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Not really. Except the North East and and the areas in California, Arizona, Washington and Texas driven by tech companies, they are mostly semi-literate, sexist, mysoginistic, poor (living from pay check to pay check), gun loving, ignorant and downright racist. Just look at the morons who even now are refusing to take vaccines despite their abundance. It's almost as if the country is split into yin and yang.

Since this does bear out in connection to AFG war (in relying on top down perspective and assertion to make as close to black and white binary a possible...on top of the US intervention itself) goes:

Giving such commentary (and qualifying with "mostly") requires one takes a genuine step outside the MSM koolaid zone (as a first principle given their repeated lying ecosystem echo chamber designed to self-reinforce itself...rather than the actual PQ of SPQR)

Once that is done there are actual numbers and discussion basis to be had regarding say vaccine hesitancy (given the "despite their abundance" premise) that sit quite uncomfortably in the so called "deep blue" "North East" as one example:


...especially when you then correlate with how some of these demographics skew in their political support (alongside their raw % level for this city)....and how certain stereotypes (again inculcated and entrenched in the MSM) are projected w.r.t impression of their voters.

It all (yet again) shows a high differential between patrician and pleb take on matters (corona vaccine is just one headline hogging example currently)....driven ever more so by the former's total hogging of the bullhorn to divide and polarise in reality far more than anyone else (though they would have you predictably believe its everyone but them).

We can do this for Californian cities too btw. Same result.

Would CNN or MSNBC show any of this (much less discuss it) given the narrative they have gone all in on (that seems to have really impressed on some here)?

Thus should we totally rely on CNN et al impression on what is literate and semi literate and "Tech" vs "redneck" or whatever else given this?

Is it outside the realm of possibility for "liberals" in their "patches" to have been corrupted with ego so thoroughly, that they believe their own shit doesnt stink? They are exceptional in this regard?

I take this stuff in same level of seriousness as people talking about X but never having spent the appropriate time there....and rely on hearsay in the media or cursory stay to fill in all the blanks.

Frankly if they (the corporate media) lie in order to promote getting into a war (at the scale they did) and get away with it, thats the door open to lie about anything and get away with that.

IMO, rudimentary expectation of truth from them on anything that matters and of consequence should have sailed long time ago, but at least make it today or soon as possible if you havent.

The Trump derangement syndrome has even hit them to the degree that they have even done their bit in recent years to rehabilitate GW Bush, Cheney etc (all the while gaslighting on what their earlier treatment was like by the same media groups for the controlled op en vogue in that era).

Neo libs and neo cons....they're like peas and carrots. :D

They will do their upmost to make you not read (much less discuss openly and fruitfully) which party started and expanded the KKK (to use very much in the brownshirt way across the pond in similar era) as just one example.

Hillary Clinton literally had a Grand Wizard (reformed! trust us!...forget about the "cancel culture" we apply only to our opponents) as her "mentor"....

If you actually read the full context as possible (of this country or any country you want to "understand" to make some judgement/analysis on), you will find what the racist origins of the anti-2A (we cant have black people armed, no sir) and mass-abortion-availability (sanger eugenics anyone?) that are now repackaged (with sufficient time elapsed to help out) by the same party as "progressive" (once the mob couldn't be expediently cultivated on racial terms as much and there was easier pickings going bigger)....just like Woodrow Wilson was a "progressive" back in his day as he screened "Birth of the Nation" in the white house.....while plotting (quite openly) how to subvert the constitution at a grand scale.

If you don't read that (and its just one example) remain a pawn and useful lackey of whomever wields the bigger narrative....and you will end up doing harm to your fellow man if push ever comes to shove.

This very much applies to how the Taliban are being "othered" and neatly packed into complete evil box....without due context of what AFG's history and context even is.
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