I must say,you form some strange conclusions from this situation.
I'm just not naive.
You know the US put a hold on weapon/munitions deliveries after which Germany France UK etc stepped up to deliver more weapons/munitions to Ukraine?
A short term hold means little. That is to pressure Ukraine for capitulations on their resources, with the intent that the support will resume. What i'm saying is if the Americans cut it completely and then normalise relations with Russia. If that were to happen the EU coalition will collapse like a house of cards.
And you forget its not about only France and Germany,its the EU without Hungary so this means they all chip in.
They will not maintain a war against Russia if the US pulls out of it. In fact they will return to doing business. Forget about me, forget about being Turkish, many Europeans have a fear that this could happen, not least Poland.
How would it look to the rest of the EU if/when France or Germany would change sides?
As for changing sides, in england they take the piss out the french for constantly changing sides, only the Italians get a worse rap for it here in the UK. And since France and Germany are the biggest nations in the EU, if they return to "business as usual" well nothing anyone else in europe can say and do about it. The media will return to muslim fear mongering and everything will be forgotten.
In this case,nobody in the EU sees the US as an ally rather an ''enemy'' but of course no official statement.
USA is the big dog, what they see or don't see does not effect the geopolitical realities. Its a bit like Turkiye, the USA has armed terrorists against us, worked to partition our nation. She hosts gulen and others, but at the end of the day were in NATO, Americans got their bases on our soil, bases that were used to transport weapons directly to the YPG and we look to buy their hardware. What we will feel is only so important, the facts on the ground is what matters. USA has global leverage that she constantly uses to her advantage and nations like Turkiye have to sit on it. Same goes for France, Germany etc.
Which means,nobody in the EU gives a fuck if the US and Russia become ''friends''.
Nah, if tomorrow they normalise relations Russia will become a good guy in the european media again.
Let me add something else, the anglo-american establish meaning the US/UK have always used Russia as balancing weight against mainland europe. At times cut her down when she got to big and at other times propped her up to keep nations like Germany, Ottomans, Chinese and Japanese in check.
Ill also speculate that the Polish visit recently to Turkiye was not just about Russia, it was Poland trying to find another hedge against Germany.
On a side not, truth be told a military alliance among the central states and those bordering the black sea makes more sense. That way they get to hedge against both the Russian threat and the German/French threat, or even A US/UK threat. None of them would have any interest on each others lands but all of them would have an interest to keep each other free from the rest.