No,they didnt.Indians reported me to the admin lol
Nobody did.
No,they didnt.Indians reported me to the admin lol
Most politicians do but non can match the 'butcher of Gujrat' Modi who was banned from entering USA for his hand in the Gujrati Muslim genocide.
when there is inconsistent approach to this thread
Let us see who wins the global Olympic gold for that begging bowl - shame on Butcher of Gujrat Modi. The supapowa medal goes to ....
View attachment 32269
Not one bit surprised. One thing I have notice about them is how they en masse will go crying. I mean we all might complain but only one group uses this as concerted, organized effort to muff anything that might cramp their swarming dump. A most un-man like behaviour. I have formed this opinion from many forums including western ones.
Dude certainly has an impressive number of reverse-uno cards (on himself):
I'd do the same as terror suspects, says Imran Khan
FORMER cricket superstar Imran Khan yesterday gave his support to two terror suspects accused of encouraging guerrilla warfare in
(plenty plenty more of where that all came from)...I can provide translation if any reader requests for 1st one...(do i spot lal topi? lmao..fuzzy and hard to make out if thats him)
That stuff was pre-DHA lackey era though. Had to prove he was a rebel....taliban khan etc what it takes to climb the ladder.
DHA lackey era harnesses the "gumption" more in the "India is nazi..reeee" and "osumuh bimbo laddin was a martyr" stuff.
The patrician psyche in this version of "purity" test circus environment....its whole different depraved ballgame to the rest of world.
Really sad for those living under it and next to it....and what those that exited it (at terrible cost) still will never get simplest closure/dignity on (that Imran has reversed uno-ed again on)
The ultras living in "go to tier A hotspot" areas in Bradford et al....mouthbreathe larping on another environment's time and dime....are even sadder.
Wut can I twit-tweet while im on break in muh store counter....about ghajwa-hind, chicoms-gud, bajwa papa johns or muh PeeTeeEye vs patwari round number 3438?...
The generic autistic screeching is never far from them either. "Mirpuri is a Kashmiri language!!" <spittle and all>....yeah ok pal.
Then how the woke-libs try to gentrify these areas and ignore+justify+plaster over them anyway....thats another popcorn time for me.
@Jackdaws @VCheng
But it all needs consistent approach and introspection on one's own country first (And calling all of that out) before you can go try it on another (and assert good-faith, consistent logical basis).
Stuff like what @VCheng has done over the years like few Pakistanis I have seen (and certainly unlike Imran Khan has done in the end). That is my larger point.
Why nobody talks about Hindus of Pakistan?
What happened to them and what Pakistan did to them.
None of the ummah country calls upon Pakistan to stop killing Hindus specifically because they use human rights as a political tool with combination of Islam..
In Islamic country % of Hindus left is barely 4,while % of muslims are increasing in so called "nazi India"
Of course they do. Who do you think was reporting on killing of Muslims in the riots in Gujarat in 2002?As if Hindus care about Muslims getting killed.
Everybody can play this game.
Sadly, this has a sordid background to it, and the sordid component is from an unexpected geography.
I don't think @Jackdaws was fair to Jinnah. My note on the mass graves is entirely detached from my anguish about the day-to-day petty humiliations, the total lack of respect to women by the insensitive, coarse recruits into the central armed police forces, and the general atmosphere of violence and suspicion - as between the administration and the activists. The ordinary people are still the most incredibly hospitable, tourists are still warmly welcome and lovingly tended to, and ordinary civilian life is marked by an earnest desire to overcome these obstacles and lead normal lives.I can live with that statement.
I don't think @Jackdaws was fair to Jinnah. My note on the mass graves is entirely detached from my anguish about the day-to-day petty humiliations, the total lack of respect to women by the insensitive, coarse recruits into the central armed police forces, and the general atmosphere of violence and suspicion - as between the administration and the activists. The ordinary people are still the most incredibly hospitable, tourists are still warmly welcome and lovingly tended to, and ordinary civilian life is marked by an earnest desire to overcome these obstacles and lead normal lives.
That has been made almost impossible by our pair of hoodlums in power at Delhi.