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Aselsan Minbo(MIniature BOmb) Block II
True UAV production rate is more than the CATS production rate. Aselsan is increasing CATS production to 12 per month(even though it says 10 in your link) from 6 but this is still not enough. 6 per month is 72 per year 12 per month is 144 per year this is enough for Turkish needs but it still comes short for exports.It is look like UAV production per month is greater than production of highest CAT.
Summary about CAT
"We have reached a level where we can produce 6 per month, we are trying to increase this to 10. Cats is a family of products."
ASELSAN milli İHA'ların gözünü keskinleştiriyor
ASELSAN Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı ve Genel Müdürü Haluk Görgün: “40’ın üzerinde kamera kullanıcıya teslim edilmiş durumda. Seri üretimimiz devam ediyor.”
Mr. İsmail Demir: We will see the jet powered drones of TUSAŞ. More models to come.
I hope we can secure a beneficial solution for Ukrainian motors. Otherwise I can't cheer for these beautiful words.Mr. İsmail Demir: We will see the jet powered drones of TUSAŞ. More models to come.
There can only be delays in the procuring of engines. We are looking for foreign engines just to speed up the projects, we have plans to make the engines ourselves for the longer term. That longer term can be shrunk to a shorter term if the probablity of a foreign engine turns out to be small. TF6000 for MIUS class will be the springboard to propell Türkiye to become an engine powerhouse, which actually TS1400 did initially. MIUS with a domestic engine can be made in great numbers which can overpower all enemies but the super indebted superpower. MIUS class will buy us the time to complete other projects at our own pace. Calling those projets dead is groundless. When all our projects are completed we can be considered number two and all this without a big burden of debt.Recently we have been fed with a lot of;
Going to
But we really need to hear ;
“We have secured a deal for the engines of TFX, Hurjet, Atak-2 and MIUS.”
Because without engines these projects are dead even before they have started.
We do not want another Altay story in our hands with Hurjet, TFX and MIUS.
I wish I had your optimism on these matters. But having lived through an Altay fiasco and blockage of sales of Atak-129 to Pakistan due to engines, one becomes rather sceptical.There can only be delays in the procuring of engines. We are looking for foreign engines just to speed up the projects, we have plans to make the engines ourselves for the longer term. That longer term can be shrunk to a shorter term if the probablity of a foreign engine turns out to be small. TF6000 for MIUS class will be the springboard to propell Türkiye to become an engine powerhouse, which actually TS1400 did initially. MIUS with a domestic engine can be made in great numbers which can overpower all enemies but the super indebted superpower. MIUS class will buy us the time to complete other projects at our own pace. Calling those projets dead is groundless. When all our projects are completed we can be considered number two and all this without a big burden of debt.
I would call Altay a fiasco if there was no BATU engine in the making.I wish I had your optimism on these matters. But having lived through an Altay fiasco and blockage of sales of Atak-129 to Pakistan due to engines, one becomes rather sceptical.
With respect to engines related to our air platforms we have nothing concrete in hand. The only engine we have is the TS1400. And that is still 2 to 3 years away before it’s serial production stage.
TF6000 you mention is not even mentioned by the officials. I hope we are all right in thinking that it is being made. But a small turbofan engine of 6000lbf level is far from being a springboard if you don’t have the necessary expertise and know how to build a 30000+lbf class turbofan, or get help build it. I don’t mean that we can’t build it. But the time it would take to build it would be too long. (Prof Aksit gives a timeframe of 12-14 years.)
As it stands today; We don’t have a working engine for Hurjet that we can say is ours. We don’t have an engine for TFX either. Even the first 4++ generation production planes that are supposed to be delivered by or just before 2030, have to rely on US engines, that can be blocked at any time.
Until we have a solid agreement with RR regarding local engine manufacturing, I am afraid some of us will still be having sleepless nights.
Maybe next FACs. BMC POWER is also working on marine piston engines.Aero derivative marine turbine from TF6000 and tank derivative piston marine engines from BATU , but what are they good for? Fast attack boats and USVs, what class can they power?