Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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average azeri defending russians here LOL you probably forgot what they done to your people
No, I didn't forget. The Russians are getting weaker, the TURAN ideal is getting closer. I'm happy.

However, many people here have forgotten what the westerners have done to Turks and Muslims for centuries and have followed the west.

You officially have stockholm syndrome with westerners. Are you aware?
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2 718
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Tactical coping online isn't gonna help your fellow Russians in Ukraine not get blown to pieces.
I have no Russian friends. They can break. Christian Ukrainians and Russians can easily kill each other. The important thing is that the Muslim Turkic world should not be harmed!!!
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Mehmed Ali

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No, I didn't forget. The Russians are getting weaker, the TURAN ideal is getting closer. I'm happy.

However, many people here have forgotten what the westerners have done to Turks and Muslims for centuries and have followed the west.

You officially have stockholm syndrome with westerners. Are you aware?
For difference to you , some of those people fought all the way so they don't have an inferiority complexes.
Sometimes, we even fought with some westerners against other westerners or Russians. Surely Iranian like you should realise that.
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You guys need to accept different opinions.
Do not insult each other in any way(like the post above).
As you all know,my patience level is extremely low.


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Respect to Oryx. It's not easy to go against the grain of regime propaganda (even if it happens to be on the right side in this war). Look at what happened to Musk - who is pro-Ukraine - just for having an opinion that slightly deviated from the regime narrative.

While i agree that both sides do propaganda, I cannot blame the Ukrainian side for it. Russians are as dirty as they come when it comes to the propaganda war. I remember when the Turks downed their fighter jet after it was warned a multiple times not to enter Turkish airspace. The Russians of course were doing it to try and intimidate Turkey, once the Russians yet again realised they miscalculated Turkey and Turks downed it, their entire media propaganda spectrum went into overdrive that Turkey was behind Isis.

Also keep in mind that no one on the Russian side is exposing their propaganda. Look at the Russian shills on this forum do they have expose their nations propaganda? Nope they don't and they wont ever.

Also what musk suggested was ridiculous and came across as him constantly needing attention. He's got that problem a lot of successful people have, they get some kind of god complex where they feel they are an authority on all things.

This idea that Russians should be rewarded for their crimes with land. Any fool knows that all that will do is set up the next round and the same narrative. So you give them some land in Ukraine, give it 5 years they launch another invasion and the russians use the same tired tricks of "nuclear war" when their losing, then people say why not give them land for a peace settlement rinse and repeat.

If the Russians are so mad and sick to use nuclear weapons on their brothers, then maybe its best we get this nuclear war out of the way sooner rather then later.


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People have to be daft.

The Russians after the Soviets collapsed.

Took Chechnya, Parts of Georgia and went into Syria without any consequences.

Because for fcking decades it was give the Russians everything they want they will leave you alone.

This was the same dumb thinking that made the Ottomans lose and get unfavourable treaties imposed by the Russians on them. Ottomans believe lets give the Russians want they want they will leave us alone. Constantly the Russsians demanded give us what we want or its war.

That was the problem people the Russians took Crimea and Donbass while turning Belarus into vassal state. The Russians did not stop there and launched an invasion.

Bears constantly eat you can feed them forever thinking it will leave you alone then it will demand you to be eaten next.

This dumbass thinking allowed the Russians to expand because Big Bad Putin will blow the world up because he did not get what he wanted.


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People have to be daft.

The Russians after the Soviets collapsed.

Took Chechnya, Parts of Georgia and went into Syria without any consequences.

Because for fcking decades it was give the Russians everything they want they will leave you alone.

This was the same dumb thinking that made the Ottomans lose and get unfavourable treaties imposed by the Russians on them. Ottomans believe lets give the Russians want they want they will leave us alone. Constantly the Russsians demanded give us what we want or its war.

That was the problem people the Russians took Crimea and Donbass while turning Belarus into vassal state. The Russians did not stop there and launched an invasion.

Bears constantly eat you can feed them forever thinking it will leave you alone then it will demand you to be eaten next.

This dumbass thinking allowed the Russians to expand because Big Bad Putin will blow the world up because he did not get what he wanted.

Just look at Syria, Russians have not honoured any of their agreements with erdogan.


While i agree that both sides do propaganda, I cannot blame the Ukrainian side for it. Russians are as dirty as they come when it comes to the propaganda war. I remember when the Turks downed their fighter jet after it was warned a multiple times not to enter Turkish airspace. The Russians of course were doing it to try and intimidate Turkey, once the Russians yet again realised they miscalculated Turkey and Turks downed it, their entire media propaganda spectrum went into overdrive that Turkey was behind Isis.

Also keep in mind that no one on the Russian side is exposing their propaganda. Look at the Russian shills on this forum do they have expose their nations propaganda? Nope they don't and they wont ever.

Also what musk suggested was ridiculous and came across as him constantly needing attention. He's got that problem a lot of successful people have, they get some kind of god complex where they feel they are an authority on all things.

This idea that Russians should be rewarded for their crimes with land. Any fool knows that all that will do is set up the next round and the same narrative. So you give them some land in Ukraine, give it 5 years they launch another invasion and the russians use the same tired tricks of "nuclear war" when their losing, then people say why not give them land for a peace settlement rinse and repeat.

If the Russians are so mad and sick to use nuclear weapons on their brothers, then maybe its best we get this nuclear war out of the way sooner rather then later.
Musk was just offering an idea he thought would work. There's nothing wrong with that, even if his idea was wrong. He's an engineer, not a general or geostrategist, he doesn't know everything. It would've been a simple matter of explaining to him that his premise (Putin making Russia move to total war) was false but instead Progressives lost their minds, threatened to attack him with state power, etc. That's no better than the behaviour in Russia.

Ukraine is doing a good job with the media it puts out but should be a little more careful. They have the trust and sympathy of the world, it would be stupid to lose either.


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Musk was just offering an idea he thought would work. There's nothing wrong with that, even if his idea was wrong. He's an engineer, not a general or geostrategist, he doesn't know everything. It would've been a simple matter of explaining to him that his premise (Putin making Russia move to total war) was false but instead Progressives lost their minds, threatened to attack him with state power, etc. That's no better than the behaviour in Russia.

Ukraine is doing a good job with the media it puts out but should be a little more careful. They have the trust and sympathy of the world, it would be stupid to lose either.

Maybe, I would just expect someone with his global profile to be more shrewd with what he says, unless of course he was seeking attention. I mean he went on joe rogans show and smoked some weed, so clearly he understands the cult personality he has created around his brand. Creating the illusion that he's the rebel and the cool kid despite technically being the privileged geeky kid growing up who did all his homework.



Spain Moderator
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About the possibility of using nuclear weapons, I'll recommend this article from 1990:

Or step up to main conclussions:

[Speaking about China...] The risk of nuclear weapons becoming involved in internal conflict is even greater in the Soviet Union. There are nuclear weapons in most of the 15 republics; each tank rifle division has a nuclear-rocket battalion. In contrast to China, where virtually all soldiers in nuclear units are Han, there are significant numbers of non-Russians in Soviet nuclear units...

The risk of Putin using nuclear devices is high but I don't see many scenarios were this could benefit RU Fed at any term while US wants to keep supporting UKR.

What stopped the complete fall of "Russia" in the nineties could be also, just guessing, the risk of a civil war so the posibility of a nuclear catastrophe "indoors" and the repercusions on the rest of the world ended not involving West on that posibility, ending just with a supervision of the nuclear arsenal and allowing Gorvachev to handle the situation.

That is the real pandora's box Putin, in my opinion, is using against West today. "I know the war is lost for me, but the things in Russia are not going to be good for you as far this war keeps going with poor results for me"

Calling to a partial/general mobilization would greatly increase the chances of a civil war in a Russia where after decades of selling tons of materials to the rest of the world, its prosperity score remains on 70th global ranking position, once they were the second largest global economy now mixed with some basic sparks for any "revolution": Corruption at high levels, unequality and discretionary killings of their own people.

-So using a nuclear device would put even some allies against them, an agreedment between China/Asia, US and Europe that benefits them also in economics is a real posibility as we know what benefits Chinesse economy, they probably have to stop their plans for Taiwan for more years, but instead they can keep giving high GDP growings to their ppl and come back stronger in years to come.

-Not using a nuclear device, losing the war and let falling the cards to the point of a civil war. This is a a scenario with a huge amount of variables, as the NYT article states, almost all fiveteen republics have nuclear capabilities.
One of them could even be, main imperialists remain in power in Moscow and a republic threatens them on accept its new sovereignity or instead of, Moscow will be destroyed, so Moscow could even threaten West to stop the revel republic with the condition of nuke main West cities if an "internal" nuclear weapon is used against them.

We are treating Moscow and Putin as one entity right now but bear in mind Moscow is the center of everything in Russia and they don't have the natural resources the rest of the Federation has. The willing of getting rid of corruption (mainly sourced on those close to stablished political system), the wish of advancing on equality and prosperity could create also a huge amount of variables and probabilities.

IMO, West has to have some plans for this scenarios right now as the war keeps on.
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