He is trying to salvage the economy and the ruble by forcing foreign countries to "buy" the ruble to import Russian gas. It's another test for Western countries' resolve, especially EU with Viktor Orban, etc. We will see what happens of it, especially with new German-Qatar gas deal. On the other hand, if Putin is forced to enact this, it means the economy is truly suffering and he is willing to gamble to save it.Putin announced that from now on gas will be sold only for the Russian ruble. Because the dollar and the euro have compromised themselves. The price for gas thus became 1350 dollars for cubic meter.
You are really wrong.I'm not talking about human right here.If you do like that instead of surrender,they will fight to the death and that will give more problems for you.More destruction to ukraine and give those who death as a matryr and more incentive for russian to do more crueltiesAs we get deeper into this confrontation it starts to be apparent that the only thing Russians respond to is cruelty. You have to go about it quietly, but the Ukrainian's should stop taking POWs. If there are trapped Russian forces, north of Kyiv, the Ukrainian / International forces should shell them until there is nothing left of them. If they try to surrender, just say you didn't see it and send the snipers and mortarmen after them. Drone strike infantry positions.
Whether we like it, or not, sometimes the only way to vanquish cruelty, is by matching it. They say war is hell. Make sure every single Russian knows they are in hell.
This would be the ideal time to mobilize the populations at a high level, and massacre the Russian soldiers occupying settlements. Russian lives do not matter in Ukraine right now. Take them swiftly and send them home to their mother's, in pieces.
Welcome, brother!The Republic of Sakha, Nam ulus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namsky_District
You must do everything quietly, rather than publically. The Russians will do heinous things regardless of how well you treat them. It's in their military doctrine and style of fighting to simply level communities and shell civilians and military alike. They will do whatever it takes to win.You are really wrong.I'm not talking about human right here.If you do like that instead of surrender,they will fight to the death and that will give more problems for you.More destruction to ukraine and give those who death as a matryr and more incentive for russian to do more cruelties
Even if it's 25,000 KIA / MIA / wounded, that's substantial, but not entirely unexpected from a force attacking dug in, defensive positions.
Positive things...............Just for calculation thingy .............
I DO NOT UNDERSTAND what German officials trying to SAY.
Sweden announces that they are sending 5000 additional anti-tank / anti-armor weapons to Ukraine. One can probably imagine that it will be in the form of AT4 rocket launchers, as it was previously. A simple, but effective, weapon against light Russian armor and troop carriers. Capable of suppressing infantry in urban setting as well, similar to an RPG.
Obviously, the USA announced an $800 million dollar weapons shipment last week. Britain has also announced that it will send Starstreak, short range, anti-aircraft weapons. It was also quietly noted that they've now sent as many as 4200 NLAW anti-tank systems. We also know that Turkey has been helping with drones and various forms of ammunition for them.
Canada, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Czech Republic, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Australia, Japan, Poland, Greece, etc... It's your turn to step up again. We need to see a collective doubling down of supplies making their way to the Ukrainians.
The Ukrainians have all the will you could ask for. They simply need an abundance of tools to fight the battles. I'd like to see another $10 billion support announced, by the countries noted above, as well as others. Keep the pressure on The Kremlin.
Remember that the U.S. Congress approved up to $3 Billion in weapons transfers to Ukraine, and recently only sent $800 million of that (publically announced). That means the U.S. has plenty more support to give as the Ukrainians need it. Now it's up to the rest of NATO, the E.U. and our wealthy allied democracies, to twist to knife towards Russia as well.
Whether we like it, or not, sometimes the only way to vanquish cruelty, is by matching it. They say war is hell. Make sure every single Russian knows they are in hell.
Sounds like a good deal.Director of Communications Altun spoke to the US media:
Our Western friends should first send F-35s and Patriot batteries to Turkey without preconditions. Issues such as sending S-400s to Ukraine can only be discussed then.