Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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For the most part America and Europe learnt from their crimes

China & Russia have not

This is why Muslims flee to Western countries & not Russia.

Have they? I've seen Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc.

Muslims flee to the west because it provides a better standard of living. If China could offer the same Muslims would also flee there.


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What gave Russia the right to support a CIA warlord Haftar in Libya against the internationally recognised government? Thats the problem with the Russian narrative, they say because americans and europeans have done bad things, that means that the russians doing the exact same things should be tolerated. No both sides are in the wrong.


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Ukraine army recruitment ads, seven year ago

with their current story' and struggle, it was very true


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What gave Russia the right to support a CIA warlord Haftar in Libya against the internationally recognised government? Thats the problem with the Russian narrative, they say because americans and europeans have done bad things, that means that the russians doing the exact same things should be tolerated. No both sides are in the wrong
The Russians did not accept the "Arab Spring", that is, the revolutions in Libya, Syria, Egypt. The analyst reported that the revolutions in Africa and the Middle East were organized and sponsored by the US to deprive China of investment, that is, a covert war against China. Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Hafiz Assad were allies of the USSR and Moscow in the 1980s.
Most of all animal malice, Russian hatred for the West was caused by the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. Because of Serbia, Russia got involved in the First World War, now, because of resentment in Yugoslavia, it is ready to unleash the Third World War.


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I swear, there's a certain kind of pseudo anti-imperialist leftist mindset that is present on both sides of the Aegean Sea which I detest.
Greeks are going to Greek...

Are they still bankrupt and in economic shambles. Essentially the EU's charity case?

Nothing against the Greek people, but it's hard to care what their extremists might think, when the mainstream of their country can't seem to even get it together.


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Funny how they are crying about genocide while Russia built a statur honouring Grigory Zass in the city of Sochi.

That same man who caused the Circassian genocide. Same man who bragged about torture and rapes.

This piece of shit had no problems with his troops raping children even bragged about it. Too bad he died on his deathbed. If only he got captured. Nobody would have given mercy to this vermin.
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A month has passed since the beginning of the Russian invasion of #Ukraine. Today I will examine again how the Russian campaign continues to evolve, particularly in light of today’s briefing by Russian Colonel General Rudskoy. 1/25 Image
2/25 As always, a shout out to those reporting on the Russian invasion. This includes @KofmanMichael @maxseddon @IAPonomarenko @RALee85 @shashj @DanLamothe @ikhurshudyan @IanPannell @ChristopherJM @KyivPost among others. Please follow them.
3/25 Today, General Rudskoy claims "the main thrusts of the first stage of the operation have been completed.” Note he uses ‘main thrusts completed’ not ‘objectives achieved’.
Russia says first phase of war is over
A top Russian general gave some of the most detailed public remarks to date on Russia's military strategy in Ukraine, claiming on Friday that the "first stage" of Russia's military plan is now complet…
4/25 Russia's Plan A to use light forces – supported by an ‘air campaign lite’ - to seize Kyiv and other key points, capture government leaders and force a political accommodation from Ukraine, had obviously failed within 48 hours.
5/25 Recommendation for future military planners – using light, airborne forces against prepared and defended locations with mechanised forces is a bad idea. Just watch “A Bridge Too Far”.
6/25 Russia, its opening gambit foiled, needed a Plan B. And it had to use the forces already assembled around the periphery of Ukraine.
7/25 So, the Russian campaign Plan B was a ‘creeping, multi-axis attrition’. It featured more firepower, as well as destruction of smaller cities to set an example for Kyiv. Plan B also appeared to hope that the Russian Air Force eventually turned up.
8/25 And it is clear now that the majority of the forces used for Plan B were ground combat centric with a very light logistic footprint. These forces were used on three separate fronts (north, east and south) without obvious overall coordination.
9/25 The Russian high command had rolled the dice and rested Plan B on ‘mass on multiple fronts’ being able to win the day in the north, east and south. But once that ‘mass’ runs out of food, fuel and ammunition, it loses military utility. And can become a stationary target.
10/25 The Russians continued to take heavy casualties with this plan B. They have given up many lives for small gains in terrain. Rear area security also suffered, with the Russians pushing forward as much combat power as possible.
11/25 So Plan B did not work out either. The Russian high command had to go back to drawing board (again) with their campaign design. And because it appears they have not appointed an overall theatre commander, Moscow has to coordinate with commanders in the field.
12/25 About a week ago we saw the start of Russia’s ‘Plan C’ campaign in Ukraine. It was an even more ad hoc & more brutal plan that their two previous attempts. It featured holding gains, long range firepower on cities, and destroying as much infrastructure as possible.
13/25 Rudskoy claims city bombardment aimed to cause “damage to military infrastructure, equipment, personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.” This is code for expending large amounts of cheap artillery & rockets to terrorise Ukrainian civilians & force a political accommodation.
14/25 But rear area security shortfalls meant the Ukrainians continued to attrit the Russian force. Ambushes on logistics convoys continues as a source of losses in personnel, supplies and equipment to add to combat losses.
15/25 Summing up, Russia has not achieved its key military objectives in the north, east of south. It is desperately trying to capture Mariupol as a consolation ‘victory’.
16/25 Therefore, the Russians appear to be evolving their Plan C campaign. What does this look like? First, it accepts that a short war is now not possible. The Ukrainians are in this for the long haul to defend their nation. The Russians appear to be saying the same.
17/25 Rudskoy implies this in his briefing today – “In general, the main tasks of the FIRST STAGE of the operation have been completed.” Russia may need to mobilise more personnel and industry to replace precision weapons, ammunition and other equipment lost so far. Image
18/25 The evolved Plan C may see the Russians choose a single front, focussing reinforcements & other supporting assets there to secure more tactical success, or even a breakthrough. Given attacks on Dnipro, and some advances in Luhansk / Donetsk, this may be in the east.
19/25 Rudskoy notes this area as a priority in his briefing – “The combat potential of the armed forces of Ukraine has been significantly reduced, allowing us, I emphasize again, to focus the main efforts on achieving the main goal - the liberation of Donbas."
20/25 So we may also see a move of combat forces, artillery and logistics to the east. And in other areas, we may see soldiers ‘digging in’ and constructing trench lines as a sign the Russians don’t intend to continue their advances on these axes in the short term. Image
21/25 The evolved Plan C is also likely to feature greater emphasis on air power. There is evidence that the Russian Air Force has stepped up the number of daily sorties in the past week.…
22/25 Possibly, entry of forces from Belarus could be used as a deception plan to cover for a larger offensive in the east. Or it could be used just to expand the scope of Ukraine’s defensive plan, absorbing forces that could be used to conduct any offensive against the Russians.
23/25 Worst case, the Russians might use weapons of mass destruction as well. The use of such weapons features in Russian doctrine, but given Biden's comments, Russian leadership will have to carefully think through potential NATO reactions to such use.
If Putin uses chemical weapons, America’s hesitant hand may be forced
The Americans and their NATO allies appear resolute in their determination not to intervene directly in the Ukraine war. But if Putin decides to deploy chemical or biological weapons, all bets are off…
24/25 A final part of this evolved campaign might be in Russian military leadership. Possibly, Putin could purge his senior military leadership to shift blame while also searching for a more effective strategy. And appoint an overall joint commander for Ukraine.
25/25 Russia has shown the ability to adapt. But all their adaptation has been upon the back of military failures. It is likely they will shift to a revised, longer-term campaign to husband their forces, attrit the Ukrainians & gain ground in the east. End. (Image-@UAWeapons) Image



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Funny how they are crying about genocide while Russia built a statur honouring Grigory Zass in the city of Sochi.

That same man who caused the Ctrcassian genocide. Same man who bragged about torture and rapes.

This piece of shit had no problems with his troops raping children even bragged about it. Too bad he died on his deathbed. If only he got captured. Nobody would have given mercy to this vermin.

Russian imperialism has been just as brutal and just as savage as anything the west has to offer. Even in Libya they sent their Wagner terrorists to support a warlord. Russians could care less about Turkish concerns or anyone else's. In Syria they moved to keep a dictator in power thats led to 20 million people fleeing that nation. Not to mention they are famous for creating backward vassal states like armenia and Belarus.

The problem with the Russians is they still think themselves a super power, when in reality the entire country has been rotting from inside. This Ukrainian fiasco should be a wake up call to the Russian oligarchs, dictators that their dreams will only lead to ruin.


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The Russians did not accept the "Arab Spring", that is, the revolutions in Libya, Syria, Egypt. The analyst reported that the revolutions in Africa and the Middle East were organized and sponsored by the US to deprive China of investment, that is, a covert war against China. Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Hafiz Assad were allies of the USSR and Moscow in the 1980s.
Most of all animal malice, Russian hatred for the West was caused by the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. Because of Serbia, Russia got involved in the First World War, now, because of resentment in Yugoslavia, it is ready to unleash the Third World War.
Russia doesn't want world war. They know very well that outside of escalating to nuclear threat that their military would be annihilated by NATO and the West, the country would be ruined economically and the bread lines in Russia would be as long as the eye could see.

Their military is, essentially, a pig with lipstick on it, compared to what they've led the world to believe. Let's look at their faults.

- Terrible leadership. Check.
- Extremely poorly paid. Check.
- Very poor NCO core. Check.
- Poor logistics. Check.
- Poor communications. Check.
- Soviet era, tin can armor. Check.
- Terrible targeting pods on aircaft. Check.
-Balistic missiles that are barely reliable or accurate. Check.
- Very few 5th generation aircraft. Check.
- Submarines that are rusted out and on the verge of "Kursk" 2.0. Check.
- No advanced attack drones. Check.
- No advanced anti-armor weapons to match the NLAW or Javelin. Check.
- Poor quality command and control aircraft. Check.
- Highly overrated Special Forces. Check.
- A total of one, coal powered, deeply inferior aircraft carrier. Check.
- Significant lack of night vision capabilities. Check.

I could keep going, but I think my point has been made. NATO would steamroll them. Their nuclear detterence is the only thing that people respect. Their artilery is world class but it would be easily defeated from the air, long before it could enter combat.
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The Russians did not accept the "Arab Spring", that is, the revolutions in Libya, Syria, Egypt. The analyst reported that the revolutions in Africa and the Middle East were organized and sponsored by the US to deprive China of investment, that is, a covert war against China. Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Hafiz Assad were allies of the USSR and Moscow in the 1980s.
Most of all animal malice, Russian hatred for the West was caused by the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. Because of Serbia, Russia got involved in the First World War, now, because of resentment in Yugoslavia, it is ready to unleash the Third World War.

lol stop it.

Russian delusions will only lead to the end of the Russian federation. If Ukraine isnt a wake up call, then we may see the end of the federation within the next 50 years.


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Russia doesn't want world war. They know very well that outside of escalating to nuclear threat that their military would be annihilated by NATO and the West.

Their military is, essentially, a pig with lipstick on it, compared to what they've led the world to believe. Let's look at their faults.

- Terrible leadership. Check.
- Extremely poorly paid. Check.
- Very poor NCO core. Check.
- Poor logistics. Check.
- Poor communications. Check.
- Soviet era, tin can armor. Check.
- Terrible targeting pods on aircaft. Check.
-Balistic missiles that are barely reliable or accurate. Check.
- Very few 5th generation aircraft. Check.
- Submarines that are rusted out and on the verge of "Kursk" 2.0. Check.
- No advanced attack drones. Check.
- No advanced anti-armor weapons to match the NLAW or Javelin. Check.
- Poor quality command and control aircraft. Check.
- Highly overrated Special Forces. Check.
- A total of one, coal powered, deeply inferior aircraft carrier. Check.
- Significant lack of night vision capabilities. Check.

I could keep going, but I think my point has been made. NATO would steamroll them. Their nuclear detterance is the only thing that people respect. Their artilery is world class but it would be easily defeated from the air, long before it could enter combat.

One thing i have give soviet propaganda, they had the world believing much of the hype. Even though everyone knows Russia lies non-stop, they still managed to make people believe they had this powerful military. Not only is that false but their military is an absolute joke outside of nuclear deterrent. If i hadn't seen what's been transpiring in Ukraine i wouldn't have believed it.

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