Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

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The locals seem pretty happy that Russia finally took hold of the city


Oh come on! The locals seem happy? You show one single civilian (local not locals!), almost certainly a russian plant, on russian TV lol......hardly giant crowds weeping tears of joy is it?. You post at times some really serious interesting posts, but then embarrass yourself with ones like this! (p.s - on whatsapp groups for former residents this gentleman whoever he is held no position in the church lol and no locals from the area seem to know who he is)

As for where Russia will go next, well it wont be any of the places you listed in a hurry. Russian command is shocked at the losses and time it is taking to take even small relatively inconsequential places like Avdeeka, and the soldiers involved in the liberation are furious at the sacrifices they made to take the place. They certainly wont be storming forward to attack the next target. They simply cant keep this up for long if every settlement from here to Kiev is going to incur this amount of effort and loss in materials and manpower.

We are talking literally hundreds of armoured vehicles lost (losing the trained crews being more of a blow than the equipment itself perhaps) , and serious good quality infantry regiments being decimated for the taking of a place that only had a population of 30k. So many units need a lengthy refit and repair following this action. It certainly isnt a 'victory' i would be gloating about if i was russian, from where i am sitting as a neutral observer it is more embarrassment for Russia. Its funny to me that even their battlefield successes still manage to make their armed forces look pretty inefficient. Russia still has the numbers, but dont underestimate the decline in quality. They've lost so many of their good quality professional soldiers and the more modern equipment, and what's filling the gap is such a drop off in quality that its going to make it harder and harder for them to gain even more of these types of 'triumphs'
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Crazy story from Trudovskoye in the Donetsk region today.

Three companies (4th, 5th and 6th) of infantry from Russia's 🇷🇺 36th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade from Borzya in the Trans-Bailkal region were lined in formation today, waiting to be briefed by Russian Major General Oleg Moiseyev. A Ukrainian drone spotted the formation, which was in a fairly open field and sent the information to HIMARS team. They subsequently launched 2 GMLRS rockets, which both got the formation, scattering bodies across the field. Reports state that more than 60 soldiers were killed instantly when the GMLRS rockets struck

The following Telegram link contains a slide show and multiple videos of the corpses post attack... Definitely NSFL.

I have a friend serving in the 36th, hope he is ok :-(
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Yes, you absolutely apply rules subjectively and arbitrarily. Literally every nation, alliance, religion, etc does it in support of their interests, every single day. It's called being self-interested. Name me the perfectly sincere, always trustworthy, never selfishly motivated and always completely honest countries of "Eastern World" that we Westerners should strive to be like?

I get sooooo sick of listening to people from the "Eastern world" paint themselves as victims, all while actively competing, in every domain possible, against Western interests, then complaining when the West tries to out maneuver them. It's that cry baby BS that shouldn't be fooling anyone. The "Eastern World" has plenty of countries that simply choose a more constructive approach to geopolitics and enjoy healthy relationships with the West, despite our differences.

Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Korea, Japan, Israel, Taiwan, India and Turkey are good (although not perfect) examples of countries that don't necessarily share the typical religious foundations in Christianity, nor the customs shared by the West. However, they have developed quality geopolitical relationships with the West, including financial and military alliances. Why? Because they come to the table with common interests and the idea of shared success and mutual benefit.

couldnt have put it better myself. And i would go one step further and venture that the Western world, although just as dishonest and self interested, in its modern day form is slightly more humane and values human life higher than the other alliances / cultures / nations.

I see many many Christian and western aid agencies and governments giving out substantial investments in money, time, and resources to aid and alleviate suffering for people who could be seen to be part of the other 'side'

I see many western aid budgets and charities running operations that benefit for example Muslim communities in relatively unfriendly countries. However I cant see a single Muslim country or agency that is doing likewise. Obviously that can partly be explained by the west having greater resources, but its still a glaring difference in values and behaviours that speaks volumes.
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In which way Islam is radical?
Let's see, before The Raj came to india, india was the richest country and there was no beggars and desperation , was it?
I will just concentrate on my part, if Islam is what you say that it is than why I have the problems with Serbs and Croats? Also ,can you quote where in Qur'an orders the annihilation of none Muslims? The verse?
You see , you are very dumb, you don't realise that Muslims ain't like Christians, a great deal of us know what's written in Qur'an, don't you realise that? So skip that Orientalist nonsense, will you?
Religious Zelots and poverty? Let's not go into history now but in 20s and 30s there were over 1,5 million cases of the cannibalism in in none religious society in Europe, no?
Alliances? OK? For the great deal of the Cold War , France wasn't part of Nato , it seems to me that they were doing better then , then they do now?
Why would someone be in alliances unless it is beneficial to them? What is the benfit for Germany, France, Italy, Spain or many others to be against Russia?
To pay through the nose for gas, oil, food etc? To buy American and Israeli weapons and destroy their own technological base? To be without the option in many important situations? To share Anglo-Saxon baggage of the various mischief?
Oh , maybe you are talking about Funny Handshake Alliances? That's a different matter.
are these the verses you asked for, and could perhaps explain?

Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"

Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"

And by the way, i favour none of the religions, i think all of them hold back the human race, and the world would be a more peaceful and happy place when we finally shrug off these ancient beliefs. A Russian, an American, an Afghani are all brothers in my eyes, we share the planet together and the fact that ancient texts still cause mistrust and hatred between people is a curse in my opinion.


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couldnt have put it better myself. And i would go one step further and venture that the Western world, although just as dishonest and self interested, in its modern day form is slightly more humane and values human life higher than the other alliances / cultures / nations.

I see many many Christian and western aid agencies and governments giving out substantial investments in money, time, and resources to aid and alleviate suffering for people who could be seen to be part of the other 'side'

I see many western aid budgets and charities running operations that benefit for example Muslim communities in relatively unfriendly countries. However I cant see a single Muslim country or agency that is doing likewise. Obviously that can partly be explained by the west having greater resources, but its still a glaring difference in values and behaviours that speaks volumes.

Im against aid money.

I dont want Muslim countries taking 1 cent. Creates dependance and only fills up the pockets of corrupt politicians.


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Oh come on! The locals seem happy? You show one single civilian (local not locals!),
Sorry for my bad grammar, but IIRC in the original video there are multiple locals.

Here's more footage of civilians greeting the Russian liberators, touching footage like this reminds me of when the Allies liberated Paris, but the law of proportionality applies here (Paris in 1944 is a city of 2 million, Avdiivka is only 36000 pre-war and dwindled to as low as 100 in the last days of the battle)

almost certainly a russian plant, on russian TV lol......hardly giant crowds weeping tears of joy is it?. You post at times some really serious interesting posts, but then embarrass yourself with ones like this! (p.s - on whatsapp groups for former residents this gentleman whoever he is held no position in the church lol and no locals from the area seem to know who he is)

Oh no, the classic character assassination, because it's Russian media, must be fake right? You know what? this trick works with the common Westerners but people outside the Western hemisphere don't easily swallow propaganda like that and are generally more careful in examining news. It's not like your BBC is any impartial to begin with, the war in Gaza portrayal in Western media showcased that Western media are just as bad or even worse at times than Russia's.

As for where Russia will go next, well it wont be any of the places you listed in a hurry. Russian command is shocked at the losses and time it is taking to take even small relatively inconsequential places like Avdeeka, and the soldiers involved in the liberation are furious at the sacrifices they made to take the place. They certainly wont be storming forward to attack the next target. They simply cant keep this up for long if every settlement from here to Kiev is going to incur this amount of effort and loss in materials and manpower.

We are talking literally hundreds of armoured vehicles lost (losing the trained crews being more of a blow than the equipment itself perhaps) , and serious good quality infantry regiments being decimated for the taking of a place that only had a population of 30k. So many units need a lengthy refit and repair following this action. It certainly isnt a 'victory' i would be gloating about if i was russian, from where i am sitting as a neutral observer it is more embarrassment for Russia. Its funny to me that even their battlefield successes still manage to make their armed forces look pretty inefficient. Russia still has the numbers, but dont underestimate the decline in quality. They've lost so many of their good quality professional soldiers and the more modern equipment, and what's filling the gap is such a drop off in quality that its going to make it harder and harder for them to gain even more of these types of 'triumphs'

I could still remember that Thomas C Theiner guy from Twitter boasted that after the 'heavy Russian losses' in Bakhmut, Moscow would not have any more troops and equipment to man and defend the then under-construction Surovikin line for the Summer counter-offensive and Ukraine could easily sweep the floor clean and advance as far as the sea of Azov. Turns out, not only the Russians don't have manpower issue, the Russian military industry sustain the war even after being told that this war is unsustainable, and the offensive turned into a massive military flop. Just after the conclusion of the Summer counter-offensive against 'undermanned and outgunned' Russians, the Russian army open a new front in Avdiivka.

Russian military industry is not even in their fifth gear yet and their tanks and ammo output dwarves the West. I suggest you backpedal or detract from this self-comforting nonsense about the massive Russian loss, of course, Russia has had losses, but it's not as bad as people might think and Ukraine's situation is not that good either especially because they rely upon their war effort mostly on donors. Many of those 'destroyed' Russian tanks litering the fields around Avdiivka perimeter would eventually be towed, repaired/rebuilt, and then sent back to the frontline.

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are these the verses you asked for, and could perhaps explain?

Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"

Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"

And by the way, i favour none of the religions, i think all of them hold back the human race, and the world would be a more peaceful and happy place when we finally shrug off these ancient beliefs. A Russian, an American, an Afghani are all brothers in my eyes, we share the planet together and the fact that ancient texts still cause mistrust and hatred between people is a curse in my opinion.

As for the first verse of 'cast terror', this part is not for Muslims or even humans. That is God talking about himself and the angels.

And for the next two verses it seems you added 'non-muslims' as a generalization from your own.

For the verse 2:191, the previous verse clearly state who are meant by 'them'. It says, 'Fight in the cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you and do not be the aggressors'. Then it proceeds to explain how to fight in verse 2:191.

As for the last verse, it didn't even say, kill the 'disbelievers'. It says, kill the 'mushriks' that is idolaters (specifically the one at the time in Hijaz who were at war with Muslims)

Critism of Islamic texts is fine. For its to be constructive, it has to be represented accurately first.

Anyway, this is not the suitable thread for it. Let's keep religious discussion out of here. If you wish to reply, do it here.

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mehmed beg

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are these the verses you asked for, and could perhaps explain?

Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"

Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"

And by the way, i favour none of the religions, i think all of them hold back the human race, and the world would be a more peaceful and happy place when we finally shrug off these ancient beliefs. A Russian, an American, an Afghani are all brothers in my eyes, we share the planet together and the fact that ancient texts still cause mistrust and hatred between people is a curse in my opinion.
You are not reading the parts " Those who attack you " it is a bit convenient, isn't it, to write it that way?
As of your "humanist" ideology, previously in many my massages , I mentioned that " extraordinary " idea, so no need to write much about it.
I will just say this , the sense that something belongs to someone starts develop by the 30 months of life . That fact renders " Al brotherhood and common so many things " as a nonsense
That Franco Swiss guy who lived 250 years ago talked shit. Even a bird protects its nest from the felow bird.
And let me nit dwell in history
Basically 95% about what the politics revolve around these days come from the terror of " humanist " ideas.
Actually it is very connected to this thread


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Canada 🇨🇦 has announced that it will join the Czech 🇨🇿 coalition to purchase 500,000, 155mm artillery shells and 300,000, 122mm artillery shells outside of Europe, for direct and immediate transfer to Ukraine.

Under the Czech plan, the shells would be purchased and delivered within the coming weeks, to meet Ukraine's urgent need for ammunition for its howitzers, as Europe and the USA ramp up production. Ukraine is also increasing domestic production as fast as possible. 800,000 additional shells would be 5-6 months worth for Ukraine.

Canada's initial investment in the plan will be $30 million usd. The Czech Republic 🇨🇿, Germany 🇧🇪, Sweden 🇸🇪 and Netherlands 🇳🇱 were other countries interested in joining the coalition, but non have spoken outwardly about it yet.

Note, however, that Germany announced if was sending 120,000 122mm shells to Ukraine as part of their most recent defense package. Germany doesn't manufacture that caliber of shell domestically, so it stands to reason that they purchased those shells elsewhere. Similarly, Sweden announced a new defense package for Ukraine, which contained 200 million Euros worth of 155mm artillery shells. It's possible that some, if not all of those shells were sourced internationally, as part of the Czech initiative.



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Ukraine 🇺🇦 claims that they've shot down another Russian Su-34 this morning, killing both crew on board. I'm awaiting evidence of the shootdown to confirm it.

Ukraine claims to have shot down 5 Su-34 and 2 Su-35S aircraft in the last week. Russia has admitted to 3 of the aircraft being shot down so far, but has denid the other 2.

It's believed that Ukraine is using one of its Patriot Batteries closer to the front than it had previously, and is ambushing Russian fighters that provide air support to Russian troops on the ground.

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Czech 🇨🇿 Billionaire Jan Barta has agreed to donate $2 million usd to the Ukrainian military, to aid in the purchase of 10,000 FPV drones.

These drones are vitally important because they wreak havoc on Russian armor and infantry at the front. Even if they are unsuccessful at a 10 to 1 rate, they still eliminate hundreds of Russian military vehicles at an incredibly cheap, cost effective price.

The more initiatives of this sort, the better. Drones help fill a shorter range (8-10km) gap caused by artillery shell shortage.



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For the second consecutive day, Ukrainian drones found a mass of troops in concentrated area, away from the from the front, and eviscerated them using GMLRS rockets from HIMARS.

This time it happened at a training ground in the Kherson region, where approximately 50-75 Russian infantry from an undisclosed unit were running drills. Ukraine spotted the concentration and fired a GMRLS rockets, killing the majority of them. As other Russian soldiers hurried to the position to try to rescue some of their brethren, the Ukrainians launched a second rocket, which ended the existence of the responders as well. A third group of soldiers, from the same unit, was hiding amongst the trees near by, so the Ukrainians launched a third rocket, killing the majority of them as well.

This, is exactly the type of intelligence war fighting that Ukraine needs to focus on and the West needs to support diligently. Ukraine's biggest advantage right now is in the accuracy of their mid range weapons, of which GMLRS and GLSDB are probably the most important. If you kill and maim Russian by the hundreds, before they get to the front, it's hugely advantageous. Furthermore, GMLRS has range that is for superior to an of Russia's convential artillery assets.

A GMLRS rocket only costs the United States $120,000-$140,000 usd when purchased in bulk. A GLSDB is even cheaper, at $40,000. Lockheed Martin's current production of GMLRS is 10,000 units per year. They are in the process of ramping that up to 14,000 rockets per year in 2025, due to allied demand after seeing the devastation they've caused the Russian military. Meanwhile, Boeing is set to produce 750-1000 GLSDB in 2024, but expects to triple production in 2025.

It would only cost Ukraine and its allies $840 million usd per year to ensure that Ukraine gets 6000 GMRLS rockets per year (500 per month) until the end of the war. It would only cost $60 million usd per year to ensure that Ukraine gets 1500 GLSDB per year (125 per month) until the end of the war. Given their effectiveness in the intermediate precision strike realms, this should be of utmost priority.

Check the video out. It's pretty impressive. NSFW.



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Every little bit helps. New Zealand 🇳🇿 has announced a $25.9 million usd aid package for Ukraine. The package includes macro financial aid, money to continue their efforts to help train Ukrainian soldiers in Britain, and $7 million usd to help Ukraine purchase weapons.


Scott Summers

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Arming Ukraine with F-16s may lead to nuclear war – Medvedev​

Giving Kiev new military capabilities poses the risk of unintended escalation, the former Russian president said.

So if one of those planes takes off from a NATO nation [on a Ukrainian mission] – what would that be? An attack on Russia. I shall not describe what could happen next,” he said. “Such a development may not be even sanctioned by the NATO leadership and the US.”



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Arming Ukraine with F-16s may lead to nuclear war – Medvedev​

Giving Kiev new military capabilities poses the risk of unintended escalation, the former Russian president said.

So if one of those planes takes off from a NATO nation [on a Ukrainian mission] – what would that be? An attack on Russia. I shall not describe what could happen next,” he said. “Such a development may not be even sanctioned by the NATO leadership and the US.”

Medvedev is such a blowhard. His posturing is comical. He's constantly threatening escalation and the nuking of a NATO nation. He means very little of what he actually says.

Medvedev fully understands that NATO would turn Moscow to glass and it's people to ashes if they attempted to nuke a NATO country. Hell, even a conventional attack on a NATO nation, causing Article 5 to be invoked, would be catastrophic for the Russian military in a conventional war. Russia is spending about 6% of its GDP on its war effort in Ukraine. If NATO was forced into war with Russia and moved their economies to a war footing, matching Russia's 6% of GDP, they could produce an ungodly amount of war material.

If NATO's annual war budget was 6% of its GDP, we'd be talking approximately, 3.2 Trillion usd, substantially larger than Russia's entire economy and approximately 4x USA's current military budget.

🤡 🤡

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