And that's what i am saying, they have different aerodynamics, but you tried to dodge that, especially by giving example of AMX.You seems to have a problem with the aerodynamics but somehow completely forgot that Kizilelma has a totally different thrust and payload class with the F-15 especially late model ones like the EX
Look carefully I even put the F-15 in its maximum allowable weight (MTOW) and in the end the F-15 still out power the Kizilema
Yes, but by what degree ?
KE is not a VLO or ELO aircraft, some estimate puts it in the 0.24m² RCS range.
advanced model F-15 APG-81/81v1 guaranteed to have it's detection range reduced due to low observable features but this is not as extreme as you think. Remember APG-81 is the largest most powerful radar out there with the exception of maybe the APG -77v1 and 81 duo.
Its self protection suite, the EPAWSS will be sufficient to protect not only against incoming missile but hostile radar.
Passive detection (like from the EPAWSS) is actually usually longer than active transmitter like the APG-81.
And depending if you actually go against a mere foreign F-15EX operator or you go against USAF operated F-15EX the results from that hypothetical air battle could be different. Remember the USAF (together with IAF [Israel] and PLAAF) is the only air force that has extensively tested 5th gen against 4.5th gen. So they must know a thing or two about defending against 5th gen jets.
F-15EX Wins Some, Loses Some in Northern Edge | Air & Space Forces Magazine
The F-15EX both shot down some adversaries and was shot down itself during the recent Northern Edge wargame in Alaska.www.airandspaceforces.com
Again, you are wrong, even if you take 31ton or 38 ton, F-15EX and KE end up with similar TWR,
An estimate which doesn't account RAM, RAS, not even a model of the current KE and it is PEC and still gets 0.24, this number would be much lower in a real config.
+Even if it is 0.2m², and let's say F-15EX radar can detect a 1m2 from 150km, KE would be detected from around 65km and if KE is using a radar that can detect 1m² from 100km, it would detect F-15EX from (8-10m²) 160km
The last part, who operates it is definitely important, and i touched on this in my previous posts with someone else