass, high weight-thrust ratio and the strength limits of human physiology not being a hindrance; unmanned fighters will represent a new stage in combat aviation. The main technical barrier here is communication technologies and autonomous decision-making and engagement capabilities. The goal for KE from Block-2 is to allow this aircraft to engage in fully autonomous dogfights without any pilot control. The only decision the operator will make will be to confirm the 'öndekine çakabilirim' warning.

To stimulate some imagination:


4 drones flying in formation. 3 turbofan flying wings(TAI MIUS?) and KE block-3.

Where is the MMU wing? Since they are flying in passive and in the Air-SOJ cluster, they cannot even be seen in the imagination.


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Saw This Meme Across The Internet During The Last Few Weeks, Iranian Kamikaze Drones Have Taken Away The Limelight From Turkish Drones, Iranians Are Winning The PR War Which Can Gave Their Defence Industry The Same Boost What Libyan, Karabakh Etc Wars Gave To Turkish Defence Industry...Ukraine Is A Hot Laboratory For Weapon Testing, Best PR For Companies & Countries, Turkey Needs To Send More Weapons To Test & Prove Its Weapons & Grab More PR & Market Share...
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This picture May be result of waiting list for tb2. If you do not wanna wait for 3+ years to get your hands on, İran is an alternative. Not to forget, what İran is selling is not even same class of drones, if you compare with tb2


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We are already selling as much drones as we can produce while Russia is the only country isolated enough to have to rely on Iranian technology as far as I know. With the amount of missiles and drones ukrainian air defense seems overwhelmed currently but neither does Russia have enough missiles to keep this up for a long time nor will the slow and low Iranian drones survive with the upcoming delivery of Western air defense systems


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Saw This Meme Across The Internet During The Last Few Weeks, Iranian Kamikaze Drones Have Taken Away The Limelight From Turkish Drones, Iranians Are Winning The PR War Which Can Gave Their Defence Industry The Same Boost What Libyan, Karabakh Etc Wars Gave To Turkish Defence Industry...Ukraine Is A Hot Laboratory For Weapon Testing, Best PR For Companies & Countries, Turkey Needs To Send More Weapons To Test & Prove Its Weapons & Grab More PR & Market Share...
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Turkish drones have been used relentlessly day and night by Ukraine and played a big role in Pushing the super power back and back. Don't think because the footage isn't being released they are not being used.

Turkish drones are striking tactical assets from troops to air defence systems, all i can see from the Iranian drone is its predominantly being used as a terror weapon dropped on civilian areas. Like the drones flying into Kiev while the frontlines of the actual battle are no where near Kiev.

From what i understand its only good for targeting static targets.

But then again this is the prejudicial problem Turks face, these drones have kicked ass and changed the nature of warfare in syria, libya and azerbaijan, They play a big role in Ukraine.

These drones were even used in Ethiopia when they realised that chinese and iranian drones were no good, they instead buy a few Turkish drones and they turned the tide of the war in the space of a weeks.

So in short Turks climb mountains and the haters of Turks want to give no credit, Iranians take their first step towards the mountain and the same haters are quick to exalt them above Turks.

And its not because they like iranians, they just have a massive insecurity complex towards Turks.

Also "market share" and PR, Turkey may be the largest exporter of armed drones or at least are on their way to being there. Russians brought iranian drones as a desperate measure for a war they losing. And when the war is finally lost the iranian drone gets to go down as being used by the super power who lost against Ukraine.


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Anyway no need to photoshop, there was already single engine TF-X.

Hürjet could be transformed into stealth light fighter project.


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I am okay with that.Take my money.

How many a2a missiles can f-35 carry?

Man just do it . Manned KE would be great. Minumum 5 times cheaper than f-35, easy to maintain, easy to produce while your air force enjoying all aspects of stealth fighter with a human pilot.

Can someone Photoshop manned KE please? Really please 🤗
There won't be manned KE. Baykar won't be doing it, at least for sure.

It is not just pushing stuff right and left and opening a place to put a pilot. To make it human-grade, entire materials needed to be changed with higher quality. You know unmanned things are cheaper because you can sacrifice safety to some extent.

Putting a pilot also means putting the Pilot-Aircraft interface, life support system, ejection seat, etc. Those will cause prices to ramp up dramatically. The single F-35 price came down to 79M$. 1/5 of is like 16M$, which is less than what Akıncı costs. So, do not expect KE to be that cheap, let alone a manned version.

Also, Baykar did not make any manned aircraft, and they are not going to be eager to do it. TUSAŞ may be, but they have Hürjet and MMU projects, and they need to redesign Hürkuş again.

Price aside, such a project would require quite a lot of time. At this time, we might be able to get Hürjet advanced to that stage or MMU and KE combined so that such a thing is no more needed.


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PR war of whose equipment is best at terrorizing civilians. i dont think Turks dont even compete in that field.

"never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake"


These same iranians believe this is a real 5th gen fighter jet too.


The persian mindset is mental. Turks are happy to see their drones smashing an evil invader and helping the innocent Ukrainian people to defend their land. Meanwhile the Iranian is talking about winning a mythological PR war against Turkey because they supplied a basic drone to Russia which has predominantly been used as a terror weapon.

Whats wrong with these people?

I suspect the reason you didnt supply them to armenia in the Azeri war is because Turks have the ability to block GPS guided systems.

On a side note seeing how slow they move and how low they are operating manpads should be enough to deal with them.
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Iran drone will not change the tide of the war, it will hurt the enemy. IT is a kamikaze drone with out a FLIR or a seeker so it works on GPS, just wait and see.


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Saw This Meme Across The Internet During The Last Few Weeks, Iranian Kamikaze Drones Have Taken Away The Limelight From Turkish Drones, Iranians Are Winning The PR War Which Can Gave Their Defence Industry The Same Boost What Libyan, Karabakh Etc Wars Gave To Turkish Defence Industry...Ukraine Is A Hot Laboratory For Weapon Testing, Best PR For Companies & Countries, Turkey Needs To Send More Weapons To Test & Prove Its Weapons & Grab More PR & Market Share...
View attachment 49004
They are not winning the PR war, a hundred is fired and only few met the target.

Iran drone will not change the tide of the war, it will hurt the enemy. IT is a kamikaze drone with out a FLIR or a seeker so it works on GPS, just wait and see.
+ Nearly does no loitering
+ Has an onboard camera but no footage so far from that.
+ Dive pattern indicates pure GPS guidance it follows few way points and dives at the last one, seeker supposed to be Anti-RF yet..
+ It was so ineffective in open areas (GPS sensitivity, likely single frequency with weak commercial IMU) that Russians started to use it to shell cities, blindly.

In the end; typical Iranian warmachine. Manufactures enmasse, yet you need a few dozen to successfully engage a target.

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