Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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sometimes numbers of military personnel losses have to correspond with what is happening in the battlefield.

Units of the Southern Group of the Russian Armed Forces occupied more advantageous positions in the Donetsk direction. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, two counterattacks by the mountain assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were repelled during the day.

Here are the details of this and other combat actions that happened over the past week, according to the bulletin.

Donetsk area

"Units of the Southern Group of Forces occupied more advantageous positions in the Donetsk direction and inflicted fire on formations of the 5th assault, 79th air assault, 81st airmobile, 24th, 28th, 53rd mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas settlements of Antonovka, Krasnogorovka, Krasnoe, and Novoe in the Donetsk People's Republic and Belogorovka in the Lugansk People's Republic," the statement said.

At the same time, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine per day in the Donetsk direction amounted to over 470 military personnel, the Ministry said. "The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost over 470 military personnel, 2 armored combat vehicles, 8 cars, a 155-mm M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery mount, a US-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, 4 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mounts, a 100-mm Rapier anti-tank gun, as well as a field ammunition depot," the ministry said.

South Donetsk area

"Units of the Vostok group of troops improved the situation along the front line in the South Donetsk direction and defeated the manpower and equipment of the 72nd motorized infantry, 58th mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the 128th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Urozhaynoye and Staromayorskoye of the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

Avdeyevka area

"The enemy lost more than 280 military personnel, 3 tanks, 2 armored combat vehicles and 6 vehicles," the ministry said.

Units of the Center Group of the Russian Armed Forces improved their tactical position in the Avdeyevka direction and repelled 12 counterattacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry noted.

"In the Avdeyevka direction, units of the Center group of troops through active actions improved the tactical situation and repelled 12 counterattacks by assault groups of the 25th Airborne, 68th, 71st Infantry, 24th, 47th, 115th Mechanized Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Novogorodskoye, Novokalinovo, Pervomaiskoye, and Berdychi of the Donetsk People's Republic," the ministry said.

Zaporozhye region and Kherson area

Units of the Dnepr group of forces inflicted fire damage on the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Rabotina district in the Zaporozhye region and the Ivanovka district in the Kherson region.

"In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of forces inflicted fire on the formations of the 65th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 35th Marine Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Zaporozhye region and Ivanovka, Kherson region. The enemy lost up to 35 military personnel, 7 vehicles, French-made 155-mm Caesar self-propelled artillery mount, a US-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, and two 122-mm D-30 howitzers," the ministry said.

Kharkov area

The Russian military destroyed two launchers of the French-Italian SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system in the Kharkov area.

"Operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Russian Armed Forces in the area of the city of Kharkov destroyed two launchers of French-Italian SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system and also defeated the personnel and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 133 areas," the Russian Ministry of Defense said.

"In the Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces inflicted fire on the personnel and equipment of the 57th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 103rd military defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Sinkovka and Berestovoe, Kharkov region. The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 35 military personnel, a tank, two cars, 122-mm self-propelled artillery mount Gvozdika, as well as a US counter-battery radar station AN/TPQ-50," the ministry said.

Air Force and air defenses

"Air defense systems shot down 205 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, a Hammer guided aerial bomb made in France, as well as 6 HIMARS and Uragan missiles," the ministry said in a statement.

At the same time, the Russian military carried out a group strike at night on enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine, military airfields, and temporary deployment points for mercenaries - the objectives of the strike were achieved.

"Tonight, the Russian Armed Forces launched a group strike with high-precision long-range sea-and air-based weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles on enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine that produced and repaired armored and automotive equipment, UAVs, military airfields, and temporary deployment points of foreign mercenaries. The objectives of the strike were achieved. All designated targets were hit," according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.


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I would be surprised if Russia were not dominating on the ground, given Ukraine's shortage of weapons and ammunition.


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The video shows an assault by a Russian unit, with the support of armored vehicles, on a stronghold of the Ukrainian army in the Novomikhailovka area. The video has been shortened, the dead Ukrainian soldiers are hidden. The Ukrainian army reportedly stormed the stronghold for two days afterwards, but was unable to retake it.



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Ukraine's fortification in Kharkiv and Sumy





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Ukraine's fortification in Kharkiv and Sumy




I think recent Russian spy sat is excellent enough to identify these 'lines' and sent the coordinates to the Russian air force to deal with it...

With this (FAB-3000 soon with UMPK glide kits)




Russia Correspondent
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ohh yes the country that has a 6 to 1 artillery advantage while constantly dropping FABs suffers more losses while being the only ones that substantiate their claims showing visual proof of military assets getting destroyed, Russians have also pushed a mobilization law to lower the conscription age to 18 because of their severe lack of manpower.

Come on this is just getting depressing even if anyone is a user here heavily influenced from drinking and drug use. If such numerical claims are true Russians should be the ones getting pushed back not the other way around. Hell, they wouldn't even need to pass constant mobilization laws. Why do the Ukrainians constantly need equipment? It doesn't sound like they need it from what they have claimed these past 2 years from the amount of support they received.

178 billion dollars was already invested in this war, Its already impossible to get Congress to pay up and Europe is assuming that Trump will win the election. Sure Europe has the 100 billion europ plan but that is a "5 year fund plan" That does not mean they automatically get 100 billion euros thrown at them for this year but its for 5 years. With Congress not passing shit and 20 billion euros only gets sent per year Ukraine these following years will be alot worser now than it was before and the past 2 years they have not achieved much. Pentagon is claiming Russia spent 211 billion dollars on the Ukraine war but it is not affecting them economically.

We are out of super wonder weapon ideas for Ukraine as well.

Manpower is also facing lack of funds despite lowering the draft age. There are still no white vans forcing russians to fight and there are still soo many that are conscripted like they don't have any lacking in funds. The age group around the 20s is not a lot and maybe a good 2 solid years you will get new blood for those that will hit 18.

I dont even think any Ukrainian in Ukraine will have a future and General Shoigu's estimate of the war will end somewhere in 2025 seems more realistic because you need at least 2 years to get more new fresh blood and you will also be looking for grandpas to fight in the war. It looks like there will be less funding these following years than the past 2 years already spent on Ukraine to speed up the systematic killing process the Russians are currently conducting.

They went from Ukraine has a 1 million man army plan to, we are having problems trying to get 500,000 people mobilized. Based on the time estimate and the Ukrainian losses there is not much left of Ukraine's age groups demographically. If you somehow pull 500,000 to launch offensives while being on the defensive position as well this year than you are going to have a serious problem for mobilization next year. Lets all put down the weed and alcohol that Ukraine has any chance of winning this war here.


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Andrew Perpetua's visually documented and geolocated losses for Russia and Ukraine, Saturday, March 30th- Friday? April 5th.

Russia: 20
Ukraine: 18

Main Battle Tanks
Russia: 65
Ukraine: 23

Infantry Fighting Vehicles
Russia: 109
Ukraine: 14

Armored Personnel Carriers
Russia: 38
Ukraine: 13

Light Armored Vehicles
Russia: 59
Ukraine: 6

Engineering Equipment
Russia: 2
Ukraine: 0

Civilian Vehicles
Russia: 62
Ukraine: 18

Small Boats
Russia: 1
Ukraine: 19

Air Defense Systems and RADARS
Russia: 6
Ukraine: 4

Electronic Warfare Systems
Russia: 1
Ukraine: 3

Surveillance / comms equipment
Russia: 14
Ukraine: 0

Both Russian Federation and Ukraine were founded in 1991 after the collapse of USSR however....



Do you think , without Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and without Ukrainian people could USSR create such a huge war machine?
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Russia Correspondent
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View attachment 67154

Both Russian Federation and Ukraine were founded in 1991 after the collapse of USSR however....
View attachment 67155
View attachment 67157
View attachment 67158
Do you think , without Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and without Ukrainian people could USSR create such a huge war machine?
these losses absolutely explain why Ukraine's offensive that was to go to Crimea barely went anywhere and that they are currently getting their asses pushed back who barely started any offensives since early 2022. I wish some made up graphs can correspond with what goes on in the battlefield like how Ukraine said they have 1 million fighters, Zelensky said 31,000 got killed, but they are having problems trying to find 500,000 people for mobilization. Are you trying to be funny or are you genuinely serious about what you post along with relic and ecderha? I dont think everyone's IQ is like 80 or below here on this forum to feel convinced anymore at this point than before.


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Estonia doesn't want to be left behind the Czechs in mystery shells.


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these losses absolutely explain why Ukraine's offensive that was to go to Crimea barely went anywhere and that they are currently getting their asses pushed back who barely started any offensives since early 2022.
I think you got your timeline wrong. Russia withdrew from Kherson north of the Dnipro and similarly retreated from a great deal of territory in the east of Ukraine summer/autumn 2022.


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Donald Trump privately said he could end the war by pressuring Ukraine to give up some territory. Some foreign policy experts said Trump's idea would "reward" dictator Putin and encourage border violations by force.

According to sources close to Trump, his proposal involves putting pressure on Ukraine to cede Crimea and the border regions of Donbass. The strategy, which has not been previously reported, is fundamentally different from Biden's - containing Russian aggression and military support for Ukraine.

In an attempt to return to power, the presumptive Republican candidate has repeatedly declared the ability to reach a peace agreement between the Russian Federation and Ukraine “within 24 hours of election.” However, he avoided public comments on specific steps to resolve the conflict.

At closed meetings, Trump said that both Russia and Ukraine were trying to “save face” and were looking for a way out of the situation. He also suggests that residents of some Ukrainian territories “could accept joining the Russian Federation,” writes WP.

However, as the publication writes, recognition of the occupation of Crimea and Donbass will expand the influence of Putin’s dictatorship. Some Trump supporters are trying to convince him of the dangers of such a development.


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Big ruzzian attack -> result Epic ruzzian Fail.
The ONLY ONE ruzzian tank which was The most expensive one with many, many EW systems on top was taken by Ukraine army (wait the end of the video)

Many EW systems on the captured high tech ruzzian tank by Ukraine army.
Ukraine soldiers captured the tank on the front lines at night and bringing it back


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Kharkiv region is under big threat. Evacuation of civilians has started in the north side.

As a result of Russian air strikes, Today energy supply of Kharkiv has been destroyed thus 410000 houses cut off from electricity.

On the federal TV channels, the Russians openly recognize the bombing of Kharkiv as terror aimed at intimidating and "breaking the will of civilians"🤬

Next strikes are being expected. President Zelensky wowed retaliation.

The Russian Federation is training 120 thousand soldiers in Siberia, they may be sent to storm Kharkov, - The Economist
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