4 more towards 10K losses.
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Ukraine War Plans Leak Prompts Pentagon Investigation (Published 2023)
Classified documents detailing secret American and NATO plans have appeared on Twitter and Telegram.www.nytimes.com
Утечка или деза? Что за планы контрнаступления попали в Сеть
В социальные сети слили якобы секретные планы США и НАТО по наращиванию украинской армии перед контрнаступлением.korrespondent.net
Its 10K4 more towards 10K losses.
We've been hearing the same stories on both sides for the last seven months. Everyone is super, everyone is hyper strong. Western weapons are so good, I wonder why the defeats of Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam? yes, as you said, 35 countries support it. 35 nato countries! so it supports that this is actually a usa game! it's not just them suffering, everyone is suffering except US citizens. economic, social, political, psychological.Of course the Russians are going to keep working towards victory and employing whatever weapons they can. They can't afford to lose this war. I'm afraid it's all for not though, as long as Ukraine maintains staunch Western support. When you see the types of packages the USAannounced today and realize they can do that every month, and there are 35+ other countries willing to help Ukraine out as well, this simply becomes a long, exhaustive war for the Russians.
Keep in mind, that the vast majority of the fighting is STILL be done done using Soviet made weapons. Gradually, Ukraine's army will become about 50/50 Soviet and Western made kit, and eventually, it will be about 75/25 Western. When that time comes, the technology edge will be desperately in favour of Ukraine, as will the training of new troops (being completed across Europe) and the morale of the defenders, vs the exhausted Russians invaders.
Bakhmut will fall, as I've said many times. However, it should have fallen months ago. The amount of resources and experienced Wagner forces being lost trying to take that small city, is ridiculous. Meanwhile, every day that Russia stalls, Ukraine gets closer and closer to being able to counter attack. More equipment arrives. More troops finish their training. More ammunition gets to its storage points and more armor reaches various staging points.
This is not going to go well for Russia, because throwing bodies at a problem not the answer in 2023. It's not 1945 anymore.
Azerbaijan is fighting for Turkiye then.
He is a fake azeri posing as one here I remember he didn't even knew anything about turkic history and got destroyed by other fellow users here.Wish ignore feature also hid replies to ignored members. Really don't need to see reams of responses to the same bisbis/blackjack nonsense you all keep falling for
And the "Birlik" (unity) poster on the wall.anyone spot the Crimean Khanate ring in the video?
Man if the Crimean Peninsula comes under Ukrainian control hopefully can be done with minimal losses.
Then again Ukraine is better off taking Crimea even with heavy sacrifices than the Donbass.
Crimea is more valuable than Donbass. If Russia loses Crimea there goes there centuries of foreign policy in the bin in trying to gain warm water ports.
To make matters worse both the Baltic and Black Sea are becoming Nato run lakes.
Leaving Russian access to the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
No matter how many ice breakers they have they are expensive to maintain compared to normal ships alsp traversing Ice is still not easy.
Whats gonna happen with its bases in Syria and Libya as they need resupply them with their ships. Not a good look for the future for Russian ambitions.
Almost no chance of taking Crimea without heavy losses. The Perekop isthmus will narrow any attackers into narrow field of fire. There's going to be huge losses crossing the isthmus alone.
And then march through heavily fortified Russian lines... Another massive tasks.
Then fight their way towards Sebastopol, which is many many times larger than Bakhmut, in urban combat the attackers will naturally have higher loss ratio then defenders if they even manage to penetrate that far. All the while the Russian air force, Russian artillery (ground and naval) bombing you non stop.
Damn its gonna be a bigger blood bath than Bakmut.
I guess im dreaming.
Crimea geography is like a commanders wet dreams for defensive positions. Especially Sevastopol which has multiple hills surrounding it. Without amphibious invasion (which is a no brainer) your only way to enter Crimea is cross the Perekop Isthmus with only 2 roads leading towards it. and lots of small lakes around, perfect for artillery ambushes and mines.
If they're that successful and somehow penetrate very far deep towards south. Before they reach Sevastopol they'll have to seize multiple Bakhmut sized towns on narrow roads with hills on both sides from Simferopol ==> Sevastopol. Minefields with artillery on both side of the hill and Russian bombers flying from Belbek all concentrating their firepower towards that bottleneck.
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and when they reached Sevastopol, they'll have to undertake dual combo operation which is mountain (hills) warfare to seize multiple high points around the city + urban warfare. A double whammy. And there's the threat that Russian navy could join the fight with their warship artillery.
Groupings of hills around Sevastopol.
View attachment 56004
So I could understand why Russia doesn't even care with the recent Ukraine proposal for Crimea diplomatic solution when the military solution seems more lovely.