we will get them after getting rid of akp. usa will have no thing to support not delivering f-35s after akp.
funny thing is some guys with lack of iq or brain , says f-35 is shit etc. but they can not answer the question if f-35 is not good why usa is not handing over it to Turkey? or is israel idiot that he keeps increasing the number of f-35s in its fleet.
Just look at this scenario

, as planned, Turkey replaces all their F16 with F35s
Turkey enters into war or protects its borders from PKK or from Greece for protecting its Mavi Vatan >>>>Turkish pilot enters into the cockpit and switches on the plane>>>>> A big gift from the US on the F35 screen "
SORRY YOUR USAGE HAS BEEN TERMINATED BY THE MANUFACTURER". Turkey now doesnt have jets at all and its adversaries have air superiorities; thus, Turkey loses both wars and probably everything...... a pretty plausible scenario isnt it?
Watch previous posts on how a
BRITISH F35 couldnt be switched on by a
British pilot while a US pilot knew the password...... pretty insane......
And as for Israel, they increase their F35s because they know that the US will never say no to whatever they are doing. They are definite that they own the US by the balls and that is why they can increase their orders
Why arent you looking at the UK when they announced that they will reduce their F35 orders? Why arent you looking at South Korea when they recently grounded all of their F35 fleets and said "we are shocked on how a 100 million dollars plane cant function properly? Did all these countries vanish from existence from your books?
The F35 is such a magnificent aircraft indeed as it is a trojan horse for its allies and a worthy tool against its enemies; but whose enemies are we talking about? The US's or the country operating the bloody plane?
Iam really happy we didnt get the F35 tbh. I still remember Erdo's words in 2017 when he said: "the best response for our exclusion from the F35 program is to
SPEED UP our national aircraft" and hopefully next year we may see it fully built and ready for ground trials