Unfortunate’ of the world to ignore India’s ‘war crimes in Kashmir over corporate interests: PM


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Most politicians do but non can match the 'butcher of Gujrat' Modi who was banned from entering USA for his hand in the Gujrati Muslim genocide.

You are coming at this in redundant way. I am no fan of Modi.....especially given his dereliction of duty (at best) in Gujarat riots.

I certainly would never harbour any desire to have Modi (or any politician/patrician in general) as my display pic.

Joe's (at best) case for Modi was it was serious IPC violation...i.e criminal. @Joe Shearer can lend his 2 cents when he is back here.

Indian SIT under Congress admin disagreed with Joe....and I have my own views on the SIT process at large which is long topic of itself.

It is things I would need to post large swathes of whatsapp chat here....no inclination for it when there is inconsistent approach to this thread to begin with (regarding Pakistan and Imran Khan).

In any case India lives out this severe burden it has imposed on itself.

But it adds to its history of similar in the end (the degrees all vary) if you look at things like its treatment of Kashmir (especially things like habeas corpus w.r.t AFSPA) above and beyond what was required (And largely by its own hand prior by not giving Kashmiri leaders a fair good faith approach in the amount India could have easily done so IMO).

Add to this that went on during congress admins:, the 84 anti-sikh riots, broader over-response to khalistan movement, broader treatment of naxalites, the nature of the intervention into Sri Lanka, choices made in response to militants in 7 sisters....I can go on at some length.

But it all needs consistent approach and introspection on one's own country first (And calling all of that out) before you can go try it on another (and assert good-faith, consistent logical basis).

Stuff like what @VCheng has done over the years like few Pakistanis I have seen (and certainly unlike Imran Khan has done in the end). That is my larger point.

I mean do you agree with what Imran Khan Version 1.0 said? Or is it Imran Khan version 2.0 that is the be all end all?

What would imran khan 2.0 say to imran khan version 1.0?...on this matter of the BD genocide?

This is the same DHA that perpetrated what it did in East Pakistan....that provided half the impetus to change him on this. The other half resided within him, like any typical patrician.

East Pakistan is the largest basis to prove on this consistency. You either call it out as evil (and accept the scale the victims say it likely was)....or you don't have the consistency needed to be taken credibly on other matters of the subcontinent.

But at least I can empathise with you to some degree if you engage in denial, whataboutery and hypocrisy on this.

As you are from the country, you need to defend it so....I have seen it similar with every country in the end. Very few truly want to go for the full consistent approach in the end and simply say what is bad is bad and what is good is good (regardless of the country involved).

People I do not empathise in the slightest though are foreigners that come in here and add their "2 cents" to this.

I will deal with one of them again a bit later elsewhere if time exists for it....seeing he is typical broken islamist hypocrite record.

The edgy zoomer one that seems to be living with mommy still is 99% a generational gap thing in the end.


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when there is inconsistent approach to this thread

The OP has absconded after the bot spam reel (typical).....but he is approaching this all from "super consistent" basis as well....given what he will curate here, but clearly will use as bot spam elsewhere:



Every single time he will wade into the India - Pakistan thing, his hypocrite legacy will be shown to his face.


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Let us see who wins the global Olympic gold for that begging bowl - shame on Butcher of Gujrat Modi. The supapowa medal goes to ....

View attachment 32269

I know for the Pakistanis, their worship of the Americans means they would only consider "American aid" and the alms they receive from them. So give me the stats of everyone Pakistan has begged from - USA, Saudi Arabia, China, IMF, ADB. Don't even count the Indian charity that Pakistan got because Gandhi went on a hunger strike to give you some alms. Giving you a free pass there.


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Not one bit surprised. One thing I have notice about them is how they en masse will go crying. I mean we all might complain but only one group uses this as concerted, organized effort to muff anything that might cramp their swarming dump. A most un-man like behaviour. I have formed this opinion from many forums including western ones.

Lol. "Un-man like behaviour". Another sexist comment belittling women. Would have been fun to attend the Shimla Agreement to watch the entire "manly" Pakistani military and political leadership grovel before Mrs. Indira Gandhi.


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Why nobody talks about Hindus of Pakistan?
What happened to them and what Pakistan did to them.
None of the ummah country calls upon Pakistan to stop killing Hindus specifically because they use human rights as a political tool with combination of Islam..
In Islamic country % of Hindus left is barely 4,while % of muslims are increasing in so called "nazi India"
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Because state act accordingly and rectiffy wrong doings of people while india is terror state with organized systematic approach in crimes towards non hindu population. Currently biggest threat to humanity on world level


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Dude certainly has an impressive number of reverse-uno cards (on himself):

(plenty plenty more of where that all came from)...I can provide translation if any reader requests for 1st one...(do i spot lal topi? lmao..fuzzy and hard to make out if thats him)

That stuff was pre-DHA lackey era though. Had to prove he was a rebel....taliban khan etc etc...got what it takes to climb the ladder.

DHA lackey era harnesses the "gumption" more in the "India is nazi..reeee" and "osumuh bimbo laddin was a martyr" stuff.

The patrician psyche in this version of "purity" test circus environment....its whole different depraved ballgame to the rest of world.

Really sad for those living under it and next to it....and what those that exited it (at terrible cost) still will never get simplest closure/dignity on (that Imran has reversed uno-ed again on)

The ultras living in "go to tier A hotspot" areas in Bradford et al....mouthbreathe larping on another environment's time and dime....are even sadder.

Wut can I twit-tweet while im on break in muh store counter....about ghajwa-hind, chicoms-gud, bajwa papa johns or muh PeeTeeEye vs patwari round number 3438?...

The generic autistic screeching is never far from them either. "Mirpuri is a Kashmiri language!!" <spittle and all>....yeah ok pal.

Then how the woke-libs try to gentrify these areas and ignore+justify+plaster over them anyway....thats another popcorn time for me.

@Jackdaws @VCheng

Selective amnesia is a national trait, that is all I can say here. :D


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But it all needs consistent approach and introspection on one's own country first (And calling all of that out) before you can go try it on another (and assert good-faith, consistent logical basis).

Stuff like what @VCheng has done over the years like few Pakistanis I have seen (and certainly unlike Imran Khan has done in the end). That is my larger point.

The point is there, but quite often futile, given national characteristics that do not allow any meaningful introspection.


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Why nobody talks about Hindus of Pakistan?
What happened to them and what Pakistan did to them.
None of the ummah country calls upon Pakistan to stop killing Hindus specifically because they use human rights as a political tool with combination of Islam..
In Islamic country % of Hindus left is barely 4,while % of muslims are increasing in so called "nazi India"

As if Hindus care about Muslims getting killed.

Everybody can play this game.


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As if Hindus care about Muslims getting killed.

Everybody can play this game.
Of course they do. Who do you think was reporting on killing of Muslims in the riots in Gujarat in 2002?

Yes, there are enough idiots in India who support Godse. But there are enough who oppose these as well. The Hindutva elements have cracked the election code but people must remember they still get only about 30 odd percent of the popular vote. The rest vote against them.

Joe Shearer

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And on Indian occupied Kashmir.

View attachment 32257
Sadly, this has a sordid background to it, and the sordid component is from an unexpected geography.

The practice in the Vale of Kashmir is to hand over the bodies of intercepted and killed terrorists to the J&K Police for disposal. The policemen execute their dreadful task as quickly as possible; it is heard that they dispense with the formalities of a religious burial, and merely dig holes, inter the bodies, cover them up and move away as fast as possible. A friendly NGO associated with upholding of human rights issues within India counted the mass graves around six years ago; they were provided by a friendly administrator from government records, that even in rudimentary shape of recording and classification gave an accurate picture. However, before publishing these figures and the locations, this NGO sought the Army's opinion on this. In response, they were give a chart that totalled the monthwise influx of armed men from across the border, the dates of their interception and the total number of bodies interred. The figures matched closely, not exactly, but closely, sufficiently so that these friends thought that publishing the combined data would be almost an incentive to continue the interception and killing. They have not come out with their figures.

The place most often cited in this connection is a training camp at a place called Muridke. Perhaps others may know more about it.

Joe Shearer

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I can live with that statement.
I don't think @Jackdaws was fair to Jinnah. My note on the mass graves is entirely detached from my anguish about the day-to-day petty humiliations, the total lack of respect to women by the insensitive, coarse recruits into the central armed police forces, and the general atmosphere of violence and suspicion - as between the administration and the activists. The ordinary people are still the most incredibly hospitable, tourists are still warmly welcome and lovingly tended to, and ordinary civilian life is marked by an earnest desire to overcome these obstacles and lead normal lives.

That has been made almost impossible by our pair of hoodlums in power at Delhi.


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I don't think @Jackdaws was fair to Jinnah. My note on the mass graves is entirely detached from my anguish about the day-to-day petty humiliations, the total lack of respect to women by the insensitive, coarse recruits into the central armed police forces, and the general atmosphere of violence and suspicion - as between the administration and the activists. The ordinary people are still the most incredibly hospitable, tourists are still warmly welcome and lovingly tended to, and ordinary civilian life is marked by an earnest desire to overcome these obstacles and lead normal lives.

That has been made almost impossible by our pair of hoodlums in power at Delhi.

Always good to hear from you @Joe Shearer - hope you are in fine fettle now.

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